All of the Stars

By AllieWriting

283K 7K 3.8K

Kylo Ren was a monster. A murderer, a beast... This you were sure of. In a life where you had woken up on the... More

Part 1: Encounter
Part 2: Vexation
Part 3: Misconceive
Part 4: Shock
Part 5: Desideratum
Part 6: Beholden
Part 7: Perform
Part 8 : Distant
Part 9 : Magnificent
Part 10: Speechless
Part 11 : Despondent
Part 12: Revive
Part 14: Ruthless
Part 15: Hope
Part 16: Proximate
Part 17: Honest
Part 18: Outset
Part 19: Arrival
Part 20: Battle
Part 21: Agony
Part 22: Saviour
Part 23: Together
Part 24: Fragmented
Part 25: Blow
Part 26: Love
Part 27: Intimacy
Part 28: Discovery
Part 29: Welcome
Part 30: Shift
Part 31: Anger
Part 32: Doubt
Part 33: Shining
Part 34: Adrenaline
Part 35: Mystery
Part 36: Greeting
Part 37: Lavish
Part 38: Bolted
Part 39: Unrequited
Part 40: Connection
Part 41: Unravel
Part 42: Suffering
Part 43: Determination
Part 44: Quell
Part 45: Resolute
Part 46: Quarrel
Part 47: Cracks
Part 48: Vivid
Part 49: Presence
Part 50: End
Part 51: Epilogue

Part 13: Reverberation

6.9K 188 51
By AllieWriting

"So, you were correct?"

"Just the thought of her being worthless in Kylo's eyes was almost enough to cause her death. I was correct. Kylo can end her easily. I just need his mind..." Snoke's voice was dangerous, croaking and deep.

Hux stared straight ahead, but he couldn't help the smile that inched across his face. Kylo could end her. It would break Kylo.

"But sir, we are unable to find their location now. Where would they relocate?" Hux couldn't stop himself from asking. He could already imagine, pushing a knife into Kylo's chest, watching the life drain from his eyes. It filled him with joy.

"They will hide. Keep an eye on planets nearest to their last seen location." Snoke drummed idly with his fingers as he thought. Hux noticed his dismissal and left, but Snoke said one more thing that caused him to turn.

"Surely they would not be so stupid as to find the resistance..." But Snoke waved his hand impatiently at Hux, indicating that he was to leave.

"Surely..." Snoke said once more, bringing the tips of his fingers up to his lips. Deep in thought.

"I told you gently!" Kylo snarled at the workers lifting you into the ship. You felt the sweat pour down your face as you struggled to not let out a scream as they bump you once again along the side of the door.

"I'm... fine..." You pant out but grunt as they lower you into a bed, the muscles in your neck strained.

"That is all. Leave us." Kylo lifts his gloved hand without turning and dismisses them, searching your face. Clearing his throat he moves towards you.

"If my information is correct, I know where to find one resistance ship... We should be able to make it in less than a day." He brings his face close to yours and whispers this into your ear, placing one hand next to your head and the other down by your waist.

"Kylo... How do you have this information?" You nod and then stop, turning your head to him. Confused.

"I... I made calculations... I've been watching this ship for a while." He doesn't answer fully.

"Why didn't you ever tell the First Order?" You move your hand across your body slowly and rest it on top of his. Your eyebrows furrowed

"My mother..." He breaks his eye contact. "I couldn't... expose her. I was too weak." He looks back into your eyes for a split second and then instead focuses on your hand resting on his.

"Kylo... What do you mean your mother?" You squeeze your fingers over the back of his hand, but he draws away. Kylo hasn't acted like this before, come to think of it, you had never asked about his family.

"I am not her son anymore. I am not who I once was." He draws his hand away but doesn't stand up. "A long time ago a boy named Ben Solo lived. But he is gone." He swallows "She probably doesn't even know..."

He leans closer to you.

"All I care about is you, Y/N. I am going to make sure you are safe." He sits on the edge of the bed and bends down, brushing his lips against yours as his breath tickles your nose.

You want to ask more but you can feel the conflict inside him. You know he will tell you when he is ready.

You move over slightly and make a space for Kylo, he lies down and stretches next to you, his chin resting on top of your head, his arm lying across you, but far from your bandages.

"Y/N." Kylo's hushed voice wakes you, he is lying on his side, propped up by his elbow. You squeeze your groggy eyes shut again and shuffle closer to snuggle into his chest.

"Y/N..." He says a smile in his voice. "We need to transfer into a pod"

"What?" You speak into his chest, liking the warmth you feel from him.

"We need to be as unthreatening as possible, we will arrive at the Resistance ship and they will pick us up. It is their choice what they do to us." He places a hard kiss on the top of your head.

"We will hope it is the right one." He says quietly, but you hear him.

The pod was small, it had enough room for you to prop yourself up in a chair without too much pain. Kylo crouched and looked out a window.

While you couldn't see anything but stars from the window Kylo seemed confident, even as he continued to tap his fingers against any available surface as a sign of nervousness.

A sudden jolt caused a wave of nausea to wash over you, Kylo lost his balance momentarily but then turned to look at you.

"They have us." His voice remained steady but his eyes looked worried. Scared.

"Come here then." You whisper back to him, trying to hide the pain in your side.

