Naruto / Shippuden : The Bloo...

Von Ninjamain

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Brought in after death of family. Trained by Anbu black-ops since age three. Fully trained assassin by age fi... Mehr

Chapter 1:A new ninja in town
Chapter 2: Roses
Chapter 3: Chunin Exams
Chapter 4: The Demon's Bloodlust
Chapter 5: Unlocked
Short: Hooking Kakashi Up
Chapter 6: Red Leaf
Chapter 8: The Deal & Sexy Grandma
Plot Question
Chapter 9: Sympathy
Hey readers!
One Shot: Where's Mommy? ( Kakashi's Son Male Reader ) Boruto Story
Chapter 10: Sanin Level
Chapter 11: Orochimaru V.S. The Blood Demon Shinobi-The Last
Chapter 12: A Legend Returns
Chapter 13: Impossible

Chapter 7: Itachi

11.9K 278 75
Von Ninjamain

A/n: Shout out to Luna_Otsutsuki for the awesome new cover! Thank you all for over 4.8K views! Alsmost 5K! Enjoy.

(Y/n) POV:

I entered the council building. There waiting for me were the village elders.

Male elder:"Greetings, Blood Demon."

I silently looked at the two. The elders glanced at each other before turning their attention to me.

Female elder:"We have an upmost important assignment for you."

Male elder:"We need you to accompany Jiraiya and Naruto on their journey to find Tsunade."

Female elder:"However, they do not know of your accompaniment. You may choose to reveal yourself or pursue discreetly, but you still must bring Tsunade back."

Male elder:"That will be all."

I melted into the shadows and reappeared on a building overlooking the village. It still was in ruins from the Sand shinobi attack. However, people were already rebuilding and recovering. The Sand Village surrendered, but they will always be enemies in my eyes. I can never forgive them for what they've done. Suddenly, birds in the sky began to screech. I looked up to see several circling.


I teleported around the village in search of Kakashi. Finally, I found him at a teahouse, and hid in the shadows. However, it wasn't only him there. There were two powerful ninja sitting at the tables. I activated my Sharingan and looked into the two.

'These two are much more powerful than Kakashi. Especially the one with-"

The ninja with dark hair glanced over his shoulder and my heart stopped. He had the Sharingan!

'No way. It can't be.'

I felt the chakra. Those were natural blood borne eyes. He was an Uchiha. More specifically, Itachi. I grit my teeth in anger, but restrained myself from attacking. Suddenly, Kurenai and Asuma arrived.

Asuma:"Hey, Kakashi. Did you drag us out here for some tea?"

Kakashi closed his book.

Kakashi:"Actually, I was picking up some things for a grave, but decided to stop by here."

Kurenai:"To catch up on your reading?"

Kakashi:"No. To meet up with Sasuke."

The Uchiha flinched at the mention of Sasuke's name. Suddenly, Sasuke appeared. This was when the two mysterious ninja disappeared. I followed after them through the shadows. They managed to sneak away well. Better than most ninja. Finally, the two were walking along a river. I saw them stop in front of Kurenai and Asuma.

Asuma:"Nice day for a stroll."

The two mysterious ninja remained silent. Asuma grit his teeth in annoyance.

Asuma:"You two better tell us what you're doing here."

The two ninja removed their hats. They were rogue ninja from the Leaf and Hidden Mist. Kurenai and Asuma's eyes widened in shock.

Kurenai:"Kisame and Itachi!"

Itachi opened up his robe. His Sharingan with three tomoe came into full view.

Asuma:"You have a lot of nerve to show your face here. Especially after what you did."

Kisame:"It seems that you have a reputation here, Itachi."

Kurenai:"Don't think you forgot about you, Kisame."

Kisame:"I'm flattered."

The four ninja then engaged into battle. I wanted to help, but noticed that the rogue ninja were just toying around. They barely have even tried yet. Especially, Itachi. I waited patiently for my moment to strike. Suddenly, Asuma was cut by Kisame's shark blade, and Kurenai was countered with genjutsu.

Itachi:"Your genjutsu cannot fool the Sharingan."

Itachi then kicked Kurenai into the water.


She bounced a few times, but caught herself and crouched. Suddenly, Itachi appeared behind her. He was about to kill her. Just when I was going to engage, Kakashi appeared.

Kakashi:"Hello, Itachi."

Itachi remained silent and stared at the jonin. Kisame smirked. I began forming hand signs and got ready.

'Today I avenge my family.'

I activated my Sharingan. Five different patterns began to cycle through. I teleported.

(Kakashi POV):

After a few minutes of fighting Itachi, he captured me into Tsukyomi. I collapsed onto my knees after the torture. My breathing was heavy, and pain seared through my entire body.

