Sincerely, The Survivors

By Cfan23

242 19 24

What do you do when everything's against you in this new world? The government created a virus to try and wip... More

Chapter 2: "Us"
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 1: "Us"

79 5 3
By Cfan23

A/N: So, welcome to this new story. This first chapter is going to be set up a little differently, as there will be multiple point of views. Just a little note before we begin, all of these guys aren't apart of a big group yet, that'll either happen at the end of the chapter or the beginning of another one. Also, this is more or less just a small teaser I guess? [Note: (~) Will signal a change in scenery, such as another group member being somewhere else. (At least in my chapters, since my co-author has a different way of writing) Another note, the guys are a lot younger, like in their teenage years in this story. Except for Luke, he'll be like early 20's, like 21-22]

Kyle POV:

It was always me and my brother. No matter where we were, or what was happening, no distance could stop the bond between him and I. Not even what's happening now. 

"Come on Kyle, we have to get moving before those things come and overrun this place." My older brother spoke, as I turned to look at his red hoodie with little devil horns on it. 

I sighed a bit, hating how we always kept moving, never being able to find a spot, as he never trusted anyone. Which might have been a smart move, but not everyone could be bad, right?

"Didn't you hear me? I said we have to get going." He spoke, becoming a little more stern with me.

I nodded, "Yeah, I heard you." I grabbed my bag and waited.

"Good, let's get going." He spoke and began to leave already, with me following behind him.

I wonder if he's only hard on me because he doesn't want to lose me, seeing that we're the only two left in our family, or at least, that we know of. 

We continued to walk until hearing a few moans/groans from some zombies, he of course, made quick work of them, not letting me go near them. I'm serious, this shit kind of gets annoying. We walked and walked until we found another house for the night.

"We'll just hang here for the night. Go rest up little dude." He spoke, causing me to roll my eyes a bit as I walked away. I get that I'm like 15 or 16, and he's like 22, but I'm not a little kid. Anyways, I made myself comfy and dozed off, while he probably pondered where to go next, especially with the mentality of this world. 


Jonathan POV:

I looted this one house, making sure to grab everything I needed, such as ammunition and food, also some first aid supplies. I then proceeded to do the same for the other houses. After looting a good bit of houses, I decided to take a little rest in one of them, sitting down, grabbing a snack and eating it. Also grabbing a book to begin reading, but not before setting up some noise traps, so that way I would know if a dead-freak or person were trying to come in. 

I drifted away into the book, even though it was one I had already read a few times, I still enjoyed it. I would read a chapter here and there, any time I needed a quick pick me up. I usually would've played a video game or two, but obviously that's not a viable option considering our world now. No electricity, no games, no nothing. Just have to fend for yourself and survive somehow. 

"I just wish I had a group or something..." I kind of spoke out loud, not really to anyone, considering I was alone. 


Ohm POV:

I always considered myself a leader of a pack, that was until I got put to the test by this world. I had a group once, they kicked me out because we saw things differently. They left me to fend for myself, with just a shitty butter-knife. 

The last I checked, that group was no longer around though, as the base was already falling apart, so I was kind of relieved to be gone, and not becoming one of those things

I continued to walk the trail, wondering if I'd be a loner for the rest of this world, however long that should be...


Lui POV:

I wasn't suppose to be here, I was suppose to be big and famous out in California. However, I just somehow ended up here. I can't explain it, I don't know how to explain it. I just know, something isn't right...

Those were my exact thoughts three months ago, when everything went to hell. Now my thoughts only have three key steps in them, shoot, survive, question later. That's the mentality you have to live with now, you have to view everyone as a possible threat, right? 


Nogla POV:

I grabbed my acoustic guitar and my bag, headed out of the house I was staying at for the night, and never looked back. That's how I remember it all happening. Now, I just can't remember if I stepped into some other portal or what, because this definitely isn't the world that it once was. Every man against himself, no one willing to help others, everyone just shooting first and asking questions later. 

That's what happens in this kind of world. I should know, because I've seen it two ways, through video games and through my life now.


Craig POV:

I wish I had stayed overseas, they probably didn't have this shit happen. Their government wouldn't have let such a stupid thing happen, especially to it's own people.

Either way, I continued to walk, after killing a few of those things, getting a bit of blood on me. The more I got on me, the less they seemed to notice. Maybe that'll come in handy sometime.

Oh what am I even saying? I won't last that much longer out here, unless I get a group, because that's how this shit always goes down, you need a group, safety in numbers, but too bad that's all gone because we've been conditioned to do two things, shoot first and ask questions later...


Brock POV:

I rummaged through a few drawers in the house I was hanging out in. I needed to keep moving, since a heard was on my tail. Or, could I stay here for the night? Maybe if I got to a higher ground, I could stay here. So, I made my way up the steps, after hearing the heard come through. I did make sure to board the bottom floors up a bit, not too much though, but also not too little because if I didn't do it too much, I could've been a target, in case anyone was following. 

I made sure to barricade the one room door, also checking the window as an easy way to escape if things went to hell. Well, more hell than they are now. 

Anyways, I made sure I had stuff propped up against the door, and leaned against it, pulling out a snack and my wallet, just staring at pictures of the life I had before everything went to hell.

I dozed off not too long after that...


A/N: So, that's the end of this chapter. Sorry if this was kind of short, but this isn't really a chapter, more or less a teaser of stuff to come for later. This was just to get a bit of backstory on my characters that I'm writing for. More will come in the future, but for now, I hope you've all enjoyed and I will see you all later! 

PS: No one is apart of a group as of now, except for Kyle and Luke, as they're brothers, they don't have a technical group as it's just the two of them, considering Luke is a bit skeptical in this story.

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