By TinaJones279

75.6K 4K 970

Skye finds herself in rural Colorado after fleeing her abusive boyfriend. While shifters have been "out" for... More

Chapter 5
Chapter 14


2.4K 132 21
By TinaJones279

It has been a month since Dalton died from being spelled. There hasn't been any sign of the witch since it happened. One of the guys is always with me, evier vigilant of someone else being able to get to me. I have been scared for the last month, so them being around me all the time doesn't bother me. At first I was worried that they would get sick of me, or I would get sick of them, but it hasn't happened. Not yet anyway. If they're being overbearing, I tell them. Or just leave the room. The first time that happened, the looks on their faces was priceless. I really wish I had the forethought to take a picture. They had no idea what to do. It took a few seconds for it to sink in that i had walked away from them and was no longer listening to them.

Fast forward a month, and all is hunky dory. For the most part anyway. I had to cut my hours back at work. My boss kept his promise to teach me how to shoot, much to the guys' dismay. They weren't really happy about it, but I insisted. Now I can shoot with relative accuracy, mostly just being able to hit the target I'm aiming at. I'm not a sharp-shooter by any stretch of the imagination.

One really good thing that came out of this last month is I'm look at enrolling in college. It was random get-to-know-each-other conversation, when Jamie asked me if I had gone to school. I had hung my head in shame and admitted that I let Jared talk me out of going to school. then he asked me what I had wanted to go to school for. I told him I wanted to be an elementary school teacher. two days later, he came home with all kinds of college brochures.

"There's no way I can afford to go to college. I just had to cut back my hours. I'm still trying to figure out how I'm going to pay my rent." I tell him, panicked. He holds out his hands, and I place mine in them.

"There are grants you can get. Loans if you want to." He tells me encouragingly. "Don't count us out, either. We want to help you achieve your goals. If going to school and becoming a teacher is that, then we will do everything in our power to help you do just that. In case you haven't noticed, we're kind of wealthy. We can afford to put you through college." He says it so nonchalantly.

"I don't want your money. I want to be able to work all of this out for myself and pay my own way." I sigh. "But you're right. There are a myriad of ways for me to go to school. Thank you for thinking of it and bringing me these brochures." I lean over and give him a quick kiss.

That's another thing that has ramped up a little. Our physical connections. We haven't had sex, but we've done everything but. While they make sure i reach my pleasure with every encounter, I'm getting a bit frustrated they won't take it further. I want to know them intimately. I'm pretty sure I actually need it at this point. Guess I'll have to take the bull by the horns, so to speak, and make something happen. On that thought, Jamie comes around the corner from the kitchen carrying a Coke with exactly four ice cubes. I barely contain my mirth when he hands me the glass.

I'm formulating a plan of action to get him between the sheets as I take take a small sip of the soda. I'm lost in my imagination, when his voice pierces my thoughts.

"Earth to Skye." He says, snapping his fingers in front of my face. "What are you thinking about while I'm trying to tell you about the plan for the day?" He smiles mischievously. I still forget they can feel my emotions when they're really strong.

"Nothing." I say innocently. My thoughts were less than innocent. He lets it go. For now. I can see his intent written all over his face. We'll be having this discussion later.

"So JJ wanted me to take you around to all of our places. He already took you to where we train the horses, but he wanted you to see some more of what we have. If you're up for it, that is. We can always explore what's currently on your mind." He wiggles his eyebrows, a salacious grin on his face. While my thoughts had been centered around getting him into bed with me, the offer to see some more beautiful landscape puts those thoughts on the back burner.

"I would love to go." I practically shout at him, bouncing a little in my seat. He just laughs at me, and kisses the top of my head.

I take care of the soda and gather my things for a day out of doors. I make sure I'm wearing good walking shoes, because I have a feeling we will be doing a lot of it.

Throughout the day, he takes me to so many places they own. Every one just as beautiful as the previous. I'm guessing JJ didn't tell him about my fear of cows, because he took me to their dairy farm. I nearly had a heart attack at the first sight of a cow. I did, however, fall on my ass trying to get away. The shocked look on Jamie's face would have been comical if I had any sense of humor in that particular moment. When he realized what was happening, he got me out of there quickly, and wouldn't hear any type of apology from me.

We met up with Nev and JJ for lunch at the diner. My face still heats a little when I think about the first time I met JJ here, and he just laughs at me about. I couldn't help my reaction to him, and am mortally embarrassed at how I just ran away from him.

After lunch, I kissed them and said goodbye so they could go finish whatever they were doing. It took me a few weeks to no longer be embarrassed by a public display of affection with the three of them. Every time, they gently reminded me that it was normal in the shifter world, especially their pack, for one woman to have multiple men. One day I just decided I didn't care. It lifted a lot of stress off my shoulders.

Jamie and I were coming back from the last place he wanted to show me, their holdings were truly impressive, when he pulled up short at a red light. Jamie drives just like his personality, crazy and carefree. I put a hand out and brace myself on the dashboard and give him a side eye as the seat belt tightens to keep me in place. I move my eyes back to in front of us, and my breath catches.

Standing there in the middle of the road is a woman. She's wearing a long cloak, hood covering her face. She's completely still, no muscles moves as she stands there staring the car down, or what I imagine she's doing since I can't see her face. I glance nervously at Jamie, and his face is hard, his knuckles white from gripping the steering wheel so hard.

"Who..?" I begin, but he interrupts me.

"I don't know, but I'm about to find out." He moves to click his seat belt open, but I place a hand on his arm. He looks at me questioningly, and I tip my head toward the front. He turns his head to look out the windshield, and a shocked looked crosses his face. I turn my face to look, too, at what I know is there.

She's gone.

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