Por ValeNelson69

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Prince's inspiration to write songs and compose music has fizzled, leaving him concerned where the rest of hi... Mรกs

Chapter 1 - This Man
Chapter 2 - More Than Tickled
Chapter 3 - The Lie
Chapter 4 - Too Special
Chapter 5 - The Meet
Chapter 6 - Christmas Eve
Chapter 7 - Jealous vs Territorial
Chapter 8 - The Devil in Horn-rimmed Glasses
Chapter 9 - Rome
Chapter 10 - Orvieto
Chapter 11 - Marissa Arrives
Chapter 12 - A Million Days
Chapter 13 - Overachiever
Chapter 14 - The Sweet Sting
Chapter 15 - Flatlined
Chapter 16 - Publisher Knows
Chapter 17 - Bernadine
Chapter 18 - Confessed
Chapter 19 - Memories
Chapter 20 - Breakfast With The Girls
Chapter 21 - A Piece Of Paper
Chapter 22 - The Sick
Chapter 23 - ๐Ÿ‘€Fuck Forever๐Ÿ‘€
Chapter 24 - "Prin..."
Chapter 25 - The Aftermath
Chapter 27 - An Unexpected Guest
Chapter 28 - Never Sew A Patch of Regret
Chapter 29 - Rock Her World
Chapter 30 - Your Heart Is Too Too Big
Chapter 31 - Reconciliation
Chapter 32 - Word Association
Chapter 33 - Juliette Dubois
Chapter 34 - Just a Few More Minutes
Chapter 35 - 1+1+1 is 3
Chapter 36 - You're My Moon
Chapter 37 - Bloom

Chapter 26 - In Agreement

658 42 335
Por ValeNelson69

With Marissa staying the night it reminded Noelle of their younger years when the four girls were in high school and working at the mall. Those were much simpler times when pancake making at 2 a.m. ensued and the majority of the early morning hours were spent talking about clothes, makeup, hair and boys.

As Noelle tranced out stirring her coffee she reminisced of frisbeeing pancakes to Marissa's dog Susie. They'd make so much noise flinging the soft, floppy cakes between the four of them driving poor little Susie quite mad. That loving yellow lab would knock over kitchen chairs, houseplants and the girls to ensure she was the last to snatch the golden hotcake.

Inevitably, Marissa's mom would come down telling us to 'cool our jets,' because if her father woke up to us carrying on, it was certain there would be hell to pay.

All that nostalgia made Noelle famished, so for old times sake she quietly started to make pancakes while Marissa continued to sleep. Rest for her was a luxury and Noelle was happy to gift it to her with a husband, four kids and a job working not the kindest shifts.

Cracking a couple of eggs over the bowl, a sweet smile mischievously crossed her lips thinking of Sundays in college where leftover cold pizza or if Noelle had baked a cake was their breakfast. It's no wonder the freshman 10 pounds snuck on them so easily that first year in college.

Ducking inside the walkin pantry, Noelle aggressively whisked the batter until mixed careful to not wake her friend. Forgetting to preheat the cast iron skillet, she had some time to waste so setting the table became her next task along with cleaning some fresh berries.

The batter over sizzled a bit signaling that it was a bit too hot. Reducing the gas heat, she watched the bubbles form almost immediately begging to be flipped.

Soon her apartment was flooded with the sweet smells of breakfast, including sausage frying in a smaller pan.

Slippers shuffled across the hardwood floor until arriving at the coffeemaker. Marissa poured herself a cup of coffee and added some cream from the refrigerator. Slurpy sips warmed Marissa's throat as she enjoyed the peacefulness of a private morning without her husband, children and black lab.

Drawing in a deep breath Marissa enjoyed the solitude and simplicity of two friends in the simple comfort of one another's silence. Grateful for not being the one making breakfast for once, it started to bring Marissa back their high school days, especially when Noelle frisbeed her a pancake and Marissa wasn't even the slightest bit slow on the uptake catching it in her hands and starting to cackle up a storm.

"Damn you remembered Susie!"

"Of course I did."

"She was such a good dog but basically ate herself to death. Maaan she made our house a mess constantly fighting for food with that insatiable appetite."

As Noelle poked at the sausage, ensuring it was finished, Marissa placed the pancake plate on the table and the two friends sat down to eat.

Still quiet with one another, it was merely a matter of time before Marissa would break. Noelle was happy to avoid it as long as she possible.

"So you just gonna let you and Prince end like this?" Shaking her fork at Noelle, chewing on a pancake lightly. She didn't waste time getting straight to the point.

