Flashpoint (Season 2) #Wattys...

By Angela_Tillson

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(Book 2) Alexandria Parker, also known as Alex is the daughter of Sergeant Greg Parker of the SRU. The Strat... More

Chapter 1: Eagle Two
Chapter 2: Backwards Day
Chapter 3: Between Heartbeats
Chapter 4: Business as Usual
Chapter 5: Clean Hands
Chapter 6: The Perfect Family
Chapter 7: The Perfect Storm
Chapter 8: One Wrong Move
Chapter 10: Custody
*Authors Note*
Chapter 11: The Farm
Chapter 12: You Think You Know Someone
Chapter 13: Behind The Blue Line

Chapter 9: Never Let You Down

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By Angela_Tillson

"I've been thinking about this all day" Lou begins to explain. "I've been thinking of ways that I could save you" he cries as Alex notices a tear fall from his eye and she takes a deep breath.

"It was...Uhm...It was Lou" Alex admits slowly and they all quickly look around frantically. "No" Spike says shaking his head in disbelief.

"Alex?" a voice questions concerned, causing Alex to take a deep breath and look towards her bedroom door to see Sophie standing there. "Hey, Sophie" Alex sighs with a small smile on her face as she looks down at her phone to see the 'one new voicemail' notification, but pushes it under her covers. Sophie walks over towards the bed and sits down on the edge, looking back at Alex. "How are you doing?" she asks curiously and quietly. "Did my dad or Eddie tell you to come in and check on me?" Alex questions. "No" she begins and Alex looks at her unconvinced. "Maybe" she snickers, causing Alex to snicker as well.

Alex's smile quickly fades and she looks back down to her hands on her lap. She could feel a tear fall from her eye, and she raises her hand to wipe it away. "Alex" Sophie sighs as her hand goes to touch Alex's but Alex quickly pulls away and gets up off the bed. "I need to get ready for work" she protests with more frustration than she intended. Sophie gets up slowly, nodding her head. "Okay" she whispers and walks towards the door. "Sophie!" Alex then shouts and Sophie looks back. "I'm sorry" Alex whispers. "No, sweetheart. I'm sorry" Sophie says with a small smile before she disappears around the corner as she walks towards the living room.

Alex reaches under her covers, grabbing her phone and sighs as she notices the little light flashing in the corner. It's been a week since Lou died and she hasn't been back to work since. It has also been a week since she has seen Spike, or even talked to him. Everything felt so...wrong.

After a long and silent car ride to the station with her dad and Eddie. Alex opens the door and steps out looking around the parking lot. She then stands with the door open and closes her eyes.

"Hey beautiful!" Lou's voice shouts as Alex walks through the parking lot. She turns around and smiles as she sees both him and Spike walking towards her. "Hey handsome" she shouts back. "Okay, woah! Is there something I'm missing here?" Spike questions confused and sarcastically. "Nope, just your best friend, and your girlfriend having some fun tormenting you" Lou laughs as he throws his arm around Spike's shoulder.

Alex takes a deep breath as she open her eyes and notices Eddie and her dad looking at her. "Who's ready for work?" she questions as she closes the car door and walks quickly into the station with them following behind her. "What can I do, Eddie?" Greg asks frustrated. "Just let her figure things out herself. It was her birthday, and she lost her best friend. I think all she needs right now, is time" Eddie explains.

"Your phone has been turned off all day. I know this because I called you. I left a voicemail to explain everything" he quickly explains. "What?" Alex questions. "Also, I left a gift for you in your locker. I put it there this morning, before we left" Lou continues.

His voice rang through Alex's ears as she stands frozen, staring at her locker door. "Alex?" Jules voice questions. "Yeah?" Alex asks with a smiles as she turns around and looks back at Jules. "You getting ready?" she asks. "Yeah. Tell my dad. I'll be out there in a second" Alex answers and watches as Jules nods her head and leaves the locker room. Alex takes another deep breath and opens her locker door, grabbing her uniform. She looks towards the top shelf and notices a small box with a white bow. She reaches her hand up and grabs it.

When Alex opened the tiny box she smiles as a gold necklace with the letter "A" lays inside of it. Inside the gold letter were three little diamonds. She lifted it up slowly and takes a deep breath feeling an ache in her heart. "Thank you, Lou" she whispers as she puts it round her neck then goes to change.

In the men's locker room, Spike stood staring at Lou's locker as a plaque hung there with his name and picture on it. Tears began to fill his eyes but he quickly wipes them away as someone walks in. "Spike" Greg whispers and Spike looks over towards him. "You ready?" Greg then asks. "Sure" Spike answers bluntly as he takes one more look at the plaque and then leaves the locker room with Greg.

Alex leaves the locker room and notices a maintenance guy removing the sign above the locker room that read Jules & Alex and replaces it with a sign that just read Woman's on it. She shakes her head slowly and walks towards the briefing room to see the team sitting around the table and Greg standing at the front. "Good morning, Team One" Alex announces as she heads to the front to stand with her dad. "Good morning" Jules replies as Alex catches eyes with Spike. They both stare at each other for a second and then Alex looks away and towards the rest of the Team. "Barring any calls, it's gonna be a light day. No warrants until this afternoon, so i'm thinking we patrol. You okay with that, Eddie?" Alex explains as she looks towards Eddie. "Yup. Good with that" Eddie nods. "Good. Okay" Alex breaths and looks around the table again as Greg takes a seat in one of the two chairs in front of her. And then Alex realizes the new face. "Leah Kerns, first day. Welcome. We're gonna take it easy today....And i'm sure you remember everyone from the recruiting trials, So, I won't embarrass you with any speeches" Alex then says as she takes a seat next to her father. "Can I say something?" Leah then asks curiously. "Floor's yours" Alex nods and Leah stands up from her chair.

