Supernatural Misfit's: Breaki...

By Zoey_Ann_Welch

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Highest rank: #2 action-packed #3 Queen Ilanthe's main goal in life is to become the Luna of the most elite... More

Prologue Part 1: Imma call you Tinkerbell!
Prologue Part Two: "I marked her."
Chapter 1: Road Trip From Hell
Chapter 2: "It's not over until I say it's over!"
Chapter 3: "Do you believe in reincarnation?"
Chapter 4: "I'm handing the pack over to you."
Chapter 6: Chaos
Chapter 7: Preparing For War
Chapter 8: operation distract and destroy
Chapter 9: Death party and blood confetti!!
Chapter 10: "Have you ever thought about what flesh would taste like?"
Chapter 11: Crumpling despair
Chapter 12: Operation rescue the two lunatics
Chapter 13: His voice
Chapter 14: See no evil, Hear no evil, Speak no evil
Chapter 15: "I'm going to die, right?"
Chapter 16: I'm not in a waiting type of mood
Chapter 17: That fucker tamed a hellhound
Chapter 18: Stay Alive
Chapter 19: Perfect
Chapter 20: Shrek is love, Shrek is life
Chapter 21: Inferno Kiss
Chapter 22: Fight To The Death
Chapter 23: Surprise's and Death
Chapter 24: "You've got to be kidding me!"
Chapter 25: Bloodhound's Mark

Chapter 5: Calling in owed favors

2.3K 131 34
By Zoey_Ann_Welch

Ilanthe's p.o.v.

"Ciao?" (Hello)

"Sto chiamando un favore," I said into the phone as I rested my feet on top of the desk and leaned back in my chair. (I'm calling in a favor)

"Violet?! Come ve? Di che cosa hai bisogno?" Came the reply on the other end. (How are you? What do you need?)

After the pack meeting, I went back to my father's...well, my office and started calling in owed favors.

The man I'm on the phone with now is Vinny, he's an Italian lycan. He's not in a pack but he lives with two other lycan's, Hector and Geovani, who are like brother's to him.

One of my first assignments was with him, he had hired me to kill the man who had raped and killed his sister because he couldn't find him. I traveled to Italy the next day and within three days, the man's head was on Vinny's doorstep. We've kept in contact over the years and told me to call him if I ever needed anything; so he was the first person I ended up calling.

"Sono stato meglio, ho bisogno del tuo  aiuto," I said. (I've been better, I need your help)

One of the perks about the extensive training I've had, I am able to speak just about every language.

"Cosa posso fare per te, bella?" He asked without hesitation. (What can I do for you, beautiful)

"Il mio branco sta per entrare in guerra, ho bisogno di qualcosa di reanforico." (My pack is about to go into war, I need some reinforcement)

"Merde, what did you do!?" He spoke in English but with his deep, his heavy Italian accent laced in.

"Wasn't me this time, Vinny." I laughed, "a bunch of rogues got together and decided they want to take out the assassin's in order to take over America."

He let out a dark chuckle, "they are not very smart rogues if they think they can kill a pack of assassin's. Noi saremo lì il prima possibile." (We will be there as soon as possible)

"Grazie, tell your brother's to be ready to kill."

He laughed loudly into the phone, "they are always ready to kill, loro sono pazzi!" (They are crazy)

Geovani and Hector are possibly the most blood thirsty lycan's I've ever met. They literally start fights just because they get bored.

"They are indeed," I agreed. "Merci Vinny, I'll see you soon." I said and hung up after he said goodbye.

I looked down at my list of names and crossed his off the list. I dialed the next person's number on my list and waited for him to answer.

Roman is a Russian Alpha who pretty much runs all of Russia's supernatural creatures and is one guy you don't want to fuck with.

I met him about a year ago, he had hired me to help him obliterate an entire pack. Apparently, the pack's Alpha had given him a dirty look and he wanted him dead. I only agreed because the pack was well known for abduction humans and killing them for fun. Needless to say, me and Roman killed the whole pack, just the two of us. That assignment alone added 95 kills to my name.

"eto luchshe byt' vazhnym, ya nakhozhus' v seredine trakhayushcheysya kakoy-to shlyukhi!" Roman's voice snarled through the other end of the phone. (This better be important, I'm in the middle of fucking some whore!)

I heard the sound of moaning and couldn't help but laugh, "Eto kakoy-to sposob privetstvovat' starogo druga, Roman?" (Is that any way to greet an old friend)

"My little killing machine, is that you?" He asked in a heavily thick Russian accent.

"Yup, what's on your agenda for the next week and a half?" I asked as Roman shouted for the girl to leave.

"Depends, what do you need?"


"Do I get to kill anyone?" He asked with a curious voice.

"Well, I have an unknown number of rogue supernatural creatures coming my way and wanting to kill my pa-"

"I will be there by morning, gotta go pack!" He shouted excitedly like he had just won the lottery.

"Thank you, Roman." I said.

