She's My Constant

Bởi SkyWrites102

29.1K 922 161

Cast Of Characters: Glaiza De Castro as Destiny S. Valerio Rhian Ramos as Kate Denise R. Howell Solenn Heuss... Xem Thêm

College Friends and Feelings
Killer on the loose
Remembering Destiny
Force of Habit
Habits Stay
Monday Blues
Bloody Grey
Kate vs. Eve
Sleep Tight
Over the moon
Eve, The Apple of their Eyes
Meet the parents
In her loving Memory
Mr. Montenegro will see you now
Letting you go
Solenn's Blessing
Valentine's Day Plans
I Choose You
Truth about us
Eve's Temptation
1 Month in
Of Cafes and Men
Seventh Month
All of Me
Author's Note
Author's Note on the Commentaries

She will be loved

523 17 0
Bởi SkyWrites102

Eve's POV:

It has been four months, since I was formally charged for the murders of 8 men. It has also been four months, since I talked to Megan, I came out clean. I told her about my past and what is about to happen.


"Can we have dinner tonight?" I asked Megan after our dance class.

"Sure, where are we meeting?"

"Meet me at Yuan's." I answered her

"Okay, see you later." Megan answered

That evening, we met at Yuan. We had dinner and ate in peace. After dinner, we decided to sit at a park and talk.

"So, you decided to have dinner pretty quick. What's up?" Megan asked me.

"I know. I decided not to make any more mistakes. I like you too Megan, but I need to know if you'd still feel the same way if you knew about what I did."

"It's not like you're a murderer right? I mean, what could a beautiful woman like you do?"

"But, I am." I laughed dryly and silence filled us both. Neither one of us was speaking for a few seconds. She was too stunned at the admission.

I broke the silence by speaking.

"Megan, I murdered 8 men. I was recently diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder. I killed those 8 men because I was emotionally unstable."

I finally said. It felt so light to be honest with her and how I feel all these time. I have promised myself not to do the same mistake I did with Destiny.

She looked into my eye and smiled.

"Thank you, for letting me know. That must be very hard for you to admit. But may I ask how did you end up like this? I want to understand your reasons, your almost, did she play any part in these?"

She asked me. I looked at her briefly hesitating if I should tell her all the things that happened. Her eyes were full of need to make sense, to understand me. It tells me that she is willing to believe me if I am willing to trust her. I remember Destiny's letter, it is up to me if I would let this one stay or go.

I sighed, maybe a little more heavy. She looks at me expectantly. I must have not felt her move, because the next thing I felt were her hands squeezing mine. Intertwining them with hers. She kisses it and she finally says something to make me feel bold about telling her.

"Please, Eve. I need to understand you."

It is the first time someone ever told me that they need to understand me. Someone who actually cared to ask how I am feeling and what was I thinking. I spent the rest of the evening telling her everything. She didn't remove our hands intertwined together. I didn't remove my hand either.

*****End of Flashback*****

Eve's POV:

She's preparing for our breakfast right now, I have been sleeping over her place, as she wanted to always see me. I observe her as she lovingly moves through the kitchen. I am indeed a lucky girl, to have her. I approach her and give her a hug from behind.

"Good morning, Love." I greet her.

"Hey, good morning to you too, Love." She greets me back.

"Can you accompany me later?"

I asked her tentatively, not really sure if she would.

"Sure, where are you going?"

"To HGC, I just need to give proper closure to Kate and Destiny."

"Okay, I'll accompany you." she smiles as she plates the egg and sausages she was frying.

"Thank you for supporting and accepting me." I smiled at her.

"Always welcome my love." she responds.

I stayed quiet as she serves our breakfast at the table. Afraid that if I say anything else, it would only hurt her. Megan sat across the table. She reached for my hand and lovingly holds it. She drew lazy circles on my hand.

"It's okay, Eve. To give them closure is the least you can do, especially that Destiny helped you out with your case and Shane's. I understand." she smiles at me.

With Megan, I didn't need to say anymore, she just gets me. I smiled at her.

"Thank you. I love you, my love." I sincerely told her.

"C'mon, let's eat. You have a long day ahead. You need energy." She smiled at me.

I started to eat the sausage and fried rice she prepared. She smiled at me as she sees me eat. My heart flutters at the way she looks at me, as if I have never done anything wrong. It has been four months since I said yes to her. Four months since I introduced her to Shane and our college friends as my partner. They were shocked, some are opposing it and some are supportive. I have accepted that there are people who wouldn't be too happy about the news, while there are some who's just happy to see me happy. I think they're the ones who matter mostly. It has been Four months since I quit Gold Rush Media and just started to work as a dance teacher for kids. I earn good money, enough to keep my flat and my other needs. Megan meanwhile has her own business, apparently she owns the studio I enrolled to. She also runs a small cafe nearby the studio. 