Everyone from the table looks towards her as she smiles. "Thank you for choosing me. I know why i'm here. You're down a guy and i'm replacing him" she begins to say as everyone then looks down towards the table slowly. "Don't hate me for it. Firefighting unit I served with, we lost one of ours, so I know what that's like. If you wanna talk about it?" Leah continues to say. "We're good" Jules then quickly states and Leah sits down. "Jules" Alex whispers as she looks towards Jules and then back up at Leah. "Thank you, Leah. Like I said before, it's going to be an easy day-" Alex then says but suddenly the alarm sounds. "Team one, suit up. Suit up. Shots fired" Winnie's voice loudly. "Let's go!" Eddie demands as he bangs his hand on the table. Jules then stands up and looks down at Alex furiously. "Time and a place" Alex states as she walks by and notices Jules look back at Leah before walking out of the room with the rest of the team. "You can ride with me" Alex smiles as Leah follows behind her.


Alex speeds down the busy downtown streets behind Eddie's car with Jules' car behind her. "We have gunshot reports at Eighty-One Twelve Wolf Trail Crescent" Winnie announces. "Copy" Alex answers. "It's pretty amazing how you're a Sergeant along with your father" Leah then says. "The Team calls me Sarge, and him Boss. But, don't worry if you get it wrong" Alex snickers. "I will definitely try not to" Leah replies. "Look, the team is not usually a pain in the ass like they are today. But like you said, we did lose someone. He saved my life, by taking his own" Alex explains slowly. "Well, I guess it shows how strong you are, because here you are being nice to me. While I feel as though everyone else sees me as a bad guy" Leah sighs as she looks out the window. "They will come around, I promise. Just give them time" Alex advises as she begins to slow the car down and pulls up next to the curb behind Eddie.

Alex jumps out of the car and runs towards her father as he walks beside a Police Officer. "How long since the shot was fired?" Greg asks curiously as Alex gives him a small pat on the shoulder to let him know she was there. "About fifteen minutes" the officer answers as the three of them continue to walk. "I'm pretty sure we have a hostage situation in there" the officer continues as he then stops and turns around to face Alex and Greg. "Okay, any of your officers try to make contact?" Alex then questions. "No, I told my guys to maintain a hard perimeter and wait for the cavalry" the officer answers quickly and Alex smiles and nods her head. "Thank you" she says.

Ed and Sam walk over towards them and the rest of the team follows behind. "Okay, boss, the neighbour reports hearing sounds of an argument between Zoe and an unidentified male" Ed begins to explain his conversation with Zoe's neighbour. "An argument with who? She have a roommate?" Greg questions. "Lives alone" Ed shakes his head. "No, but she does have a boyfriend. It's not the first time the neighbour's heard them arguing" Sam suggests and Ed turns his head to look at them. "Yeah, but this time it got physical" he then advises.

"Alright, guys, I sketched a floor plan based on the neighbour's description. White wall, one window. Black wall, door. Sam, Wordy and I, Alpha team" Eddie announces. "Where do you want me?" Leah then questions curiously. "Bravo team with Spike and Alex. Stay on sentry, black wall exit" Eddie answers. Alex, Spike, and Leah nod their heads. "Copy" Alex then states and they run to their position.

"Jules!" Greg shouts as he turns to face the Command Truck and spots Jules about to climb in. "Boss?" she then questions as she turns to look at him. Greg walks closer and places his hand on the door. "Get me anything you can on Zoe Granger. Who her boyfriend is, and anything that can help, okay? Just feed me on the fly" he then orders. "Copy" Jules nods and then continues to climb into the command truck. "Winnie!" Greg says. "I need a phone number for Zoe Granger" he then demands. "Copy that" Winnie replies through the headset.

Eddie, Sam, and Wordy all run through the front doors to the apartment building as Alex, Spike and Leah slowly make their way to the side doors. "seven twelve am, SRU arrive on scene. Shot fired, possible barricaded domestic" Jules speaks into the mic for the transcripts. "Their not picking up" Greg sighs after trying to call the number. "Go in aggressive."

"Hit it! Hit it! Hit it!" Eddie says quickly and him and Sam move out of the way so Wordy can hit the door open with the ram. Once it was open, Wordy drops the ram and the three of them enter quickly holding up their guns. "Police!" Sam yells. "Get down!" Wordy then follows as they continue to check every room. "Bedroom clear" Sam sighs. "Kitchen Clear!" Eddie announces. Eddie then hears the water running in the bathroom and he looks at Sam with wide eyes. "Go!" Eddie then yells as Sam kicks open the bathrooms door and find nothing. Eddie lowers his gun and turns off the sink. "Boss their gone" Eddie sighs.

"We checked. No sign of her, boss" Eddie advises through the headset. "Okay, new deal. Jules, call it" Greg says as he turns around in his chair in the Command Truck and points at her. Jules leans over and speaks into the mic. "Seven twenty-one am armed abduction" Jules states. "Alright, let's read the scene fast. Time's against us. Spike, need you in the truck for intel. Jules, the witnesses. Priority is the boyfriend's name, a vehicle, a destination, anything" Greg demands quickly. "Greg?" Leah's voice says making everyone quiet as they all look confused. "Yeah, Leah?" Greg answers. "What do you want me to do?" she questions. "Profile with Jules, Leah" he then says. "Copy" she smiles. Spike rolls his eyes and walks towards her to place his gun back in the back of the SUV. "Word to the wise? We call him, boss" Spike hisses as Alex moves to stand beside him, stopping him from walking towards the Command Truck. He then smirks as he looks down to the ground taking a deep breath, and Alex turns to look at Leah with a smile. "Your free to go, Leah" Alex says and they both watch her walk towards the truck.

Alex then reaches down and turns off Spikes mic, and then reaches down to turns off hers as Spike stands in front of her looking pissed off. "Alex, I have a job to-" Spike begins to say before Alex interrupts him. "Seriously, Spike?" she questions. "What?" Spike asks with an aggressive tone. Alex snickers as she begins to feel the anger rush through her. "Look, your mad me. Okay? Not Leah. She did nothing to you, Spike. I am the stupid one that decided that stepping on a landmine was the right idea. Am I correct?" Alex then asks, but before Spike could continue Alex begins again. "You have no right to be mad at Leah. Lou died saving my life, Spike. Mine. I have to live with it! Everyday! So, I'm sorry. I am so sorry that your best friend died saving your girlfriend" Alex then says. "Alex" Spike then whispers but Greg's voice comes through the headset and stops him from continuing. "Spike? Where are you. We only have a certain amount of time." Alex then reaches down and turns on her mic as she looks up at Spike, shaking her head slowly. "He's on his way" she advises as she hears Spike sigh. Alex then turns around and walks away.

