Say you won't let go....

By srinihitha

1.1K 182 25

Join in the journey of love, where two soul's meet in an unpredictable situation and fall's in love with each... More

A Meet With The Chathurvedi's
Was It A Coincidence??
I Will Protect You
A Span of Relief
The Captivators And The Foodie
Who is it??
Growing Feelings
An Escape
Teaming up


41 5 0
By srinihitha

At Kalya's office

Every one were patiently waiting for that some one that Vinod has asked come to Kalya's office. Vinod has not spoken a word after the call, making everyone furious. Vinod was studying some documents all the while. About half an hour latter Sanjay got a call from his security saying that, " Mr. Chathurvedi is here and he want to meet you." Sanjay looked at others in confusion as why would Adarsh want to meet him now.

Vinod responded to Sanjay asking him to let Mr. Chathurvedi in. Sanjay did as he was told but was still in bewilderment to what was happening. Adarsh entered Kalya's cabin and Vinod stood up to greet him. Adarsh shook his hand with Vinod and asked him why he was called to come immediately. Vinod told him to have a seat and started speaking, " I called you here because Mr. Sharma and you are trying to solve the same case." Every one present there had the same expression itched on their faces perplexed.

Vinod cleared his throat before starting his speech. Vinod put some pictures of the crime scene from where Ahan and Kayla were kidnapped on the table and stated, " Both Than and Kayla were kidnapped by the same person." Riyan asked Vinod, " How are you so sure about it. And what could be there motive." Vinod said, " See there are similar patters in both these kidnappings." Saying so he took a marker that was lying on the table and started writing on the white board behind him. Every one faced the board. Vinod wrote, " 1. One employee was replaced just before Ahan and Kalya went missing. 2. Both were spied for atleast a month before they were abducted. 3. There are no treating call received by Mr Shrama or Mr. Chathurvedi." He stated closing the marker cap. Everybody were deep in thought when Vinod spoke again, There is some project that you are working together right he asked looking straight at Sanjay and Adarsh. They both nodded their in agreement while others looked shocked. Since no one has any idea about this merger.

Mr. Chathurvedi answer to everyone saying, " We wanted it to be confidential until we cracked the deal with the Joshi's. No one except us know that we have merged even Ahan and Kayla are oblivious to this." Saying so he looked at Vinod. Adarsh also stated, " I have no idea you got to know about it." To which Vinod smiled and said, There couldn't be another reason unless there are some common enemies. And if that was the case they would have contacted you or they would have made sure that you suffered.

Mr. Sharma looking at Vinod said, " So now you say that one of our rival is up to this, so that they can divert us. Well not just divert us, but that will also lead us to not submitting the presentation to the Joshi's and thus would be profited, since Ahan and Kalya are the ones working on this project and no one else were involving in this because we wanted to give our children the confidence that they can achieve anything they desire."

Vinod smiled and said, "There you have said everything yourself." Sanjay was now very much worried about the safety of his daughter. They could do anything to get what they want. If one can stoop so low as abducting some one to crack a deal then they can do anything to get what they want. Understanding Sanjay's feelings Adarsh patted his back trying to comfort him. He said, " We will hope that my son and your daughter are together and if they are, he will not let anyone touch her. You can be sure of it." Adarsh's words has given Sanjay a bit of comforting hoping Ahan and Kalya are together.

Now the question is who is the rival that is trying to stop them from cracking the deal and how do we stop him?


Kalya was sleeping in a corner resting her back to a wall and clutching her legs together. She had a frown etched on her face. She was very uncomfortable with the position she was sleeping in. The was continuously tossing her head unable to find a perfect spot to place her head. Ahan was also lying down on the floor resting his head on his head. He was still awake, absorbed in his thoughts. His thoughts were revolving around one person; Kalya. Within a very less span of time Kalya has grabbed his attention. Every thing that she did was amusing him.She is drawing him to her even without knowing it. But Ahan is reluctant in letting her reach his broken soul.

