The Girl In The Hoodie

By life_is_overrated19

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Bailey Washington is just a shy bystander flowing through life. The only thing that makes her stand out agai... More

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By life_is_overrated19

Once I arrived at school my whole body felt like it was on fire, especially my ribs. I could feel my broken bones rub together with every step that I made. To tell you it hurt was a complete understatement, it hurt like a bitch. I walked to my locker and once I reached it I felt like my body was going to collapse.

Fucking awesome.

I grabbed my locker and held myself up to put my code in. I grabbed my stuff and put my bag in there. I leaned against my locker and calmed my breathing. Once I thought everything was alright I walked to my class. I sat in my usual seat, all the way in the back and surprisingly that guy sat next to me again. I let out an audible groan making him laugh.

"I see that you are happy to see me." He said with humor in his voice.

I shook my head and laid it on the desk. He slid the paper over to me. I looked at him questionably.

"What's your name?" He asked.

I wrote, "doesn't matter" on the paper and passed it back to him.

"It does too. Everyone has a name for a reason. I wanna know your name."

I groaned and took the paper back and wrote, "no".

"Come on. If you don't tell me I will make up a nickname and I know you won't like it." He said smirking. I ignored him and put my head down again.

"Alright princess, we will go this route." He said.

My head snapped up to him. Memories fogged my mind. I glared at him so hard I thought that he would disappear, even if he couldn't see it. I wish he would. 

"Don't like the name, princess?" He asked while busting out laughing. 

I grabbed the paper and quickly wrote on the paper. "Never call me that again." He read it and grinned.

"Then tell me your name."

"Bailey." I handed him the paper. He smiled at me and stuck his hand out.

"Nice to meet you Bailey, I am Jax." He said.


After that exchange he didn't really try to talk to me. A couple times my vision fogged and I felt like I was going to faint, but never did. I am currently in English, and let me tell you getting around this school is hard when you are hurt. I feel like I'm being stabbed in the ribs every time I walk.

Jax was already sitting in the seat next to mine. I made my way to my seat and sat down wincing. He looked at me curiously but waved it off. I was very thankful for that. Throughout the entire period I could feel myself beginning to pass out again. Every so often I would have to lay my head on the desk just to calm my head down. The bell had rang and I lifted my head up. A pain went through my head and I groaned. Many of the kids had already left the room eager to get home.

I slowly got up and started to make my way to the door. My steps began wavering and I used a table for support. I took a deep breath but my knees collapsed and I fell into darkness.

Jax's P.O.V

I have been studying Bailey all day. She didn't act the way she did yesterday. Every time she would move I saw her wince. That's not normal, right? We were sitting in English and she was laying her head down. As the bell rang she slowly got up and began walking out of the room. Her steps were weird and she looked as if she was going to pass out. I cautiously followed behind her to make sure that she's okay. Her body began to sway and I saw her reach for the table and then walk a little bit more normal, so I thought she must have gotten up to fast and had those little white dots that everyone gets. 

That was until I saw her start to fall towards the ground. I caught her just before she did and carefully lifted her up into my arms. She was knocked out cold. What the hell? I shook her but she didn't wake up. Ah shit she really did faint. She's really light, almost to light. She's almost only skin and bones. 

I quickly grabbed my bag with my stuff in it and shoved her in it too and ran outside to my car with Bailey in my arms. She didn't move, she was like a stone. I put her into the passenger seat of my car and buckled her in. Her hood stayed up the entire time surprisingly. I ran around the front and hopped into the driver side.

I put our stuff in the back and drove off to my house. My mother was a part-time nurse, so she will know what to do, at least I hope. I sped down the road and blew through many stop signs. For some reason I feel like I need to hurry. I don't really know why though. Like she seems to mean something to me, but I barley even know her. 

I quickly pulled into my driveway and jumped out. I ran over to her side and unbuckled her and carried her bridal style into the house. As I opened the door, my mom was in the kitchen. As I walked past she looked at me curiously.

"What a-" She tried saying.

"Just follow me!" I yelled at the base of the stairs already. 

I ran up the stairs and towards my room. I carefully laid her on the bed. She was still knocked out. My mom came into my room and looked from me to Bailey and back to me.

"Why is there a girl in your bed?" She asked with a really curious look on her face. 

"She fainted at school. I didn't know what else to do but bring her to you." I said with slight panic in my voice. 

She went to take off her hood but I stopped her, "She doesn't let people take off her hood. She never has." 

My mother nodded and kicked me out of my room. I went down to the living room and sat on the couch with my elbows resting on my knees and my head looking down. 


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