
By white-wolf-girl

453 62 22

"why must you be so overbearing and headstrong!" I snap at him "overbearing and headstrong" he chuckles befor... More

Chapter 2: Mirrored Emotions.
Chapter 3: He Will Never Change!
Chapter 4: To Look But Not See!
Chapter 5: The Ugly Truth About Servants!
Chapter 6: Reminder Of Reality
Chapter 7: The Side No One Sees.
Chapter 8:- Two Sides Of The Same Coin.
Chapter 9: Changes Everything!
Chapter 10: Lancelot.
Chapter 11: Gawain

Chapter 1: NEW Friends And New Actions

47 7 2
By white-wolf-girl


Words:- 8006.

Song- gabriela bee I'll be there.

Yasmin's P.O.V

It's been a week since the princes return and I find myself constantly haunted.

I feel like where ever I look in this castle he was there, with them beautiful blue eyes, staring at me like his trying to figure me out.

Only each time the stares seem to get darker and yesterday I could have sworn I saw hunger in his eyes.

Not only that but I find my dreams haunted by him to, the thought of the dreams are enough to make me blush.

They were sinful and definitely something I would be hanged for dreaming.

Hense why I havent been sleeping lately and that was becoming a challanged.

Try being a werewolves and not having any sleep, I could feel Lily right at the base on her control, ready to take the lead any moment.

I take deep calming breaths as I walk towards the castle, thoughts of visiting giaus with hopes that maybe he could take them all away.

A frown takes its place upon my face as I take notice how alive the village was today.

Only a week of being back and the prince had seemed to change things for the better, the villages seem to be craving the day his king even more.

Gossip was also alive in this town today, everyone was whispering about a new young man arriving in town.

But that's not what's made him the talk of the town, no. What's made him the talk of the town was apparently he went up against Clayton and lives to tell the tale.

It's hard to know which of the gossip trains are true, some say he just started for no reason as a way to show his capable to taking anyone one despite his size.

Other say he was sitting up for someone else and clay challaged him.

Either way the boy lived and even managed to get a few hits In and make him look a bit like an idiot.

That thought alone made me smile, if he can fight against clay, manage to hit him and embarrass him then I have the upmost respect for the guy and he has my heart.

Who knows hopefully maybe I'll even become his friend.

I finally get through the castles gates, smiling at the guards who all say hi, some eevn do a funny bow to make me laugh, some people here really were lovely.

For a place that had banned magic and any magical creatures, I can't tell you the amount of magical people the kingdom is made of.

All of which have to hide who they really are because the sentence for magic of any kind of death, whichever way the king sees fit.

I walk through the halls, making sure to rush past clays door and almost happy dance when he didn't appear.

The goddess must really be on my side today!

I hum to myself as I walk towards Coraline room but my song does the second I get to her room and notice her absence.

I frown instantly, cora was practically always in her room it was one of the reasons she hated her life.

I walk deeper into the room "lady cora" I called out but got no answer.

"cora!" I say hoping that maybe she was just ignoring me like she's done before when I call her my lady.

I find myself standing in the middle of the room confused and slightly worried, that was until the door came bursting open and cora came in with a huge smile on her face.

"Yas! Perfect just who I wanted to see! You never-" she was cut off by me walking closer and holding her by ejtger side of her arm and looking at her carefully, she laughs "hello there, you okay?"

I cross my arms "where was you my lady, I began to worry"

"I was in the library" she say softly and walks over to her dressing table as if it was nothing, once again I frown.

"the library?" I say making her look at me as she giggles.

"yes yas, a library you know a place where there's load of books!" her sarcasm made me roll my eyes but a smile took over my face.

"but you're okay?" I ask,  her eyes soften and she grabs my hand.

"I'm find my friend please do not worry" she smiles which makes me smile.

"now! You never guess what I've just heard?" she giggles and makes in excitement.

"What?" I giggled at her as she look way to over excited, I tell you whatever this is brought her such joy it made me very curious.

"My brothers only been given a servant" she laughed, throwing herself back on her bed.

"Damn...I feel sorry for the poor guy" I laughed when she laughed louder.

"have you met seen him yet?" she asks  making me shake my head.

"I havent, I'm afraid I have yet to meet the poor soul"

As I got closer she continues to move away form me to the other part of the room, her little game of cat and mouse.

I huff at her as she laughs at me.