He comes over and kneels next to you, grasping your hand tightly. He isn't wearing the gloves you notice. His lightsaber is tucked into his belt but easy to see and yours is sitting by your feet.

He tucks a piece of your hair behind your ear, before taking your hand and kissing the fingers firmly.

"I love you, Y/N." He sighs to you. You keep your eyes trained on each other, in unbreaking contact, until you look out the window and finally see the Resistance ship. Now no longer hidden with any cloaking.

Already there are people running around in the hangar, awaiting your landing. Many of them look nervous. But you notice two figures standing calmly among it.

Both were men, both tall but one with a slightly stockier build and darker skin. The second had darker hair, wearing the orange suit of a pilot. As you drew even closer you became aware of an orb-like droid by him. Rolling around nervously.

Kylo stands now, taking in the scene with a blank expression on his face, his eyes lock onto the figures and he breaks his ice like features for a second to look at his hands, before his squares his shoulders once more.

The pod is guided into the hangar, where it touches down. The impact brings back some dizziness but you also struggle to stand. Kylo realises and quickly moves to your side, pulling your arm up and around his shoulder and then grabbing your legs to lift you gently.

With his free hand, he opens the pod and takes a step out.

The hangar has stopped all movement, frozen at the moment as Kylo straightens up once more.

"My name is Kylo Ren. I am here to ask for asylum, along with for... Forgiveness." He stutters after forgiveness but manages to finish. "Y/N and I... We... need somewhere safe."

He looks towards the men once more.

Together they both stride towards Kylo, the one with the darker skin has his fists clenched, while the tall dark haired one is jutting out his chin.

You clenching up and anticipate the impact that doesn't come.

"Weapons." The tall dark haired man commands.

Kylo lets go of one arm around you to throw both your sabers to them. The dark skinned man catches them.

"She... She needs medical attention..." Kylo talks quietly to the men, their eyes are hard as they stare at him.

Without turning one of the men raises his hand, a stretcher is brought forward. Kylo slowly lowers you onto the stretcher, breaking eye contact with the men to touch the side of your face before he stands once more. Raising his hands in surrender.

You stare at him, your heart beating fast as you watch the aggressive stances those around him that have stopped to watch take. Most look scared, terrified. Some look angry.

People start to crowd around you, moving the stretcher away.

"No, wait. You don't understand I need to... I need..." You protest as they march next to the stretcher, but one of the medics injects a syringe into your arm before you even notice. You feel yourself go limp and remember nothing more.

"There was no need to sedate her!" Kylo raises his voice slightly, clenching his fists as he watches you get rolled away, he doesn't dare follow.

"She will be interrogated when she is fit to do so. For now, she must be quiet." The man says to Kylo.

"Poe, we need Leia." the dark-skinned man nudges his friend, looking concerned.

"Hands out, Ren." The man referred to as Poe doesn't acknowledge the other.

Kylo moves his wrists together in front of him, wincing as they attach a pair of cuffs as tightly as they seem able.

"Walk." Poe barks and then pushes Kylo's shoulder.

"Hey! Nothing more to see here, back to work guys!" The man shouts, raising his arms, and then follows Kylo and Poe.

Kylo walks with his shoulders slumped, saying nothing. He knows you are somewhere in the building and he vows that he will kill anybody that dare hurt you.

Behind him, Poe and the other man tail him closely, exchanging a split second glance of confusion before continuing straight.

Poe suddenly stops and crouches, whispering to the droid instructions and then he stands again. Shoving at Kylo's shoulder to keep him moving.

Kylo keeps his head bent down, trying to find your thoughts through the haze of hundreds of others, all slowly having one thing left on their mind.

Kylo Ren is here.


As Kylo walks through the halls, various workers slow their walks to stare at him, their eyes wide.

"In here." Poe moves around in front of Kylo and keys in a quick code to a door.

Inside is a room with a bed and washroom. A window overlooks the hangar from high above, Kylo turns around again to the two men.

"Thank you." He says clearing his throat, his arms still tied behind his back.

"We uh, we will see that the girl is kept safe..." The dark skinned man mumbles and then moves to leave the room.

Murderer. His thoughts say. Kylo sees flashes of his life, his previous service to the First Order.

Kylo blinks, confused, staring at his back.

Poe glares at Kylo and then also turns and leaves, slamming and locking the door on his exit.

Kylo moves to the bed and sits down, putting his head in his hands. Overwhelmed.

His muscles ripple under his t-shirt as he rubs his eyes. Steepling his fingers under his nose, pressed against this lips.

Far away, you are being crowded around by various workers, when something stops them. They all stand back in respect, the hum of conversation ceasing as they bow their heads.

The woman known as general Leia Organa walks sweeps into the room. Her hair was swept up in an elaborate twist, and her long navy skirts surged around her as she walked deliberately.

She stopped just shy of your bed and stood, staring at your sleeping face. Seemingly unaware of those around her she moves forward and places the back of her hand tenderly on your cheek.

"Oh, Ben." She shakes her head, staring at your face, before moving her hand to yours and giving it a squeeze.

She looks up and around at each face in the room.

"She receives the best care possible, wake her up. Then take her to Be... Kylo." She stutters slightly but covers it up.

"First, I wish to be taken to him."

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