Desire (Kakashi) - Indefinite...

By CloudedSkies

519K 15.2K 4.4K

Crazy and wild, four teenagers are transferred into the world of Naruto and found by a certain sexy silver-ha... More

Desire<3 A Kakashi Love Story
Le Begining
Flipping Shit
World War Three!
Angry Kaka-Baka and a bunny!!!!
Muahahahahaha >:}
A Quick Kiss:
Le New Mission!!!
Ninja attack!!
Dun Dun Duuuuuuuunnnnnnn
Plot Twist!
Plot Twist! Part Dos!!
Fluff :3
The First Thing Kakashi Has to do:
Grow up:
Boy Advice and a History Lesson from Haku:
A gift:
The Return of Cow-Man
Le Team Seven vs Zabumoomoo!
Le Fight! Part Uno-
Death and Heartbreak:
Bye, Bye Haku <3 You shall be missed.
Not Quite A Lemon.......But Getting there!
Kakashi has a fan!
I cried writing this....Don't hate me....
The Sakura Funeral
Time Will Tell:
Team Minato:
My What?
Little Sasuke!!!!! *glomp*
Fluff!!! Somewhat anyways :3
Finally! Some sort of an explanation!
Warning: Content of this chapter...may cause Nosebleeds....
Home Sweet Home!
Author's Note
Some Lemon-Like Qualities:

Warning: Content Might Make You Fangirl Squeal And/Or Smile Like An Idiot.

12.4K 345 142
By CloudedSkies

Fast Forward Several Months:

My stomach lurches, acidic liquid and chunks bursting past my lips and into the toilet. I squeeze my eyes shut, waiting for it to pass, and then lean back when it does. My back shakily touches the tile floor and I stretch my arms out-eyes still squeezed shut.

“You okay?” Kakashi presses a cool damp washcloth to my forehead.

I don’t trust my mouth. Instead of responding, I simply move my hand to cover my mouth lightly and try to think.

Something’s wrong. I’m missing part of the puzzle.

“Alex,” Kakashi says softly, “Look at me. What’s wrong? Did you eat something wrong?”

No, that didn’t sound right.

I don’t respond. What am I missing? Something rumbles low in my stomach. It hits me like a freight train, my blood running ice cold. Eyes snapping open, I sit up abruptly, making my head spin like a merry go round on fast forward. Kakashi steadies me, pulling my hair back so it doesn’t get in the way if I start to throw up again.

“Take me to the hospital.” I croak, twisting around.

“What’s wrong?” Worry and concern plague his features. I shake my head and keep my hand clamped over my mouth.


The receptionist looks up as we poof into the hospital. I motion for Kakashi to back off a bit and hurriedly rush towards the desk, leaning against the counter top.

“I need to see a doctor, asap.” I say, trembling.

Kakashi appears beside me, hand resting on my lower back. I feel bad, he looks so confused and worried but I have to be sure before I tell him anything. The nurse nods slightly and stands, waving a middle-aged blonde over.

I turn to Kakashi and touch his elbow. “Stay here. I’ll be right back.”

He sends me a strangled look. “Alex…”

“Please?” I breathe, stomach rumbling and churning painfully. He closes his eye and presses his lips tightly together behind his mask, nodding in one jerky bob. I turn away from him and rush towards the doctor, leaning up on my tip-toes to whisper something in her ear. Her eyes widen, traveling over my body once before flickering to Kakashi.

Then she smiles slightly and nods, taking me by the hand and leading me towards a room.

“Alright.” She says, closing the door softly behind us. “There’s a bathroom right there and here’s a cup.”

I nod and take it from her.

Coming back out, I notice Kakashi standing outside in the hall, arms folding across his chest and his facial features twisted into something strangely heartbreaking. He looks up as the doctor clicks the door softly shut behind her, pee cup in hand, and smiles slightly.

“What’s going on?” I hear him ask. “Can I see her?”

“Almost.” The doctor says. “Just give me a moment. I’ll be right back.”

“What’s that?” He asks, anxiety dripping from his words like rain.

“Relax, Kakashi.” The doctor lets out a small bubble of laugh. “I’ll be right back.”

I let out a sigh of short lived relief and begin to pace the length of the room, despite the uncomfortable twists and churns of my stomach. Nervousness builds up inside me, sizzling and boiling through my blood to settle at the base of my spine.

The door clicks open. I stop in my pacing, blue eyes widening.

She smiles slightly. “Well, I have some good news or bad news. Depending on what you’re looking for.”

“Just tell me.” I breathe, muscles locking painfully.

“You’re pregnant.”

All the air whooshes out of my lungs in an audible whistle. My eyes begin to sting, stretching into wide flying saucers, and my hand lifts to gingerly touch my lower abdomen.

Oh god.

What will I tell Kakashi?

I nod absently, and flash her a watery smile. The doctor shakes her head and steps forward, hand gently squeezing my shoulder. “Listen, if you need anything, come find me. I’m Doctor Note. Alright?”

I nod again and she leads me towards the door.

Kakashi looks up as I walk out, hand still pressed against my stomach and eyes still wide with fear. I take a few steps forward and then break into a small run, throwing myself into his awaiting arms. My cheek presses up against his vest, fingers tangling into the zippers, and try to close my eyes. They are frozen into that wide state and I can’t even blink.

“Alex?” Kakashi leans back, trying to look at my face.

“Take me home.” I say softly, hardly more than a whisper.

“Alex, first tell me what’s wrong.” He says, frowning.

My grip on his vest tightens. “I will. Just not here.”

Smoke curls around us. The loud wailing of the smoke detector pierces through the air, making my ears ring painfully, and I burry my face in Kakashi’s chest. His grip tightens, little pellets of water raining down on us and soaking us completely through.