Finishing the bite of pancake in her mouth she calmly answered her friend. "Look he left me. I feel like you're blaming me for this."

"I'm not blaming but it feels like you both just threw in the towel without a fight."

"He didn't even have the decency to talk to me about it. I come home from a hard day at work, listening and trying to help navigate people through their lives and I've got my own sack of problems waiting for me at my door." Irritation still readily visible in her tone and body language.

Marissa didn't say much because she knew what Prince did was stupid but her sleeping with Gabriel was so out of character and just as dumb.

"What if he was sorry Noelle. What if he was scared?" Slicing a few pads of butter from the stick, Marissa wanted her friend to relax and get back in touch with her feelings. Somehow she had disconnected, it was the only way she was getting by.

"Sorry? Scared? Scared of what exactly? That man pursued me...who who who made me go into a jewelry store not too long before that looking at diamonds he had already selected. Who does that and then leaves?"

"Well he didn't just leave you, he did want you to come with him. I just don't think he thought about your commitments. Noelle he's never been in this mature of a relationship before. I mean let's be real here. Basically he's only been with his groupies or groupies who wanted to launch their career off of him and those women were really young, immature girls. And I'm gonna say it, I don't think you're being that mature."

Noelle clanged her silverware down. "Really? That man is how many years older than I am and he came over here like a spoiled brat and spoke to me with so much damn condescension. Quite frankly, my theory is that Gabriel putting his hands on me freaked him out."

"Oooh well if it did, it sure as hell ain't gonna go over well that you took his stethoscope for a ride."

"Shut up ok."

"Tell the truth now...Why did you sleep with Gabriel?"

"There it is." Gesturing with her fork, grabbing her mug to refill her coffee. "I knew that's really the only thing you wanna talk about isn't it?"

"Where is this coming from? This is a legitimate question Noelle. I..."

"Is it? Is it? NEVER did you EVER give Shelby the third degree in all of HER sexcapades. You think it's a joke with how many men that girl beds. Me? I had one one night stand my entire life and now Gabriel and you have to be involved in it like there's something wrong with me. Like I told you yesterday, sometimes sex is just sex."

Marissa was doing everything she could to not allow her loud mouth to ruin their exchange. Grabbing Noelle's hand across the table.

"Sex has never been just sex...not for MY Noelle. Shelby is a free spirit whose heart has never been snatched. She's like the Samantha in our Sex and the City clan. You Noelle...you're our Carrie. You're wrapped up in your head and your heart at all times and you write...you write beautifully about love and faithfulness and forever. No one believes more in love than you."

Noelle took three more pancakes and Marissa knew she was emotionally eating their argument.

"I slept with Gabriel for many reasons."

"Tell me so I can help you sort through this. Just take it slow."

Slopping a huge dollop of whip cream on her berries, Noelle's voice became light compared to their previous enraged tone with one another.

"I knew he wanted me."

"Any man would."

"Jack didn't...even while with me he wanted others...and had others."

"It felt good to be wanted for no other reason than..."

"Look you and Gabby don't know one another that well but he wants you more than just one night. He was so impressed with you. Noelle...any man that wants to settle down and have a family...you're the epitome of that kind of lady. You best not play with Gabriel...that man is playing for keeps and more importantly so is Prince."

Holding her head and raking through her hair, Noelle tried to keep calm.


"Don't Marissa. Just don't bring Prince into this. Not right now. I don't want to see him, talk to him...just nothing. He should have never left. Not like that."

"Ok...ok...take your time."

"Gabriel reminds me of who I'd picture myself with, ya know? Being married to, having some kids. He's who you even pictured me with since you fixed us up. You can't deny it."

"Oh no...nope...we're not doin this. You Noelle are not settling just because things got hard."

With the softest whisper. "I'm not settling. You know as well as I do that Prince never never goes back to a girl." She sniffed wiping a tear, composing herself quickly.

"He moves on... immediately...you see I just had to beat him to the punch. He's already moved on. Playing cutesy back and forth with smiley Tamar on Saturday Night Live and who knows what else he's doing with her...or he's letting her do to him."

"But Noelle he was doing a gig. He..."

"Oh my god would you just stop! When was a gig ever just a gig with a woman?"

Silence enveloped the two just as the sun was their breakfast table leaving the friends squinting at one another making their exchange look more heated than it really was.

"It's been five days and not a peep."

"Fine. Just answer me one question then."


Pulling the postcard from her robe pocket, Marissa slid it across the table until it was securely deadcenter in front of her friend.

