Swan Song [boyxboy]

By SkeneKidz

1.1M 45.6K 25.6K

Jace Butler and Mitch Marion used to be hopelessly in love with each other. Then their relationship fell apar... More

Swan Song [boyxboy]
Swan Song {2}
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Swan Song {23} END

Swan Song {16}

43.6K 1.8K 1.2K
By SkeneKidz

                “Do you want to come over?” Mitch asked as we left the smoothie place.

                I shook my head at him. “Not now. I’ll come over tonight.”

                He searched my eyes and nodded. I nearly smiled; I loved that about Mitch. He didn’t need to ask questions. He just knew.

                I pulled into his driveway. “I’ll be over in a little,” I said.

                “Alright. Don’t bother texting me. I probably won’t have my phone,” he said, getting out of the car and walking up the driveway and into his house.

                I pulled out of the driveway and drove myself home. I got out of the car and went inside, into the living room, where mom was doing some paperwork.

                “Mom, I need to talk to you,” I said.

                She looked up at me. “Sure, Jace. What’s up?”

                I pushed my hair back with my hands nervously. “Mom…I need you to do something for me.”

                “What?” she asked curiously.

                “Remember that time dad came back and I was at Shane’s house?” I asked, speaking slowly and carefully.

                Mom’s face paled and she nodded. “He sat in the living room until you can home that night.”

                “Because I told you to let him in if he came back,” I said.

                “You were just a kid, Jace,” she said gently.

                “If he comes back when I’m not home, I want you to tell him to leave and never come back,” I said, my voice strong. “I’ll tell him myself if I’m home. But if I’m not home, I want you to tell him. I know that’s selfish to ask, but…we don’t need him, mom. You don’t need him and neither do I. He left, but it wasn’t our faults. Sucks to be him. He missed out on a wonderful wife and…and on a good son.”

                She stood up and came over to me, pulling me into her arms. I hugged her back, and she stroked my hair.

                “I’m so proud of you,” she whispered. “You’re so strong, Jace.”

                “I don’t want to be afraid to trust people anymore,” I said quietly. “My dad is gone. But not everyone will leave me. You never did. And neither did Mitch or Shane or Carol or Jasper. Not everyone leaves.” Rio and Hank flashed through my mind. “People we love will hurt us. But it doesn’t mean we should let them destroy us.”

                “I will never leave you, Jace. Never. Do you believe me?” she asked.

                I pulled away so that I could look into her eyes. “Yes. I trust you.”

                It’s been a long hard road without you by my side. Why weren’t you there all the nights that we cried? You broke my mother’s heart, you broke your children for life. It’s not okay, but we’re alright.

                That song flashed through my mind and I pulled my mom back into a hug. I smiled weakly, feeling like a weight had been lifted off of my chest.

                “We’re going to be just fine mom,” I promised her.

                “Yes we are,” she said, and I could hear the smile in her voice. “We’re going to be fine.”

                “I love you,” I said.

                “I love you too,” she said and kissed my cheek. “You make me so proud, Jace. You always have.”

                “I’m going to go to Mitch’s house,” I said, pulling away from her.

                “Before you go…” She gave me a weak smile and pulled her wedding ring off. “I’ve been clinging to the past too, Jace. But I think it’s time we both move on. It’s not going to be easy, but I know we can move on with our lives. We don’t need to let him chain us to the past.”

                I watched her, suddenly shocked. I had always held this image of my mom as being the strongest person I knew. But just now, I had moved on, and helped her move on with me. My lips curled into a small smile. Maybe I was strong, too.

                “Go have fun with your friends,” she said, tossing the ring onto the coffee table without bothering another glance at it.

                “I’ll be back,” I assured her.

                “I know,” she said, winking and sitting down to finish her paperwork.

                I turned and left the house, feeling proud of myself. I got in the car and drove to Mitch’s house, letting myself inside and over to Mitch’s bedroom.

                I opened his bedroom door and he looked up from the book he was reading. He raised an eyebrow at me, closing his book.

                “Knock,” he said.