"So, you do know his name?" Jules asks as her and Leah stand in Zoe's neighbours apartment. "No. I don't even know her that well" the woman answers as she holds back her German Shepard on the leash. "After the gunshot, did you see anything? Did you hear a car take off?" Jules then asks. "Oh, totally. A few minutes after the shot, I looked out my window and I saw this car come tearing out of the parking lot" she answers loudly as the dog barks at Jules and Leah. "Great! Did you manage to get a plate number?" Jules then asks curiously. "No, it moved to fast" the woman sighs. "Can you describe the vehicle?" Leah asks as Alex walks into the apartment and smiles at them.

"Rachel, this one of our Sargents, Alex Parker" Jules smiles as Alex reaches out and shakes the woman's hand. "Hi. Wow, you seem young to be a Sargent" the woman snickers. "I get that a lot" Alex laughs and then looks down at the dog who was now growling quietly. "Alex, be careful" Jules then says as she places a hand on Alex's shoulder. Alex holds out her hand and lets the dog smell her. "He's just scared. You heard the gunshot didn't you?" Alex whispers as the dog stops growling and she places her hand on the top of his head to pet him. "He just wants to protect his mom" Alex then smiles and looks up at the woman.

"I'm sorry. You were mentioning the car?" Alex then advises and stands back up. "Right!" Rachel says. "I don't know, four doors, uh, kinda old?" she then says and shrugs her shoulders. "You have to be a little bit more descriptive than that" Leah says. "You know, my grandfather, he used to drive the exact same car. Kinda smelled inside 'cause my brother-" "Do you remember the colour?" Leah interrupts. "Reddish?" Rachel then questions, not really knowing the answer. "Reddish. Okay, so you don't know a make?" Alex asks. "Okay, I don't know cars" Rachel protests. "Well, I have a friend who does, so you're gonna come with us...and he's gonna stay though, Okay" Alex says and Rachel lets go of the leash and points a finger at the dog. "Stay Archie" she says.

Once they are in the hall, Alex turns to Jules. "Okay, so take her down to the Command Truck and have Spike work with her. I'm gonna go see the guys." "Copy that" Jules smiles.

Alex walks into Zoe's apartment and Eddie walks up to her. "Okay, Sarge, no signs of forced entry here except our handiwork" Eddie explains referring to where Wordy used the ram on the door. "So either she was okay with inviting him in" Alex begins to say as she walks over towards Sam. "Or she was okay with not being shot when he was waving a gun in her face" Eddie finishes. "What do you got, Sam?" Alex asks as she kneels down beside him. "Small caliber casing. Three eighty ACP" Sam advises as he stands up, followed by Alex. "This matches the box of ammo Wordy found in the bedroom" he then says. "So the gun was hers" Alex sighs.

Back in the Command Truck, Spike shows Rachel some cars. "Nope" she says as he pulls up yet another picture. He then clicks the mouse and the picture changes. "No...Wait!" she then says and Spike looks at her. "Nope" she then sighs. "Rachel, assuming the subject's vehicle is speeding away as we speak, time is kinda important here" Spike then states. "Okay, well I guess it sorta had, like, these long, stretched out cat eyes" Rachel then says. "Cat eyes?" Spike says curiously. "Yeah...Sorry" Rachel whispers in a upset tone. "No, no. Cat eyes. I can work with cat eyes" Spike reassures as he types away on the keyboard.

Upstairs, Jules and Leah continue to look around the apartment for anything else that could help. "She's in chef school" Jules says as she holds the book up to show Leah. "There is nothing here. Nothing to go on. No photos" Leah then huffs as Jules continues to search. "Actually, there is. No photos means no family, isolated, maybe estranged" Jules suggests. "Right, That's why she's with the badass boyfriend" Leah whispers. "Perceptive" Jules smiles. "Been there" Leah states as she looks through a stack of papers. "Hey!" she then shouts and lifts up a piece of paper to show Jules. "Paystub" Leah smiles. "Nice!"

"Boss, Sarge, We have a workplace" Jules states through the headset as Greg walks into the apartment. "That's great. Check it out, Jules" Alex orders. "Boss, I'm thinking she kept a handgun just in case. Let him in, hoping not to use it" Eddie explains to Greg as Alex walks over and stands next to them. "Yeah, things go south she goes for the gun, and her bag" Greg begins to say. "Maybe there's a struggle, the gun goes off" Alex then says shrugging her shoulders. "And misses. There's no blood, so that's a positive" Eddie states as they all look around the room.

"Guys, I got something" Spikes voice interrupts through the headset. "Go ahead Spike" Greg orders.

"Subject's vehicle is a red Nebraska, mid ninety's" Spike states. "Let's put an APB out on the car. One male, one female passenger. This is an armed abduction. If they're spotted, do not engage. SRU only" Alex then orders quickly. "Copy. I'm gonna patch you into the red lit traffic cams too" Spike than adds.


"Oh my god, is she alright?" a voice says through the phone as Jules holds it up to her ear. "We don't know yet. We think that she's been abducted" Jules explains slowly. "It's gotta be Jeff" the woman says. "Is that her boyfriend?" Jules questions curiously. "Jeff Stuckley. He was in here this morning. They had a fight" the voice explains in a panicked tone. "Do you know where he lives?" Jules asks. "No...Uh...Leslieville somewhere" the voice admits. Jules places her hand over the speaker of the phone and turns towards her headset mic. "Spike, Jeff Stuckley, Leslieville address" Jules informs. "Copy" Spike replies.

"So, he's her boyfriend?" Jules questions again. "Ex. Only he doesn't think so. You know, she keeps trying to break up with him, he keeps try to make up with her, But, this morning it didn't work" the woman explains frantically. "Has he been violent with her? Made any threats?" Jules then asks. "Yeah, I mean, he's rough with her, he's always putting her down" she answers. "Then why would she stay with him?" "He would always say things like...I need you, baby...uh...All we have is each other" And she fell for it every time. It's like she couldn't think straight" the voice on the phone continues to explain.