"Tell me you've been tending to this. Tell me in all your busi-ness with your book, Prince, the holidays and patients that you haven't sacrificed you and forgotten."

The date on the card clued her in that it had been mailed just prior to her U.S. book tour, more than a month ago.

Allowing her fork to clang against the plate, she got up in a huff. "Where did you find this? Are you snooping on me?"

"Sweet Mary I spilled the tea tin all over the floor last night and the card was stuck in between the counter and the stove. Are you making sure to take care of yourself?"

Stacking the plates, Noelle avoided her friend. "Of course! What do you take me for?"

The fact was, it had not been tended to but Marissa knew well enough not to press her friend. She needed to come to terms with this new information, hopefully it's not a bomb either. Noelle had too much on the line at the moment that an entanglement with Marissa would cause too much strife. No...Marissa was going to have to be patient and let Noelle tell her in her own time.


Marissa allowed the hum of the subway to soothe her worried mind. Briefly snapping out of her stooper, her cell rang but she didn't answer or even look to see who was calling. Mentally she was exhausted with these two and the thought of going home to the mayhem of her family wasn't exciting her one bit.

Thoughts consumed Marissa about Noelle, Prince...Gabriel. She mumbled to herself exiting the subway and then walking home.

"Fucking love triangle is what this is now. The fight of who is gett'in the gold and who walks away with the noth'in. All I know is she had everything with Prince and now Gabby..." She giggled using Prince's nickname for him and then started to sing. "Noelle needs another lover like you need a hole in yo head...baby baby...you know there ain't no other that can do the duty of Prince in your bed, yeah."

The damndest thing happened walking into her house, it was quiet. That never happens. "Donovan? Honey?" There wasn't a peep. Dropping her purse and coat on the hook she spied a note on the kitchen counter.

"Took the kids to my parents. Hope Noelle is ok. Thought you could use some peace and quiet preparing for later.


"Preparing for later? What the hell is happening later?"

When the doorbell rang, Marissa knew it was the neighbor girl wanting Reggie to play. Fluffing her bedhead and hat hair, she made her way to the door, only to find Prince dressed to the nines looking fine as always.

"As I live and breathe, come on in Camille." Marissa welcomed with a bit of disgust because she was pissed and not ready to deal with this. Pissed at two friends who needed to get their shit together.

"Heeeey Marissa. Donovan said it was ok if I stayed in the spare room until Noelle and I straighten things out." Pecking Marissa on the cheek. "Mmmm...you smell like maple syrup and ham." He entered and walked into the living room.

"It's actually sausage. Hey I gonna need you to take your shoes off." She requested quickly after him entering the living area.

"Wha?" Scrunched brow and an uncertain tone in his voice communicated his wonderment.

"Yeah. We don't wear our shoes in the house." She explained.

"Why not? What do you wear?"

"Cuz it's dirty that's why. Every place you've been are on the bottom of those shooties... the airport bathroom, airplane, the street...tracking it through my clean house. We wear slippers, you got a pair in your bag?"

"Uh no. No PRN don't wear slippers."

"Well I'll get you a pair. Take those heels off."

Prince was definitely put out taking his shooties off, but understood that he wasn't in his own home, and Noelle made him do the exact same thing.

Step by step Marissa made her way down the stairs with a pair of slippers. "You're a 7 ½ right?"

"Are you talking feet?"

"Well I'm not talking about your dick dufus."

"Dufus huh? Why you so crabby? Why? I'm here for my girl and get things back to normal. You know work things out. Shouldn't you be in a better mood?"

"Here." Handing him a pair of fuzzy wuzzy Animal Muppet slippers.

"This this really all you have?"

"Closest to a 7 ½ yes, you're not at Stride Rite children's shoes. Now you don't have a foot fungus, plantar warts or anything like that goin on do you? That's the last thing I need my 16 year old daughter with, a royal foot fungus."

Rolling his eyes as he put on the slippers.

"Mmmhhhmmm. Happy? I look ridiculous. Now I know you're cranky cuz you're cracking all the jokes. Did you just get home? Were you working?"

"Oh god no I was at Noelle's...just give me 15 minutes to collect myself and get my shit together before I listen to whatever you're gonna shovel me now...just like Noelle. Got noth'in figured out when I was with her either."

Like a puppy he followed Marissa around. "You were with Noelle? What did she say? Is she mad? Should I go over there?"

That last question snapped Marissa to attention and answered boldly, "NO! No...don't go over there. God almighty we just need to talk before you even think of having a conversation with Noelle."