"Come on Cora, we need to get you change" I smiled at her before lounging forward and managing to grab her, she groans instantly but knows she lost the game she sulks over to her wardrobe.

I chuckled and shook my head as I walk over to her, nodding at the dress she shows me before helping her Change.

Cora was the only person I could seem to be myself around, being around her fills me with such ease.

After she was dressed, she sat down as I began to brush her hair.

A long since past through the room and I could see she was deep in thought, it made me wonder what she could possible be worrying herself about.

"Yas-" her vicue breaks the silence, I look at her through the morrow but she seemed to be in a little trance staring into space.

"how is your house?" She suddenly asked out of the blue, her eyes snapping up to meet mine.

"I'm sorry my lady?" tearing my eyes away as I pretend to concentrate on her hair.

"Your house, how is it? Is it warm? Are you okay there?" the concern in her voice hurts me, she shouldn't be worrying herself about someone like me.

"It's a place over my head Cora, it will do" I joke lightly with her hoping she would drop it.

But I knew my best friend, she wouldn't drop anything.

"Don't give me that Yasmin tell me what it's actually like"

'Maybe we should Yas, she's our best friend' lily's vicie echoes through my head making me take a deep breath.

'She can't know' i say back shortly, I couldn't allow that to Happen.

"It's fine, it's actually a really nice and warm home. And the beds so comfortable" I fake a smile.

'What bed?!' Lily growls snarkly.

'I told you she can't know, we are servants lily we don't matter'

It hurt me to say but they do say the truth hurts.

"Yas?" I felt hands on my shoulders making me look up at a worried looking Cora, in surprise.

When did she even stand up? Odd I really just zone out in front of the princess.

"are you okay?"

"I'm fine, don't mind me I was thinking" I smile, before picking up her hairbrush "Now turn around my lady, so I can finish helping you get ready" I turned her around and continued to finish the last of her hair.

After that we left the room together and half way down the hall she linked her arm with mine.

People stared but she did not care, she never did. I admired her for that.

"perhaps" her wide eyes look into mine "I could come to yours one day"

I throw her another fake smile and I honestly think this was the first time I was happy the dining hall came into view.

"perhaps" I say softly before we both walk into the hall.

The moment we both step into the room, clays eyes were insta tkt on mine and his face went from grumpy to happier.

Well actually his eyes didn't travel to me the second I entered the room because he was already staring at the door like he was waiting for us to arrive.

His eyes drunk me in like they always do and I had to look down as I walk over to the table with cora, once she's seated I go and stand where I'm supposed to until the food arrives.

It was then I took in the new guy in the room.

The stood a few inches beside me making us both look at one another with a smile before looking back at the door as the food comes in.

As we began to grab the food I couldn't stop my eyes from traveling over him, taking all his details in the best I could.

He was a slim looking man, with brown hair but he looked friendly and quite frankly he looked handsome.

But not the hunk handsome more like the cute handsome.

I felt eyes burn into me and when I peak over I see clay looking at me, when he noticed my eyes on him he leans back and raises his eye brows.

I instantly look away, I wasn't going to play his games.

We placed the food on the table in front of the family before we stood off to the side, right next to one another.

I looked over at him at the same time he looked at me, instantly making a smile break on on his face.

"I'm Yasmin" I say softly but the moment the words came out my mouth, I felt clays eyes on me.

God he was just always looking at me lately, it was nerving.

"I'm Collin" he says offering me his hand, I took it and he surprise me by kissing the back of my hand.

"it's finally nice to meet such a lovely person in this dump" I let out a loud laugh at this that instantly causes me to cover my mouth.

I look over and 4 pairs of eyes were on me.

King uthers eyes held hatred and anger and his face showed how he clearly felt.

Clays eyes were narrowed but it wasn't looking at me, it was looking at Colin before looking down at our hands which were still together.

Why was I feeling guilty?

Cora has a smile on her face and excitement as she looks at us, throwing me a little wink.

I instantly pulls my hands from his and my eyes jump to queen Anne, as always the moment I looked at her my uneasiness calmed instantly and I wasn't that worried anymore.

Her eyes as always held such kindness and she smiles as if my laughter had brought her joy.

She was by far an amazing queen and a breathtaking women, always shocking all by how young she looks for being in her late 40, early 50.

Everyone is wondering how the king ended up so lucky to have her by his side, just no ones strong enough.