He waits until it switches off before peeling me off of him.

“Alright, Alex. What’s going on?”

My breathing hitches in my throat. I take several steps back, terrified for my life. Kakashi never said anything about kids. He may like me, but that doesn’t mean he wants to spend the rest of his life with me…or have kids period.

I keep my eyes carefully averted. “Promise you won’t hate me?”

 “I won’t hate you.” He says softly, “Just tell me what’s going on, Alex?”

I tremble. My hand still rests against my stomach, like it’s simply a natural thing now. Squeezing my eyes shut, I take a deep breath. “I’m pregnant.”


I chance a small look up, only finding his wide brown orb frozen in an emotionless state. My eyes fall shut again, disappointment shuddering through my body. I guess a small part of me still hoped he’d be okay with this, that he’d sweep me up off my feet and twirl me around excitedly.

My head dips down, a small strangled sounding sob jerking through my body. I make a strange sound, half sob-half hiccup, and it sounds vacant in the quiet room.

Before I know it, strong arms are winding around my waist and pulling me into something soft and warm. “Why are you crying?” He asks, voice sounding strange to my ears. “D-Do you not want it…him…her?”

I look up, blurry eyes wide. “Do you?”

He lets out a small bewildered laugh, lips brushing against my forehead. I blink, trying to sort through everything, horribly confused. “Of course I want it!” He laughs again, sounding a little more normal and less high strung. “You’re pregnant. And I’m the father!!”

Now comes the twirling part. He hugs me tightly to his chest and begins to spin, making my stomach churn painfully and my lips press together tightly.

He stops when he realizes I’m not reacting and holds me out at an arm’s length. “Alex? What’s wrong? You’re really pale.”

I blink; the room spinning around me. “Give me a moment.”

His arm curls around the backs of my knees, lifting me up off the ground. Kakashi walks over to the couch and sits down, hugging me against his chest. I sit in his lap, still trying to swim through the thick waves of shock, and stare at the soft black material that covers his neck. Fingers rub the skin of my upper arm, moving in comforting circles. Slowly, I catch my breath…and my sanity.

Leaning back, I examine his face.


You can see it in his eye. Excitement jumps eagerly around within the chocolate brown iris, bubbling and bursting with an unspoken joy.

He grins happily, but then it starts to fade. “You look upset.”  

I let out a long string of laughter, chest heaving heavily and shoulders shaking with each hiccupping bubble. My hands cup his cheeks, pulling his masked lips down to meet mine in a feverish frenzy. His gin reappears.

“No!” I shake my head, pulling away. “I’m relieved.”

Kakashi chuckles softly. “Let me guess…you thought I didn’t want kids, huh?”

I scowl and look away. “You never said anything…about our relationship or that kind of possibility. So yeah, I didn’t know where you would stand.”

“That reminds me.” He grins, leaning in to press his lips to mine. To my dissatisfaction, he pulls away hastily and moves me off his lap so he can stand. I scowl at him, eyebrows furrowing in confusion, and the look he sends my way makes me think of a child locked in a candy shop overnight.

“What are you doing?!” I fold my arms across my chest.

He chuckles softly and begins to dig into one of his pockets. My heart begins to beat faster and I shift around on the couch, especially when he drops to one knee.

“K-Kakashi?” I squeak.

Kakashi holds out a small black velvet box. With a small click, it opens, revealing a beautiful heart shaped diamond clasped onto a twisted silver band. Everything rushes out of me in a giant flood of emotion, eyes widening. For a moment, I forget how to breathe.

“Alex,” He says softly, eyes locked with mine, “I love you.”

I begin to tremble, having to force the air to rush in and out of my lungs.

“I know it’s only been about a year and a lot of people would say this is way too fast. But I know what I feel, and I hope to god I’m right about what you feel. You’re my life, Alex. I realized that when I saw you lying unconscious on that bridge. I can’t even begin to properly explain what I felt, what I wanted to do to everyone on that bridge.”

He shakes his head, letting out a small laugh. “I know I’m not doing this right. I guess what I’m trying to say is, Alexandria May Eve? Will you do me the honor of being my wife? Of living here with me for the rest of our natural lives?”

Something wet drips down onto my hand. At first, I think we have a leak and I look up-searching for the wet spot, but then realize that I can hardly see anything. Laughter shakes through me, sounding distant to even my own ears, and all I can process is the immense amount of pure bliss and happiness that courses through my veins like a second blood. I don’t even realize I’m moving, until I feel myself falling forward and capturing Kakashi into a long breathtaking kiss and I have to pull back for fear of dying.

“Oh my god.” I am still laughing as he slips the ring onto my finger. “This has to be a dream.” I say softly, shaking my head.

“A good dream?” He grins.

I nod, tears still streaming heavily down my cheeks. “One I never want to wake up from.”

He picks me up off the couch and twirls me around again. I cling to him like a wet cat, ears flattening back against my head, and my stomach lurches again.

“BATHROOM!” I scramble out of his arms and rush to the bathroom.

Kakashi catches me as I fall back, pressing a washcloth to my forehead and the brim of a glass cup to my lips.

“What a great way to celebrate.” I croak, after swishing the acidic taste from my mouth. “Spending the night on the bathroom floor in front of a toilet.”

He chuckles and presses his lips to my temple. “All for a good cause.”

That brings a wide, happy smile to my facial features.


Ehh, the proposal was much more elaborate in my dreams...but i couldn't remember it all so i just adlibbed :D More importantly, what'd you guys think??? i know it's probably been less than a year..but in this story it's been around one so shush about that XD The next chapter will have a pic of the ring :3 once i find one suitable enough. The pic is their future babieh >:) and i'm not telling you which one.........


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