FanGirl Series i: Waking Up T...

By Ivory_Lollipop

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What if one day, you woke up in a different room and beside a man you have always loved and adored? What if h... More

FanGirl Series i: Waking Up To Be Mrs. Styles 2.0
Before You Read
✿ Chapter 1 ✿
✿ Chapter 3 ✿
✿ Chapter 4 ✿
✿ Chapter 5 ✿
✿ Chapter 6✿
✿ Chapter 7✿
✿ Chapter 8✿
✿ Chapter 9✿
✿ Chapter 10✿
✿ Chapter 11✿
✿ Chapter 12✿
✿ Chapter 13✿
✿ Chapter 14✿
✿ Chapter 15✿
✿ Chapter 16✿
✿ Chapter 17✿
✿ Chapter 18✿
✿ Chapter 19✿
✿ Chapter 20✿
✿ Chapter 21✿
✿ Chapter 22✿
✿ Chapter 23✿
✿ Chapter 24✿
✿ Chapter 25✿

✿ Chapter 2 ✿

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By Ivory_Lollipop

✿ Chapter 2 ✿

❝You made me insecure,

Told me I wasn’t good enough.

But who are you to judge

When you’re a diamond in the rough?❞

-Selena Gomez, Who Says

“Sherridy! Sherridy!” A crowd of people chanted as I modeled in the runway confidently, wearing a high almost five inch red stilettos. They had various banners raised up with my name on it as they cheered for me. I finally finished modeling and went backstage, when someone wrapped his/her arms around me from behind, almost making me jump and scream.

“It’s me babe,” A familiar deep voice whispered huskily in my ears, causing shivers to run down my spine, “You did great in there.”

“You shocked me,” I gasped overdramatically as I placed a hand on my chest, “But kiss me anyway. I love you.”

He smirked at me, making me weak in the knees, "With pleasure, Sherridy. And I love you, too."

My breath hitched in my throat as he started to lean in, his warm breath fanning my mouth until-

"Wake up, Sherridy Mills!" My mom's voice echoed in my room as she continued to wake me up, "You still have school, young lady!"

My mom just had to interrupt my dream! Harry was an inch close to giving me a passionate kiss on the lips! Why Mom? Why? Ugh!

.Damn! School again! Gosh, I know school is important but I really hate school, like a lot. It is basically my hellhole.  I’d rather fangirl the rest of the day than go to school.

Why do I have to go to school every day? I feel like I am not born for school. Not to mention the mean girls at that place who is out to get me and ruin my life.  I should drop out and join a band.

I groaned, "Okay, Mom! I'm up!" I announced, still half asleep as I jumped out of my warm and soft bed.

 "And, Sherridy?" She called from the doorway.

 "Yes Mom?"

 "Your brother had already finished half the breakfast that I had prepared," She informed with a grim smile, "So if I were you, I will hurry."

 She closed the door behind her with a loud slam as I hurriedly got into the shower.

My mom is a very strict woman. She calls me by my full name if she's already starting to get pissed at me.

I wasn't that close to her like other mothers and daughters out there but I wish I was.

My mom was a great woman. She was able to raise me and my little brother, Shane, on her own when Dad left us for another woman.

My dad, let's just say I'm not very fond of him. Maybe he was the reason why my Mom is strict and tough. She doesn't let anyone see her cry or she doesn't show weakness to anyone.

Okay, back to my Dad. He is a womanizer who loves to get drunk and waste his money on the casino. I saw him hurt Mom one night he came home drunk.

It scared me. The scene made me swore to myself that I would never marry an abusive man like my Dad someday.

I want a gentleman, sweet and caring husband. Naah, enough with that. I'm too childish.


"You looked tired," My best friend, Lauren told me as we walked to our locker, "Lack of sleep, perhaps?"

 "Yeah," I replied as I struggled to open my locker.

 "That boyband again?" I slipped my things into my locker without turning to face her, "How many will I tell you that they will never kno-"

 "They are not just a boyband to me, Ren," I cut her off as I locked my locker and it closed with a loud sound, "They are my life."

 "Whatever you say," She said in defeat, "Now, let's head to the cafeteria. I'm starving!"

 "Okay, let's go."