Kurenai:"What's going on Kakashi? Can we open our eyes now?"

"No! You'll fall into his trap."

Itachi pulled out a kunai and began walking towards me. I had no more strength to fight back. Suddenly, Guy appeared and kicked the two rogue ninja away.

Guy:"No one will be killing my rival today."

I smiled under my mask. Guy picked me up and turned to the others.

Guy:"You all can open your eyes."


Guy:"From all the times I've faught against Kakashi. Just don't look at their eyes. That's how you beat the Sharingan."

Kisame:"Are we just going to let them go?"

Itachi nodded.

Itachi:"We have to fall back before backup-"

Suddenly, the water around us began to swirl. The wind picked up heavily. Each one of us looked around curiously.


Kurenai:"Did you bring anyone else?"

Guy:"No. Just me."

Asuma:"Then who is doing all of this."

My eyes widened in realization. Itachi swung around and caught the blade of a katana with his kunai. We all looked him shock. It was (Y/n).

Itachi:"Impressive. Almost didn't catch you."

(Y/n) remained silent behind his mask. Suddenly, several spots in the water surrounding us shot in the air. When the water cleared, there stood copies of (Y/n). They all unsheathed their katanas and pointed them at the two enemies.


Kisame flinched from hearing (Y/n)'s name.

Kisame:"The blood demon shinobi is here?!"

Itachi remained silent and gazed at (Y/n). Neither Sharingan users made a single move. The tension was slowly driving me mad. Itachi must have really done a number on me. Suddenly, Itachi spoke.

Itachi:"Kisame. Close your eyes."


Itachi closed his and reopened them to reveal his Mongekyou Sharingan.

Itachi:"It's already too late."

The world suddenly turned into a white hue. Everything was faded. I was back inside the world Itachi took me into. However, it felt different. Like I was safe and protected. There was a meadow of flowers surrounding an empty circle with my comrades. However, Kisame was bound to a cross and Itachi seemed to be scanning for (Y/n).

Itachi:"Didn't think you would achieve Tsukuyomi, (Y/n)."

Itachi's eyes swirled. His body returned to normal, and he began to move around again. However, Kisame was still stuck on the cross.

Kisame:"Itachi. A little help?"

Itachi:"Sorry, Kisame. I'm currently dealing with a greater threat right now."

All of a sudden, thousands of copies of (Y/n) appeared. They all had katanas and advanced towards the rogue ninja. Itachi dashed towards one of the copies and stabbed through its body with a kunai. The copy didn't vanish, instead, it turned its head slowly to face Itachi. Itachi quickly dashed away before the copy of (Y/n) could cut him in half. Kisame began screaming in pain. I turned to see him impaled by thousands of swords, and they continued to pile up. Itachi clicked his tongue in annoyance and rushed over to Kisame. However, more copies of (Y/n) appeared to stop him. Finally, my comrades spoke.

Kurenai:"Where are we?"

"In (Y/n)'s special genjutsu."

The ninja all looked shocked. (Y/n) then slashed at Itachi from all angles. Itachi seamless dodged them, but suddenly received thousands of cuts. Blood splattered everywhere, and Itachi's eyes began to swirl again. I blinked, and we were back at the river. I looked to see Kisame drop to the ground in pain. (Y/n) and Itachi stood across from each other silently. Then one of the clones appeared beside me and Guy. He motioned for us to go.

Guy:"Alright. Let's leave this to (Y/n)."

Asuma:"What?! You're just going to let him deal with S-ranked ninja by himself?!"

Kurenai:"You'll get him killed!"


He gestured over to the wounded Kisame.

Guy:"He already took out one of them without breaking a sweat. I'm sure he'll be alright. On the other hand..."

He looked at me.

Guy:"Kakashi will need some help."

My teammates nodded, and Guy turned to (Y/n).

Guy:"Don't die."

(Y/n) didn't respond, but knew that was a given. Guy then leaped away and brought me to safety.

'Be safe, (Y/n). Don't let your hate for him allow you to make rash decisions.'

(Y/n) POV:

The sunlight bared down on Itachi and I. Our Sharingan stared down each other. No movements were made except for an injured Kisame struggling to stand up.

Kisame:"This kid is powerful Itachi. Maybe we should retreat like you said."

Itachi:"You go ahead. Retreating is not an option for me."

Kisame:"Why is that?"

Itachi blinked and then answered.

Itachi:"I killed his family."

Suddenly, he disappeared. I blocked to my left. My katana intercepted a stab from Itachi. Then the right, above, front, every single angle he attacked from in a blink of an eye. However, I could see all of the attacks coming with ease. Suddenly, a massive fireball was sent flying towards me. However, it was made of black fire. Ameterasu. I dodged the attack and formed my own hand signs.

