Teen mom

By crazy_writer_2013

373K 5.5K 2.1K

Lexi despises her best friend Morgans brother Jake. Somehow things end up happening at a party and Lexi turns... More

Teen mom
Teen mom - Chapter one
Teen mom - Chapter two
Teen mom - Chapter three
Teen mom - Chapter four
Teen mom - Chapter five
Teen mom - Chapter six
Teen mom - Chapter seven
Teen mom - Chapter nine
Teen mom - Chapter ten
Teen mom - Chapter eleven
Teen mom - Chapter twelve
Teen mom - Chapter thirteen
Teen mom - Chapter fourteen
Teen mom - Chapter fifteen
Teen mom - Chapter sixteen
Teen mom - Chapter seventeen
Teen mom - Chapter eighteen
Teen mom - Chapter nineteen
Teen mom - Chapter twenty
Teen mom - Chapter twnenty one
Teen mom - Chapter twenty two
Teen mom - Chapter twenty three
Teen mom - Chapter twenty four
Teen mom - Chapter twenty five
Teen mom - Chapter twenty six
Teen mom - Chapter twenty seven
Teen mom - Chapter twenty eight
Teen mom - Chapter twenty nine
Teen mom - Chapter thirty
Teen mom - Chapter thirty one
Teen mom - Chapter thirty two
Teen mom - Chapter thirty three
Teen mom - Chapter thirty four
Authors note

Teen mom - Chapter eight

12.3K 199 111
By crazy_writer_2013


It's been a week exactly and Lexi still hasn't woke up.

They say she was hit so hard about an inch away from her temple so her body reacted like she was hit in the temple.

They say there's a great chance she won't wake up and there's a great chance that she should've died but she didn't.

My parents yell at me for visiting her so much. I haven't went to school three days and it's Thursday I only went yesterday to get my work.

It's four thirty and everyone talking it slowly get louder. But it's when Lexi started to mumble everyone in the room, Morgan, Carol (Lexi's mom), Mark (Lexi's dad), and me, become silent when Lexi starts mumbling.

She opens her eyes but moves her hand over them rubbing her eyes before moving her hands and looking at us.

"My head hurts why are you all staring at me?" she asks.

"You really are stupid." Mark says leaving the room.

Her nurse comes in and makes us leave so they can run tests.

After an hour of waiting to be let back in the room the nurse says only one person at a time maybe two but she wants to see me alone first.



I got brought up to date with everything. Why I went into coma and she kept asking what happened. I kept saying 'nothing'. I also have a cracked rib on my left side.

Its also Thursday I've been in a coma for week. I'm going to have so much school work to get done. I can't mess up my grades I'm a senior next year.

I ask the nurse to have Jake come in first to talk I've been wanting to see him.

I've showered, brushed my teeth, and got dressed. I didn't want to wear a gown and so she's letting me wear some sweatpants and a shirt.

Jake comes in and stands by me rubbing his hands together.

"How are you?" he asks sitting down on the chair next to the uncomfortable hospital bed.

"Happy to be awake. Slight headache I'm fine." I say moving the bed up so it's like I'm sitting in a chair and push myself up wincing from the pain to my ribs. "What about you why are you all nervous?"

"I can't do this. I can't sit here and pretend everything's ok. I cheated on you. I am sorry honestly I am. Heather was in my room and I... I cheated on you. She told me you cheated on me but I shouldn't of even believed her but I was mad from you not answering the phone and I did. I'm sorry."

"We're over then. I can't be with you if your going to cheat."

"I understand honestly you deserve better even though I want to be the only one with you. I think I'm going to go."

"Will you tell Morgan to come in?" I ask and he nods before leaving.

I realized something. When I woke up and all I wanted to do is be in his arms even though everything hurt I realized I love Jake. And now we're not together.

Morgan walks in shutting the door behind her. It's dark out even though it's only six at night.

She sits on the side of my bed and I start crying into her shoulder and she pulls me to her hugging me.

I'm leaning on my right side but my ribs still hurt from me crying.

"He told you didn't he?" she asks after I pull myself together.

"Yeah but the thing is I realized I'm not in love with him, I love him."

"You'll be ok trust me." She says.

"Do you think I should tell them?" I ask.

"Tell who what?"

"Tell the doctors how this happened they keep asking. I mean I just don't want it to happen again."

"You better tell them. He almost killed you. They didn't think you were going to wake up."

"I know I will. I can't do this no more. so how much school work am I missing?"


"None? I know you've had work this past week." I say.

"Yes we have. I've been doing all my homework and I've been taking yours and copying mine. I've been keeping it so you can turn it in and study it first for the quizzes you've missed."

"Thank you thank you thank you. I've been worrying about that. Is my dad out there?"

"Nope he went down to the cafeteria and your mom followed trying to tell him not to be so rude. He stayed down there or left but your moms waiting to see you."

"You going to go back to your house?" I ask her.

"Yeah I'll tell your mom to come in. Text me if you need anything I mean it."

"I know I will. Goodnight."

"Goodnight." she says before she opens the door and leaves with the click of the door.

I look and my phones on the side table and I grab it seeing a bunch of notifications.

I unlock it and go to texts. All of the cheerleaders, excluding Lexi and I, have texted me saying there sorry for being mean and hoping I'm getting better.

They must've found out I'm in the hospital and was in a coma. I go on Facebook and Instagram and everyone's writing on my wall and posting pictures of them and me saying I'll pull through and get better.

I like how they all feel bad now. I forgive them though, everyone deserves a second chance. Even Heather and my dad.

My mom comes in so I lock my phone and put it back down while she sits on the side of my bed.

She's tired and worn. There's dark circles under her eyes and her makeups smudged. Her hairs a mess and sticking to her face so she pulled it back making it stick out.

"Mom you need to go home and get some rest." I say while she rubs my hand with hers.

She gives me a look saying she'd rather be here.

My dad hasn't even learned from this.

"I'm going to tell the truth. No more lying and covering up for him."

"I agree. It's sad to admit but he needs help maybe this will wake him up maybe he needs to go to treatment or jail, just something for him to get better."

"I know, mom I'm tired can I go to bed?" I say my head throbbing now and my eyelids fighting to stay open.

"Yes sweetie I'm staying tonight again."

"Thanks mom love you."

"Your welcome get some rest I love you too."

I close my eyes and I instantly fall asleep.

I wake up to a new nurse talking to my mom and I sit up causing my ribs to hurt.

"You are doing much better I see." She says looking over the charts.

"Yeah I guess." I say.

"Well we're thinking you can go home in a couple days. We want I keep you here to make sure you don't go back into coma."

"Alright so like what two more days?"

"More like till next Friday. It will also give you time for your ribs to heal."

"Alright whatever I can't do anything about it."

My mom gets up and points to her coffee signaling she's going to get another.

The nurse shuts the door and come over standing by me. She's older maybe forty-five.

"What happened to cause this? the doctors have been wondering. We need to make sure it don't happen again. You could've died." She says like she already knows.

"It was my dad. He got mad he's done it before. My mom tried trust me she did. he does it to her to. So if I leave he'll do it to her so I go home so it's me not her."

"By law I have to tell the police this information."

"Go ahead I want it to be over." I say and she gives me a small smile before walking out writing something down.

I didn't expect my mom to come in and two officers behind her. That was fast.

After telling the story of what happened and how it happened I now get to miss more school to go to court.

My dad being charged with child abuse and child endangerment.

And yet all I can think of is how much I miss Jake. He could be here by my side holding my hand but he's not.


Hope you enjoyed this somewhat boring chapter!


- crazy_writer_2013

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