"my apologise sire" I mumbled bowing and looking down.

I didn't need to meet his eyes to know the evil look that waited for me.

He scoff and seems to go back to what he was talking about to Clayton, who on the other hand look for interested in what was going on with me and Colin.

Colin made a funny face making me bite my lip from

"How you manage to work here is surprising" he said making me giggle.

"My lady that I serve is very lovely" I tell him.

"Wish I could say the same, his an arrogant arse"

I covered my mouth to stop myself from laughing loudly, which made Collin smile.

He offered his hand and I took it, I got a sudden energy enter me before I look at him in shock.

We seemed to stay in that trances for a second before we both pull our hand away quickly, still not looking away from each others eyes.

I felt excitement build inside me.

"Your a wizard" I whispered, trying to bite back a smile. I haven't seen another supernatural being in a long time.

"And your a wolf" he said making my eyes widen.

They can sense us like we can them

"Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me"

"As is yours" I smiled, we went quiet before I noticed he looked back at me making me look at him.

"also, for future refence were called warlocks" he throws me a wink making me smile.

I felt like someone was watching me so I turned my head to see Clayton looking at us with narrowed eyes.

Well, that's not good.
The meal seemed to last so long and my legs hurt slightly, I almost did a happy dance when the cleaning staff came in and everyone began to stand.

I smile at Colin, throwing him a small wave as I rush over to cora who's waiting with a smile.

Once I get to her side we start walking out and she instantly giggles at me "it appears you've now met my brothers man servant"

I almost roll my eyes when she gives me a certain look before letting out a giggle as she links my arm and we walk towards her chambers.

"so what do you think?"

"he is nice, very lovely and friendly..." she looks at me with a raised eyebrow as I bit my lip, debating whether to say the next bit or not.

I could tell she sensed there was something else.


I meet her eyes causing us both to stop in the hall, my eyes pleading with her.

"you promise to not say a thing?" I knew I never had to ask her that question, I could trust her with my life.

I mean I am, she knows my secret and still hasn't said a word.

She looked at me like I was crazy "and who say anything to yasmin, if you haven't noticed your my only friend here" she mumbles the last bit almost sadly and begins to walk with her head down making me rush after her.

"firstly that's not true and I won't hear of it! You are amazing, beautiful, smart and kind and yeah maybe the little stuck up whorepoles don't want to speak to you but your far to good for them" I grab her hand and stop her, she looks at me with soft eyes.

"but you have a kingdom and people lining up to be your friend, if you only opened your eyes slightly. Not everyone sees you as just princess coraline you know, they see you for who you really are"

She brings me instantly into her arms and hugged me tight, I wrap my arms around her and smile softly.

"you really are my best friend has, you will never understand how much I care for you" she looks at me fondly and I only return the favour.

"and I you!" I say after a moment we began walking and her sad mood lifts again, I find myself becoming happier due to this.

Cora was the only person to make me feel normal, well other then Colin today.

Knowing someone else round here has a secret makes mine worth living with.

"so what else are you dying to tell me?" she beams and as her room comes into view, I grab her hand and began running to her room.

She follows behind me, giggling as we both crash Into her room. She took a seat on the bed and the second I shut the door I turned so my back was against it and I smiled widely at her.

"his a warlock cor, a wizard!" I whisper shout as I walk closer, her eyes grow wide and just like I expected she grew excited.

"a warlock? Here? How exciting and dangerous..." she things for a moment before her smile grows wider, she really was beautiful.

"I like him already" then she laughs causing me to raise a brow.

"my brother has. Warlock as his man servant and doesn't even know it, that's f*cking funny" my eyes grew wide at her words.

"cora! Where on earth have you been learning such words" I say shocked making her pout her lips.

I didn't expect her next words nor the name she said, my body again grows with excitement and tingles as her words sink in.

"my cousin lancelot had been writing" she smirks instantly noticing my bluch yet slight smile.

"you've heard from lance?" I meet her eyes with hope and she nods.

"his on his way back from over seas yas, his coming home" my eyes grow wide.

"his coming back here? Why wouldn't he see his dad first" I say shocked making her giggle.

"because he loves us more!" that makes me smile anndi meet her eyes again.

"how is he?" I couldn't stop myself from asking, I missed him like crazy.

He was my other best friend, the only other person I could be me around in fact the man brings out the worst in me.

