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By voidtjl

24.4K 603 250

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๐ˆ : ๐†๐Ž๐๐„ ๐๐Ž๐˜

6.8K 129 94
By voidtjl

𝗻𝗼 𝘄𝗮𝘃𝗲𝘀 𝖻𝗒 𝖿𝗂𝖽𝗅𝖺𝗋

*James POV*

I'm James. I'm 17. And I'm pretty sure I'm a psychopath. I was eight, when I realized I didn't have a sense of humor. I'd always wanted to punch my Dad in the face. When I was nine, he bought a deep-fat fryer. He saw it on an American shopping channel. One day, I put my hand in it. I wanted to make myself feel something. When I was 15, I put my neighbor's cat in a box and took it into the woods. It probably had a name, but I slit its throat. After that, I killed more animals. And I remember every single one.

School was beneath me, but it was a good place for observation and selection because I had a plan. I was gonna kill something bigger, much bigger.

*Kiersten's POV*

"Our fucking generation is so stupid. Everyone is on their stupid fucking phones!" Alyssa slams her hands on the table in frustration. "I mean what the fuck? I'm right here!" She waves her phone in her "friend" Elizabeth's face. "It's free" Elizabeth replied and Alyssa got up. I face palmed as she slammed her phone onto the ground. She was seemed as if she was popular because of how many eyes were on her.

She grabbed my hand and dragged me with her. She seemed to be walking in a boys direction. Alyssa and I stood there and she looked so confident, again I looked like a sack of potatoes. The boy stared at us for about 5 seconds before taking off his headphones. "Hey" He said softly. "I've seen your skating" Alyssa says,"You're pretty shit"

1: No she has not, 2: This was awkward.

"Fuck off" The boy scoffed. Alyssa smirked and walked off. "Sorry..." I said and walked away.

*James POV*

I was eating when suddenly two girls came up to me. I stared at them for a moment before taking of my headphones and speaking, "Hey"

They both looked kinda identical. Except one had less freckles and the other had many. They both had blue eyes and brown hair except one of them had long hair and the other had really short. "I've seen your skating" The one with many freckles says. I think I remember her right, she's the new girl, Alyssa. I'm unsure about the one next to her.

"You're pretty shit" Alyssa stared me down. "Fuck off" I said blankly. She smirked and walked off. "Sorry..." The other one said. I nod and she leaves.

I thought for a moment. Alyssa could be interesting to kill.

*Kiersten's POV*

"Alyssa, what the hell were you thinking?" I grabbed her wrist. "Making new friends" She says confidently, flicking my hand off. "More like making enemies" I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. "What do you mean?" She says and I laughed as if she was joking. "Really? Telling his skating is shit? That's a good way to start off your friendship and first term. Besides, that's such bullshit, you've never seen him skate" I said. "I wanted to see how he would react" She states. "Ohh...because he totally doesn't have feelings" I said sarcastically. "You're such a serious bitch" Alyssa commented. "Yeah whatever. Takes one to know one." I rolled my eyes again. "Are you coming with me to meet up with him after school?" Alyssa asks. "Yeah, sure" I said and walked to my next class.

I thought to myself.

Bipolar much?


Alyssa and I walked up to the boy. He looked pretty stale and emotionless. "Are you waiting for me?" Alyssa asked. He nodded his head slightly and before you knew it they were kissing while I was sitting there awkwardly. He wasn't really kissing her back, he was just sitting there.

*James POV*

I waited for Alyssa and her friend to arrive and after 10 minutes she finally came. "Are you waiting for me?" She asked and I nodded slightly. Before you knew it, Alyssa was kissing me. Of course, I feel bad for her friend because she had to watch this all.

Obviously, if I wanted to kill Alyssa I'd have to be closer to her. So I pretended to fall in love with her.

*Kiersten's POV*

"What happened to your hand?" They both pulled away as Alyssa asked. "Shut up" He said and then finally he started kissing back. But it was worse than him not doing anything. They stopped and we started walking home. "I haven't got a phone" Alyssa blankly states. "Ok." He replies. "I smashed it" She went on. "Ok." He replied again. I swear he might be a robot or something. "Like on purpose" She continued. "Ok." He said once again. "So you can't call me" She finally got to the point. "Ok." He says looking forward. Alyssa looks in another direction making a surprised face. "I don't have a phone either" He spoke. "Really?" Alyssa says. "Yeah, I hate them"

"Do you want to go on a date? With me?" He asks Alyssa. "Yeah" Alyssa smiled.

"What's your name?" I ask quietly. "I'm James and you are?" He asks. "I'm Kiersten" I slightly smiled.