Greg enters the Command Truck with Alex and they look over at Spike. "Jeffrey is what we call known to the police. Break and enter, aggravated assault" Spike says as Greg leans over and takes a closer look at the screen. "Does he have a registered Nebraska by any chance?" he asks curiously. "No, but carjacking seems well within his skill set" Spike snickers and Greg does the same.

"Has she reported him for assault? Jules continues to question the woman on the phone. "No, she's crazy loyal. She's a really great gal. Please, make sure nothing happens to her" the woman begs. "We're gonna do everything we can to bring her home" Jules says in a cheerful tone and then hangs up the phone. "I got a home address" Spike then announces. "Okay, team. Were on the move! Lets go!" Alex shouts as she turns and follows Greg out of the command truck. They all hop into the SUVs and quickly drive down the streets with the sirens and lights going off.

Alex jumps out of the car after parking it and runs into the building without backup. "Alex!" Eddies voice screams but she was already through the main doors to the apartment building. Alex stops at Jeffrey's front door and listens in. "We could, but I mean, that wouldn't be very smart, cause I don't know where else you're gonna get a deal" she hears a male voice say. Then she hears footsteps coming up behind her and a hand is placed on her shoulder. "You can take him down, but never without backup" Eddie whispers in her ear like a concerned uncle figure would.

Sam then kicks down the door as Eddie holds up a shield in front of Alex and the team as they all come in yelling. "Police! Put your hands up!" Jules yells. Alex notices Jeffery drop his phone and look towards the window. "Don't even!" Alex then yells as she begins to run towards him. Jeffery runs as quickly as he can towards the open window and jumps out, but Alex jumps out after him and grabs him while she feels someone grab a hold of her belt before she could fall. Jeffery then looks up at Alex out of breath and she smiles. "Don't worry...I got you" Alex states sarcastically as the team pulls her up and back into the apartment. "Eight fourteen am, subject contained" Wordy's voice says through the headset.

Sam takes Jeffery, who is now in handcuffs and sits him on the couch as Greg and Eddie look at Alex. "Are you crazy!" Eddie whisper yells. "You can't just jump out a window to save someone. What if nobody caught you? Then you would both be dead" Eddie continues. "But I'm not! And neither is he. If I didn't what would your next move be? I knew you would catch me, you know why?" Alex asks. "Why?" Eddie then questions as he crosses his arms over his chest. "Because the both of you know my moves before I even make them. And if not before, you know it before anything bad happens" Alex then says and Greg and Eddie look at each other and take a deep breath. "Not the point" Greg says. 

Alex turns around and places her hands on Jeff's knees as he sits on the couch looking her in the eyes. "Jeff Stuckley, where's Zoe?" she asks in a aggressive tone. "I don't know!" he says as he moves his head closer towards Alex, but she doesn't move. "You sure about that, Jeff? A gun was discharged at her apartment this morning. She's missing, and I'm happy to tell you, that you are a person of interest" Alex smirks. "What!" Jeff snaps. "Where were you an hour ago?" Alex then asks as Jeff slowly leans back in his seat. "I was here" he answers. "She's my girlfriend, what do you think i'm gonna do?" Jeff argues as his anger heats back up. "Girlfriend? Come on, Jeff. We heard Zoe broke up with you and you were taking it pretty hard. You do know that desperate is a word" Alex smiles, but Jeff quickly sits backup and shoots towards Alex. "Screw You!" Jeff yells but Sam and Eddie push him back on the couch and hold him as Alex smiles down towards him. "Where'd you go when you left the doughnut shop, Jeff?" she then questions but he doesn't say anything, causing Alex to stand straight up and turn around.

Alex walks around the living room and looks at things on the shelf and she could feel Jeff's eyes following her. "This is a beautiful menorah. You jewish Jeff?" Alex asks as she picks up the Menorah and looks at it with a smile. "Spike? Feel like running some insurance numbers?" Alex then questions but Jeff quickly speaks. "I don't know where she is, okay?" he yells. "Five, Seven, Three-" Alex begins to say, but hands it off to Jules who continues to tell Spike.

"You know who you should be looking at?" Jeff asks frustrated as Alex looks down at him and crosses her arms over her chest. "I'll tell you who you should be looking at" Jeff continues. "Yeah?" Alex questions curiously. "Yeah, I'm serious. This weird guy, he hangs out at the donut shop 24/7. His name's Dale. He's obsessed with Zoe. He's got a real thing for her" Jeff explains and Alex watches his facial expressions and notices, he's not lying. "I'm telling you, there's something off in the head with that guy" Jeff continues as Jules walks over towards Alex. "Sarge, the insurance numbers match, items stolen from a pawn shop earlier this morning" Jules states as Jeff lets out a snicker. "Must be a mistake" he says and Alex looks down at him again and points at him. "Are you interrupting my friend?" Alex asks aggressively and the team smiles as Jeff looks down towards the ground and Alex looks back up at Jules. "Go ahead" she says. "The alarm was tripped at seven o'five this morning, he's in the clear. He didn't take Zoe" Jules continues to explain.

Alex looks back down to see Jeff with a big smile on his face. "Awe Jeff. Wipe the smile off your face because the good news is that we still get to arrest you for robbery" Alex states. "What! You can't prove I did it" Jeff argues. "You were caught on the video surveillance camera" Alex says and then looks over at Wordy. "Officer Wordsworth?" she questions. "It'll be my pleasure" Wordy smiles as he walks over and lifts Jeff off his seat. "Look, when you find her can you give her a message for me?" Jeff asks and Alex snickers as she waves her hand. "Nope. Keep walking, Jeff."

Greg and Eddie walk towards Alex and sigh. "Alright, new deal. Jules first I want you to call back the woman Zoe works with. See what you can get about this Dale guy" Alex orders. "Copy that" Jules voice says through the headset as she makes her way towards the Command Truck. "We will see what info she gets and base our next move on it" Greg announces.

"He's gotta be talking about Dale. He's in here all the time" the woman's voice says. "So was he there this morning?" Jules asks curiously. "He's in here every time Zoe's working" the woman explains. "He knows her schedule?" Alex questions confused. "Look, any gal that works in a coffee shop like this has a regular like Dale. A guy that, you know, takes a shine to her" the woman says and Alex shakes her head, concered and places her hand over her headset mic and turns to Spike. "I want you to get everything you can on Dale. Use what we know now and if we get anymore use it to your advantage. Something about this is not right" Alex says in a quiet tone and Spike nods his head.

