The Golden Rule

By AzureBlu

1.1K 61 54

The world is balance. For the people of the countries of Pearl and Onyx, there is no threat of war, governmen... More

Author's Note
Ch 1: A Little Unwell
Ch 2: Crazy Pain
Ch 3: Something is Off
Ch 4: Very Wrong
Ch 5: Treatment
Ch 6: Cure
Ch 8: Reaction
Ch 9: Adjustment
Ch 10: Adapting
Ch 11: Complications
Ch 12: In Trouble

Ch 7: Borderland

23 5 1
By AzureBlu

 After passing the lush, parallel mounds of The Farm, the truck moved from the uniformly flat, paved roads of Zone A to the bumpy, rough terrain of the desert surrounding the Community. Occasionally the constant shakiness made one of the masked men looked back through a tiny window to check on their captive.
“She's starting to move around a bit. What do we do if she wakes up? They told us to bring her back unhurt,” he said.

“Well, you shoulda have thought of that befoe you shocked her,” the other one said. “As long as the Pearlie alive, we still get credit for the job,”

They continued on until saw a long silver boundary far off in the distance but blocking the commonly chosen path to their destiny. As they moved closer, they saw that the silver boundary was a familiar short wall with tall enough to go over their wheels. Leaning on the wall was another tall, thin masked figure who appeared to be waiting for them. The truck stopped and one of the figures stuck his head out the window.

“Hey! What is this?” he said.

“I was told to see if the girl is secure,” the figure on the wall replied.

“Then why waste our time with a roadblock? Why didn't they contact us earlier on our radios?”

“Umm... Well, they...” the figure stuttered. He paused, looking down at his “They said that... that...the truck they gave you was... had faulty parts,” He walked towards the truck, rubbing his hand down the side as he made his way to the back. “It could break down anytime. It's best if it is examined before you go any further.”

“We'll its workin fine right now. If we have any problems you can follow behind us, but I'm not stayin out here longer than I have to.”

“I'm turning around. You should move before...What?” The other masked man pushed foot down on the gas pedal but the truck did not move.

“What's happening? Why aren't we moving?”his partner yelled.

The engine made a sputtering, choking sound, and the wheels rolled a little, but they didn't move.

“Shuddap! I'm pressin the pedals and movin dis wheel but it ain't movin!”

After slamming down harsh on the pedal one more time, the truck made a loud rumble and then stopped as the truck powered down. He turned the keys in ignition but the only response he got was a soft sputtering from the engine.

“Damn, the truck is out. Hey! You can look at the truck now!” he said. They both walked out of truck and met the other figure at the back.

He twisted the nobs and locks and pushed up the door. On the floor was Angeline's limp body sprawled on the metal floor.

“Did you just throw her on the floor? He jumped up into the truck and slowly creeped up to her. He kneeled down and watched her closely. Though she was still unconscious,she made little wheezing noises as she pulled in breath through her nose.

“Are you gonna keep staring the Pearlie or are you going to fix the engine?” One of them yelled at him.

“Ummm... Yes. Of course. Just making sure the... subject wasn't damaged or.... anything,” When he stood up quickly, he wobbled from side to side to regain his balance as he moved towards the edge of the truck.

“Hey! Don't break your foot or anything? You're getting us back. Don't know why your starin so hard? Da girl's got nothin in the front or back,” one of the masked men said. His voice gave away the annoyance that was building up in both of them.

They moved out of the way as the masked man jumped back to the ground.

“Yes... Everything's good here. I'll just get my tools and have a look at that engine. I just need you two go back in and test the controls when I tell you to. Got it?”

“I'm puttin it all on you if it breaks even more. I'm not gonna get chewed up by that bitch if you break this thing,”

They walked back to the front of the truck, and the two masked men went in. The other men walked over to the wall. He pulled out a large, black bag from the other sided and seemed to have trouble dragging it towards their window.

“Ok. Before I can begin. I just need to check...” After stepping on the small ladder to be in their window, he reached inside his cloak pocket and pulled out a small slip of rolled paper. After looking at it for a few seconds and muttering to himself, he quickly tucked it back into his pocket. “Ok, let's start.”

He bent his head, cupped his hands together and started uttering something in a low but strong voice.

“Hey! What are you doing? Stop fooling around and check the engine already!” the masked man next him said. He reached for arm, but the masked man leaned back before he could reach him.

“Somnus!” he yelled. Out of his hands, a flash of bright, light sprung forth and exploded in the truck. After the light passed, the masked man saw that the other men were slumped over in their seats, completely unconscious.

He stepped off the ladder and resumed dragging the bag to the end of the truck.. He opened the door again and then quickly zipped opened the large bag. Reaching in, he pulled out a life-like white mannequin with long black hair. He pulled it up into the truck next to Angeline. Sitting down next to her, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small black box with an antenna at the top. Pushed the button in the middle, he waited. A distorted static sound came from the box for awhile then a hazy, man's voice came out.

