Hetalia! CRACK

By miki_gif

609 14 4

Suggest all the way, from the list below, who/what you want me to write next!: Hetalia Chatrooms Yaoi One-s... More

Hetalia! CRACK
Chappie 1: B_ n _ _ s and Orange mystical dust
Chappie 3: Aren't I enough for you?
Chappie 4: Doitsu Land
Chappie 5: Chinese Improv Storytelling
Chappie 6: Midnight Memories (IKR XD)
Chappie 7: !¡The Ancients¡!
Chappie 8: Sakura + Tea
Chappie 9: German Envy?
Chappie 10: Switzy's Bulletproof
Chappie 11: Doing shit with the BTT
Chappie 12: The New Year
Chappie 13: 50 states of Grey
Chappie 14: The hero is always here

Chappie 2: Chicks and pancakes

52 2 0
By miki_gif

For my lovely yaoi friends~


It was a quiet day today. A chilly day to be exact but the sound of the leaves rustling in the winds and the smell of bacon in the morning is one of the many things that the quiet Canadian loved to feel in the first few hours of the day. Speaking about the Canadian, he was cooking up a batch of soft, delicious pancakes right now! The smell of pancakes and bacon wafted through the house (( weird combi right? )) and it might awaken a certain hunger from someone unexpected.

He was humming to the tune off 'Canadian Please' and bobbing his head to the tune playing in his head. A typical morning in the Williams household is usually calm and quiet as how the nation prefers it to be but unwanted guests can also disrupt a peaceful moment like this.

Matthew has finished with the preperations for the first meal of his day and now, all he needs is to dig in and enjoy the breakfast cakes and crispy bacon strips with his signature maple syrup, best in the world (( just put maple syrup on everything )), and a little bit of butter.

He lifted his fork with the slice of the pancake laced with the sweet syrup stabbed on, unto his mouth but a distant and familiar chirp made him stop and made him wonder too. It sounded so familiar, and either way he feels like it reminded him of someone.

A  strong gust of wind came through the double doors of his windows, and out came a small  chick! You know who that chick is, no it's not Chicken Little or a hot girl (( you wish )). It was obviously Gilbird the awesome.

Matthew jumped and yelped a little in pain when he bumped his thigh to the edge of the dining table trying to stand up because of pure shock and surprise. His mouth hanged wide open and confusion plasteres his face the whole time asking himself 'why the hell is Gilbird here?!' He wondered to loudly that he didn't notice the bird was already happily nibbling a piece of the syrup covered cake off from the fork he dropped when jerking his seat to stand up. Being the quiet and patient nation he is, he approached the unexpected guest on the table and took the liberty of sitting next to him, on a chair of course.

"So much for a peaceful morning, eh?" He said quietly and left a gentle gaze ontu Gilbird, Matthew decided to make some coffee but even before he could reach the kitchen... A loud thud echoed through the room and the alarmed Canadian went back to the diner, looking for the source of the noise. Just as he looked straight to the living room, he saw a frustrated German, sweating and out of breath. 

"G-Gilbert?" The Canadian gasped in shock... He quickly regained his composure and went to the paled Gilbert on the doorway. The swinging of the door, slamming the wall made the sound... Gilbert caused it, but he figured that he was looking for Gilbird, that's why he was frustrated. 

"Gil, Gilbird's in the dining room... If that's the reason why you're here..." Matthew said quietly, looking down and pointing to small entryway of the room. Gilbet, gained his carefree composure and gave relieving smile to Matthew as he made his way to the Dining room. 

Matthew followed quietly and went to the kitchen to cook up another batch of pancakes. 

"Sorry for intruding, We were just walking through zhe park and Gilly here decided to fly avay. Good thing he vent here..."  Gilbirt trailed off, Mattew looked at him and just gave a sly smile.

"It's okay, Gilbirt. It's nice having guests sometimes..." Matthew said.

He looked at how Gilbird and Gilbert were happily eating the pancakes he made, the thought of eating with someone really is great. He smiled at the thought but it quickly faded off to a sly pout. He couldn't... 

Gilbert was eating and he gave off a harty laugh, but when he gazed to Matthew it bewildered him. "Hey, Matt are you okay?" He said, concerned playing on his face. Matthew looked down and whispered, he didn't want him to mix up with his  problems.