"Talk about what? Is she crying? I admit it I was a big, fat jerk. No no I was an ass."

"Oh just shut up, shut up. I need to think." Nervous as hell, Marissa was trying to find her bearings.

"Are you sure I shouldn't just go over there? Maybe surprising her is best. Perhaps she'll see me and we'll both implode with telling each other how much we missed one another. I missed her more though. I almost went straight to her place when I got in from the airport."

"Ugh my god, now I asked for 15 minutes don't you be like Reggie. You're too old for this."

Marissa was worried sick how he was going to take the news about Gabriel. Or if it was even her place to say anything.

"You want some tea?" Marissa asked to buy herself some more time.

"No...you know I think I'm just gonna leave my things here and head over to Noelle's.

As he headed for the door, a chase ensued after him, "I don't want you over there yet. She's not ready for you..."

"How is she not ready?"

"I was with her all last night. Lots of things were said."

"Good and you made Gabriel have to work so that's even better." Sitting down on the bench in the foyer, Prince zipped up his shooties.

The glum face on Marissa said everything he needed to know. Hands on his hips, tapping his shoe on the slate flooring, eyebrows rose clear to his hairline practically, "You don't think she wants to see me?"

"Settle down now. We just should talk this through is what I'm saying. She's got all sorts of thoughts and...and...and feelings I need to prepare you so that you know how to deal with her. Plus I need to know what you're thinking.

"I've told you what I'm thinking all along. I need her back with me, the way things were."

"We saw you with Tamar on Saturday Night Live. I mean it's only natural that we would wonder if you...if you...you know. Did you mess around with her?"

"NO! NO! Not one damn thing happened! Which I know...I know is surprising for me but I just love Noelle so much I can't even think of another woman."

Looking up at Marissa from finishing his shoes, it was written all over Marissa's face as tears welled. Cocking his head to the side in almost disbelief a strong exhale emitted harshly from his lips.

"Tell me she didn't Marissa."

The chocolate eyes of Prince now glazed too shiny for her to lie.

"Are you telling me she fucked Gabriel?"

He knew.

Repetitively his head beat rhythmically against the wall as tears rolled down his cheeks falling onto his crushed velvet blouse.

In one swoop, his hand hit the drywall punching a hole right through it.

"Shit P! You know Donovan isn't handy around the house."

Consoling his hand from the harsh impact with his other, he was flushed with embarrassment.

"God damnit. What the fuck happened here? He uttered rhetorically.

"I'm so sorry. I know she loves you. I do. You leaving her messed her up bigtime and now she's wondering all sorts of foolish things she shouldn't be wondering. I've been telling her that you're just too use to these young things that don't have a life and just absorb into yours."

Sniffing hard he wiped his eyes, "Fuck this, I need to see her."

Shuffling in front of him she insisted. "What we need Prince is a plan. We do. I think there's more than just Gabriel that's going on with her. We need to talk." Assuring him as best as she could.

"How could she do this to us?" He muttered bewildered.

"Prince we've watched you your whole life. Noelle was in despair and she said thought it was over."

"Why would we be over? I love her, she loves me. She's my damn 4EVER."

"Prince you've never gone back to any woman you've ever been with, Noelle was devastated believing it was over...that you weren't coming back."

"Repeating the same words as before, It can't be she's my forever Marissa. I'm gonna split that Florence Nightingale. Noelle was vulnerable."

"She called Gabriel P."

"She did a booty call on him?"

"When you think about it, there's something amazing about this situation."

"Amazing?" He denied her sarcastically.

"You know what I mean. The thing is, you behaved like Noelle typically would with keeping your pants up. While Noelle behaved like you, running to a piece of ass."

All he could do was shake his head, hoping against hope what he just heard was wrong. His front toes popped off the heel of each of his shooties while Marissa kissed his cheek, gave him a hug and wrapped her arm around his shoulder as two new friends walk into the kitchen to talk and devise a plan.


Noelle stared at the postcard knowing full well what she needed to do, but first some fresh air was necessary. Snatching her coat, purse and keys she opened her front door to see Gabriel just off his hospital shift and about to knock.

"We need to talk." He demanded while she stared hazily at his five o'clock shadow scruff she remembered between her legs.

"Yeah...yeah we do."

They were both in agreement.

Ice storm and high winds last night and 8" of snow predicted for today. Schools are closed...they NEVER cancel school in Minneapolis. 👀

Start your Monday off better than mine with a 4EVER update. I hope you enjoyed it! 💜💋🙄

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