A new world

By sammyntina2017

43.8K 1.6K 111

A navy seal turned secret agent. She has a new family to call her own. Staying stateside she'll love again D... More

A new dream
Make the call
Getting info
Waking up
Thanks and surprise
Waiting game
Stop scaring us
Im coming
Mark has arrived
How dare you
Betrayed by our own
We have a leak
Getting intel
Distancing myself
Safe house
Dinner talk
Found the leak
His real identity
Telling the others
If looks could kill
Get out
Girls day
I do
Being watched
He's been taken
What needs to be done
What happened?
Moving out of the ICU
Is she safe?
Big News
Call I'm Dreading
How did you know?
Its Bugged
Job Offer
Can I?
Still in danger?
Who did this?
Shoulder Pain
Big news
Dinner pains

Im hit

582 22 1
By sammyntina2017

Rory's POV

Unbeknownst to us Tristan came back to the room.

"Logan what the hell do you want?" I say angrily I really don't want to deal with this right now.

"I heard Colin's gone I love you and this is my chance to get you back." He says desperately grabbing my arm and I yank it away.

"I don't love you I love Colin and he will be back I can promise you that." I snap at him.

"No your mine." He says adamantly trying to kiss me and I snap I punched him right in the face knocking him out.

Tristan comes up to me. "How the hell did he know about Colin?" I ask shutting the door.

"I don't know but Sarah and I are staying here call for food tons of it I'm calling the family now." He tells me.

Within an hour everyone was there. "Why does Rory look like she's going to kill someone?" Austin asked scared.

"She might just do that I don't think one punch is good enough for her." Tristan says shaking his head.

"What happened?" Ben asked worriedly.

"Logan." Was all I could say.

"What did he do love?" Finn asked concerned.

"How about I show you?" Tristan says smirking.

"You recorded it?" I say shocked. He shakes his head yes and he laughs.

He connects it to the tv so everyone can see the video. During the video food was delivered I went and paid for it and brought it to the living room.

"What the hell?" Robert yells angrily.

"How did he know Colin was gone?" Andrew asked curiously.

"Don't know I asked the same thing. I know none of you said anything." I say thinking of how he could know.

"Someone had to tell him and I think that someone was not in this room." Ben said.

"I need to make a call." I say and head to the other room.

Tristan's POV

"She's trying to be strong. Isn't she?"
Austin said looking towards the room where Rory went.

"Yeah she is. She told me if she dies to look out for Colin and make sure he knows how much she loves him." I say sadly.

"Do you think something bad will happen?" Finnegan asked worried for their well being.

All of us guys look at each other. "When we went to school with Rory and Marty and when she started dating Logan. He stopped being her friend he loved her and to him she rejected him." Finn says.

"She even wanted to remain friends but he wanted nothing to do with her but when her friend Lucy was dating him he would still make comments to her that made her feel uncomfortable." Robert says.

"When he joined our unit he was a cocky SOB. Wanted to prove himself. We don't know what his plans are." Austin started but was cut off.

"Chris rubbed me the wrong way. He would say things that reminded me of Yale and I knew something wasn't right. I couldn't put my finger on it. So I went to my Captain and told him what I thought. Apparently I was right in my judgement." She says all in one breath.

"Who did you call?" Nate asked with curiosity.

"Seeing if they found a DNA match for Chris's biological mother." She says.

"Ok I see the wheels working what's going on?" I said

Rory's POV

"Answer me this ok?" I ask the group.

They all nod so I continue. "How do you find information and gossip where would you go?" I ask evasively to the group.

"In our circle right?" Juliet asked.

"Not the military circle but yes." I say.

"Oh shit!" Tristan exclaims suddenly.

"You don't think?" Mark asked cautiously.

"What? What?" Amelia asked wondering what's going on.

"Hartford society." I say.

"What about it?" Finnegan asked confused.

"How could someone know so soon that Colin was gone? Someone had to know and had to have told Logan." I say and suddenly they are all starting to get it.

"Someone we know in Hartford is connected to Chris." Nate said coming to the realization.