He laughed "chto-nibud' dlya tebya, moya lyubov'," he said hanging up. (Anything for you, my love)

I crossed off his name and moved to the next, only one left after this call. I have a whole three pages of other people ego owe me but these are the deadliest people in the world, might as well start with them.

"Hola?" Rosaleen answered.

Rosaleen is a beautiful, deadly Spanish girl whom I met a while back. She hired me to kill the man who broke up with her because he stole her dog. She is a little crazy, but she is the strongest air elemental I've met.

"Hola, Rosaleen, estás de humor para mate?" I asked, already knowing her answer. (Are you in the mood to kill)

"Si, siempre." (Yes, always)

"My pack is in some trouble, think you can make it to America and help me out?"

"Voy a estar en el primer vuelo, hasta pronto perra," she replied. Hanging up. (I'll be on the first flight out, see you soon bitch)

I couldn't hide the grin that made it's way to my face, I had something my father never had; connections. Deadly connections, at that. It felt good knowing all I had to do was make a few phone calls and my packs future is already looking brighter.

I dialed the last number as I crossed off Rosaleen's name.

"Did you kill him already?" Lucifer asked as he answered the phone.

"Not yet, I actually called about something else."

"What happened? Are you okay? Did Issac do something? I'm going to kick his as-"

"Lucifer! It's not about Issac," I said, cutting off his angry rant.

"Oh, what's going on, Violet?"

"I'm the Luna, as of earlier today," I started.

"That's great! Did something happen to Quinton?"

"He and my mother left."


"Um...there is a rogue pack of supernatural creatures coming to kill off us assassin's."

"What?!" He roared causing me to pull the phone away from my ear, wincing at the loudness of his voice. "He left while the pack is about to get attacked!?"

"Yeah, I called in a few debts I'm owed and I have some reinforcements on their way but I wanted to give you a heads up. Apparently, this pack has killed off three other packs and two human towns."

"I'm coming to help you-"

"No, you need to keep your pack safe."

He sighed, "how about this, find out which direction they are coming from and find out the numbers, then call me back immediately. We will be there to get your back, you can't fight a war on your own."

"I'll call you if I need you, I just didn't want you to get a surprise attack." I said.

"If you don't call me, I will just show up anyways," Lucifer warned me.

"I'll keep in touch," I promised. "Tell everyone I said hi and Issac is still breathing."

Lucifer laughed, "okay."

After I hung up with him I sighed, slumping further into my chair. It's not even been 24 hours and I'm already mentally drained. This is going to be a shitty week, I can already tell.


"Are you going to get some sleep?" Issac asked as he walked into the office.

I glanced up from the computer screen and looked at the clock, "it's only 2:38 a.m., I've stayed up later than that before."

I am currently looking at the pattern that the rogue pack was going in, it looks like they are coming from the north but are zigzagging west and east. Either way, they are they are coming straight towards our front gates and will hit us before they get to Lucifer's pack.

"Are you doing to eat?" Issac asked as he took a seat at the chair in front of my desk.

I tossed an empty bag of chips at him, "already did."

He caught the bag and sighed, "that's real healthy, Tinkerbell."

I shut the computer and glared at him, "I'm an assassin, I've went a week living off of vending machine food; I think I'll survive." I grumbled as I rubbed my temples.

"I'm just looking out for you. How do you plan on helping this pack if you are sleep deprived and barley eating."

"What is this, twenty-one questions? Get off my back, I'm doing what needs to be done! I don't have time for a five course meal and a relaxing day at the spa!" I snapped.

Damn, I'm starting to get a migraine and him badgering me is not helping at all.

"Fine! You want to be stubborn and do this on you're own, then I'm going to sleep!"

"Bye. Felicia!" I said and threw a pencil at his head as he headed towards the door.

He turned and rolled his eyes at me, "I really wish I was Felicia, she's always going places. Unlike, me trying to help you and getting nowhere."

I shrugged and he walked out, mumbling something about me being more insane than him.

I was in the middle of drawing out a map of where the rogues have hit and the possible angles they could hit my pack at, when Leela walked into the office.

"1,000." She said with a sigh as she shook the leaves out of her wings and onto the floor.

"What? Why aren't you sleeping?"

She grabbed the broom and began sweeping up her mess as she answered, "I don't sleep very much, nightmares." She shrugged, "1,000 is the number of rogue supernatural creatures I counted."

Shit, that's alot of fucking rogues for one pack. This just makes this war all the more deadly.

"Damn, how did you find out?"

"I'm a fast flyer," she said proudly as she sat down after retracting her wings. "I went north, east and west, following the route Issac showed us earlier. They are split into three groups."

I nodded and wrote this down, "thank you, Leela."

"Not a problem, figured it might help us prepare if we had the numbers but it just sounds like we are going into a losing war."

I nodded, "it does and there are going to be alot of lives lost." Leela remained silent, lost in the thoughts so I continued speaking.
"I'm going to give everyone the opportunity to leave tomorrow, you might want to think about getting somewhere safe."