We headed to a nearby restaurant and ordered food. "Hi, what can I get for you today?" The waitress asked. "Is this true?" Alyssa asked reading the back of the menu that read, "One of the Top Ten greatest American Dining Experiences, in South of England"

"One Of The Top 10 Greatest American Dining Experiences"? Yeah!" The waitress smiled. "I can take your orders" She said. James ordered his food. "Do you want anything Kiersten?" He asks. "No thanks" I smiled. "What can I get for you?" The waitress asked Alyssa. "I will have a...banana split with extra cherries." Alyssa says. "Mhm" The waitress rights down the order. "Some blueberry pancakes" She adds on. "Mhm" The waitress wrote more down. "And a hot chocolate with cream" Alyssa kept on going. The waitress giggles, "You're hungry"

Alyssa giggles insincerely. "And an extra fucking spoon" Alyssa said making the waiter surprised. "Excuse me?" The waiter said kind of annoyed. "For him" Alyssa said. "Okay sorry. You can't use language like that, otherwise I'm gonna have to ask you, your friend, and your boyfriend to leave" The waitress pointed her pen around. "Okay" Alyssa mocks her. "Okay I'm sorry" Alyssa says sincerely. "Sorry"

Alyssa sighs. "I will have..a great banana shit with extra fucking cherries all on top of it" Alyssa said making James and I burst a tiny smile. "Okay, sorry, that's it. Right. MARVIN!" The waitress shouts. "Oh, yeah! Go get Marvin! See if Marvin can make a banana split for me, ya fucking cunt!" She said confidently and James and I looked surprised and pretty embarrassed. The waitresses mouth hung open surprised of what just came out of her mouth. "Bye, Marvin!" Alyssa shouts and leaves. James and I looked at each other and left.

"I think we live in the most boring town on the planet" Alyssa rolls her eyes. "Yeah, maybe" James said. I nodded my head along. "Everyone's so fucking square" She states. "Well, they've got money. They feel safe" James said. We all stop. "Are you boring too?" Alyssa asks. James shakes his head, "No"

"How about you Kiersten?" Alyssa stares at me. "Are you a pussy?" She stares at me. "Um no.." I shook my head. "That's a lie" Alyssa said making me walk faster. "Take a fucking joke you pussy!" She yelled at me. I got angry, stomped to her and punched her right in the face. "Am I a fucking pussy now, or do you want me to prove it better?!" I shouted at her and James looked at me surprised. "Damn. I'm actually genuinely proud of you Kiersten" Alyssa smiled at me. I stared at her confused "Your nose is bleeding" James pointed to her nose. "Whatever" She says and stood up. "Can we go to your house?"

*James POV*

"Can we go to your house?" Alyssa asks me. This is my moment to murder her. I can just imagine Alyssa laying on the ground practically in a pool of blood. "Yeah, sure" I nodded.

I am still surprised of what Kiersten has done. She was so quiet but she had the courage to stand up to Alyssa.

*Kiersten's POV*

"Why do you live in such a weird house?" Alyssa asks. "It's odd, but at least he has a home" I said quietly. "I don't know" James says. "Theres too many windows" Alyssa points out stupid things. "Maybe" James says and Alyssa stops for a moment before she starts walking again.

James closes the door after me. "Thank you" I smile kindly and he smiles slightly. "Is that your Mum?" Alyssa picks up a picture of a woman with blonde hair. "Yeah. She lives in Japan" He replies. I don't really believe him but I go along with it. "Cool. You look like her" Alyssa continues to look around. James gulps and I can see a slight frown. Somethings sketchy.

After looking around, we went outside and sat on a bench swing. "This is pretty retro." Alyssa examines the swing. "I don't like it" James says and I could tell he's sad. "Why not?" Alyssa asks. James thinks for a moment. "I just don't." He looks almost dead while saying that. "I like the view" I smile. James looks at me with kind eyes. There was a few moments of silence and then Alyssa placed her hand on his thigh.

A couple minutes later, we headed inside and made toast. I sat down and James and I glanced at each other every once in a while. Theres something about him, I don't know what, but he seems like he would be really sweet. Alyssa makes toast with bread and passes it to James.

*James POV*

Kiersten seems more laid back than Alyssa. Alyssa seems more angry and obnoxious. Kiersten seems shy and quiet. One of the main reasons why I can't kill her. She's unknown, too quiet..Alyssa is a perfect target because nobody would see it coming. I imagine Alyssa's blood everywhere and when I snapped back into reality, Alyssa was handing me toast.

I also noticed that Kiersten doesn't eat nearly as much as Alyssa. I scoot over my toast to her and give her a tiny smile. Kiersten smiles back and takes a bite out of her toast.

*Kiersten's POV*

James was sweet after all, he gave me his toast. "Oh, no." James mumbles. Suddenly the door slams and a voice starts speaking. "The hunter has returned" I think his Dad said.

