Loved / finn wolfhard x reader

By -finnieee

67.5K 1.2K 1K

you're nicks sister and you're pumped to hear that he got a roll with the one and only Finn Wolfhard. More

please read, its important


5K 98 179
By -finnieee

You roll your eyes at hes choice in words and grab you bag. You and nick run to your mums car. The whole ride you were just in the back seat jamming out to Tame Impala.

*at home*

you run right up to your room and grab whatever clean clothes you find on your floor and in your draws and put them all in a big Nike bag. Then you go to the bathroom and grab your toothbrush, makeup ect. And put them in the bag too. You quickly grab your phone and charger then walk out to the lounge where you Mum and brother are waiting. "What took you so long?" Your Mum growled and looks at her watch. You jumped on the couch not bothering to answer her. "Ok come on then youse are gonna miss your flight!" Your mum gets out of the car and heads to the front door. Nick behind her. "Wait arnt you coming?" You yell running out behind them. "Nope" she simply says. You just nod and get in the car. It's a 1 hour drive, not too long, not too short. You grab out your phone and headphones and put your favorite playlist. Alt-J Breezblocks started playing and you lip sync the words. 

*at airport*

you and nick say goodbye to your Mum and she drives off. Then you both walk into the airport and look around for where you need to go. "Nickkk" you say popping out the k "what?"he asked "Where do we goooo" you over dramatically say "uh so it says here..." he holds out the ticket. "That we have to go over there and then when we get off the plane Andy will pick us up" he smiled and pointed in the direction on a waiting area (I've never been on a place so idk what I'm doing don't judgeee) you go and sit down and get on your phone to pass the time. You look though your notifications and see heaps from your friends.


Leo🤤💗 : hey y/n I'm ditching the rest of the day wanna come?

Leo🤤💗 : y/n?

Leo🤤💗 : are you okay?

Leo🤤💗 : y/n where tf are you?

Leo🤤💗 : me and Alex are worried sick now answer your fucking phone           dipshit before you give us another heart attack!

y/n🔥👌🏻 : hey sorry I'm at the airport I gotta go with nick he's filming another movie I will call after my flight I'm so sorry Leo :( 

Leo🤤💗 : fucking hell y/n you nearly gave me a freaking heart attack  and poor Alex literally cried. But have fun!

y/n🔥👌🏻 : thanks Leo I love youuu and tell Alex I'm sorry and I love him also <3

Leo🤤💗 : ily2 byee

*back to reality;) *

You look up from you phone and see you brother reading your messages over your shoulder. You turn around and slap him, and he laughs. "Is that your boyfriend?" He laughs harder. "No! Shut up!" I yell before we get interrupted. "aLL pAssAngErs aBoUrDiNg ThE nExT fLiGhT tO  cAnAdA pLeAsE lEaVe nOw" the croaky voice says over the shitty, hard to understand speakers. "Welll this is us" your brother says and gets up. You guys walk over to the plane boarding area and get on the plane. You fell asleep super fast because you were super tired. You wake up to Nick violently shaking you.... again. "Again, really?" You ask him still half asleep. "Hurry up the plane has landed and Andy is waiting for us!" He whisper-shouted. You groan and stand up. You get off the plane and go to where you get your bags ( yes, I'm very good at explaining things NOTE MY SARCASM! But I've never been to an airport, well I have but when I was little so I don't remember soo ) you grab you bag and nick grabs he's. "Andy's at the front" you hear him say. You just nod and continue following him. About 3 mins later you see your brothers face light up so you look where he's looking. 'Holy shit is that the Andy fucking Muschietti! Dude he directed Mamma! Ah frick I'm going to have a heart attack' I thought to myself and we approach the nice man. "Hello I'm Andy! You must be Nick and y/n Hamilton?" He asks " yes indeed " I smile at him. "Well then come with me my cars just out there, I will take you to your home for the next few months" he smiled. We nod and follow him to he's car.

About half way though the trip Andy mentions "oh yeah I forgot to tell youse, you are all sharing a house that I rented for the cast." He smiles "oh! Y/n gets to share a room with her boyyyfrienddd!" Nick smirks. Andy just gave him the look of "please explain what the hell your talking about". Nick explains to Andy that I have had a crush on Finn since stranger things. Andy just laughs and chokes on air. "NO PDA PLEASE!!" He screams. I fake gag and so does nick. Then we all crack up laughing.

The rest of the trip was very quiet but not very awkward. When you arrive at the house your heart starts beating faster than eninem can rap. Nick sees how scared you are and puts he's arms around your shoulders. Jeez I forgot how amazing nick was at being a brother! You though but you quickly get snapped out of you thoughts as you she Wyatt and Jaeden open the door. Both of them just stare at you. " has you Mum ever taugh you staring is rude" nick joked and the boys awkwardly laugh and move out of the way so we can go in. Andy rushes in behind us, and coughs loudly getting everyone's attention. "So everyone this is Nicholas Hamilton he will be playing Henry Bowers." He smiles and points to nick. "And this is he's sister y/n Hamilton, she's just going to be helping out around set and stuff." He says. " okay I'm going to leave, nick you're welcome to go upstairs there are some older kids up there." He says before walking out of the house. The second we here the car door shut Sophia Lillie runs up and hugs you. "Omg hey I'm Sophia, it's great to have another girl here!" She smiles not letting go of you. You hug back and say " oh hey Soph! I'm y/n" you let go of her and smile. "Jeez your accent is amazing! Where are you from?" She asks " not as good as yours and me and nick are from Australia " you smile " thank you! Ooo come see the boys!" She says and pulls me into the lounge where all the boys are sitting watching sponge bob. I can already tell me and Sophia are going to be best friends!

(A/N I probably got everything wrong and stuff but idc also the boys are gonna be in the next chapter and I will post that soooon ;))  )

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