'Ninja art. Flamed touch!'

My arms were covered with bright flames. I teleported through the shadows and approached my foe. He threw Ameterasu shurikens at me. I grabbed the shurikens and threw them back. Itachi blocked them with his kunai and dashed towards me. I threw many rapid punches. He dodged them all and grabbed my arm. The fire burned into his hand, but he seemed unfazed.

Itachi:"Too slow."

I pooped my shadow clone and appeared behind him and kicked. He grunted and flew forward, but disappeared once again. I activated my Sharingan and spotted him flying down on top of me. I crossed my arms and blocked his kick. The impact created a giant shockwave. However, Itachi wasn't finished.

Itachi:"Fireball jutsu!"

He blew another fireball at my face. I caught the fireball with my palm and engulfed the fire into my arms. The fire on my arms burned brighter. I then jumped and punched him across the face. He flew in the air and crashed into the water beside Kisame. I landed across the river and doused my arms. Steam rose from my sleeves. Kisame stared in shock, while Itachi stood up like nothing happened.

Itachi:"Impressive. Incorporating ninja art with taijutsu. However..."

Itachi puffed into a small cloud of smoke and appeared on the other side of Kisame.

Itachi:"We were both using shadow clones for our fight. This isn't your full power."

I dissipated my shadow clone and appeared close to Itachi. The two rogue ninja turned to look at me. Kisame was twitching with disbelief. Itachi then stepped forward.

Itachi:"Tell me. Why did you hold back when you could have possibly defeated me?"

I remained silent and stared at Itachi. Finally, I decided to speak.

"There's someone else out for your blood."

Itachi raised an eyebrow in recognition.

Itachi:"Sasuke huh?"

I nodded.

Itachi:"I killed your family too. Don't you want revenge?"

He asked me stoically.


I replied calmly. Kisame and Itachi looked surprised. I sheathed my sword and stood straight.

"I know you were not the true killer of my family."

Itachi raised and eyebrow in curiosity.

Itachi:"Who may that be?"

"That's for me to know. I will let the two of you go. However..."

I glared at the two.

"Stay away from my teammates or next time I won't fight with shadow clones."

I then dissolved my water clone and disappeared. I reappeared outside of Kakashi's house. Inside was a bed-ridden Kakashi. The jonin from earlier were surrounding his bed in tense silence. I decided to knock instead of sneaking in, since they might still be on alert. Asuma noticed and opened the window. I hopped into the room and stood beside Kurenai. The three turned to look at me.

Kurenai:"What happened?"

I took out a piece of paper and handed it to her. She took it and read out loud.

Kurenai:"I let Itachi and Kisame go?!"

She turned to me in shock. Asuma's mouth dropped in surprise as well. Only Guy remained unmoved.

Asuma:"Why did you let them go?"

Guy then stood up and walked over to me. I looked up at him through my mask. He nodded before speaking.

Guy:"(Y/n) made the right choice."


Guy:"Itachi was holding back much more than we expected, huh?"

I nodded. His skill probably excelled mines, but for the most part, we were evenly matched. However, I used quite a bit of chakra to bring everyone to my Tsukuyomi. This healed my fellow ninja and hurt Kisame, but taxed my body. I was fighting Itachi with 1/2 of energy and 1/4 leftover. Itachi was running strong with 2/3 energy left over and only 1/3 expensed. If the fight had ensued, I had a higher chance of losing. Guy then continued.

Guy:"What or who was Itachi after?"

I knew a possible candidate, but Itachi could have grabbed him a long time ago.


Suddenly, Sasuke appeared at Kakashi's doorway.

Sasuke:"What the hell is going on? Why is Kakashi-sensei hurt? Why are four jonin here? What happened, (Y/n)?"

Before I could walk over and explain, another foolish jonin arrived.

Jonin:"Did you hear that Itachi was in town?!"

Guy winced and grit his teeth. Sasuke stared in shock, but quickly switched to anger. Then he bolted out of the apartment. Then it hit me like a wrecking ball.

'They were after Naruto. The nine-tailed fox spirit."

I looked over at the frustrated Guy and handed him a piece of paper. He looked at it and nodded.

Guy:"Go. I'll be on my way soon."

I nodded and dissipated my shadow clone. I reappeared in my shadow clone that tailed Jiraiya and Naruto. The two were bantering around about Jiraiya being a pervert. I scanned the area. So far no sign of Itachi or Kisame. However, I knew they were close behind.

To be continued...

A/n: Sorry for the long wait and short chapter. This is to allow me to update often. Hope you enjoyed and sorry again. I hope you all understand.

Comment on what you liked and hated. I might change writing styles after this.


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