"So, he has a thing for Zoe?" Jules questions confused. "In a sweet way. I think he's just a lonely guy. A little intense maybe" the woman explains and Alex looks over at her dad. "Intense?" she whispered confused. "Do you know Dale's last name?" Spike questions. "He never mentioned it" the woman answers. "Well you see him a lot. What do you know about him?" Alex asks curiously. "He doesn't talk about himself very much" the woman replies quickly. "What does he talk about?" Alex asks. "Zoe" she whispers. "Does he ever pay with credit card?" Spike then asks. "Always cash?" she replies through the phone. "What kind of car does he drive?" Eddie then asks bluntly. "I guess he always parks out back. I have never seen his car" she answers. "Alright. Thanks" Jules says and then hangs up the phone.

"Spike, how many old model Red Nebraska's we got in the city?" Eddie asks. "Over two hundred" Spike answers quickly. "First name, Dale" Eddie then states. "Alright, there's a Dale Mezzatesta" Spike answers. "That's a woman" Alex smiles looking at the screen. "Too young, Too far, too ung-" Spike begins to list off but then stops. "Okay, Dale Murray, he's 51" Spike then says. "That's our guy!" Alex advises. "twenty-six Corral Street" Spike continues. "Right near the coffee shop" Jules states. "Okay, feed us info on Dale" Greg demands as he looks at Spike. Then him, Eddie and Jules all leave the Command Truck and Alex is about to follow them when Spike grabs her hand and turns off her mic. "We need to talk" Spike sighs. "I know. Just not right now. Tonight at the station. Okay?" Alex questions. "Okay" Spike smiles as he nods his head. "Be careful" he then whispers. "Always" Alex smiles as she places a kiss on Spike's cheek and turns around and leaves the truck.

She quickly jumps into the driver's seat of her truck and turns back on her mic, driving quickly behind her father and Eddie. "Dale Murray: self-Employed contractor. Hold on! He's flagged. Doesn't say why. Let me see if there's a file on him" Spike says through the headset. After about ten minutes the team arrives at the house and Eddie and Greg hop out of the first SUV. Then Sam and Jules, followed by Alex and Leah in the last SUV. They all walk up to the front door and Greg looks in the window, ringing the doorbell. A woman soon answers. "Mrs. Murray?" Alex questions as she steps through the team and stands next to her father and Eddie. "Yes?" she questions confused. "I'm Sergeant Alex Parker, we're with the Police Strategic Response Unit. Is your husband at home?" Alex asks. "My ex-husband. No, he hasn't lived here in over a year" she answers. "Ma'am, with your permission, we would like to come in and verify that for ourselves" Eddie states calmly. "Of course" the woman nods as she moves out of the way to let them in.

Team One scrambles through every room of the house and looks in every possible hiding spot. "He's got a daughter" Eddie's voice says through the headset. "It's musty. Nobody's been in here in a while" Wordy says as they walk through the daughters bedroom. "Maybe she moved out" Eddie then adds as Alex and Leah search downstairs on the main floor. Alex notices some pictures and suddenly understands everything that is happening. "Team One. This just got interesting" Alex states as she shows Leah the picture. Alex then holds up her phone with Zoe's picture on it next to the picture of Dale's daughter in the frame and shakes her head. "Guys? You gotta see this" Alex then says as she takes a picture and sends it to the team.

"More than just a passing resemblance" Jules voice then says. "Mrs. Murray, do you have a daughter?" Alex asks as she turns the corner into the living room and spots her sitting down with Greg and Jules close by. "I did" Mrs. Murray answers and Alex looks at her confused. "I'm sorry?" Alex questions. "Isn't that why you're here? Because you think Dale killed our daughter?" Mrs. Murray asks and Alex looks back at her dad with wide eyes shocked.


"Married for nineteen years to Judith. I got an open file on Wendy Murray, Dale's daughter. She went missing when she was eighteen years old" Spike says. "Okay, go on" Alex advises. "She was going back to college on a bus, but she never arrived. No sign she was making plans to run away" Spike continues. "Suspects?" Greg questions. "Nothing solid. But I can tell you who was a person of interest" Spike says. "Let me guess" Alex says sarcastically. "Dale Murray" Spike answers.

Alex turns back around and looks at Mrs. Murray. "Mrs. Murray, we're here because we believe your ex-husband has abducted a young woman named Zoe Granger two hours ago" Alex begins as she pulls out her phone and opens the picture. "Do you recognize her?" Alex then questions. "No" Mrs. Murray shakes her head and looks up at Jules and Greg. "She was abducted violently. There was a gunshot" Jules states. "Ma'am, if you know anything" Greg begins to say. "There's a trailer, just west of the city. That's where he lives now" Mrs. Murray answers quickly and Greg places a hand on Alex's shoulder. "Go" he whispers and she immediately walks out of the room and towards the SUVs. "Guys we got a location" Alex states and quickly notices Eddie and Leah jump into her SUV as Wordy and Sam jump into the one in front of her. "Where to?" Sam asks as he climbs into the driver's seat. "Just start heading west. I am right behind you. We will find out more on the road" Alex states as she looks over at Eddie in the passenger seat and he nods his head. "Copy that" Sam's voice says.

"The Police thought it might be Dale; he was the last one to see Wendy. He drove her to the bus station, so she could go back to college, But, she never got there" Mrs. Murray continued to say to Greg and Jules back at the house. "Dale said they had an argument. The police were all over us, investigating Dale. They never told me what was going on. And I was going crazy and Dale just hid in that damn trailer. No phone, just hiding" Mrs. Murray continues and looks back up at Greg. "That girl. She looks like Wendy" she whispers.


"Get ready, guys. Boss said after two miles of dirt road, trailer should be right there" Eddie announces through the headset. "Any other population up here? Campgrounds? Cabins?" Wordy asks. "Not according to the satellite images. Just trees, trees, and more trees" Spike's voice says, who was now sitting in the passenger seat of Sam's SUV.