"his brilliant actually, the knights games are coming soon and lance is taking place"

"but he'll be against colton" I say softly making her look down.

"I know but he doesn't care and we both know why"

She found it funny, I however didn't. So I decided to change the conversation.

"what are you plans tonight?" I say making her sit up, all happiness gone.

"I think I'm going to stay in my chamber, read and book and go to bed" she says, insta tky I stand.

"I will ready some night gowns" I turn to walk but she grabs my hand making me look at her.

"I can do it all myself yas, I swear. I have a favour" she says, standing up and walking over to her dresser.

She opens her draw and I see her pull out something before she walks back over and places an envelop in my hand.

Oh no.

"can you deliver this to my brother and after you are dismissed, go home and rest yourself yas, please" her warm eyes mad eit almost impossible to say no.

Believe me I wanted to with everything in me but these to had been writing letter to each other since I could remember.

It's like their way of being able to talk to each other with out listening ears, telling each other everything their father did that they hated.

Everything they wished to change.

I never read them of course, I knew all this because cora told me.

So I wasn't about to stand in the way of a brother and sister tradition, actually it was like a close family tradition.

Between cora, lance and colt.

"of course my lady, thank you" I say softly, closing my hand around the letter and walking towards the door.

"thank you so much yas, for everything"

I look back at her before I close the door, smiling softly "it's my pleasure"

I close the door and let out breath before I walk towards coltons room.

Lily takes this moment to wake up inside me and stir at the thought of him so I did my best not to think of him.

She was over the moon about lances soon return as well so I did my best not to think of him either and give my wolf any more chance to become more lively.

A lively worth is a hard to hide wolf!

I see his door come into view and part of me hoped I'd see Colin so that I could give him the letter but we all know I'm not that lucky.

I knock gently and I didn't get an answer so after a moment of hesitation I gently push the door open.

I look around noticing no one in sight making me frown.

I walked further into his chambers, looking around when his sudden voice coming from somewhere in the room made me freeze.

"I don't expect you to understand, but I'll agree with your last words. My father is an insoppable person" I notice him throw some clothes over changing rack, I freeze to my stop.

'now your talking, ask him to take it slow I want to take it all in as much as possible'

Such a filthy mutt sometimes!

"do you know what my father said to me today?" he asks and I remained silent.

"Well do you? " again I didn't answer.

How could I? What would I even say.

'stay with. Take me, end with it hard n-'

Enough of you! I shut her out the best I can.

"For god sake Colin I'm speaking to yo-" my heart leaps out my chest when I suddenly see him walk out from behind the rack.

"shit, yas?" he suddenly said as as he stares at me in shock, my eyes however drops down to a certain area on display.

And I did my best to try look away, but I couldn't find the strength.

'and I'm back, why you so....oh what a monster!' lily howls in my head and for once I'd had to agree.

His hands grab something close by and he quickly covers his private parts as I stood there frozen. Still!

We stood there frozen and stared at each other for a moment but even then I couldn't seem to stop my eyes from keep traveling down.

Until his voice snaps me out the trance.

"Why are you here. In my chamber. Not that I'm complaining" he whispered the last bit.

"U-Um Cora wanted me to give you these" I held out the letter and he looks down at my hand before looking up at me slightly.

A slight smirk slipping on to his face as his eyes darken in the most sexiest way possible.

I did my best to stay calm and not allow my hormones to get the best of me.

"Oh right I-I'll umm. I'll just put them over here" I walked over to his desk and placed the envelope down, trying to ignore his eyes on me.

"I'll leave now" I turned instantly and tried hurrying towards the door, not missing the smirk that's grown on his face.

His hand captures my wrist softly making me close my eyes at the tingles.

Oh no!

'oh yes!'

"Yasmin..." his voice rang with mischief, the way he says my name made me shiver instantly and I knew he saw it.

"Yes sire" my voice was just above a whisper I'm surprised he heard me.

"I need a hand" his breaths out making me look up at him.

"obviously my servant is late and I really need a hand to get dressed" he carries on, a mug look on his face.

"But sire"

"Clayton" he says strongly making me frown and move back slightly on noticing how close we were.

"I'm sorry?" He slowly walked towards me and I felt my palms sweat.

Then he was inches from me making my breath hitch.

"Clayton. I want you to call me Clayton" he whispered, his eyes searching mine for something before they flick to my lips.

