Consume Me (To be completed i...

By silver_mist1918

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Consume Me (To be completed in June)

Consume Me- Chapter Two

889 38 17
By silver_mist1918

Be reminded that the "Italicized" words are her flashbacks...


Violet's POV

The days he came to visit me I would have to spend in my little bedroom preparing. I would sleep for hours, eat a lot of sustaining foods and wash my body thoroughly. On the days he didn’t visit I would spend around the mansion, just leisurely strolling around. Today was one of those days. I woke up earlier than usual and headed down to breakfast. I just wanted to be out of there before his whore came around for the day. I don’t think I could stand seeing him all over someone else. Of course all of that went in vain because when I entered the kitchen there he was wrapped in someone’s arm making out like there was no tomorrow. I kept my head averted to the ground as I walked in, trying to draw less attention to myself.

“Yes Alarik” the brunette moaned as he sunk his teeth into her neck. When a vampire bites another vampire it can be a very erotic thing, instilling new heights of ecstasy in both partners; and because they heal immediately biting wasn’t dangerous. Alarik however never allow anyone to bite him, or drink from his blood; when both partners share their blood they become bound to each other and he refuses to be tied to anyone. How do I know? Thane taught me everything I know about vampires. He may be annoying as hell but he feeds my curiosity whenever I need it.

It is different when a vampire chooses to share their blood with a mortal, when both immortal and mortal exchanges blood, only the human becomes attach to the vampire; the human gains some enhanced qualities like a flawless appearance, heightened healing abilities, and advanced sight but the main disadvantage is the human becomes connected to the vampire and that vampire alone. The vampire however cannot be attached to a human. It was against their nature to be bound to someone weaker than their own.

This was where my dilemma dwelled, I was attached to him, and I was forever bound to him until my last breath. How? I drank from him and him me.


 I woke up with my mind a muddled mess as I tried to remember what brought me to my state of confusion. I heard the steady beating of my heart from machine monitoring my heart rate, the room I was placed in was pale blue, with one little window off to the far end. The sheets I was placed in were white with small patches of red which oddly looked like blood.

“You can’t just go drink from her” a voice shouted right out my door “She’s in a coma for goodness sake”

“Oh you care how touching” another voice added coldly “But isn’t that why you brought her?”

“Yes” the voice said.

“Then she’s fulfilling her purpose” the cold voice jeered “Should’ve kept her stupid mouth close if you asked me” he continued before barging into my room. When my eyes made contact with the two new strangers everything came back to me. My mom selling me at the auction, being taken away by Thane, his terrible master with the cold grey eyes that hit me, then…. Everything else was blank. I couldn’t come up with anything else. My mind just stopped.

“Oh goodie she’s awake, they’re no fun when they’re asleep.” The master dude said with a flat voice. “Hello Violet, it’s so nice to meet you” he sneered

“The feeling’s not mutual” I said trying to mean as possible, I mean come on he hit me, but my threat came out as a croak, making him chuckle darkly.

“Oh she still hasn’t learned to shut her mouth Thane, maybe another lesson is in order” he mocked

“When I get out of here I’ll teach you a lesson” I muttered

“And how do you plan on doing that?”

“Doesn’t matter” I snapped “But I will”

“Very well then, Thane show her where she will be staying temporarily” he stressed on the word temporarily. “Allow her to take a shower, she stinks and then show her down to the dining room; dinner will be served in about an hour and please teach her some manners I have a dinner guest tonight and I want her on her best behavior or things will not be pretty” he said evilly like he was anticipating something. After giving Thane his orders he left the room but not before giving me one final warning glance.

Thane sighed warily before roughly grabbing me by the elbow and dragging me out the door. “You’re not going to make this easy are you?” he asked once we stepped into the long empty hallway.

“Of course I am. I’ll be on my best behavior, pinkie promise” I said smiling sweetly up at him.

“Why do I feel like you’re just telling me what I want to hear?”

I gasped dramatically “Of course not, I will be the most behaved person at the dinner table” I swore.

“Yeah whatever” he said ushering me into a new bedroom. This one had lilac wall, and dark purple curtains. “You heard him, take a shower you really do stink, and change into something more appealing; there is clothes in the closet all your size, I will come and collect you ten minutes before dinner and I will escort you down. Got it?” he asked

“Yes sir” I mock saluted “Shower, dress and wait” I listed

“Good girl” he said patting my head like a puppy before walking off to god knows where.