Sam and Alex park the SUVs out of site and the team continues on foot until they see the trailer. After checking it out, Eddie, Sam and Wordy come out of the trailer. "Boss, they were just here. Door's open, food on the stove, car's missing, table set for two. Zoe's still alive" Eddie assures. "At least she was until they left in a hurry" Alex huffs with frustration and walks towards the large trees to get some air. Leah was about to follow, but Spike quickly stops her. "She just needs space" he says in a calm tone and Leah nods her head.

"Hidden in the back of Dale's closet, pictures of Zoe, her class schedule. Boss, he's had her under the microscope for months. She didn't even know it" Wordy explains. "Sometimes it's the quiet ones you gotta worry about" Alex sighs as she begins to calm down. "Alright, Just keep looking. Fast is good." Greg advises. "Copy that" Eddie begins. "Guys, transponders on. Fan out, full stealth. Wordy, contact regional PD, Get 'em to keep watch for a red Nebraska in case our friend's hit the highway. Leah, you're with me." Eddie explains quickly. "You got it" Leah then says. Alex watches as the team spreads out and begins to walk in separate directions and she takes it to her advantage to go her own way. "I'll get the parabolic mic, see what we can pick up" Spikes voice then says as Alex begins to walk deeper into the forest alone.

"Well, good news. Dale and Zoe were at the trailer, like you said. Just a matter of time before my team finds them" Greg says to Mrs. Murray. "Mrs. Murray, do you think that your ex-husband was responsible for your daughter's disappearance?" Greg then asks curiously. "He started acting odd" Mrs. Murray states quietly. "Go on, please" Greg nods and Mrs. Murray takes a deep breath. "When I'd try to talk to him, he was not there. He stopped bathing, eating. Lived in his on world, locked away in his trailer, cut off from everyone" she begins to explain. "Sounds like he had a breakdown. Did he get any help?" Jules questions curiously. "He wouldn't stop staring at her photo, saying he loved her too much. Saying sorry to her. He started talking about how he wanted to die I made him go into the Greenfalls Institute" Mrs. Murray admits. "Greenfalls institute. Hold on one moment" Greg says as he stands up and walks a few steps away from her.

"Team One team leader, you copy?" Greg asks through the headset. "Copy" Eddie's voice says. "Okay, be advised that the subject has spent time in a mental facility. Dealing with a possible EDP" Greg advises.

"Vehicle approaching" Spike announces quickly and Alex stops walking. She knew that she was further than the rest of the team, but she didn't know how close to the road she was. She stood still and kept quiet. "Talk to me, Spike" Eddie says frantically. "South Southwest from you" Spike says. "Is it our red Nebraska?" Eddie then asks from inside the SUV with Leah in the passenger seat. "Can't hear the make and colour, it's definitely an old car" Spike admits. "I bet he's heading back to the trailer" Wordy then says. Alex looks to her left as she notices a red car speeding past the trees, but then the car suddenly stops. "Ed! He's braked! He's reversing" Spike yells through the headset. " Okay, Spike, we got him. All the roads lead to the same place" Eddie says.


"How long at Greenfalls?" Greg questions as he sits back down in the chair across from Mrs. Murray. "Six months" she answers. "And how was he diagnosed?" Jules questions. "Severe depression, acute...um...something paranoid?" she then asks confused and Greg nods his head. "Acute Delusional Paranoia" he says. "He kept imagining he'd finally found Wendy and that people were trying to take her away again" she continues to say. "But, when he was discharged his symptoms were under control, right?" Greg asks. "No. Greenfalls is voluntary. He discharged himself. When he did, he wouldn't talk to me...wouldn't touch me. He moved his trailer to the woods, spent all his time there. I filed for divorce a year ago" Mrs. Murray explains slowly. "Sounds like he never got better" Jules sighs. "How could he? Living with the guilt of what he did" she says a little more quickly. "What do you think he did?" Greg then questions. "You tell me" she demands and Greg looks her in the eyes. "You think he killed Wendy" he then answers and Mrs. Murray nods her head as tears begins to flow from her eyes. "I'm gonna go make a phone call" Greg says. "I'll be right back."


"There's the car" Leah says loudly. "We got visual" Eddie states. "You wanna approach direct or cover from the truck?" Leah asks as she looks over a Eddie as he drives towards it. "What do you wanna do?" Eddie then questions back. "Hit her hard!" Leah answers confidently. "Copy that" Eddie smiles. "Vehicle's immobilized, we're moving in" Eddie announces. "Bravo team approaching on your left" Wordy states.

Eddie stops the SUV and climbs out pointing his gun on the door, as Leah moves in towards the car. "Police!" she shouts as Sam, Wordy, and Spike come running out from the left side. "Clear!" Sam shouts. "He thinks he has a better shot on foot" Leah says as she looks around and Eddie walks towards the group. "Probably knows these woods inside out" Wordy admits. Eddie looks around at the team and holds up his hand to stop them from talking as he notices what usually happens around this time, during a call. "Where is Alex?" he then asks and everyone looks around. "I thought she was with you!" Spike says looking at Eddie. "Yeah, and I thought she was out in the field with you guys" Eddie argues.

"Come in, Alex!" Eddie says through the headset. "Eddie, what's happening?" Greg asks with a worried tone. "Same as usual, Boss. We don't have eyes on Alex" he admits. "Damit! You know her Eddie. She is probably out there following right behind this guy" Greg advises. "Alright, ten meters apart. Do not engage until we're in control position. Remember, he's still armed" Eddie then demands.


"Wendy Murray? You're gonna have to refresh my memory, Sergeant" a voice says through the phone as Greg holds it up to his ear. "She was eighteen years old, detective. She disappeared about three years ago. She got on a bus, on her way to college, never seen again" Greg explains. "Oh, yes. I remember the case. We beat the bushes on that one. We chased every lead, every scrap" the detective begins. "And?" Greg asks curiously. "She bought a bus ticket. She intended to get to her destination. Why she didn't? We don't know" the detective says. "Yea, but the father, Dale. You think he was involved?" Greg then asks. "We looked at him. We had to he was our only lead. But in the end, we found no evidence whatsoever. The kid had a fight with her dad. She was eighteen. Par for the course. No connection" the detective continues. "You don't think she's still out there?" Greg questions. "No phone call at christmas, no contact of any kind. She hasn't got any money, social insurance untouched for three years." "Yeah, I hear ya" Greg says as he looks down to the floor and then over to Mrs. Murray on the couch.