Ahan manoeuvred so that the small pebbles on the ground does not pierce his skin. He found Kalya sleeping uncomfortable resting her head on the wall. Kalya was looking cute with an amused expression playing on her face. A small smile formed over Ahan's lips noticing Kalya. He immediately got up and sat beside Kalya, resting his back on the wall. Ahan gently placed Kalya's head over his shoulder, Kalya re adjusted herself over Ahan's shoulder clutching his arm tightly. Finally finding a comfortable position to place her head, Kalya slept peacefully, Oblivious to the fact that she was sleeping over Ahan's shoulder. Than smiled to himself looking at Kalya peacefully sleeping. He sighed caressing Kalya's hair with his other hand.

Ahan rested his head on the wall and tried to sleep. But this girl, the one who is clutching his arm so protectively was not letting him get any sleep. Than feel's a very protective intuition when ever he looks at Kalya. He feels like destiny has given him another chance to protect what belongs to him. Yet he is not ready to put himself through all the pain that he has faced all over again if something goes wrong.

Ahan closed his eyes and tied to sleep but the chain of thoughts running in his mind hindered him from sleeping. He has to execute a plan to escape from here before the culprits achieve what they require. And they are yet to find out who is behind all of this. One thing that they know is that, the culprit is behind them for the Joshi's project. Since that was the only reason that they could find common between them both. So who ever is the culprit he did not want them to quote for the Joshi's project.

But who can that be, there are around ten companies competing against each other to crack the deal with Mr.Joshi. Mr Joshi is an exalted person and has a trade mark for his ventures. And this project is prominent in its own ways. It is a venture of about fifty completely equipped and furnished villas in the outer city of Mumbai. Many architectural firms has submitted there quotations for the project from all over India. Since the venture requires much skill and talent only a few companies with reasonable quotations have been accepted. The tabbed list of companies were asked to provide a detailed designed floor plan for a villa within a months time. The company that presents the best designs cracks the deal.

The Chaturvedi Groups and the Sharma Group of Industries has decided to work together because the architectural firm of the Sharma Groups provided outstanding interiors while the Chaturvedi's had a splendid team that works on slab beams, column design and floor planning. So both the companies merged to work together on the Joshi's project so that they can provide the best designs. But that was kept confidential to the ones that are working on the project as one can judge the other person when they know who has designed it.

Ahan's team has worked very hard to provide the best designed plan for the Joshi's venture and those layouts were given to Kalya's team for interior designing. This was unknown to both Kalya and Ahan till they met. There is only a week left for them to complete the designs and present it to Mr Joshi. But both Ahan and Kayla are locked up in that room fighting to find their way out.With all these thoughts going around in Ahan's mind he slowly drifted into a slumber

Kalya was the first person to wake up the next day. She found herself sleeping over Ahan's shoulder while holding his arm close to her. She tried recalling the last nights events but couldn't remember anything being so close to Ahan. She looked at him and found him sleeping. With the look on his face Kalya understood that Ahan was not in a deep sleep and would wake up even if she moved a bit. So Kalya stayed calm with out moving or removing her hand from his arm. This was her chance to stare at him all she wanted. She was staring at with a goofy grin. Ahan could sense Kalya starting at him and he woke up immediately. Kalya masked her expression immediately to a serious one and removed her hand from his grip. She made a serious face and turned away from him finding it hard to hide the blush thats creeping her cheeks.

Ahan faced Kalya just in time to see her masking her expression from the goofy smile she had to a serious one. Ahan couldn't help stop the smile that broke on his lips seeing Kalya's antics. Ahan's smiled widened when he saw Kayla trying very hard to hide her blush.

"So she blushes with my proximity" thought Ahan which made him happy and in next moment he was confused to why her blush is making him happy. He sighed not able to answer his turmoil. He told Kalya that he was planning an escape.


Another update.

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