She snapped her gold eye's to my blue one's with a glare that almost had me cowering, "I would never leave my friend to fight a war on her own! How could you even suggest that!?" She scoffed, "like I'd let you have all the fun by yourself!"

I let out a small laugh, "I don't want anymore people to die than needed, let alone anyone."

She rolled her eyes, "we took an oath when we became assassin's, we know what the consequences are and are still willing to take the risk."

"A war was never a part of anyone's contract."

"Nobody can predict the possibility of an army of rogues marching up to your front gates."

"I just don't know what to tell the pack," I groaned. "Oh hey, the possibility of you dying within the next week is pretty much guaranteed! But you've had a good run!"

Leela tossed her head back laughing, "you sound like Issac, it's no wonder you two are Erasthia's."

I shot her a glare, "he's insane, I'm not."

She rolled her eyes, "says the girl who wants to fight a war on her own."

"....yeah, you got me there," I grumbled.

"Come on, there's nothing you can do tonight. Go get some sleep and start fresh in the morning."

"Technically, it's already morning." Leela shot me a glare and I put my hands up in surrender, "okay, I'm going!"

I woke up at eight and was surprised to find everyone already at the warehouse training.

I walked in and looked at all of my pack members, I can't force them to fight a war and risk their lives. It wouldn't be fair to them and I couldn't live with the guilt.

"I already offered them an out and I thought they were going to kill me for suggesting it," Thanos said as he walked up to me.

I really wish he'd stay out of my head!

"Nobody wanted it?"

"Not one person, we've got a loyal pack." He said with a proud smile. "The Alpha and Beta ranks even offered to teach the lower ranks some new skills."

I smiled proudly and looked around, "that's amazing, I'm so proud of them."

Thanos snorted, "they only did this because they trust their Luna, they wouldn't have done any of this for your father."

"We have a problem," Tank said as he walked up to us, out of breathe and sweating perfusly.

"Is it that you smell like shit?" Thanos asked, covering his nose with his shirt.

Tank rolled his eyes, "it's called sweat, pretty boy, and it's Issac."

"What's wrong with Issac?" I asked, unable to contain my concern.

"He's weak."

I snorted, "don't let him hear you say that. Besides, he killed you with one punch the other day."

"Yeah, he can't move as fast now and he's not as strong. I've been beating the shit out of him for the past two hours."

I searched the room until my eyes landed on Issac, he was hunched over his knees and breathing raggedly. He looked like shit and like he just finished running across the country in one go.

I shrugged and looked back at Tank, "maybe he's sick."

"Yeah and the sky is green and I'm a pink tiger." Tank snorted. "Lycans don't get sick."

"He'll be fine, tell him to take it easy for a while and try again later." I said and turned toward the exit, "I've got a few people who should be here any minute. I'll check on him later."

"I can see if Leela can help him," Thanos offered.

"That's fine," I said dismissively as I walked out of the warehouse.

I've got alot to do, I don't have time to baby a sick lycan. It may seem rude but I'm not very good at the whole nurturing thing.

By the time I got to the front gates, Vinny, Geovani and Hector were already standing there and about to get into a fight with two of my Omega rank assassin's.

"facci entrare o ti spezzo il collo come un ramoscello!" Geovani snarled as Jessy, the Omega rank assassin, flinched and the other assassin, Carl, lowered his head. (Let us in or I'll snap your neck like a twig)

I sighed and rushed over to my assassin's before they pissed themselves. They both are werewolves and having these three deadly lycan's threatening to kill you is pretty scary if you've never encountered them before.

"It's okay, I called them here," I told them and they nodded before walking...well, rushing off.

"sono sotto pressione, cercano di non minacciare le loro vite," I said with a laugh as I gave Vinny a hug. (They are under a lot of pressure, try not to threaten their lives)

Vinny shrugged carelessly, "scusa bella, we will try to be nice." (Sorry beautiful)

I rolled my eyes, knowing that he was lying. These three wouldn't know how to be nice if they're lives depended in it.

Vinny, Geovani and Hector could pass as brother's. They all are over six foot with dark brown hair, nicely tanned skin and muscles that would make any girl swoon. The only difference between the three were their eye's, Vinny had olive green eyes, Geovani had dark brown eyes and Hector had light brown eyes. The three of them are walking panty droppers, that's how insanely gorgeous they are.

"It's good to see you again," Geovani said as he pulled me into a hug.

"You to, I just wish it was under different circumstances," I replied.

Hector chuckled darkly, "this is the best way to have a reunion!" He rubbed the top of my hair and grinned at me, he's never been much of a hugger or feelings type of guy.

"hai trovato ulteriori informazioni?" Vinny asked as I ushered them towards the warehouse. (Did you find out any more information)

I sighed, "1,000 rogues are headed this way as we speak and they are going to be hitting us from three sides; the north, east and west."

Vinny let out a low whistle and Geovani and Hector grinned wickedly at each other.

"sembra una festa per me," Geovani said with a laugh. (Sounds like a party to me)

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