cat next door.

By hwangcult

113K 5.2K 2K

❝ can you please get that cat out of my sight or i'm calling the police. ❞ - in which hyunjin's cat keeps goi... More

twenty-one // end


3.4K 173 14
By hwangcult


i sighed heavily as i stepped into the entrance, eyes immediately looking for that one girl. when i finally did, my hands started to sweat nervously for some reason. i already imagined the unlimited possibilities and outcomes of this meet-up. the scariest is that she would want me to stay away from her in the most gentle way possible, which is also, sadly, most likely the reason why she called for me.

"dahye, come and sit." she greeted with a small smile as i took a seat across her. my eyes were looking everywhere except for her own. this, she quickly noticed and sighed upon.

"i know this is a bit awkward for us, considering our last encounter, but i want you to please speak comfortably with me, okay?" she started and i nodded my head hesitantly at her friendly approach. maybe, i should try to put my guard down for once, i think we both are, to make things work out.

"so, how long have you been here?" i asked.

"you mean in seoul, or the resto?" she replied with another question.

"here in seoul," i said shortly and she nodded her head.

"approximately, two weeks ago. i moved since i'm going to be an intern in ***** international hospital." she paused.

"oh, did i say i was studying medicine, that's why." she chuckled lightly as she looked at me.

"i kinda figured out, when i saw your instagram feed." i replied shyly, not knowing how she would react that i stalked her account. i mean, it was necessary to know who dmed me randomly, right?

"that's good. how about you, though? have you been staying with mom— i mean ms. park, until now?" she looked down with a cross expression on her face as i shook my hand in front of her face.

"no, no, no, it's alright. and well, no. i moved to an apartment since second year, i guess?" we had a decent small talk, to say. and she was trying her best to make me feel comfortable, not saying i didn't like it. i actually find it endearing, since i forgot how it feels like to receive affection from your sibling.

my phone rang in the middle of a conversation and i immediately checked my phone, muttering a small excuse me.

kkami's owner
received, 4:12 pm

kkami' owner
how was it??
received, 4:15 pm

kkami's owner
oh are you not done talking yet?
if not im sorry for disturbing you
received, 4:21 pm

seen, 4:22 pm

i chuckled lightly as i read his texts. this boy really is something.

"who was it? is it important? i can g—" i shook my head as i put my phone down for a bit.

"it's fine. it's just my friend, you know, checking up on me," i trailed off and i noticed her raise a brow on me.

"hmm, a friend. doesn't seem like so." she smirked and i almost slapped her shoulder if it weren't for my phone ringing again.

kkami's owner
did you just seen me??!
received, 4:25 pm

we're still talking jinnie
sent, 4:25 pm

you just spammed me oml
what is u on bro
sent, 4:26 pm

"what do you mean, huh?" i tried to sound tough but my ears were a shade of pink.

"let me guess, that friend of yours is a boy." she smiled at me knowingly and i just sighed as i raise my hands in mock surrender. and we both throw into fits of laughter and i swear, it was heartwarming feeling, knowing that you have someone you can share sentiments to.

"dahye," i looked at her smiling face.

"i really hope we can always be like this. you know, joking around and talking about our lives." i held her hand and gave it a tight squeeze.

"i missed you so much, dahyun." i said slowly as we both stood up, feeling each other's embrace. something sparked in me, a feeling that i thought i would never feel again,

the feeling of being loved without condition.

"now tell me about this boy. is he handsome? are you of the same age?" she bombarded me with questions and honestly, i don't mind answering them all.


so this is what happened during the siblings' meet-up lmao

double update bcs i was very inactive in here

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