The Calm & The Storm

By Cassy_101

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Raised in a world of magic and evil Ellaria and Elora, are trained in the artistic skill of killing. They are... More

Chapter 3

Chapter One

8 0 0
By Cassy_101


My body slightly shakes in anticipation for the fight to come. After training it was time for me to fight my biggest opponent, Alex. He was larger and stronger than me but I knew I could beat him. All I had to do was not get distracted and to not let my anger get the best of me. I had a real problem with those, especially around a man like him, with his broad shoulders and mesmerising eyes. I had always been mocked by him and he hasn't let me forget that he beat me in our last match. I wish I hadn't lost concentration, but I couldn't help it.

 I don't know how but  He captured my attention from the crowd. Those eyes. They kept me bound without chance of escape. Shaking that memory out of my mind I headed to the arena for the match. Each step I took brought me closer and my heart felt at peace. This is what I loved to do, it was passion. As I stepped into the arena everyone stared at me.

 I was the youngest there and one of the only girls. Looks of disdain are thrown my way. I then locked eyes with Alex who smiled at me with his beautiful blue eyes that shockingly reminded me of His. I am pulled from my thoughts when I hear a familiar voice. Theodore.

"You won't win if you keep staring into space" I frantically turn and face an older man who's once black hair is practically white now.

"I was just thinking of what I'll do once I see his face when I beat him"

"Oh sure you were. Elora I have practically raised you. I know the look you get when your thoughts are in a different realm" With that he smiled and turned to walk away. "Good luck" he calls over his shoulder. After he leaves, I remember the summons I had received that morning. I have been feeling jittery ever since. A summons is only given when you are in trouble or are lucky enough to receive an assignment.

 As my thoughts start to drift away again, hoping to remember if I had done anything wrong, the bong echoed, signaling for me to step on the fighting mat. I throw off my cloak and enter with the hopes of taking a win. Alex steps up onto the other side of the mat. All I can do to stay calm is to stare into those gorgeous eyes of his. To this day I still can't figure out why he makes me so mad, but his eyes seem familiar and calming. They enchant me everytime they lock with mine. I am forced back to reality when the bong clangs again. I inch closer to him getting ready to strike.

 The first blow comes from him. It catches me off guard and I stumble backwards. I quickly regain my composure and throw a quick uppercut that catches him perfectly under his sharp jawline. His head gets whipped back from the force. In a split second he regains his composure, and his leg swiftly connects with my stomach and the air gets sucked right out of me. Struggling for breath I look up at him. Just looking at him angers me to a point of no returning. I couldn't and I wouldn't let him over power me. I return to my fighting position and wait for my opportunity to strike. As we both moved around the edges of the mat, my long golden brown hair sways from side to side and hits me in the face. It was time to end this. I remembered all of my training and attacked with a roundhouse kick to his gut and a knee to the face. Alex hits the ground with a loud thud. All the cheering that had been in favour of Alex trailed off as he lay on the ground gasping for air, blood dripping from his sculpted nose. I feel so exposed standing there with all eyes on me.

 Pointed stares were directed at me as I am officially declared the winner. I quickly exit and make my way to my small room to change for the meeting. I feel sick to the stomach as the possibilities of what might happen enter my mind. The scariest was the thought of being throw out of the Circle Of The Enlightened Deeds. Satisfied with my appearance, I begin to make my way to the elders council room- my feet feeling heavier with each step. I reach the big heavy iron doors and knock. It sounds so weak against the tremendous doors. It felt like years before I was summoned in. When I enter, smoke from the massive fire in the middle of the room overwhelmes my senses. I have to cough to clear up my breathing. There are four elderly men sitting on a elevated section of the room on lavish red carpets. There are also a number of men gathered around the fire. One of the four men rises and with a deep voice says

"Elora, I have heard of your victory today. Congratulations" With that single sentence, the chatter in the room died down and everyone turned to face me. I breathed out my thanks and looked down. My nervousness was getting the best of me. These men had complete and total control over my path in life. They could easily send someone to kill me or worse, kick me out of the family I've ever haved. The elders beckon me to a carpet that is placed in front of them. I timidly sit down and look up at them.

"Elanor, we are so proud of what you have accomplished and the dedication you have put into your training"

I'm not sure if they expected a response so I stay silent, continuing to look up at them. It was hard to see their faces since they had the hood of their cloaks up. Never have I seen any of the fours faces. It was seen as a great honor if they trusted you with their identity. The elder continues to talk.

" We want to send you on an important mission. Are you willing to accept?" My heart gives a little leap of excitement, but I am weary. You don't know the mission until it begins. I have unluckily been blessed with the task of cleaning up after the pigs as a mission. Crossing my fingers and hoping for the best, I accept. The begin to bombard me with so much information that I have a hard time keeping up. The elders were always through with their information to help prevent disaster. Not one thing was left out. I sit there trying to remember what they were saying but slowly the information drifts from my mind.

"You leave tomorrow at sunrise." is the finale to the boatload of information. I nod and exit. On the way to my room, I crash into Alex. My hands end on his muscled chest to prevent myself from falling. As much as I hate him, he makes up for his crappy attitude it in looks and muscles. I stay in that position a little too long and he smiles cockily. He opens his mouth to say something, but I turn and hasten to my room. I am not going to give him the satisfaction of making fun of me some more. When I arrive at my room, I grab the small bag from under the bed and pack it with a few valuables,a simple dress, a pair of breeches and several plain tunics. Satisfied with my preparations I decide to hit the hay earlier as to be well rested for the long ride ahead. As I drift to sleep I feel at peace and enthusiasm for this new adventure.

 During the night I awake with a drenched shirt and soaked hair. I sit up panting and drops of sweat drip off my face. I had seen him again. Only this time in my dream. The man with the blue eyes. I felt trapped in my dream staring at him until he vanished into thin air. Trying to make sense of it was useless. It was impossible to find a glimpse of an answer as I keep going over the events of my dream. Sleep was no longer an option so I roll out of bed and get dressed in my training gear.

 As I head to the training room it feels as though someone is following me. I turn to see if anyone is there, but all I see is an empty hallway. Blaming my jitteriness on the lack of sleep, I keep walking. That feeling stays though even when I start to workout. I constantly checked, my efforts in vain until I see a figure out of the corner of my eye. Acting as though I was still exercising, I subtly grab my knife. I turn quickly knife in hand to face the intruder. I was faced with darkness. No one was there anymore. All of a sudden he reappears at my side and whirl around to face him. It's him, the guy in my dreams. He gives me a dazzling smile and reaches out to touch my cheek. Before his hand can connect with my skin, I am jerked awake by Theodore.

"Are you alright?" He asks in concern. I stare at my shaking hands and I sit up.

"Just a bad dream." I mutter in response. Theodore nods in understanding and pats my shoulder.

"It is time to go now" he says, while handing me a bowl of oatmeal. Giving me a smile, he gets up and leaves. Once he has left I shovel down my food and get dressed in riding clothes. I walk out to meet the elders and get my final instructions. My horse is ready for me already and I mount him.

"Don't forget you mission. No distractions" one of the elders say sternly. I give a stiff nod. They all exchange a look with each other and one of them pulls a golden dagger from the folds of his robe and places it in my hands.

"It's time for you to be on your way." I turn my horse towards the road leading away from the base. The weight of the importance of the mission made me nervous, but I have to fulfill what has been asked of me. I can't return until it is complete unless I wished to be thought of as a coward, and incapable of doing anything hard or dangerous. This was my task and I was going to finish it. 

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