"There's only so long we keep looking for a body" the detective then says. "Look the ex-wife, she's convinced that the father is responsible. Now, you're saying that there's no reason to suspect this guy?" Greg questions confused. "No. I investigate a hundred missing person cases a year. A lot of them kids. Where there's no body, there's no closure. It wouldn't be the first time i've seen parents lose it, start pointing fingers at each other" he finishes. "Yeah, thanks, Detective" Greg sighs and hangs up the phone.


Alex continues to walk deeper and deeper into the forest, not knowing where she was going but feeling as though it was the right way. Suddenly, she hears a voice screaming for help so she picks up her gun that was laying across her chest and quickly follows the voice. As Alex gets closer she begins to hear some of the argument going on. "Wendy stop! Their gonna hear you" a male voice says. "I am not Wendy!" a female voice then yells and Alex knew it was them. "Police! Stop right there!" Eddie's voice then yells. Alex turns her head and notices the team coming over the hill she just passed and then turns back around to see Zoe and Dale change direction. So Alex decides to cut through and meet him there instead.

"Don't move!" Eddie then shouts as they get closer. "Dale Murray! Stay where you are!" Alex runs around to the opposite side of the team and spots Dale looking over a cliff as she slowly makes her way closer. "There is nowhere else to run, Dale" Alex then says, causing the team to look over towards her shocked and then relieved. She shows them a hardly un-noticable smile and turns back to face Dale. "Drop your weapon!" Sam yells and Dale looks at him furious. "You stay back!" he screams as he holds Zoe close to him and slowly steps backwards, closer to the edge.


"Mrs. Murray" Greg sighs as he sits back down in his chair, looking up towards her. "Dale didn't do anything to Wendy. He's doing what you're doing now" Greg advises. "What do you mean?" she questions confused as she plays with her hands in her lap. "He's looking for someone to blame. The only thing in this world worse than losing a child, is not knowing what happened to her" Greg begins to say as tears once again begin to form in Mrs. Murray's eyes. "You're blaming Dale because that's an answer, and Dale's blaming himself because that's an answer too. But, it's not the right answer...Because neither one of you are to blame" Greg continues to say.

He then leans closer towards her and looks her in the eyes. "I'm sorry, but Wendy is gone. Judith, she's gone, and that is what you need to start dealing with. Now, Zoe and Dale, they're gonna come home safely, And when he does, he's gonna need help. You can help him, you can be there, if you're willing" he then finishes and Judith looks at him and shows a weak smile as she nods her head. "Okay" Greg then whispers.


"I've got the solution" Sam's voice says through the headset as he moves away from the team to find a better spot. "We take out Dale, Zoe will go over the edge with him" Alex says quietly. "Copy that" Sam replies. "Team one, status?" Greg's voice then asks. "Boss, we got him contained, but he's still got Zoe and he's still armed, and they're looking down at a hundred and fifty foot drop" Alex explains. "Nice to have you back, Alex" Greg then says. "Yeah, I like to be close when the exciting things happen" Alex snickers quietly. "Okay, team, listen up. Dale doesn't wanna hurt Zoe because he believes that Zoe is his daughter" Greg states. "Go on" Alex advises as she holds her gun pointed at Dale. "Lose your daughter, she's missing for the years, and you've got a choice...You can accept that she's dead, or you can believe that she's still alive" Greg states clearly. "And Zoe looks like his daughter, she gets under his skin" Alex says. "He's trying to protect her" Eddie then adds. "And a father always wants to protect his children. He is delusional, no question. I'm sure he's not very happy to see you right now, is he?" Greg then asks. "No. No, he is not" Alex answers. "Okay, well, that's probably because of the cops planting that seed. Father gets investigated, and he starts to feel responsible, so just....just go careful, Alex" Greg says.

"We gotta stabilize him here. We gotta decrease pressure" Eddie says as he watches Dale closely. "Okay, Alex?" Greg says through the headset. "Go ahead" she answers. "You got this?" Greg questions. "Of course. You gonna help me if I need it?" Alex then asks. "Of course" Greg says in the same tone and Alex takes a deep breath. "Okay" she whispers.

"Spike, you got ears?" Eddie asks curiously. "I'll get the mic in up close, report back" Spike answers quickly. "Alright, we got to watch Dale's back here" Eddie then says "We can repel down the cliff, contain him from behind" Sam suggests. "It's to risky. He'll see you" Eddie protests. "Plenty of trees for cover. Static rope will let us down" Leah begins to say. "We can traverse across to their exact location" Sam then adds. Alex looks over at Eddie and gives a quick nod. "Okay. Don't crest that cliff 'til you hear my go" Eddie demands. "Copy" Sam replies.

"Okay, I got the sweet spot I can hear 'em now" Spike announces through the headset as Alex hands her gun over to Wordy and takes a small step forward. "Hey, Dale. My name is Alex" she begins and Dale points his gun up to her. "Boss. He has his gun pointed at her" Eddie states. "It's okay, Eddie. Just watch him. She's Okay" Greg advises.

Alex takes a deep breath and a small step back. "Now, remember, it's all about keeping Zoe close to him. He's just found his daughter, he's not gonna let go of her" Greg says through the headset. "Dale. You're really close to the edge of the cliff right now. If you want to keep her safe you might want to take a few steps forward" Alex says loudly as Dale looks her in the eyes and follows what she said. "That's great" Alex smiles relieved. "Set the anchors no more than ten feet apart" Sam's voice says through the headset. "You got it!" Leah then states.

"If he thinks Zoe's his daughter....Don't contradict him, but don't reinforce his delusion either. Find common ground" Alex says to herself. "That's right, Alex. Don't make him believe it anymore than he already does, but don't completely rip it away" Greg says. "Hey, Dale, can you tell me something about the woman you're with I can tell that she means a lot to you. You know, I admire what you're trying to do right now. I do. You're putting up a fight for what you think is right, You're setting yourself on the line" Alex begins to say and takes the advantage to step closer. "Hold on, hold on, I got something" Spike interrupts. "He thinks your playing mind games Alex" Spike says.

