What do we do now(Harry Potte...

By 19jyBrit

252K 9.2K 1.4K

This story was written by Momma-dar How different would Harry be if he was taken from the Dursle... More

Chapter One: New Home and Surprises
Chapter Two: What Happened?
Chapter Three: In the darkness there is light
Chapter Four: Explanations and Understanding
Chapter Five: New Name
Chapter Six: A Shocking Revelation
Chapter 7: What is it that you wanted to tell me?
Chapter 8: Minerva's Secret
Chapter Nine: To be a good father
Chapter Ten: The Bad Thing
Chapter Eleven: Found One Runaway Pup
Chapter Twelve: Meetings and Beginnings
Chapter 13: All in a Days Thoughts
Chapter Fourteen: And the Truth Comes Out
Chapter Fifteen: Around the Castle
Chapter Sixteen: After the Surgery
Chapter 17: Reocurring Nightmares
Chapter 18
Chapter 19: Discissions of the Truth
Chapter 21: The Lost Boys
Chapter 22: Found Two Lost Boys
Chapter Twenty-Three: Finding Family in the Strangest of Places
Chapter 24: Confessions
Chapter 25: The End of the Darkness

Chapter Twenty: Musings

6.7K 267 24
By 19jyBrit

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or any thing that is familiar to that Universe.

Chapter Twenty: Musings

Severus and Lucius walked quickly back down to the dungeons, back to where they left the boys with Jocelyn. He hoped that Daylan had managed to fall back to sleep and that Draco and Jocelyn were getting along. Severus was relieved that his old friend was turning away from the thrall of the Dark Lord and was going to work for the Light. He just hoped that nothing would happen to Lucius or Narcissa. Draco needed his parents during this crucial stage in his life. He had come to realize how important he had become to Daylan since the little boy had come into his life.

While they had been talking to Albus they had decided that Severus would monitor Daylan's dreams and would report to the Headmaster if there were anything particular about what Daylan told him. They hoped that they would be able to establish a pattern to the dreams so that they could monitor the little boy.

They hoped that they would be able to trace Voldemort's magic from Daylan and find out where the bastard was hiding. Severus reached the door to his quarters and hesitated for a split second before he opened the door. The site that greeted the two men made them both smile and let out a sigh of relief.

Jocelyn was sitting on the couch with both boys curled up to her; all three of them were fast asleep.

Not wanting to wake the three of them Lucius beckoned Severus toward the kitchen were he began to make a pot of tea.

It was Severus who broke the silence. "How did you know that Jocelyn was your sister besides the striking resemblance?" he asked as he watched Lucius's face carefully.

Lucius sighed, "When I was around eighteen I came across some of my fathers personal journals in the family library. They were spelled so that only he could open them, but he didn't know that I had watched him several times activating the locking charms so I knew which ones they were and I knew how to override them. Being my self-centered self I wanted to know what it was that my father was so keen on hiding. So one night after he had left for a business trip I snuck back into the library and took the journals." Lucius shook his head trying to dispel some of the images that surfaced at the reminder of what he read. "Needless to say after reading those journals my opinion of my father was severely altered.

It had been the second journal that he had mentioned his affair with a young woman. I was shocked that he had done this to my mother so I read more trying to find the name of the woman so that I could confront my mother about it. It was only when I read that the woman was Minerva McGonagall that I decided not to mention it to anyone that I had found out about my fathers affair. I had been temped to stop reading then but I wanted to find out if the affair was still going on or when it had stopped. I was shocked when I read that when my father found out that Minerva was pregnant he ordered her to abort the baby. I had a feeling that Minerva would never do something like that so I imagined that she had secreted the child away from prying eyes. It took me a couple of minutes to figure out when the baby would have been born and then I realized that I had a younger sibling out there who was close to six years younger than I was. It was quite a shock at first but when I got over the fact I wondered if I would ever get to meet them." Lucius smiled and then continued.

"When Jocelyn showed up at your door tonight I knew as soon as I laid eyes on her that she was my sister. As corny as it may sound but I felt something familiar when she looked straight into my eyes and we connected in a way, almost as if our magic was confirming that we were siblings."

Severus just shook his head at the thought of his long time friend finding and sneaking off with his father's personal journals. "Well then, I can't say that I am surprised that you found out about your father's infidelity that way. Although I am rather surprised at this melding of magic as you put it. I don't think that I have ever heard of anything like that except for in the instances of identical twins separated at birth and then reuniting later in their lives."

Severus said pondering on what it could be that had happened earlier with them. Severus stood abruptly as the kitchen door opened but then sat down once he realized it was only Jocelyn.

"I laid both boys down on Daylan's bed, they are still sound asleep. I didn't want to wake them up." Jocelyn said as she took the seat across from Lucius.

When she looked up she found herself looking into the face of her brother.

She watched him with the same intensity as he was watching her. Deciding to break the silence Jocelyn looked over at Severus, "What did the Headmaster say about Daylan's dreams?"

Severus sighed heavily and ran his hand tiredly through his lanky shoulder length hair.

"Basically that Voldemort is still alive and is somehow manipulating Daylan's dreams. We really don't have much else to go on. Although Albus hopes that with the dreams we could in a sense trace Voldemort's magical signature from Daylan and find out where he is and take care of him before he can regain a body."

Seeing Jocelyn's confused expression Severus continued the explanation, "When Daylan defeated Voldemort as a result of the failed curse they formed a connection linked through the scar on his forehead. Voldemort wasn't killed that night like most people think but his spirit was forced from his body when the Killing curse rebounded onto him. So for the last five years he has been floating around as a bodiless spirit biding his time until he can rise again and begin his war once more." He said softly fear lacing is voice at the mention of an impending war once again orchestrated by the hands of a madman.

The three of them said nothing more as they sat around the table in silence each lost in their own thoughts of what another war would mean to them.

Each of them echoing the same thought over and over again.

'They needed to stop Voldemort now because if they failed and he was able to regain his strength and magic it would be the end of the Wizarding world

as they knew it.'

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