I took a total of fifteen minutes to get showered, and another ten to get dressed. The closet was packed with a lot of cute clothing, mainly short slutty dresses that even the Virgin Mary would frown upon. There were a few jeans that looked too tight for my body, as a matter of fact all the clothes looked too small for my figure.

“Damn pervert” I grumbled to myself. I searched the drawers and actually came across some normal looking T-shirts, I randomly chose one that was on the baggy side and I matched it with one of the scarily tight skinny jeans. I pulled my hair into a messy bun, not bother with putting on any makeup from the endless selection that was in the bathroom. I grabbed a pair of bright yellow flip flops from the closet and lay on the bed to wait for Thane to fetch me.

I woke up with an incessant knocking on the door. “Go away mom” I mumbled.

“Violet wake the hell up” someone shouted pulling me out of my dreams. I groggily got up and made my way to the door, unlocking it and pulling it open to meet a flustered looking Thane.

“Oh hey Thane” I greeted sleepily.

“No time for talking I have to get you to dinner. You’re late” he replied quickly grabbing my elbow pulling me along.

“That’s okay, what are a few minutes?” I shrugged

“You half an hour late” he said dryly

“Oh” I said after a few minutes of silence “Why didn’t you wake me?”

“I tried for half hour” he grumbled


“Yeah oh” he said. Before we entered the dining room he gave me a once over grimacing. “Are you really gonna wear that?” he asked

“Is it too much?” I asked sarcastically.

“You tried too hard” he answered using just as much sarcasm as I did.

“Thank you” I answered “I was afraid that this was too much” I said looking over at what he was wearing. Damn they take dinner way to seriously. He wore black slacks, and a white button up shirt that fit him in all the right places.

“Alright then” he said leading me in. The long table was set for four and two of the seats were already occupied.

“Good evening Thane, Violet” the master dude greeted, he wore the exact same outfit as Thane except his shirt was black. There was a girl sitting at his right side. Long brunette hair fell in perfect waves down her face, she wore a glittery gold dress that tied around her neck and plunged deep into her cleavage. I was confident that the dress fell just shy of her thighs showing off most of her legs. The one common factor she shared with the boys is she was absolutely gorgeous. It was almost inhumane. Her eyes were golden brown as she looked over my outfit choice with disgust.

“Good evening Alarik, Savannah” Thane greeted, smiling tightly. Everyone then turned to looked at me. When I remained silent Thane nudged me lightly with his elbow.

“Oh” I said looking embarrassed “Sup” I greeted smiling.

“You are late” Alarik said looking at me murderously as f it was my fault. Well it obviously was but he didn’t know that.

“Well-” Thane started but I cut him off giving a false excuse.

“It was all Thane’s fault, he said he would come collect me, but he didn’t until just now” I said waving my hand dismissively “If you asked me, I would say he was having some secret romp with one of the servants” I finished causing Thane to sputter looking lost. He turned to glare at me.

“I didn’t” he started but Alarik raised his hand silencing him.

“Don’t” he said coldly “Just have a seat so we can start dinner”

Thane took the seat closet to Alarik and I sat next to him. Savannah kept shooting me glances until she finally spoke “My dear what are you wearing?” she asked. She even had the nerve to look sorry.

“Clothes” I stated obviously

She gave me a dark look “I know that, but why did you specifically choose that?”

“I thought it looked good. Thane even said I looked good. What were your words?” I asked him sweetly “Oh right he said I look drop dead sexy in this” I mocked. This statement made Thane snort. “You did say that didn’t you?” I asked innocently.

“Of course” he choked out looking like he was trying not to laugh.

“Oh honey he lied” she said nastily “you look absolutely terrible” she continued sending me a pitied look.

“That she does” Alarik agreed, smiling wickedly at me.

“Yes” Savannah continued “Why didn’t you used the clothes in the closet, there were a lot of pretty things that even someone like you could have found to wear. I spent most of my time yesterday getting you things that I know will look good on you”

“Wait, you stocked up my closet?” I asked.

“Of course I did” she said proudly.