“What Cryer? You need me?” the voice said.

“No, I just wanted to report that I got her. How's things are your end?” he sighed.

“Good. Took a little longer to find them but good,”

“Have they spotted you yet?”

“What! Of course they haven't!...I can't talk now. I'll see you at Ben's office. Bye.”

“Sebastian! Don't-” He heard static once again come out of the box.

After putting the box back in his pocket, he bent over and lifted her up in his arms. He jumped from the truck then walk back to the wall which disappeared when he passed through it. Behind the wall was a long, black motor vehicle with a smaller sidecar attached to it. He gently put her inside then put a sheet over her head. He went back to the truck, closed the door and went back to the bike.

“I'm sorry, but I just can't have anyone see you,” he said to her while climbing into the bike seat. “It won't take long to get there,” He stepped on gas pedal and zoomed off into the desert.

Meanwhile, farther off in the desert, another masked man tucked a radio into his pocket and sped off on his motorbike towards a moving black truck. He moved fast enough to be directly near the back of the truck. The wheels briefly touching the back bumper as pressed he tried to keep his speed under control. He squeezed the handle tightly as gray light traveled in waves down the handlebars, across the seat cushion and down into the tires until the entire bike rippled with light.

“Consisto.” he said. The waves of light condensed into one bright layer illuminating the whole motorbike. He took his hands from the handles, folded his feet under his legs and in one strong push jumped from the seat and towards the white door. His body phased through the door like it was made of water, and He skidded across the floor as he landed inside Though it was dark, he moved around without any problems. When he found Acci, he picked her up and threw her over his left shoulder. He walked towards the door and leaned through to look at the motorbike. He jumped through the door, his legs glowing with the same gray light covering the motorbike, landing onto the bike seat.

“Subisto,” he said. The motorbike's gray light disappeared, and the bike began slowing down as he tried to maintaining control of the handle with one hand and keep her body still with the other. But he soon felt her body starting to squirm on his back.

“Damn! Stop moving!” he muttered to her. When he tried to reel her back with two hands, she moved even more and dug her short, jagged nails into his soft back. “Ahhh! Let go!” He reluctantly held her down on his shoulder until the motorbike came to screeching stop. He slid off quickly slid off the back and tried to pull her off of him.

“Ahhh!” she growled. When he was close pushing her at arm's length, she wrapped her fingers around his throat, burying her nails into it rather squeezing it. He pushed her up until she he fingers scrapped passed his neck but caught his mask.

He gave one strong push, and she dropped to the ground. Landing on her back, she groaned and twisted into the hard ground, holding tightly to the mask she had pulled off him. Though she was moving, she did not open her eyes all the way. She briefly opened her watery eyes and then stopped moving before she closed her eyes again. He watched her as she became still.

“Damn! I should have asked for the other one when I had the chance,” he whispered. He inched towards, watching for signs of shaking from her arms and legs. He moved close enough to see if her chest moving up and down. He bent down close to her arm and reached for the mask. When he grabbed the fabric, she grabbed his arm and attempted to pull herself up. When she tried to go for his head again, she stopped. Her droopy, half-closed eyes became wide and dilated, directly focused on his face.

He had wide silver eyes and skin as white and pale as any Pearlie, but the short, wet hair clinging to his forehead was as black as Onyx. It was as black as her hair use to be. Her surprise allowed him to release himself from her grip.

“That's it! I'm tired of this! Lemme try... Shit! What's that spell!” He hit his forehead trying to jog his memory. “ I know it has... It has... Lumen in it. What is it?” While he talked to himself, Acci turned away, trying to lift herself off the ground, but her legs wobbled over when she gained a foot off the ground. She settled for dragging herself across the hot ground.

“Hey what are you.... You're just making this difficult for me,” She moved faster, but he grabbed was able to grab her foot. Before she had time to kick him, he shouted, “Somnus!” and she stopped and collapsed into the dirt. Her whole body was limp.

“Finally. Let's hope I did it right,” he sighed. He pulled her onto his shoulders again and walked back to his bike. He dumped her into the small car attached to the bike. After shoving her feet inside, he sat back on the motorbike, slammed down on the accelerator and sped off.

The bike traveled from the rough but flat land to a rocky, grass filled terrain. After half an hour, he slowed down as he approached a large, smooth mountain side. He turned away from the mountain and moved towards a field of large jagged rocks. He stopped in front of the field his radio out of his pocket.

“So you got her?” Cryer said.

“Yeah. I did. Both of you owe me for the hell she put me through,”

“She was awake? Oh...Sorry you had to get that,”

“Just tell him I'm coming directly to him.” He turned off the radio and slowly maneuvered his bike through. On the other side of many of the larger rocks were large holes that lead into a large cavern. He approached one on the larger ones on the right and went through.

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