"But it's not allowed" I breathed.

He realises what sounded like a growl, all I knew was the second he made that noise I was a turned on mess but. I did my best to hide it.

"I know you call Coraline by her name, so call me Clayton" his rolls his eyes and before I could say anything he made a Movement that took my breath away again.

Tension filled the air instantly as I stared at him in wonder and with wide eyes.

I witness him leaning closer and closer until our lips were just inches, our breaths mix together and my brain when like mash, his hand slowly reach closer and closer towards me.

Till a slight frown covers my face as it suddenly goes behind me.

I didn't know whether to be happy or extremely angry when he suddenly pulls away and I notice a towel in his hand.

"Put this around me would you, I've hurt my arm" he said, his voice deep with something I didn't understand.

He places the towel in my hand but made no effort to move away from me.

I gently grab the towel, before I reach around his waist. I rested the towel above his perfect arse before bringing it round him.

My breathing picked up as did his as my fingers accidently craze his skin above his hips.

It was then I realised his hands no longer covered his... Area! I froze for a second, I tried my best to look down there but once again I got curious and the moment my eyes quickly glimpse it down, I couldn't tear my eyes away.

"Yasmin" he growled, after noticing my eyes taking him in.

He was huge...

I blink a couple times when he growls again and one hand grabs my wrist In warning before I quickly wrapped the towel around him before stepping back, but he grabbed my hand and pulled me back to him.

"Don't think of me to much" he snickers but his face suddenly clears of emotions when he notice I looked at him in confusion.

"what do you mean?" I mean I've been thinking about him a lot, in a ways that's sinful but he doesn't need to know that.

"you know when your alone at night?" shock the fills his face when I still stare on in confusion.

He let's out a breath "I mean when you touch yourself yasmin?"

I tilt my head to the side and really think, what is he talking about.

"I'm not sure I know what you mean sir- clay" I whisper, a deep frown covers his face before a look of realisation crossed his face.

He looked at me in pure shock before it was replaced with something else.

"you have touched yourself havent you yas?" he tilts his head to the side this time and steps closer making me step back.

"have you ever had dirty thoughts about someone and youve touched yourself between your legs, made yourself feel better" his voice was laced with so many emotions none of which was a teasing matter.

My eyes grow wide and I kind of figure out what his talking about, my mouth was slightly open as I stare into his eyes.

"n-no I haven't" I whispered out and I heard him let out a breath, something rumbling lowly and deeply in his chest.

"but you have done other things to yourself right?" his voice didn't even sound like his anymore and I bloody loved it.

It was driving lily crazy as well as myself.

His eyes were a pool of swerling colours making me get lost deeper in them.

I didn't trust my voice so shake my head 'no' his hands suddenly flew up and cupped my face.

Causing me to place mine over his in shock, he pulls me closer so our faces we inches apart again.

"have you never been with a man yasmin?"

"none of your business" I whimpered only he let's out a chuckle and I feel one of his hands slowly slide down my body.

Tingles and fireworks explode out my body causing a gasp to slip from my mouth at the same time he released a hard breath.

Did he feel it to?


I tried with everything In me to ignore her words, not again!

"you haven't have you? My yasmin had remained untouched" he a but growls bringing his head closer to my neck as his traveling hand lands on my thigh.

Why did a part of me want this to carry on?

"say it" he mumbles, eyes full of demand.

I shook my head and tried to look away but the other hand wraps around my throat softly causing me to look at him.

"I wanna hear you say it, now" he growls and I felt my knees shake, I loved this part of him.

This almost animalistic version.

"I haven't okay! I haven't been with a man and I haven't to- I havent done that to myself either okay" I whisper embarrassed, he stares at me for a moment.

Taking in my words before he pulled me closer again, resting our foreheads together.

"where have you been all my life" he mumbles to me.

"right here" I thought I said it in my head but when he pulled back and stared at me with emotions I didn't even understand, I knew he heard me.

We both seemed to get lost In each others eyes, slowly leaning closer and closer then it was in that moment Coll
in decided to reappear.

He cleared his throat and when we both look at him he was wearing a smirk.

The world kept crashing back to me and I did my best to hide a blush as Clayton turns to look at him fully with a look that made me cower.

"Where have you been?" he snaps, his tone instantly make some shrink and he peaks over at me with a frown before looking back at Colin.