“That explains why it looked like a slut threw up in there?” I asked surprised

“Excuse me?” she shrieked “Slut, I dress to empress, you’re just mad that you can’t look as good as me” she added looking at me smugly.

“Yeah because when people look at me I want them to know that my future career path is being a whore” that comment sent Thane into a coughing fit.

“ENOUGH!” Alarik shouted over our bickering “You are both behaving as if you are children. You are in my home and I want you to respect that. Am I understood?”

“Yes Alarik, I am sorry for acting childish” Savannah said, bowing her head slightly

“Kiss ass” I coughed out.

“Am I understood Violet” he addressed me, using the full effect of his eyes to let me know how angry he was at the moment. “I said am I understood” he grinded out hatefully.

“Of course” I said sweetly, covering up how scared his eyes made me feel.

Dinner moved by smoothly after the first altercation, but when dessert came around Savannah decided it was fun to subtly pick on me some more. “Honey you shouldn’t eat that much cake, you don’t want to get anymore fat than you already are” she leered innocently.

“Mother fucker called me fat” I murmured mostly to myself.

“You know I had a doll that looked just like you when I was younger?” I asked making conversation.

“If it looked anything like me then your childhood was probably awesome” she answered proudly.

“Yeah the doll was beautiful, had pretty hair and cute little outfit to change into” I continued “I hated that stupid doll, wanna know what happed to it?” I asked

“What?” she asked

“I cut off the damn head, and gave it to my dog” I mocked “Just letting you know where your head is going” I finished sweetly.

“Are you threatening me?” she asked

“Of course not”

“Do you have any idea who I am?” she asked

“Of course I do, you’re the slut that called me fat”

“Well it wasn’t a lie” Alarik added.

“Me being fat or her being a slut?” I asked harmlessly.

“I’m going to kill you” she growled pouncing on the table and tackling me to the ground.

“That is enough” Alarik snarled pulling her off me “Savannah I think it’s best if you leave” he said not even looking at her. “Thane carry her to the dungeon and cuff her to the walls it seems that our little Violet here needs to learn a little self control” he said sardonically     

“Are you sure?” Thane asked looking scared for me

“Oh I’m sure” he said getting that evil look in his eyes again.

“So be it” Thane said dragging me away from the dining room. “You’ve really done it now” he whispered to me when we were out of earshot.

“I didn’t do anything, she leaped on me, not the other way around” I argued

“You provoked her, and you embarrassed Alarik”

“So what freedom of speech is not allowed in this house?” I asked

“Not when the master is Alarik” he said.

“Okay, so where are we going anyway?” I asked

“To the dungeon” he said sadly “The last person he took in there came out in a body bag”

“He killed them?” I asked worriedly “And you’re still carrying me there even though you know what he’s gonna do to me?” I asked angrily.

“He is the master of this house I obey what he says”

“Thanks a lot” I said sourly

“Well it was you who didn’t follow orders”

“Well I rather be dead than follow his stupid orders anyway” I retorted    

“Very well” he said leading me into a dark room, the walls were painted in black giving the room a gloomy feel to it. In one corner there were a couple of chains attached to the wall with cuffs at the end. Thane led me to it and chained my wrists above my head and left me there.

I hung there for another twenty minutes before I heard the door knob turned and The Master entered the room looking at me like his prey.

The way he moved was lethal, with precision and agility. Like a lion who had the presence of power whenever he entered the room. I was both scared and fascinated with his movements; my eyes stuck to his body as he flitted across the room. 

He smiled wickedly at me, basking in my fear. “I really hate being disobeyed” he said frostily.

“You’ll get use to it” I said trying to come off as unconcerned.

“You are in my house, you do not show up late for dinner, and then proceed to disrespect my guest. When I ask something of you, I expect you to do it, no questions asked. No comments.”

“So I’m supposed to sit back and listen to your ‘guest’ insult me and do nothing about it?” I asked dryly.

“Well she did insult you with reason, you made no effort to dress appropriately”

“I looked fine” I retorted

“Yeah if you were in the presence of your drug addicted mother, but with me it’s different and I expect a certain level of respect from you. Got that”

“Yeah, I get that you’re an egotistical bastard who thinks highly of himself”

“There you go again with the disrespect, my patience is only so tolerable, and you wouldn’t like when the beast come out to play”

“Oh beast is that supposed to scare me, because it didn’t work at all”

“Soon enough, the punishment for your actions haven’t begun yet, and when they do you’ll wish you had behave tonight”

“Do your worse” I challenged.


