Tom Holland IMAGINES

By ohyikes03

244K 2.3K 1K

This book will contain Imagines Tom Holland x Reader- It will also contain imagines with other characters he... More

Ellen (tom holland)
Honesty (peter parker)
Deal Breaker? (Tom holland)
I Want You (Peter Parker)
In My Hands (tom holland)
Disappointment (tom holland)
Update/ Apology
Memories (tom holland)
Memories pt. 2 (tom holland)
Don't tell (tom holland)
For Her (peter parker)
A baby? (Tom holland)
Not the water (Lucas Bennet)
Prom? (Peter parker)
Nightmares (peter parker)
Nighmares part 2 (peter parker)
Why her? (Tom Holland)
Parenthood at the worst time (tom holland)
Will You...? (Tom Holland)
Twins (tom holland)
Another A/N sorryyy
Makeover (Tom Holland)
Disney Land (Tom Holland)
Mr. Delmar (Peter Parker)
Years... (Tom Holland)
A/N please read
New Story!!!
Lie Detector (Tom Holland)
Lie Detector pt.2 (Tom Holland)
If You Say So

In Danger (peter parker)

23.8K 122 42
By ohyikes03

This is an original- I take requests.

You had finally fallen asleep. Having a newborn was tiring but your wonderful husband Peter was great with the baby.
The baby's name was Benjamin. And may I say he was a doll. Peter was still running around the town as Spider-Man even though everyday it got harder. He would come home hurt and obviously didn't bring home much money for the family. But he loved it so you didn't say anything. Until yesterday. You mentioned to Peter he should retire soon.
He agreed but not for one year or for that case 5 years.
They baby began crying.

You: I just put him down. He usually doesn't wake up and get hungry again until midnight. It's only ten.
Peter: Just let him cry through it. Remember that's what his pediatrician said.
You: Yeah ok.

But then you heard a slam. And the crying came to a sharp stop.
You looked over at Peter complete panic in your eyes.
He could obviously see it.
He jumped up running to the nursery screaming Benjamin like the baby could respond.
You followed close behind.
When he got to the crib. He stopped you from entering the room.

You: The baby! Where's my baby?!?

You fell to the ground.
It felt like someone has ripped your heart out from your chest.

You: Peter?

Peter walked towards the crib.
He was so angry it was almost as if you could see steam billowing from his ears.
Peter picked up a note.

Peter: Whoever did it left a note.
Peter: Hey, Pete remember me. The vulture. Well if you want this oh so adorable baby back in one piece I need all your pretty secrets along with Starks.

Peter: Secrets?
You: What?
Peter: oh he wants the location of the alien tech.
Peter: I can't.
You: God Peter this our baby.
Peter: Stay here. I have an idea.
You: what?

Before you could stop him he had suited up and leaped out the window.
The minutes felt like hours.
He said if you want the baby in one piece.
He's going to cut my baby. So many things were running through your head.
You were crying so much that your eyes couldn't even produce more tears. You held your baby's pacifier close you.

You: *whispering* please be safe. Please be safe.

And with that. You heard your baby crying. You ran back to his nursery to see Peter coddling the baby.
You grabbed him and held him right to your body.

You: Mommy's so sorry. So so sorry.

Peter hugged the both of you close.

Peter: He's dead.
You: I thought you didn't kill.
Peter: he took my baby. No one takes my baby.

He found a way to pull you two closer.

Peter: And I've decided to retire.
You: What?
Peter: I'm tired of putting the people I love in danger.
You: Aww baby.
Peter: Everything will be back to normal.

You smiled.

You: Id like that

After Peter retired everything went to normal. You were a normal family living in queens. The baby slept next to you in a playpen in your bedroom. And you slept soundly knowing that the two people you love were safe.
Everything was perfect.

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