Tag [Mori X Reader] (OHSHC)

By Lei_1303

14.4K 518 110

"(Y/n)! What were you doing at the host club?!" Maki, her classmate, questioned. Seeing as though (Y/n) never... More



1K 44 7
By Lei_1303

After hearing loud screams and banging noises, Haruhi located the source of the noise,

"What is going on?!"

He exclaimed before taking in the scene before him.

You were tapping the floor repeatedly with your hand,

"I tap out!"

Honey-Senpai only tightened the grip around your neck,

"I can't breathe-"

You choked, trying to slap his hand away. Turning an alarming shade of red.

"Honey-Senpai- Don't you think that's a bit overkill?!"

Haruhi pointed out, but Mori only plucked Honey-Senpai from on top of you.

You wheezed, breathing in and out at a rapid pace; Slowly regaining your original (s/c) shade.

"Calm down-"

Was all Mori said in his husky, deep voice.

You would've melted had it not been for the fact that you almost died.

Haruhi lended a hand, and you took it,


You muttered, and you slightly gripped Haruhi's hand eyeing his palm suspiciously.

Haruhi quirked a brow,

"You have the softest hands. You know that?"

You said out of the blue, before Haruhi awkwardly snatched his hand back,

"I get that a lot-"

You stared at your calloused hands, cocking your head to the right,

"Maybe....I should start taking it easy at work."

You mumbled.

I want soft delicate hands like Haruhi too!~

Honey-Senpai hugged his beloved stuffed animal, nuzzling the rabbit,

"I'm sorry Usa-chan."

He whimpered.

"It's not like I stepped on him!-"

You replied,

"I technically didn't step on him."

"But you were about to!"

Honey added,

"But I didn't!"

You replied adding an airy-esque
to the word 'didn't'.

You both held a glaring contest before you sighed and calmed yourself,

"If it makes you feel any better. I'm sorry. I'd hate it if someone tried to destroy a relic I cherished."

With a small smile, you held a hand out for the small man child to shake,

"Let's call a truce. No hard feelings?"

You questioned.

Honey-Senpai beamed,

"Of course! Let's go share some cake!~"

The blond teen exclaimed dragging you away.

Talk about bipolar!

You thought.

You squealed in delight, taking another bite of (insert favorite cake flavor).

The whipped icing that added a creamy, frothy sensation to your soft palette. Then, the moist sponge cake that was enhanced with the succulent flavor of the fruit just put your taste buds in a trance,

"Wow! Where did you get this cake from?!"

You exclaimed, trying not to scarf down the entire cake whole.

Trying to shove a whole cake in your mouth wouldn't be too flattering; especially in front of your crush.

"From my favorite bakery!"

Honey-Senpai smiled.

This cake alone probably costs more than my net worth.

You thought.

You excused yourself from the table, thanking the bipolar teen for the dessert.

Drinking that much tea, at the time it seemed like a good idea. But, now your bladder was just calling your name.

You approached the restrooms and that's when you saw Haruhi exit from the female bathroom.

Upon seeing your shocked form, Haruhi froze.

You put a hand over your mouth in shame,

"Haruhi- you two timing perverted deceiver!"

You yelled.


Haruhi scolded.

"I'll explain everything, just please keep quiet-"


"And that's the reason I'm a host."

Haruhi finished,


"On top of that, I used the female restrooms because the male bathrooms always reek of Axe body spray. I thought no one was looking so I just went into the girls bathroom."

You chuckled,

Not even rich people schools are liberated from the reign of pubescant teens overusing Axe body spray.

"Could you please not tell anyone?"

Haruhi pleaded, her large adorable chocolate orbs practically begging you.

"Okay, I won't."

You smiled,

"Your secrets safe with me!~"

"What?!" Tamaki yelled.

"I told (Y/n) that I'm a girl, but don't make a fuss about it. He promises not to tell-"

Haruhi told.

"(Y/n) could be out to steal my daughter away from me! Mommy!-"

Tamaki cried, falling limp to the floor in a dramatic emo way.

Haruhi, having already become used to his weirdness, had just walked away. Ignoring the distressed princely blond.

Kyoya approached you, with an unwavering look in his eyes and a sharp glare,

"Although Haruhi may trust you. I don't."

The dark haired teen smiled, cocking his head to the side in a condescending manner.

You definitely took offense to that,

"Do I really look that untrustworthy?"

You questioned.

The room almost instantly becoming silent, the only thing missing was the awkward chirping of crickets.


You muttered.

But, in all honesty you only appeared 'untrustworthy' because of your attire.

You wore baggy dark clothing, hoodies and pullovers. On top of that you wore one of those pocket chains and sneakers. Furthermore, you also had those earlobe piercings.

Compared to the attire of the snobby rich kids, you were seen as a delinquent.

Which couldn't be further from the truth, because according to your mother and father you were very patient and understanding. On top of that you knew how to empathize with people and was a great speaker.

"Just to let you know, if you do happen to allow the truth about Haruhi to slip out. The Kyoya family owns a total of one hundred police officers that have sworn their loyalty to us-"

The male informed.

Was that a threat?

You pondered.

"You guys can trust me okay? Besides...why would I be as petty as to expose Haruhi?"

"It's just for precaution."

Kyoya replied quickly, nearly cutting you off mid sentence.


You muttered.


The Host Club was just about to wrap things up for the day, and you were examining an intricate painting. Admiring the attention to even the smallest details, to the hairs on our eyebrows to the lint on the clothing.

A girl with huge spectacles was walking towards you in a rather slurred manner.

As if she couldn't really keep up, like she was going to faint.

Saying that this worried you was an understatement.

The girl swayed and swayed before finally collapsing, her eyes rolling back into her head exposing her scleras. Her body giving out and becoming limp and frail.

You caught her at the exact moment, her body not coming into contact with the floor at all.

You held her in a tight embrace before lightly patting her on the cheek.

Perhaps it was just a faint from overexertion....It'll probably be safe to just wake her up.

You continued with the light pats before her eyes fluttered open, her chestnut honeydew eyes trailing into your own (e/c) eyes,

"Are you okay?"

You questioned in a calm, even tone.

Her face flushed before she shot up and bowed,

"I'm fine thank you!"

And with that she zoomed away.

You raised a questioning brow.

What the....

Hikaru and Kaoru chuckled, watching the scene unfold,

"Are you seeing what I'm seeing?"

Kaoru pointed out.


Hikaru replied.

"We have the makings of a new host member"


(A/N: This is how Honey Senpai was choking you out lmao:


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