A shudder ran through my body as I thought about the punishments I faced that night. Sure enough I believed in vampires after that night. I was in a coma for a month, my blood count was low, most of my bones were broken, how I survived I don’t know, but Thane explained to me that Alarik gave me his blood so that I would heal quickly. I never understood why he let me live, he constantly complains about me being a nuisance but whenever he takes thing too far he’d feed me his blood so that I would recover. Why else would he want me around? Is my blood that satisfying that he requires me to stay here constantly?

I would always wonder if he’d ever let me leave this wretched mansion. I have never been to the outside world since I’ve been bought; I’m trapped inside, not being able to smell the fresh air, or feel the rays of the sunlight. The only thing that keeps me going is the thought of Alarik one day returning the feelings I hide from him.

I was brought out of my inner battles by the moans coming from the brunette wrapped in his embrace. Her eyes made contact with mine before she belted out louder moans. Sometimes I thinks she knows I’m in love with Alarik and she uses that to advantage; constantly rubbing their sex life in my face.

“You do know that this is a kitchen right?” came my witty remark. Alarik instantly untangled himself from Savannah’s embrace keeping his hand on her exposed thigh.  “A place where people eat” I continued

“I already had breakfast” he said briefly

“Well I haven’t and I would like for it to stay down without having the feeling of throwing up” I insulted when in reality the only organ in my body in risk of being sick is my heart.

“You should have woken up earlier” he retorted

“I did, it’s six in the bloody morning.” I argued “Who has sex at six in the morning?”

“Apparently we do” Savannah sneered looking down on me smugly.

“Oh hey Savannah it’s always nice to see your face first thing in the morning” I said sarcastically

“Hey Violet, I see you’re still alive” she shot back.

“And you’re still a slut” I replied angrily

“You’re lucky you are just a stupid human or I would have killed you a long time ago”

“Being human is better than being a stupid bloodsucker” I snapped

“Savannah why don’t you wait in my room, I want to have a word with Violet privately” Alarik spoke calmly to her, emphasizing on the word privately.

“Okay baby, I will be naked and ready when you get up there” she purred, planting a sloppy kiss on his lips in hopes of making me jealous. It worked.

When we were alone together he turned to me “What’s wrong?” he asked softly “You’re behaving a bit off this morning” he truly looked concerned, and that melted whatever bad mood I had. It was a daily occurrence for him to be sweet and loving towards me, but when we were in the company of other vampires he would insult me and make me feel even more terrible about myself.

“Nothing is wrong” I said curtly, just wanting to be left alone.

“Are you sure?” he asked caressing my cheek gently making me melt further “You know you can talk to me don’t you?”

“Your guest is waiting and I would like to have breakfast” I said sharply, dodging the hand on my cheek.

“You’re jealous” he stated simply, smirking in my direction.

“What do you think?” I asked, my voice raising another octave “I have no control of the feelings in my body, I feel angry for no reason, envious for something that isn’t mine, desire for something that has no feelings and I feel love for a ruthless monster whose only concern is keeping track of how many girls he screwed” I confessed “You did this to me, why don’t you just kill me the next time you feed, living in this house has become a tedious job and I want to be set free”

He backed me up against the counter “You want freedom, so be it but need I remind you that the only way you’ll be leaving this mansion is in a casket”  

“Then that’s how I’m leaving” I agreed. His wondrous grey eyes stared me down, analyzing my reaction. I arched my back and kept my head up, staring right back at him. His eyes darted down to my lips before connecting with my eyes again. Slowly he dipped his head until his lips were a few centimeters away from mine.

“Don’t go” he whispered, his lips brushing against mine, sending delightful shivers down my spinal cord. He took that as a good sign, before his lips descended fully on mine. His teeth teased my already swollen lips drawing blood that dripped into his mouth. He growled in the back of his throat greedily lapping the crimson blood into his receptive mouth. “Stay with me” he murmured against my lips.


This was long overdo as is all my stories... I'm hoping to have more time starting next week until August. Thank you you for your patience... Next chapter we'll delve into the mind of a ruthless Vampire.. Hopefully I do him justice...

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Love Alwayzzz


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