"well i-" he starts but clay cuts him off.

"don't care! I need you to clean my armer, clean out my horses and sharpen my sword" he demanded.

Yet Colin just smirks at clay before his eyes land on mine.

"Collin" Clayton growled when he noticed him looking at me, he also pulled me a little behind him.

Not sure what that's about.

"I will leave now" I whispered, finally getting the courage to speak, I tried to move away but clay didn't let go.

His hand tightens slightly on my wrist as if he never wanted me to leave his side.

"Clay" I whispered and he turned his head slightly, his swirling eyes meeting mine.

"let go please" my voice came out so soft and after a few more seconds he finally let go and I didn't waste time.

I walk towards the door at a fast pace but I kept my head down before I was out the room.

I couldn't ignore his burning eyes watching my every move as I left his room and the second the door closes I let out a breath k didn't know I was holding.

Good letters been delivered, I can go home!

I wasted no time in taking off, in fact being this close to the full moon I allowed lily slight control and I sped passed everything.

My body comes to a suddenly holt and I realise lily had gotten us home, I walked in and let out a sigh.

One day, we will have something better. Something worth calling a home.
I laid down on my hard wooden floor with a thin blanket covering me.

This would be my bed, most of the time I could imagine it's a bed of luxury like one in the castles.

However, some days are like this. Where I get the harsh reality knocked into me.

I shivered from the cold but ignored it the best I could, what I couldn't ignore was my thoughts that travelled to Clayton.

It had been a few hours since what happened with clay and me, but it still felt as if it had just happened.

'yas, if you don't get warm soon. You could freeze to death' lily says panicked.

'can't you warm me up?'

'you know I can't! Not until weve finally unwilling transformed I front of the last full moon. Only when you change at will and we become one even more, then I can help you properly'

Well f*Ck my life.

A sudden knock on my door causes me to snap out my thoughts and caused me to frown.

Its late who the hell is that?!

I opened the door after a moment of hesitationand my eyes widened when though my body fills with ease.

"Colin? What are you doing here at this time?"

"May I come in?" he asks raising a brow.

"Of course" I moved aside and he walked in, he started looking around instantlt and the frowned when he saw my bed.

"Is that your bed?"

This sudden question made me frown.

"Yes...But it's fine. I'm used to it" I say unsure.

"Where is your family?"

"I don't have any"

"Why?" he finally turns to look at me and I cross my arms.

"Why are you here Collin, it's late. Shouldn't you be in the castle, or in bed" I instantly began to fill with guilt but none the less his smile never left his face.

"sorry I should have asked first, the truth is I wanted to see if you was okay a d to get to know you better since your like my only friend here"

His words melted my heart, I took notice of his smile growing and raise a brow.

I now noticed the basket he was holdinf and the blankets.

"I also brought you some warm blankets and thought maybe we could both have some dinner together" he chuckles when he sees my shocked face.

He places the blankets on the bed and pulls out the plates of food from the basket.

"thank you colin, this is the most sweetest thing anyone has every done for me" I say softly as I help him set the table.

We sat and spoke for what felt like hours, I had not smiled and laughed like that in a long time.

In no time at all, we knew nearly everything we could about each other and when I looked at my plate I noticed everything had been cleared completely.

Wow, I haven't been able to eat a full meal in ages.

"so what's the kings deal with you?" his sudden question almost made me choke on my drink.

"what do you mean?"

"why are you working with him? Why doe she treat you the way he does? I may have just started but I see things for what they are" he says honestly making me sigh.

"I've worked in the castle with the family for as long as I can remember.

I've lived here my whole life"

"how did you end up working here?"

"my parents and brother" I tried to leave out the rest, hoping well just skip it.

"as unbelievable as it may seem, Coraline and Clayton are the nicest out of them. Clayton would make a brilliant king someday and Coraline would make an excellent queen. They lead from the heart and not the head much like their father"

"And yet in that sentence you didn't seem to mention the queen"

"The queen has been kind to me for many years. Often treats me as a daughter, without the king knowing of course. She is truly an amazing queen who loves and cared for all her people despite status.

She's the only one willing to stand up to her husband and although I say she's kind to me behind his back, she has stood up for me in front of him and to him as well"

"wow" he says as I stand to wash the plates.

"But why is he like this to people like us?" I could hear the frown on his face.

