gasoline // danny's daughter...

By undead-lonely

459 15 8

when i fell for him, it was like i was adding gasoline to a burning fire. he only made it worse. -when danny... More



21 1 0
By undead-lonely

summer went on about her day, listening to the introduction of he teachers to the other people she met.

she liked meeting the other teens, getting to find out their parents were and what they enjoyed doing.

she even added a few people on instagram and snapchat after class because she felt like they'd be great friends.

but the one person she didn't want to be friends with was, derek.

regardless of her being nice to him earlier about her classes and the directions to them, she didn't like his demeanor or attitude.

she didn't like any of it. sure, he was a very attractive guy. he probably could win over any girl in the school if he wanted to but the one thing he couldn't do was follow the rules.

he didn't follow the dress code, that was the first thing he didn't respect.

as she ran into him in each class they shared, the teachers would speak of the rules in the class whereas, he was in the corner of the room breaking every rule that they laid on him.

he didn't like following the rules, not anymore at least.

he used to be a good kid, getting straight a's and always following the rules. he would come home on time and had followed all of his morals, he was that stereotypical christian boy that everybody wanted their daughter to date.

he was the best of the best.

he was popular and had his own posse. he was friends with the football team, friends with the teachers, and friends with everybody.

he was the person everybody would run to when they needed advice or help, and he would help them because he cared.

key word, cared.

he fell in love with a girl who didnt love him enough to tell him the truth.

he was infatuated with this girl. she was his world and his rock, she was everything he had ever wanted in somebody.

she was his soulmate, but she couldnt live up to that label. he still couldn't grasp what happened to her that day.

he couldn't grasp what her father had told him that day.

he couldn't grasp that she would never come back.

he never talked about it, and he never cared to. he never wanted to because he thought that it wouldn't help to talk about it, he thought that it would make the pain increase.

he couldn't even say her name or look at the pictures they took together. he couldn't handle the future he almost had.

he couldn't handle anything anymore.

that was his life and nobody at school knew of it.

for all the school knew, he was a deviant, rebellious kid who didn't want to do anything to change his ways or grades.

he didn't have a problem with what they thought, he never did. simply because his whole family and all of his friends thought the same thing of him as well.

his mother, he never knew her that well since his dad met her at one of his concerts backstage; only for the small handshake and autograph to become a one night-stand and an awkward good morning. and also because it was nessasary to see her every other month for holidays which he never wanted to go to.

he saw pictures of his mom. she was short with short blonde hair, dashing blue eyes and she skinny enough to be a swimsuit model for playboy. she had olive pigmented skin that had no imperfections whatsoever, not a scratch or cut, a bruise or sore. nothing, just a perfect canvas.

she had a beautiful jaw that was chiseled like his, he was almost a spitting image of her. the only thing he really got from his dad were his eyes and jaw. his mom was a cool, laid back woman.

she always supported her son through everything in the world, but his life choices; she didn't agree with whatsoever. she didn't want him to be her, never. and she definitely didn't want him to be his father, which she already knew was too late.

but what could she do about it when she lived in a completely other state with visitation every three to six months? she was just the mother who got pregnant too early from somebody who was still immature in his twenties.

nobody could help him even if they tried, only if summer knew that about him; she wouldn't judge him.

she was more so, goodie goodie with a little bit of bad in her roots. sure, she drank and yea she sometimes smoked a little pot but overall, she was a very good girl.

she loved her family and she loved her bottle, that's only for some to know if they actually keep up with the hollywood undead fandom.

it was lunch time for summer, she waited for her section to be called from the vice principle who stood on the stage with the mic in her hand, her mouth was too close to the mic that summer was surprised that she didn't already break it with her spit.

she already met up with sasha, amy, and one other person she met in her algebra class, lonnie.

lonnie was khloe kardashians daughter, khloe never wanted to reveal the sex of her baby until it was born. she was actually a very sweet, nice girl compared to all the other tars in her family.

she had brown hair and brown eyes, her skin was tan and had no imperfections, like a stereotypical kardashian baby but she had a chubbier face and she wasn't as skinny as her cousins were.

she was more bulky, no, she didn't need plastic surgery. she didn't believe in that, she thinks that beauty lies on the inside and however you came out like, you were beautiful naturally.

she always talked trash about her cousins and how many plastic surgeries they've gotten in the last year and why got it.

summer was surprised that she made friends a kardashian, but what can she say. tristan thompson was a nice guy and so was khloe, so she could understand why she was so chill.