Suddenly, Zoe runs out of Dale's grip and towards Alex but he catches her before she could make it. "Let go of me!" Zoe screams. "No! No! Please don't leave me again!" Dale argues. "Come one guys talk to me" Greg panics. "Boss, Zoe pulled a runner. He's got her back. It's escalating" Eddie answers and Alex takes another step. "Hey!" Alex screams, causing both Dale and Zoe to look at her. Alex looks into Zoe's eyes. "Your okay. It's gonna be okay. I promise. Just calm down...It's okay" Alex says as she nods her head. Zoe looks at her with fear in her eyes but nods her head slowly. "Ed, we're in position" Sam says. "Good. Hold position. Wait for my command" Eddie answers quickly.

"You can't trick me!" Dale then screams frustrated. "Your not taking her away from me. If she leaves I will lose her forever!" "Dale! What happened to Wendy was not your fault" Alex then says loudly and quickly and Dale looks at her shocked. "It wasn't. Okay? I'm sorry that the Police investigated you for your own daughter's disappearance, but Dale. That's not Wendy" Alex continues as tears fall from Dale's eyes. "She's my Wendy" he mumbles. "She is my Wendy!" he then screams. But Zoe elbows him in the gut and Dale fumblems backwards towards the cliff, still hanging on to Zoe. "No!" Alex screams as she runs towards the edge and quickly grabs hold of Zoe's arm.

Eddie quickly runs up behind Alex and grabs hold of her belt and Zoe's other arms as he struggles to find grib on the rocks. "Dale. You have to let her go!" Alex yells as she looks down at Dale who was begins held up by Sam and Leah. "Guys, secure the ropes" Sam yells and Spike and Wordy quickly holds the ropes as tightly as they can. "Dale please!" Alex screams. "Lines are secure" Spike says.

"You've gotta let go of her, alright?" Leah shouts as she holds onto one side of Dales body. "Is this what you call keeping someone safe Dale? Listen to me!" Alex screams and Dale looks up at her. "I'm sorry that Wendy disappeared from your life. I can not even imagine what you have been through. But, I do know what it is like to lose somebody who had absolutely no business dying" Alex begins as she takes a deep breath. "And to have not had a chance to say goodbye" she continues to say but tears begins to form in her eyes and she closes them for two seconds. When she opens them, she looks back at Dale and sighs.

"And to be disgusted with people for just walking down the street. Constantly thinking that if you had just done something different...They might still be there" Alex struggles to say as her throat begins to get tight and the tears fall from her eyes. She could feel everyone from the team looking at her but she had to focus.

"So, you can keep on struggling, and get both of yourselves killed, and that will, be your fault. Or you can let go, and let yourself live. What would Wendy want you to do.....What would she want you to do, Dale?" Alex asks as she looks back down at him to see him now crying. "I'm sorry...I'm sorry" he begins to say before he lets go of Zoe's feet and Eddie and Alex quickly pull her up. "Bring him up" Eddie demands as he looks back down at Sam and Leah.

Alex follows closely behind Eddie as he helps Zoe back towards the SUVs but she stops and stands still, taking deep breaths as she begins to feel the tears make their way back. Eddie then sits Zoe down beside a tree and says something to her, then walks over to Alex. He places a hand on her shoulder and she quickly wraps her arms around him as he does the same. "You did a great job today, Kiddo" he whispers as he tries his best to calm her down before they both follow another Police Officer who was now escorting Zoe towards the SUVs.

When they get there the team stands waiting for them and Alex smiles as she notices her dad. "Dad" she whispers as she lets go of Eddie and runs towards him and wraps her arms around him. Alex wipes a tear away from her eyes and squeezes her arms tighter, feeling him do the same in return.


Back at the station that night, Alex sits in the briefing room with the team when Leah leans between her and Spikes seats placing a box on the table. "It's not much, but it helps. You carry your friends with you" she smiles as she opens the box to reveal bracelets with writing on it that read YOUNG Badge 1902. Alex smiles as she takes the bracelet out of the box and looks at it, remembering her necklace from this morning. She quickly reaches for it and is relieved when it is still there.

After everyone leaves Alex sits in the Woman's locker room and looks down at her phone again to see the One new voicemail  notification still there on her lockscreen. "Hey" Spikes voice says causing Alex to look up from her phone. "Hey" Alex smiles as Spike walks over towards the bench and sits down next to Alex. He looks down at her phone confused. "You waiting for a call?" he then asks curiously, and Alex shakes her head and shows him the lockscreen. "Who called you?" Spike then questions. Alex looks up at him with teary eyes. "Lou" she whispers and he looks at her shocked. "But how-" Spike begins. "Before he....Uhm....Before he died. He called me and knew that my phone would be turned off so he left me a voicemail for me to listen to. But, I haven't been able to" Alex admits as she looks down at her phone again. "You should. We should" Spike then says as he places a hand on Alex's back as she sighs and unlocks her phone, looking over at Spike and he nods his head.

Alex puts it on speaker and presses play.

"Hey, beautiful" Lous voice says and Alex looks up to the ceiling holding her breath to try and stop the tears. "I don't know how long after it has been since I died....but I just wanted to tell you a few things. You are one of the most bravest people I have come across and your truly an incredible person. Spike is lucky to have you by his side everyday" his voice continues and Alex looks towards Spike to see tears falling down his cheek. She raises her hand and gently wipes them away as he brings her closer towards him. "As I look at you Alex, standing there, not looking afraid at all, even though I knew your were. I knew I had to do this for you. You have Spike, and I believe you guys will be together forever because....Well, look at you guys. Adorable!" he says loudly and Alex and Spike both snicker.

"That present I got you, I hope it means everything to you, because that's what I thought when I created it"  He explains causing Alex to reach up and take it out from under her shirt. "The three diamonds represent me, you, and Spike. A rose between two thorns. Spike, if you are listening to this as well, which you probably are...I want you to know that I would never leave you, buddy. I'm still with you, I promise. Friends forever right? I love you both, so much. Goodbye" Lou then says and they hear him hang up the phone. Alex leans her head against Spike as they both sit quietly in the empty locker room with tears in their eyes. 

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