 "I-its just... Kumajirou is not feeling well today..." He whispered sadly, looking up to Gilbert "...but he'll be okay..." Matthew added, smiling in the end but his face still held sadness in them . The worried albino heard his concern but his smile made him know that there's nothing to worry about. He knew how it felt to worry over a sick friend, Gilbird also had some ill days too and it made the German very concerned.

So Gilbert pushed back his seat to stand and walked towards Matthew with a genuine smile accross his face, the Canadian stood still and looked at him bewildered of his sudden action but it didn't stop Gilbert. He patted his head and ruffled his hair on his palms, Matthew flushed cause by his gesture. He didn't expect for him to do that but it was Gil's way of telling him to stay strong.

"Keep smiling Matthew... He vill get vell soon" Gilbert muttered and gave a last patt on Matthew's head. He looked surprised, eyes widened, tears threatened to come out but that was something that stroke his heart.

Matthew abruptly grasped the front of his shirt, buried his face to his cheast and started to cry silently, warm tears of relief and acceptance. In a nation's life you can't be killed by physical means, that means you get to live all the hurt with no means of escape. No escaping from torture is worst than reliving death itself. You can only hold ontu that hope; so as Gilbert was aghast, he looked down on Matthew, his head buried on to his cheast and felt warm tears tainted his shirt. He didn't mind. He just slithered his muscular arms around the Canadian, pulling him closer to his cheast gently and let him pour out his pain.


It's not long till Matthew cheered up, he checked on Kumachichi a little while ago and it turned out that he felt better than yesterday, it's been days maybe weeks that the Canadian hasn't felt the soft fur of the polarbear on his skin and the chubby little bear being carried by his arms. He missed it so much that sometimes he sleeps next to him at night, he only hopes that he cab get better sooner. He loves Kuma, he really does.

It was mid-day and they're currently watching a movie because they have nothing else to do and it was Matthew's day off. So he had to do something in his spare time.

They are seating on the couch of the living room, next to each other watching a movie and as Gilbird slept on Gilbert's lap. Matthew is greatful that Gil was able to visit him today, he rarely recieves visitors or guests in his home. It's normal for him though, even his family forgot that they had a son and brother, he was invisible to alot of people. So he wonders why Gilbert's been touring on Canadian soil. He would know his answer sooner though...

Matthew looked at Gilbert intentively as if looking for an answer. Though, he knew Gil was not a bad of a guy, some people find him as a jerk but he was actually a big softy and he had a big heart. He smiled and took advantage of the moment...

"Hey Gil..." Matthew said, getting the attention of the said person. Gilbert looked at him silently and this moment paused everything.

"Thank you" The Canadian whispered, lifting his face towards his and planted a gentle kiss on his cheek. That's what he could muster to say, he meant it. Gil let him cry till he felt okay, he was there when no one wasn't, he's thankful for that. He didn't give second thought to his action, so he blushed and Gilbert flustered, wide eyed as he stared  in disbelief to the smiling Canadian. He now knew what to do...

Matthew smiled as a sign of greatfulmess, but as Gilbert's hand lifted to his cheek and his own face slowly leaned to his. He whispered...

"No, I should be zhe von to zhank you... Danke" He said whilst his hand moved held his face still, he slowly pressed his lips to his. Matthew grew in shock and he didn't know what to do but all he needed to do, was give in to the kiss and finally, he did. His lips responded delightly and kissed Gil's back with passion. Their lips moved in synch as if they're made for each other and right now nothing didn't matter, this a new found feeling blooming within them that seemed none of them would want to abandon.

The kiss was short as they pulled out, their breaths were deep and hot. Their faces flushed red but it didn't matter, it would be awkward but they're joyed thy've done it. They gave a final smile and continued the movie and cuddled till the end of the cold day...

'Ich Leibi Dich...' Gilbert thought as the day slowly transitioned away...


MIKI: So what do ya think? *re-reading with le awesome, cool, fake glasses.

Canada: *reading 0////0 uh-uh....

Prussia: ... *also reading

Canada: W-what does it mean?

Prussia: ...V-vhat do you mean?

Canada: you know in the end,  the one admin wrote... I know it's German, so...

Prussia: Ahhh.... I love pancakes?? *trying to cover up

MIKI: you Ain't foolin' nobody Gil! >:] Matt just use google translate, ;3

I love this so much! So fluffyyyy


If u like it, comment away what you want to see next! XD

With lemon sticks and chocolate zebras! See ya LoVeLiEsSsS!!!



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