"Because we are servants Colin, we don't deserve kindness nor do we get it. We are not like them and we never will be" I whispered.

He stood up and pulled me into a hug before he pulled back, shaking his head.

"you dont believe that"

I offer him a sad smile "we have have never been shown anything less so why should I not believe it"

"one day the time will come where people like us will not have to hide anymore, we will be equal and when that day comes the only queen there will be, is you" he said, nudging me and making me laugh.

"And I wait for that day to come I really do. But I will never be queen nor will that day ever arrive"

"Well why not?"

"You don't know, do you?" I look at him in shock making him frown.

"Know what?"

"no magic or magical creatures are allowed in the kingdom, if they are spotted-" I looked him in the eye "-they are killed"

He narrowed his eyes "I'd never let that happen"

"Colin we are servants, our word means nothing" I stress, sitting down.

For years I wish I could do something, but I'm just one against a million, I stand no chance alone.

He came and sat beside me.

"Not to the king maybe, but one day they will matter to someone. One day all this will change, and we will watch it happen" he looks at me which makes me look at him.

"you will not always live like this Yasmin, I promise"

I smile before breaking eye contact noticing how it's letting slightly lighter outside.

"I should get going" Colin says and I found myself disappointed, then the fea rof being alone kicked In.

Maybe I'm going to regret this but for once I didn't want to be alone.

"Colin?" I call just as he reaches for the door, he turns to look at me.


"you can say no but is there anyway you would stay with me will I fall asleep?" I ask shyly.

He smiles and walks closer "of course"

He helps me make the bed and I have to be honest, it was so much more comfortable now. I already felt tiredness sweep over me already.

We spoke for another twenty minutes before I began to struggle to keep my eyes open.

"yas you said you parents died, how?" he asks and maybe it was due to my tired state but for once I finally told someone.

"the king killed them" I mumble out, silence followed after and if it wasn't for my wolf hearing I wouldn't have heard him mumble.


"uther found out that my dad was a wolf and my mum was a witch, my brother was a wolf. He had them all killed and-" a long yawn rips out of me.

"I've been forced to work for the castle ever since"

I could no longer hold onto the world around me as I slip into for once a peaceful sleep.

Not before I heard his voice say "but if your dad was a wolf and mum was a witch... What does that make you yas?"

He didn't get an answer, I tried but I couldn't get anything to move.

"Goodnight Yas" was the last thing I heard before the darkness consumed me.

Colton's P.O.V

Felix was restless inside me, pacing back and forth.

On the outside, I perfectly reflected my wolf, pacing the floor of my chambers until our ears pick up on footsteps outside.

We such to the window, leaning both hands on the wall as I look out, narrowing my eyes as I took in the person below us.

Colin was walking back along the court, a frown on his face as he carries a basket.

What got my attention is he was walking back from the direction of yasmins house.

Felix growls inside me as I push off the wall.

'get him to stay away from our mate!'

I still didn't understand what that word meant but none the less I had to agree with him.

I didn't like the way this Colin had yasmins acting, she was... Happy and always smiling.

No! Before you say it it's not the fact she's happy I don't like, I could watch her laugh and smile all day.

It's the fact that it's another man doing the things that I should... Wait, what am I saying?

I let out a growl as I storm out my room, ever since I've been back everything has been up in the air.

Especially my feelings for yasmins.

I got to the back entrance in record time, leaning on the wall and waiting. I knew most people used this ruit to get out the castle because I've used it myself many times.

Not even a moment past when Colin came into view, he saw me and rolled his eyes.

Then the dickhead tried to keep walking.

This guy must be stupid as well as dumb.

"you can sneak around with whatever tart you want Colin, but in your own time, you was not yet dismissed" I snapped, feeling felixs anger towards me at my choice of words.

Colin stops instantly and turned around, staring at me with angry eyes that shocked me.

"you know I'm not as stupid as everyone else right?" his words make me frown, he only smirks and shakes his head.

"I have eyes, I see how you look at her" he steps closer and his words caused me to freeze.

I wasn't that obvious right?

"she's the most kind hearted person I have ever met in my life-"

She was.

"she's the only person I've ever met oblivious to her own beauty"

She is.

"she sees more beauty in the things around her and the people around her then she ever does in herself, even people who don't deserve it"

She does.

"so don't go throwing names around, especially when you don't even believe the words you speak"

Damn him and his big mouth.

