The Truth About Love (Stan x...

By caffeinetea

78K 2.9K 4.9K

My whole family is dead. Why? Because they believed in diversity, open-mindedness. A better... a better life... More

The Beginning Of It All
Dark Past
Princess or Prince Kenny?
Disastrous Dance
Horrid Realisation
The Truth is Revealed
Horrible History
Night in the Woods
Darker Future
The Break-up
The Bond
Fake News
Chic With A Dick
All Kinds of Pain
Mind Rape
A long and awkward journey
Darkest Present
The End of an Era
The Truth About Love
Stan wants the tea

No Turning Back

2.6K 106 44
By caffeinetea

I sat in shock for half a minute, holding the rough, expensive parchment in my hands, unsure of what to do. However, the harsh sound of clashing swords brought me back to reality and soon I had an action plan.

Stan, I just need to go put a letter away in a safe space. Then I have a couple errands to do, I'll try to be quick. I told him mentally, since saying it out loud was bound to weird out the other men. We could just tell them about the bond but for one they would think it's weird because we're not married and two if no one knows but us it's more of an advantage in battle. I have a feeling it's going to be necessary, especially after the letter I just received.

Okay dude, see you soon. He replied, seeming a little preoccupied with the knights he was facing.

I ran off to my room and hide the letter under the floor boards in an area not even Stan knew existed. Who knows, it might be needed as evidence. The seal of the Wizard King is a well-known, protected intricate seal. We couldn't replicate it if we wanted to.

Then, I wrote two quick letters, which I put it in my robes. A couple hot tears fell onto the page of the last letter, before I could furiously wipe them away. I headed down to the kitchens and told them to drug Stan's food with sleeping tablets. They gave me questioning looks, but didn't say anything. I am the king after all. Then I found one the knights I trusted the most after Stan, Wendy, to arrange my horse and hers to be able to leave at a minute's moment. Fully supplied.

She seemed to understand or at least guess at the severity of the situation. Before I could run off, she gave me a quick hug and told me she'd do everything in her power to protect me. She then knelt at my feet saying I was a great leader and that she hoped I would survive this. I was pretty shocked but I thanked her and told her she'd always been a brilliant knight and friend. I explained to her that this mission would endanger her life. She gave me a look told me that she was a knight and that this was her job.

I was finally in bed, with Stan cuddling me. An arm wrapped around me tightly. The covers were soft and warm. The room smelt like home and safety. I savoured the moment as best I could. It would probably be the last of its kind.

I don't think anything has ever been harder than leaving that bed.

I left the two letters next to Stan. He looked so happy a second ago. Now, he was frowning, like he subconsciously already knew I was gone. A couple tears streamed down my cheeks. I wiped them away quickly.

Before I could change my mind, I ran out of the room, out of the castle. Jumped on my horse and rode out into the darkness, Wendy following quickly behind. She asked what was going on. I bit my lip and replied that I'd explain once we reached the border. Her eyes widened, but only slightly. She must have been expecting as much. My heart was starting to ache with each step the horse took but I pushed on, riding faster, trying to ride away from the pain; of course, that only made it worse. Midnight was approaching. This wasn't something I could afford to be late for.

Time seemed to freeze and speed up simultaneously. Regardless, we managed to reach the border. My heart was aching. I felt dizzy. I felt sick. I ignored this, however, and faced the crowd of thirty men and women. Kenny was tied up in the middle. As soon as she saw us she started screeching.

"Kyle, stop! You can't do this! Stop it! Cartman will kill you! Wendy, Wendy drag him away! He's trying to swap his life for mine!" she yelled frantically, voice still muffled by the parka hood as she desperately trying to escape the guards. However, thirty magicians were too much for even Kenny. Especially as she was tied up.

"You're my friend Kenny. No one else in this stupid world ever protects you but I will! I always said I would and I'm not breaking that promise." I said trying to fight back tears.

"Kyle, your people need you! Your people need a leader! They need you! Don't do this! Please! Please! This isn't what I want!" Kenny yelled, pleading, begging. Desperation clear in her eyes.

"They'll have a leader. That leader will be you. Don't worry, the documents are all back at the castle."

"Kyle no!" she said, sounding practically delirious at this point.

"Guards, knock her out!" I commanded. Surprisingly, they followed my orders. I beckoned Wendy to come pick her up with me. We dragged her back and onto my horse. I stood and looked straight at Wendy, my eyes deadly serious.

"Wendy, if you really do trust me as a leader then please have faith in Kenny like I do. Get her back to the castle. And please, please look after Stan." My voice was quiet and shaking. Wendy nodded, like she completely trusted my judgement. Well, at least someone's sure.

I watched them gallop away for a few seconds before I turned to face my captors, with a determined expression. I slowly walked over and sat on Kenny's horse. One of them tried to put handcuffs on me but I gave them a glare so harsh that they backed off.

We travelled into the human realm. Quickly and in silence. What are they going to do to me? Execute me publicly? Hold me for ransom? Something told me, however, that whatever Cartman's plan was it was way worse than anything I could ever hope to imagine.

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