Neighbor ➳ Johnny Seo

By chittapornisaten

9.2K 365 68

In which a family moves into the house next door More

Sorry! Update soon!


1.1K 50 22
By chittapornisaten

Monday. There's nothing worse than Monday's. I don't want to leave my bed ever. It's just so comfortable. I grabbed my phone from the charger and started scrolling through Twitter. I get up and got ready and decided to text Johnny.

Summer Lee:
Give me a reason to go to school

Johnny Seo:
You get to show me around and I'd say I'm pretty cool

Summer Lee:
Alright. I'll go
But I'm gonna look like this all day

Johnny Seo:
wow u look good in that pic

Summer Lee:
thx I tried really hard
wanna walk to school? It's like 15-20 minutes away

Johnny Seo:
yeah sure why not
I'll be outside

I grabbed my headphones and backpack before walking downstairs. I put my headphones in and put on some music before walking out the door. Johnny was sitting on my porch again like he was on Saturday so I grabbed his hand and pulled him up like last time. He had his headphones in also so I didn't bother trying to talk to him.

We were almost to school when Johnny tapped on my shoulder. I looked up at him and took my headphones out of my ears.

"What are you listening to?" He asked out of nowhere.

"Let's not fall in love by bigbang. Why?"

"I wasn't sure what kind of music you listened to. And I wanted to start a conversation but didn't know how and music is always the best topic." He looked over at me and smiled.

"What were you listening to?"

"Uhh... View by SHINee. Yeah. View." He looked like he was hiding something so I reached over and grabbed his phone out of his hand and looked.

"This doesn't look like View by SHINee. Looks like red flavor by Red Velvet to me," I said while he was trying to grab his phone back from me. He put one arm around my shoulder to keep me from moving and used the other to grab his phone from my hands. When he got it back from me, he slipped it back into his pocket but left his other arm where it was.

"Your arms still around me," I said when we reached the front of the school. I didn't mind but I didn't want anybody assuming things. Especially on his first day. He looked over and moved it before apologizing quietly.

We went to the main office to grab his schedule before we walked the halls a little before class started.

"Okay, your first class is right here. Mines a couple doors down so wait for me here after because we have math together after. And then you can sit with me in lunch unless you meet people and wanna sit with them instead. Okay I gotta go," I said before I turned and walked away


"I sit with my friend Solar and her friend Jaehyun at lunch. I take a nap most days though. They went on a date yesterday though so there's a little background information so you're not completely lost. Also, did you meet anybody in your first class?"

"Yeah, there was this guy Mark. He was pretty cool. He was nice to me," he replied.

"Mark Lee?" Johnny nodded which made me excited. "He's one of my favorite people in this school. He laughs at everything. He sits with us in lunch sometimes too."

We got to the booth Solar and Jaehyun were sitting at and I slid in first. I looked at her and she smiled at me, letting me know the date went as planned.

"Okay. Johnny this is Jaehyun and Solar. Solar and Jaehyun, this is Johnny," I said to each of them while pointing when I said their names. They all said hi before I looked over at Jaehyun and Solar. "So how was your date?" I asked quickly.

"It was good," Jaehyun said. They paused and looked at each other really quick. Solar looked back at me and smiled. "We're dating."

"Okay, that's all I wanted to hear. More details later. I'm taking a nap as usual." I leaned my head up against Johnny's arm. Usually, I'd sleep with my face sideways on the table but now that Johnny's here, I don't have to do that. Before I fell asleep, I could hear Solar and Jaehyun asking Johnny questions and making him feel included. This is why they're my friends.


Summer Lee:
I'll be waiting outside for you

Johnny Seo:
wait help I'm lost
I'm by room 112

Summer Lee:
There's a door right by there. You're not lost.

A few seconds later, I noticed Johnny walking towards me with one hand in his pocket and the other holding a folder.

"Wow, you're alive. You survived your first day," I said excitedly.

"It'd be better if I wasn't starting here my senior year and a month before graduation," he replied.

"That's true. Hand me your folder. I'm gonna put it in my bag. I want a piggyback ride," I said while we were walking. He got down like he did last time. Low enough for me to jump on. I wrapped one arm around his neck and I put my other hand on top of his head, playing with his hair. I put my head down on his shoulder again.



"Don't fall asleep again," he said while laughing.

"I won't. Don't worry. I'm not even tired." Those were the last words I said before I fell asleep.

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