"oh my god, i seriously am dreading today." sasha spoke with exhaustion, amy slightly laughed as she looked down at her phone, she was reading a message from her grandmother.

her grandmother always worried about her more than herself which was amazing and astonishing to amy since her mother didn't care enough to take care of her or think about her.

she smiled as she read the message, hope school is going good, darling. grandma loves you!

gustav's mother was her only friend besides lonnie, and she's only had lonnie for two years. she was surprised when lonnie spoke to her because, why would a kardashian want to speak to someone who didn't have a dad or mom?

that wasn't the case with her though. so all she had was grandma and lonnie.

"yeah, me too. ive met some weird people today." summer spoke as she looked over at the girl with jet black hair smiling down, amy didn't know this since she was nose deep into her screen but she could feel somone staring.

amy looked up to see summer moving her face to something completely ridiculous, with no meaning. a small smirk smeared across her face as she put up her phone and dived into the conversation.

"yeah? who was so weird?" amy spoke with a little bit of cockiness, she acted like her father more than her mother; she thankful for that since her mother was nothing to her.

summer blushes lightly, soon following the motion with her signature eye roll, "that guy with blonde hair and a really good jaw. i forgot his name but sasha and i have a class with him." sasha took a drink of her cherry limeade nodding quickly in agreement, meanwhile lonnie and amy's eyes widened in shock, it was like he was something they didn't wanna speak about.

"what?" sasha and summer asked in complete unison. they were genuinely confused as they looked into the other two girls eyes.

they've been getting tons of dirty looks for even having the same class as him or even speak of his name. even his appearence they would recieve dirty snarls and looks.

lonnie started to take a deep breath, rolling her eyes as she began to wipe away their confusion.

"his name is derek erlichman and let me tell you, that boy is nothing but trouble-" lonnie began to speak with a small chuckle before amy's finger went to her lips, looking around to see that others around them were looking at them in shock as well.

"don't you remember the rule, lonnie?" amy spoke in a hushed tone, she knew more than what she was supposed to about that guy, way more.

lonnie nodded and looked back down, fiddling with her smooth champagne pink nails, amy soon taking over the conversation almost immediately.

"let's just say that, nobody speaks of him. call him, voldemort, yeah?" both girls across from her nodded as their table was being called from the principle.

summer and sasha looked at one another once again in ore confusion than before, they broke eye contact to to see that lonnie gone and amy was standing up, "are you coming to get lunch or not?" she smiled before they returned it, getting up to buy whatever meal looked appetizing to them.








so, as you guys know. amy is going to be a big part of this book and so will derek, since he is the main character besides summer. lonnie and sasha will be a big role in his book as well since they are friends with summer and AVA AND CHASE WILL NOT BE FORGOTTEN! but will be in this book later on, idk when they will be in it again but they will make a big impact on this book too.

ALSO NOT FORGETTING the 5sos babies, they will be in this book too but not as much since this is an HU book.

now, to clarify; i write for fun and this doesn't give any opportunity for hate or slander on the characters.

arzaylea will be pictured badly in this book since i don't think well of her, but if you don't like it, oh well.

BUT ANYWAYS okay so, what do you think amy knows about derek?

do you think dereks mom be a part of this book? will she play an important role in this book?

will dereks past be revealed? if so, what happened to the good boy? why is he so bad? LEAVE SOME IDEAS IN THE DM'S

who is this girl derek fell for? what happened to her?

who knows right?

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