All Monsters Are Human

By DestinyJohnson310

441 22 6

He loved her more than anything. She loved him just as much but she feared he would murder her just like he h... More

All Monsters Are Human
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 3

49 3 0
By DestinyJohnson310

   I woke up and looked around my room to find my clock. It was 3 o'clock a.m. I walked around to my window where I heard noises from. I looked out of my window to see Charles sitting on his front porch throwing rocks across the street. Did he ever sleep? It was weird that I saw him all the time, but he lived acrossed the street and he was outside a lot for some reason. I walked to my bed and sat down. I grabbed my iphone. Will hadn't text me since the fight at lunch. Fuck him anyways, I didn't need him. I laid in bed looking at the ceiling until my alarm went off.

    I made my way to school. I notice Will had just pulled up in front of school, 20 feet from where I sat sat in my car. He made his way out of the car when a girl got out on the otherside. The girl was Alison. What the fuck was she doing with Will? A million things rushed though my head. Did he hook up with Alison and left me behind? I felt the tears in my eyes. I haven't felt like this in awhile. I cared for him. Did he care for me at all ?

  Now I was crying my eyes out. I felt betrayed and stupid. We have been dating for eight months now. We fought over stupid stuff. He gets mad over stupid things like I said his mother was a fat whore. I didn't deserve this. I heard my car door open. I looked to see Charles looking at me. He didn't say anything. He took my hand and led me to my spot.

   I took a seat on the grass and wiped the tears away. I can't believe he saw me cry. I noticed him looking at me. I looked back at him. He smiled at me. He made me forget all my problems. He was cute I thought. He was different but interesting. He had me thinking of him every moment of the day. I have no idea why but I liked it. I looked away and looked straight ahead at the trees. My spot was peaceful, it had a nice view of trees that led to busy streets. You could hear the birds and cars going by.

"Want me to stay?" he asked.

"Close your eyes," I told him. "Hear the birds in the trees and the cars on the streets,"

He had his eyes closed and listened to what I said. I drifted off, thinking about what I knew about him. He lived a crossed the street with his Uncle. He stayed outside smoking or just sitting there like he was afraid of going in. He had killed his parents but I didn't know for sure. He had tattoos on his arms. I heard him say something, breaking me away from my thoughts.

"Don't you have class to get to?" he smirked at me. I didn't want to go to class. Alison was in my first period. I shook my head not wanting to talk. He had a bigger smile on his face that scared me.

"Let's go," he said as he stood up. I stood up as well and followed him to my car.

"Car keys," he said as he put his hand out. I didn't know if I should give him them or not. We got in the car and I placed the keys in his hand. If he killed me I wouldn't care right now because I felt like crap. He started the car and drove out of the parking lot.

He drove to my house, parked the car and got out. He started his way to his house. I followed him because he still had my keys. He walked to the gate to the backyard and opened it. He turned his head to see if I was following. He led me to a big sled in the yard. The sled was white and had to windows in the front. He went in, leaving the door open for me to come in.

I was stupid for going in. He was going to kill me I thought. He was sitting in a chair in front of a desk. I left the door open just in case he tried anything. The room had white walls with a bed, the desk and chair,  a tv and a few other things. I walked over to him. He was rolling a bud. Great, he's a pothead I said to myself. He light it and started smoking. I notice my keys on the bed so I made my way over to them. I took a seat and grabbed them. He spunned around in his chair looking at me but didn't say anything. His eyes were red already.

My phone beeped and I took it out of my pocket. It was from Cassie saying where are you. Cassie was my friend since middle school and the only one I trusted out of the ABC's. Alison and Bonnie were friends I made freshmen year. Alison was sleeping with Will I guess. Well, I don't know for sure but it seem like it. I texted her back saying home sick. It was a lie but I couldn't tell her I was with Charles alone. She would flip out.

"So tell me about yourself," Charles said with a stupid smirk.

"You probably just want to know why I was crying. Well, my boyfriend is sleeping with my friend," I said without thinking. I couldn't believe I told him. Out of everyone I told him. I felt safe around him though.

His smirk went to a frown. He got up and came to sit by me. I felt like crying again but I stopped myself. He placed his hand on my shoulder.

"You don't deserve that. Your beautiful Grace and you deserve to be treated better," he whispered.

I looked at him to see him half smile. He placed his hand on my cheek, brushing the tears away. I was happy that I was with him. He seemed to understand and care for me when he barely knew me.

"Charles, Why are you caring about me?" I said but wished I hadn't spoke.

He didn't say anything for awhile. I guess he was asking himself that question. Then he whispered, "There's something about you that I can't stop thinking about."

I placed my head on his shoulder as he hugged me. I felt the warmth of his skin. I could smell the sweetness of his shirt. He was wearing a dark navy tee. He had a skater look but with darkness with him like he was hinding something and I wanted to know.

He had said the same thing I was thinking. He couldn't stop thinking about me. I had stayed in his arms for awhile...

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