                “Shut up. Stand up,” I said, going over and holding my hand out to him.

                He took it and I pulled him to his feet. As I looked at him, I realized there was just one more thing to do, and then I really would be free to be with Mitch again.

                “Mitch, I need to tell you something,” I said.

                “If it’s about how sexy I am, save your breath,” he said.

                “No, this is serious,” I said.

                “Go for it,” he said, nodding at me to speak.

                “I have a drinking problem,” I said. “I’m getting dangerously addicted to alcohol. I use it to hide from my problems and feelings. I have a drinking problem.”

                “It’s about damn time,” he said, relief in his voice. “Are you willing to work on it?”

                Hank rose in my mind, with his blank stare, his anger, and his physical appearance. “Yes. Yes I am.”

                “I won’t let you turn into Hank,” Mitch assured, hugging me. “We’re going to help you. As long as you’re willing to let us help you, you’ll be fine.”

                “I trust you,” I said honestly. “I know you’ll help me.”

                “Of course I will,” he said softly.

                I pulled out of his arms and stared into his pale blue eyes. I tipped his chin, lightly pressing my lips to his.

                He kissed me back hard, a year of lost time slapping us in the face. I pulled him close, holding his body against mine, kissing him with passion.

                We stumbled over to his bed and fell back onto it together. Mitch’s hand moved up to my cheek and the other curled around until the palm of his hand pressed against my lower back. I let my hands tangle in his soft hair, his vanilla scent drifting into my nose.

                We weren’t looking for sex. We just wanted to be kissing, we wanted our bodies to feel the warmth of each other, we wanted to be together.

                And as our lips worked together furiously, everything felt okay again. I wasn’t completely over my dad, but I had taken a major step towards moving on, and so had my mom. I had finally admitted to my drinking problem. And I had trust in Mitch.

                Mitch had stopped going out at night. He was trying to be more honest with me. He had denied a sexual relationship with Rio with me in mind. He was willing to help me with my drinking problem.

                “I love you,” I said, breaking away from his lips long enough to say that before reconnecting them.

                “I love you too,” he mumbled against my mouth.

                We began kissing again, and my mind blurred over. Somewhere along the line, tongues became involved and hands wandered and everything felt okay everything felt great I was happy again.

                Finally, we stopped. I rolled off of his body, curling against his side, our arms around each other. Mitch gently kissed me again and smiled at me, that crooked smile that I loved so damn much.

                “Now we have to deal with Shane again,” I said, slightly afraid considering his reaction last time.

                “We won’t wait to tell him this time,” Mitch said.

                “But not right now. Right now, we’re busy,” I said, resting my head against his shoulder. He kissed my forehead.

                “Yes we are,” he agreed.

                “You haven’t gotten laid in a year,” I said. “The tables are turned.”

                “I don’t want sex. I just want to lie like this,” he said, lightly rubbing my back. “Oh, yea, I should probably make it official. Will you be my boyfriend?”

                “Last time you basically just told me we were dating,” I reminded him.

                “That’s not an answer,” he said.

                “Nah, I don’t really feel like it,” I said.

                “Jace.” He pouted and punched me.

                “Ow! Fine, okay, whatever, I’ll be in an abusive relationship with you, asshole,” I said.

                He smiled. “Good. Then it’s like nothing has changed.”

                “Oh joy,” I grumbled, rolling my eyes. But then I smiled, so glad to finally be back together with Mitch.

                “So are you two back together?”

                “Doesn’t anyone know how to knock?” Mitch asked in annoyance.

                “Well I’m glad you two weren’t knocking when I came in,” Carol said. She held up the laundry basket in her arms. “Besides, I did your laundry. So don’t complain.”

                “I’d be mortified if a parent ever walked in on me having sex,” I groaned.

                “I’d be mortified if I ever walked in on one of my sons having sex,” Carol said, opening Mitch’s drawers and beginning to stack away his clothes for him. “I made their father explain all dick-related things to them.”

                “It’s true. It was horribly awkward,” Mitch said. “Imagine being a little kid with some morning wood and having your dad stutter about how that was going to happen a lot.”