I don’t even know why Lauren and I are friends. We are opposites- complete opposite. She’s really girly while I am tomboyish. Lauren is pretty, rich, really popular and a lot of boys in our school had taken an interest on her, especially most of the jocks, and I think Ashton too, but he never really admitted it.  She seems like the girl that One Direction would date. The only thing about her is that she doesn’t seem interested in anyone in the school who likes her. She doesn’t even notice any of those boys as if it was no big deal to hear. If I were her, I will at least give those boys attention and date them, just to know how it feels to date someone as famous, rich and handsome as Rylan, the school’s most famous jock, because I actually never dated anyone in my life before. All boys ever did is pick on me or ignore me, as if I am invisible when they give all the attention to Lauren.

Lauren walked confidently along the school corridors, twirling a piece of her straight blonde hair in her long fingers as she licked her pink glossy lips in a bored manner. She was wearing a red tank top paired with a floral short skirt and also matched with a pair of brown winter boots. While I other hand has frizzy brown hair that should always be in a ponytail and all I ever wear is a t-shirt, skinny jeans and an old pair of Converse sneakers that are so worn out. Unlike my best friend, I can’t get everything that I want because we need to save all the money for our “future”.

Rylan, one the school’s popular jock, winked at Lauren as he passed us in the cafeteria, completely ignoring me. Lauren rolled her eyes in disgust, shaking her head as she sighed.

“He obviously likes you,” I told her as if she didn’t know, “He winked at you!”

“I don’t like him,” Lauren frowned as she ran her fingers through her silky straight hair.

“Come on!” I whined, pouting like a child as my eyes met hers, “That’s Rylan! How could you not like him?”

“I just don’t,” She simply replied, shrugging her shoulders, “He’s not my type.”


“Who’s your type?” I questioned her, confused as I saw the dreamy look on her beautiful face.

She came to a halt in the middle of the hallway and I turned to follow her gaze.

"Here comes your wannabe punk rock friend," She mumbled under her breath as Ashton approached us.

 "Hey Sher," He greeted me with a smile before he turned to face Lauren, who looked as if she was really annoyed with Ashton’s presence,  "Hey Laurel."

"It's Lauren," Lauren corrected him with an irritated voice.

"Whatever," His hazel eyes sparkled as it landed on me, "Are we going to the cafeteria? I'm starving."

"Just in time," I took his hand, "Let's go."

The cafeteria were packed with students as usual and their ear breaking noises that you can hear from a thousand mile away. We pushed the cafeteria door open and everyone turned to look at us.

Lauren seemed embarrassed as everyone started to whisper and talk to each other once we came into the door. She knew they were talking about us. But Ashton didn't seem to care. That's what I liked about him. He doesn't care what other people says about him. His nerdy and weird side still stays.

I was known in this whole school as the "loser" because of my obsession with a boyband. Everyone almost makes fun of me when they saw me especially Amanda and her group of slutty looking mean girls so at school, I try not to let my fangirling nature take over so I wouldn't be left out.

Speaking of Amanda, she’s laughing with her circle of friends again over something who she is reading on her phone.

“Harry Styles, I love you so much,” She read, giggling with that annoying pitchy voice of hers, “Please follow me and make me the happiest girl in the world.”

Wait, that sentence seems familiar. Of course it is! Oh my gosh, is she reading my tweets? How did she found my Twitter fan account?  And why is she reading it to her friends?

“Oh, she’s here! Amanda announced cheerfully, all of their eyes landing on me, “Everyone! The loser is here!”

“Ignore them,” Ashton whispered to me as he pulled me towards the food so we could finally order. But Amanda kept on ranting as she stood in the middle of the cafeteria, catching everyone’s attention.

“What kind of person wastes her time tweeting a person who doesn’t even know that she exists?” Amanda snickered, and so is the rest of her friends, “Only Sherridy does!  And that’s why she is a loser!”

Everyone howled in laughter as I started to quicken my pace, my attention set on the only table in the corner of the cafeteria. But before I could get there, someone tripped me causing me to fall face first on the floor while the rest of my tray  landed on the dirty floors of the cafeteria, the food and drinks spilling out.

The whole cafeteria bursted in laughters and snickers as I tried to get up. My clothes was dirty as tears welled up in my eyes,

"Go call Harry Styles for help!" Someone shouted in the crowd, making them all burst into laughter.