James Dad sat down. "Cheers!" He clinks his drink with Alyssa's toast. "Well, this is nice" His Dad said. "What is?" Alyssa says unsure. "This. Them two. Eh?" He points to James and I. "Oh--I'm not--""What a relief" He laughs. "I tell you what. I've never been sure if he even, you know...I always thought there was something wrong with him!" His Dad wheezes. James and I stared at each other. "I thought he was gay. Which is..That's fine. Like...Obviously. But, uh, here you are" He looks at James and I. "Maybe Kiersten is Gay." She looks at me and I look back confused. "Maybe James is asexual" Alyssa bites her toast and his Dad looks at her confused. "We're dealing with a really broad spectrum these days." Alyssa takes a bite of her toast and his Dad nods along. Alyssa leaves while, James and I follow.

Alyssa was on the roof and we followed her, sitting down. "Your Dad's a prick" Alyssa comments. "Yeah, I know" James agrees. "Sometimes, I feel like punching him in the face" James states. "You should definitely do that" I say and he nods. "Have you ever eaten a pussy before?" Alyssa asks making me stare at her like she's mad. "Yeah. A few." James said which definitely not true. Not to be judgemental but he just doesn't seem like that type of person. "I want you to eat mine" Alyssa said making James uncomfortable. "Now?" We all look at each other. "No dumb ass. Your new friend/fake girlfriend is here" Alyssa says. "Tomorrow. I'll be here at 11:00" Alyssa says. They kept on talking and I feel asleep tired.

(Next Morning)

I woke up in a soft bed. I fluttered my eyes open and I saw James sitting there staring at me. "James?" I rub my eyes. "Oh, hey, sorry..you fell asleep so I just thought I'd let you sleep here" He explains. "Thanks" I smile. "Oh...I didn't steal your bed did I?" I asked. "It's fine. I slept on the sofa" He says. "Oh okay, thanks once again" I smile. "No problem" He smiles. "You know that's the first time I've seen you fully smile?" I point out. "Oh, yeah." He says. "Well, I should leave..." I said getting up. "No It's fine you can stay. I really don't want to be awkward around Alyssa alone" He says and I chuckle. "Okay, do you have a shower and clothes?" I ask. "Yeah, my shower is around the corner and my clothes are in my drawer" He points. "Okay, thank you" I smile and he leaves. I hop in the shower.

I finished getting ready and I got into a long yellow shirt with black ripped jeans.

*James POV*

I carried Kiersten into my room because she fell asleep and laid her down. She seemed different from any other girl I have ever met. She doesn't annoy me or make me feel uncomfortable or embarrassed. Alyssa is the exact opposite and I wonder why they're even friends. Alyssa told me some stuff about her like her Mum and Dad don't like her and they abuse her so she isn't home most of the time, which is of course really upsetting. But, I'd rather have that happen to me than what happened with me and my Mum.

Kiersten started waking up and I forgot I was hardcore staring at her and seemed like a huge creep. "James?" She rubbed her eyes. "Oh, hey, sorry..you fell asleep so I just thought I'd let you sleep here" I explain. "Thanks" She says and we had a long conversation before she went into the shower. I planned of killing Alyssa, different strategies. I was ready at 11:00. Actually, I was ready at 10:00. When it got to 12:00, I started to think she might not be coming. Shortly, Kiersten came out and I put my knife in my shoe. "You look nice" I said softly. "Thanks" She smiles and sits down. We, well Kiersten mostly, talked until Alyssa came. She barged through the door.

*Kiersten's POV*

Alyssa ran in the house angry with a mix of sad. Alyssa threw off her shirt and sighed. "Come here" She said to both of us. We looked at each other and sat on the other sofa. She leaned her head back for a couple of moments before sitting up once again. "What?" James says. "Let's get out of here" Alyssa says. "Wait, what?" I said. "What?" James said. "I'm serious." She says. "Let's leave this shithole town. Now" Alyssa says angrily. James and I both look at her in shock. "Kiersten hates it, You hate it, and I hate it. Our parents are dickheads." Alyssa makes a point. "You've got a car" She says to James. "It's my dad's" He says softly. "Who's a dickhead!" Alyssa says. "I'm going, whether you guys come with me or not. Are you both in?" She asks. "Yeah, all right" James says. "I suppose" I agree. We get up and start walking outside to James Dad's car. James Dad walks up to James and James punches him in the face. I looked at him proud and shocked, gave him a fist bump. We got in the car and started driving. "Are you scared?" She asks us. "I dunno. A bit, maybe" James says. "What about you?" Alyssa looks at me. "Not that much" I shrug. "I'm not." Alyssa says with a blank expression.

Let's see what this adventure has to hold..

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