We have discovered a lot about each other, like how her story goes and how mine went. We accepted each other. I felt her love all through out, I am thankful for her and for Ari who convinced me to take up dance lessons. Sometimes, love comes in unexpected places and circumstances. I am thankful that we had the opportunity to meet and that she accepted me with her whole heart. It is rare to find someone like her, that's why I made the decision not to lose her. I love every day that we spent together, the laughs and the tender love she gave me. 

"Love..." I say to her

"Hmmmm?" she hummed at me

"Nothing. I just wanted you to know how much I love you, my love." I smiled at her and my cheeks grew red. I am surprising myself for being very bold and honest with her. 

"And I love you too. Forever and Always my love." She smiles at me as we both continued to eat. 

After eating, we prepared to go to the studio. Our respective classes started, she is in the other room teaching an adult class. While I am in the other room, teaching kids. They relieve my stress, although some of them are quite a handful, I couldn't help but smile. They give me reasons to smile. I excused myself from the class as my phone was ringing. I looked into the screen and saw who was calling. 

"Hey, Ari. What's up?" I greeted her.

"I just wanted to remind you that the final verdict will be out by next week. I won't be there to hear it, but I am sure you'd be acquitted. Believe it Eve." she says

"Yeah, thank you. Thank you for testifying in court and all of the wonderful things you've done for me." I answered.

"So, how are you and Megan doing?" Ari asked me

"We are doing great. I slept over her place last night. I am actually thinking of letting my own flat go and move in with her." I chuckled

"That's great news. I am truly happy for you, Eve. When are you planning to see Destiny and Kate?" She asked me.

"I'm planning to give them a visit later." I said cheerfully.

"Great, you better. It's their last day here in Manila. They'll be flying to Italy in a few days for their wedding." She said

"Thank you for letting me know Ari. Anyway, I'll talk to you again soon, I have to get back to the kids, they're screaming like crazy right now." I laughed 

"Okay, okay. Go." She laughs before ending the call.

I hid the phone back to my pocket and entered the room again. The room immediately fell silent, I shook my head at their actions. Trying not to chuckle.

"Okay Class, go to your groups. We will begin the group presentation shortly." I informed them. 

The group presentation started and I watched as they all performed their best. We've been practicing these for quite some time. All of them did great, in a couple of weeks they would be performing these dance for their recital. I am looking forward to it. After the presentation, I dismissed them. They all hugged me right after the class. 

As I was getting ready to pack my things, I felt someone was watching me. I looked up the door and smiled to see Megan watching me.

"What are you doing there creeping, my love?" I asked her. 

"I just enjoy watching you move." She approaches me and gave me a quick chaste kiss on the lips. 

"I like watching you dance." I said as I put my hands around her neck.

"Hmm.. May I have this dance?" She says to me

"There isn't any music." I answered. 

She smiles at me and then ballad music started to play Williamette Stone's Heart Like yours started to play. We swayed to the music, this is one of the songs that I always liked. She held my body close to her, as we kept on swaying to the rhythm. She looks at me lovingly, she whispers in my ear.

"You look beautiful my love, thank you for your smile. I won't be too sure how I would make it through the day with out it." 

"You're flattering me. But, thank you for your love and acceptance." I kissed her on her lips, soft, gentle and full of love, she responds to my kiss with equal intensity. I smiled into the kiss and pulled away.

"We need to go." She smiles as she pulls me to her and gets my purse from the floor. We walked to the parking lot. She opened the door for me and ushered me in. 

We drove to HGC building, we reached the building in an hour. We arrived at the parking lot around 5 PM.

"Wait for me here. I won't be too long, I promise." I told Megan before kissing her on the lips.

"Alright. I'll wait for you." She smiles at me.

I unbuckled myself from the seat and went out of her car. I walked into the building and asked the front desk.

"Where is Ms. Kate Howell's office?" I asked the front desk

"Ma'am, what do you need from her? I'm afraid she has a meeting and won't be out in 20 Minutes or so." 

"I am a friend of hers. We just needed to talk." I said politely.

"Okay, you can go up the 11th floor, the second room to the right of the hall way is her office." The front desk said.

"Okay, Thank you." I said before making my way to the elevator.

Once inside the elevator, I punched the 11th floor button. The elevator rose and in no time, it opened to the floor. I went to the second room to the right. A young woman, stood up and greeted me.

"Good Afternoon Ma'am. Who are you looking for?" She asked me

"I'm looking for Ms. Kate Howell." I smiled at her

"She's in a meeting right now, she will be back in fifteen minutes." She answers me

"Who are you by the way?" She says.

"My name is Eve Jimenez, I'm a friend of her fiance." I told the lady.

"I see, Doctor Destiny Valerio is inside their office. Let me tell her." She smiles at me as she knocked on the door.