“You’re so pathetic, Sherridy,” Amanda sneered as she stopped in front of me, crossing her arms on her chest, “You’re so ambitious as well, thinking you will be a model someday. Look at yourself first. You’re not even pretty or sexy or skinny. So you think that boyband will ever like you? The answer is no.”

“One day, Amanda,” I stood up from my earlier position on the floor, my eyes gazing straight into her, which somehow scared and intimidated her because this will be the first, “All of this life of yours where you are popular will end. And I will be the first one laughing at you when you clean toilets for a living. I am not going to be the loser anymore. But you are.”

Tears spilled out of my eyes as I ran out of the cafeteria, pushing the doors open as I ran and ran.

It is just too much. What have I done for them to bully me that much? Is loving a boyband a crime? I don't understand. And they even stepped on me, crush my self esteem and make feel bad about myself, pointing my insecurities out as if I don’t already see them.

I know I am not pretty, sexy, smart or skinny, but I know that I am a good person and I do not bully anyone to feel better.

My back slid against the wall as I let the tears fall. No one can understand my love for that boyband. For One Direction.

I heard footsteps close to me so I looked up. A weird looking dark skinned woman was standing inches away from me with a look of concern in her face.

"Are you okay, my dear?" she asked.

I hastily wiped the tears in my eyes, "I'm fine," I lied. I felt her sit next to me.

"What's your name?" She asked yet again,

I hesitated before I told her, "Sherridy. Sherridy Mills."

"What a beautiful name," she commented then she faced me, "What do you desire most in your life, my dear?"

"I can't tell you," I bluntly replied,

"Why not?"

"Otherwise, you will just laugh at me like everybody does," I told her as I finally met her dark eyes,

 She took my hand in her warm ones, "I promise I won't laugh. I'll understand," she gave me a warm smile, "We all desire something in our life, even if how impossible it might be to get."

"Okay," I took a deep breath, "I want to marry Harry Styles someday so I will prove them all wrong."

I expected she will laugh at me, but her facial expression didn't change, "Are you sure about that, my dear? You won't turn back when you have it already?"

I nodded, "Yes, I am."

"Are you sure?" She asked again.


"Very well then," She fished something out of her pocket and I couldn't see what it was. Then she placed it into my open palm, "That is special for me. Use it very well. It had given me everything I ever wanted in life."

I stared at the small piece of paper in my hands, "What does this do for me to get what I want?"

"You'll see soon, my dear." She assured me.

"Sherridy, what are you doing there?" Lauren asked worriedly as she walked towards me, Ashton following closely behind her with the same expression,

I ignored her question, "What is your name-" I stopped mid sentence when I saw that the space next to me is empty. Where had she gone? There is no possible way she had gone that fast.

"Who are you talking to?" Lauren asked me again as she helped me up from the ground, "Come on, we'll be late for the next class."

The woman's disappearance was bothering me but what bothered me the most was that the piece of paper in my hand turned into a ticket, a special V.I.P. ticket for One Direction's concert here in our city tomorrow.


I couldn't sleep. I had already forgotten what had happened in the cafeteria but what I couldn't forget is the mysterious encounter I had with the dark skinned woman. I couldn't explain why the small piece of paper in my hand turned into special V.I.P ticket for One Direction's concert.

And what does she mean when she asked me if I wouldn't turn it back when I already have it? Of course, I wouldn't. It's what I want and I am sure of that.

I clutched the ticket close to my chest, staring up into the ceiling, "I am going to meet you tomorrow Harry and I can't wait."

I have a feeling that tomorrow is the day that everything will change...

And I know that one day, Amanda and the others will regret ever making fun of me...


The new lovely book cover is made by the beautiful @-britishaccents. Go folllow her!!!

Picture of Luaren on the side >>>>> she is played by Kate Todd.

because of school, WUTBMS will be update every Fridays or if ever I have any free time because of school -_-

Anyways, UNEDITED. kindly pinpoint the mistakes. 

Please tell me what you think of this chapter, follow me on Twitter for a dedication. @Nouis_Lashton19

Remember guys, it is Lucy Hale who plays the older version of Sherridy, when she is all grown up and married to Harry Styles. You'll know why soon!

VOTE. COMMENT. FOLLOW. if you want of course because it will be appreciated

Love lots,

Bela xx.

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