                “Never leave men to raise children,” Carol said, standing up. “Also, dinner is basically ready. So get your asses out to the table.”

                I stood up and Mitch copied me. I took his hand in mine and we walked out to the dining room.

                Shane looked up and his eyes fell to our hands. He didn’t say anything, but the look in his eyes said he wasn’t pleased.

                “Shane, we’re dating,” I said.

                “I think he figured that out. The murderous look in his eyes kind of gave that away,” Mitch said.

                “Mitch, shut up. Let me do the talking,” I said with a sigh. I turned back to Shane. “Look, I know you don’t like that we’re dating. But we’re happy. You’re my best friend. You’re supposed to be happy that I’m happy.”

                “Dude, you’re banging my little brother,” Shane pointed out.

                “Dude, your parents are right here,” Jasper said, coming out and setting down plates for us.

                “We haven’t actually banged. We’ve only been back together for, like, a half hour,” Mitch said.

                Shane said, looking defeated. “Alright, whatever. But if you make me feel like I’m third wheeling, we’re going to have a problem. And when you do start banging again, keep it down. Mitch’s room is right next to mine.”

                “If they’re being loud, we’ll be louder,” Carol said, coming out and slipping an arm around Jasper’s waist.

                “We’ll keep it down!” Mitch and I cried in absolute horror.

                “See? Problem solved,” Carol said.

                “I thought you’re supposed to tell them not to have sex?” Jasper asked.

                “They’re boys in the 21st century. It’s going to happen,” Carol said with a shrug. “Anyways, as long as they’re being safe about it, there’s not much else to do. Help me carry the food out.”

                Jasper shrugged and followed her into the kitchen. They returned a minute later, setting food down. We filled our plates and dug in hungrily.

                “I was waiting for one of you to hook up with Rio,” Shane said.

                “Nah,” Mitch said. “It would’ve been too weird.”

                “I don’t even like him,” I reminded. “I was waiting for you to hook up with the creep.”

                “Hell no,” Shane said, making a disgusted face. “I’m not into guys. Hate to break your fangirl dreams, Jace, but it’s not happening.”

                “And so Shio sinks,” I said with a sigh.

                “I can’t believe you gave it a ship name,” he said.

                “It just kind of came to me. Like a higher power demanded it,” I said.

                “You’re crazy,” Shane said before returning his attention to the food in front of him.

                We finished eating and I followed Mitch back to his bedroom. We laid down on his bed together, just curling up comfortably.

                Mitch put his head on my chest and I ran my hands through his hair. He slung an arm over me lazily and I kissed his hair.

                “I’m glad we finally worked this shit out,” he said with his crooked smile.

                “Me too,” I said, returning the smile. Everything had been coming together, and now it was all falling into place.

                “I still have to tell Rio we’re dating again,” Mitch said. “So prepare yourself for the teasing. Or the serious talks. It’s hard to tell with Rio.”

                “He’s confusing,” I said.

                “He’s a dark guy who doesn’t want to be a dark guy,” Mitch said. “So, yes, he’s confusing. You start to get used to him after a while.”

                “I still don’t like him,” I said.

                Mitch shrugged. “Eh, whatever. Just tolerate him for me.”

                “Maybe,” I said.

                He turned his head and brought his lips to mine. “God, I’ve missed doing that.”

                “Me too,” I said, holding him closer to myself.

                Mitch put his head back on my chest, closing his eyes. I began to run my hand through his hair again.

                “Are you actually tired?” I asked.

                “No,” he said. “But this is comfortable.”

                I chuckled, his head bouncing up and down with my chest. We laid together in comfortable silence for a while, until I started to get tired.

                “Go to sleep,” Mitch said, his eyes still closed.

                “I’m going to,” I said with a yawn.

                He turned, opening his eyes. He kissed me gently before putting his head back in its spot on my chest. I put my arms around him, pulling the covers over us. I looked down at him and a smile came to my face as I closed my eyes. Things were right again.


A.N.- NOT THE LAST CHAPTER. Let me know what you think c:  

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