After a few minutes she goes back to where I am and ushers me inside the office. I got in the office, I see the framed pieces of calligraphy on the walls. I smile at how the office was entirely personal. There was a memory board at the other part of the room, where I guess they're posting their schedules and other things. The room's walls were painted Navy Blue. The back of the tables was a glass window with a view of the city in the horizon. I marveled at the room. I smiled once Destiny looks up at me and smiles.

"Hey, Eve. It's been quite sometime. Please have a seat." She motioned for me to sit down at the couch.

"Hey, D. Yeah it's been quite a while." I said with a smile on my face as I sat at the couch as she made her way to me.

"What brings you here? How have you been?" She started.

"You. I am fine. The trial had already started, but I know you already know it." I smiled.

"Me?" she asked me back.

"Yes, you." I answered her back.

"Okay, what about?" she asked me once more.

"Your journals. I'd like to personally thank you for giving me those journals. I needed to know how you felt, I needed to forgive myself. I know, I was too late. You've already found the one who will complete you." I said

"Thank you for reading them Eve. I didn't expect you would still read them. I knew I had to give those to you as a parting gift." She smiled at me.

"I love reading your works, you know it. Anyway, I just wanted you to know that I am happy for you. I heard from Ari, that you're getting married soon to Kate."

"Thank you, Eve. How's your case going?" She asked me.

"It's going great. I have pleaded guilty due to insanity. The testimonies I gave were enough, your findings and Ari's are helping too." I said.

"I am happy for you Eve." She smiled at me.

"I am too, D." I smiled at her.

"I am also dating someone now, her name is Megan. She accepted me despite the past mistakes I had. She knows everything. She's working so hard to be with me and understand me." I added and smiled.

"How long have you guys been dating?" She asked me.

"About four months." I said to her.

"That's good. I hope to meet her sometime." She smiled back to me.

"You will most likely. After I get better." I said.

"Yeah." She said.

"Is it okay if I talked to Kate?" I asked her.

"She's in a meeting right now, she'll be out of the meeting in 15 minutes, it was just a quick meeting." she informed me.

"I'll wait." I said smiling at her.

"Okay. Do you want anything to drink? Coffee or Juice?" She asked me

"Coffee would be nice." She got up and went to the mini fridge in the office.

"I hope you don't mind an ice cold coffee." She smiled at me sheepishly

"I don't mind." I say.

She got her a white mocha coffee in can, while she got herself a bottle of water. She handed me the coffee can.

"Thank you." I said as I reached for the coffee can that she handed to me. I opened it and took a sip.

"Welcome." She answered her.

"So, how is Shaine doing?" She asked me.

"She's doing great these days, she remembers me and recognizes me." I smiled at her

"That's great to hear. I can't wait for her to get better." She said

"Thank you for doing that and for making sure she is treated well, you've quit the asylum but you still work with her." I smiled at her.

"That's nothing, it's the least I can do for you Eve, I know how hard it is, to be with out your best friend, I would have a hard time coping." She answered me.

"She's getting better each day, D. That's all that matters right now. But will there be any chance that she gets back to all of this over time, I mean with stress and all?" I asked her

"There is a chance that she might. There is always a possibility, if there were triggers. But we must believe in her capacity. We need to believe she's not going to relapse." She smiled at me.

Then we felt someone enter the door to her office, I couldn't see who it was but Destiny stood immediately and met the person at the door. I didn't try to peek, I just focused on the view in front of me. In a matter of a few moments Kate was already in front of me. She sat beside Destiny. 

I asked Destiny to leave us two to talk. She did and I talked to Kate, it was just a quick chat. I didn't intend to stay that long. After our Talk, I let myself out of her room. I passed by Destiny and gave her a quick hug and kiss on her cheek. I whispered "See you around." and went to the elevator. It was a liberating afternoon for me. I walked gleefully back to my girlfriend's car. 

"Hi, love." I greeted her cheerfully. 

"Hey, love." She greets me back and gives me a soft peck on my lips. 

"How did it go?" She asked me.

I smiled at her before answering her. 

"Everything went well. I've let go of the burden I carried along with me for quite some time. It feels great and liberating." I told her honestly. 

"I am glad that you've had the opportunity to do this." She smiled back.

"I am glad too. Now, let's go home. I'll cook you dinner tonight." I smiled at her

"Wow. Is it my lucky day?" She asked me.

"You're lucky everyday." I laughed at her as she pulls out of the parking lot.

We went home to my flat. I ushered her in.

"I've been thinking love." I started. 

"About?" She asked me as we sat on my couch. 

"About this whole flat." I answered her. 

"And?" She looked into my eyes. 

"I want to give this up and move in with you." I smiled at her. 

"Wait, what?" She asked me again.

"I want to move in with you. I am serious my love." I said to her more clearly.

"Oh my God! Yes, of course love. You can move in with me!" She exclaimed.

We celebrated the night with dinner, wine and dancing. I could never be more happier that she accepted my decision of moving in with her. I can barely contain my heart. From this moment on, I knew I will be loved.

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