"I still don't get it." Amelia said confusion written all over her face.

"How long did it take for you to get calls and that in regards to Nate being missing?" I asked her.

"Within an hour we got several." Finnegan says.

"Someone in Hartford society knows and we need the DNA to find out who. I just cut down the woman around the world to woman who live in that area." I say.

"I can't believe this." Andrew says angrily.

"Let's eat." I say.

We all eat and talk about other things to keep our minds busy from what will be happening soon.

After dinner everyone wanted to stay with me at my house. They wanted to be close just in case anything happened to us.

I was out on the patio looking at the stars when I heard someone behind me and I turn and it's Mark and Steph's parents.

"We want to thank you." Meredith said.

"Thank me for what?" I asked.

"First you saving our son and now you are going to save our daughter." David says.

"It's no problem their family to me as well." I say. We talk for a few more minutes and head off to bed.

All the guys and Sarah were sleeping in my room. I had a restless night tossing and turning.

The next morning I woke up had breakfast and the day went by quickly. All we did was go over what will happen and looking for more information.

Now today was the morning we leave for the air strip. We said our good byes and headed on the plane. Tristan and I took our rings off and put them on our dog tags and tucked it under our shirts.

"Guys gear up and grab a shit ton of extra ammo." I tell them.

There was Nate, Ben, Tristan, Mark, Austin, Shane, Trevor, and me. Now it was time to go back to the village in Iraq that started it all. It was the same house that we were held years ago.

We make it to our destination "Mark, Trevor, and Austin your with me. The rest of you with Tristan." I say.

We enter the building and I'm on a mission blocking out what was done so long ago.

"Ror behind you." Mark yelled. I take a knife to the arm and I bend down and take him out.

We clear the floor but we check the walls making sure there were no secret entrances.

We make our way to the hostages and we hear "I told you they wouldn't come and get you. You mean nothing to them." He sneers at them and then laughs.

"My wife and her team will come. I love her and she loves me and nothing you say will change my mind." Colin yells adamantly.

"I'm going in." I say over the comm.

"We'll be right behind you Ror." Tristan says. I make my way into the room and break the door down.

"Chris your wrong I'll always come. Or should I say Marty?" I say pointing my gun at him.

"I guess you found me out. Now meet my friends." Chris says with a devilish smirk on his face. I give the signal and my team comes in.

"Remember Chris is mine." I say seething in anger.

As the guys are taking care of the other guys Chris and I are fighting to the death. "Your going to die princess." He sneers at me.

"Don't count on it." I say. He knocks me down and I see him going after Colin.

I quickly get up and get in his way and he shoots. I take two bullets to the vest. Shit! "Guys don't get hit with the bullets. They are armor piercing bullets I'm hit." I say into my comm.

I hear several  "Shit" over the comm.

I go after Chris knocking him down and he gets more shots as do I. I lost my gun and he lost his.

He stabs me in my side. "Aaahhhh."I scream in agony.

I'm on my knees and I can see Colin with tears in his eyes and I get the strength to continue the fight.

Once again he lunges toward Steph and Colin and I jump between them and I get stabbed again. I knock him down and pull out my ankle gun out and shoot him dead.

I quickly untie Colin and Steph. "Austin Trevor get them out of here now." I say and help the rest of the team.

Before Austin and Trevor got to Steph and Colin the team took everyone out. I start to feel weak and collapse to my knees and go down. "Austin Ben Rory needs you now." Tristan yells frantically.

They start ripping my gear off. Before anything else is done it goes black.

Tristan's POV

I help Ben and Austin with Rory. "She's losing to much blood." Ben says trying to stay calm.

"We have to go now." Austin said panicked.

"Is she going to be ok?" Colin asked scared. I looked at him and sighed.

"As of right now I don't know." I say sadly with unshed tears.

We head to the airstrip immediately. I'm carrying Rory. "Captain we need the doctor now." I yell.

I pray that she survives. Pain is going like a tidal wave through us all wondering what will happen next.

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