And damn his wisdom sometimes, don't tell him I said that I'll deny it.

It was silent for a moment, but I had to pretend what he said didn't effect me because we'll they didn't.

"if you was not doing anything with her, then why was you at her house?"

He looks at me in disbelief and shock.

"because that's what you do when your friends with someone Clayton, you hang out with them"

"for that long?" I felt my anger grow!

He looks down with a frown with makes me tilt my head to the side slightly, he shakes his head before his voice reach my ears.

"I don't know why I'm about to tell you this-" he mumbles, now it's my turn to frown.

His eyes meet mine, he really was the only person Ive ever met that had the balls to stand up to me.

Other then lancelot.

"don't make me regret this but not everyone has the protection of the castle, some people don't even feel safe in their own homes"

Does yas not feel safe?

The thought alone made my wolf whimper.

"some people don't live luxury sire-" he said that words with venum but carries on before I could even get a word in.

"some people don't have beds, they struggle and panic where their next meal will come from. Yasmin has been through so much in her life, the last thing she needs is someone messing her about, so if your feelings are not real sire then leave her alone"

I narrow my eyes but all my wolf could pay attention to was his words.

What did he mean by been through enough.

I know she was alone here, Ive always wondered why.

"you dear tell me what to do?" I snap, all he does his shakes his head.

"she's suffered enough at your families hand, why can't you just all leave her in peace" he snaps before turning.

What does he mean by that?

How has she suffered at the hands of my family?

Is there something I don't know?

He shocks me again when his body stills and the words he spoke in this moment had never been truer words spoken from anyone's mouth.

"you know it never killed a king to have friend Clayton-" he looks at me over his shoulder "but I does kill them to have enemy. It doesn't hurt to have friend Clayton, you should try it some time. You may find yourself a little less lonely"


'his right though'

F*ck you two.

I rolled my eyes and for the first time since I met this man he gets angry.

"you know your not difference from your father, you ha e everyone believing a lie"

He starts walking off and I felt the sting from his words.

I'm not like him... Am I?

"that's not true, I'm nothing like him"

He does even look at me but says.

"then prove and not just to everyone Clayton, to yourself"  then he was gone.

I turn and let out a breath, his words hurt but you know what they say, truth always hurts.

My mind couldn't stop thinking of yasmin, so I allow my wolf to take control running at full speeding to her cabin.

I was there in no time and when I look through her window my mind was clouded.

Colin was right, she didn't had a bed. Her windows were not protected, so wind and rain could get in.

I frown at the cabin, this wouldn't hold through a storm and that thought worries me.

'here never gunna get what's ours if you don't try winner her heart clayon!' felix snaps, still pissed at my words earlier.

I did not blame him, I was angry at myself to.

I nod softly, turning to leave.

I had to make a plan, I had to give this girl everything she deserved and more.

But it's going to be hard judging our past.

But I promise you yasmin, things are going to change round here. Things will get better for you.

My steps are suddenly frozen when images started flashing into my head.

Images that took my breath away making me slowly turn back toward her window.

I saw me and her doing things I could only dream of myself, I felt every part of me get excited and I tried to calm myself but it was like she was making it impossible.

'felix, stop these images what are you doing'

'it's not me, clay their not ours"

My eyes widen as I look at has, just then her angel voice breathed out.


Tingles travels through my whole body as a smirk makes it way to my face, I was finally able to move my body as I walk away in pure bliss.

'it appear it may not be as hard as we thought after all felix'

Hey I'm back, I took a break from writing and was reading a brilliant book!

But as always I get hooked and finished it in just a few days. I had a carnival with my Majorettes Saturday and we got 2nd at Brightlingsea.

This book has been constantly on my mind so now I guess it was the perfect time to come back, forgive me for any mistakes I've tried to catch them all but I'm rocking the worst migraine and it messes with my eyes.

Anyway major sort out in this chapter was like 1000 and as you could see at the top it's certainly not that no more.

Another Colton's pov, I cannot wait for them both to find about each other.

How could you imagine them finding out? Tell me, let your imagination go crazy I'm excited to see what you think. Who knows someone's scene may win.

What's your thoughts so far?

We got to meet more of the queen and king and believe me you get to meet them properly very soon, but for now first thoughts.

Anne is my favourite, the queen of anyone forgot but I hate king uther.





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