By PrEsHiShy

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VICTORIA'S POV He looked at me with hatred and disgust in his eyes. It was so intense; I was forced to look a... More

CHAPTER 1 * Introduction *
CHAPTER 2 * Deadlines and speeches *
CHAPTER 3 * Food is my everything *
CHAPTER 4 * Expectations *
CHAPTER 5 * Seeing stars *
CHAPTER 6 * Keep calm *
CHAPTER 7 * Black out *
CHAPTER 9 * Cold kindness *
CHAPTER 10 * Not human enough *
CHAPTER 11 * Awkward moment *
CHAPTER 12 * New schedule *
CHAPTER 13 * Torture device *
CHAPTER 14 * Strong will *
CHAPTER 15 * Hidden talent *
CHAPTER 16 * Pride *
CHAPTER 17 * Speeches *
CHAPTER 18 * History *
CHAPTER 19 * Not a morning person *
CHAPTER 20 * Knowledge *
CHAPTER 21 * I don't have to poop?!? *
CHAPTER 22 * What is wrong with her? *
CHAPTER 23 * Not holding back *
CHAPTER 24 * Uncontrollable smiles *
CHAPTER 25 * Losing my way *
CHAPTER 26 * Anigra *
CHAPTER 27 * My new Xeris *
CHAPTER 28 * Exhaustion *
CHAPTER 29 * Torutue *
CHAPTER 30 * Curls and realisations *
CHAPTER 31 * His highness?!?
CHAPTER 32 * Failed proposal
CHAPTER 33 * Royalty lessons
CHAPTER 34 * Wedding bells

CHAPTER 8 * Locked in *

7.8K 517 123
By PrEsHiShy


I passed through the sleeping area and headed for the door that would lead me out of these chambers. This door was right next to my, make that our, medical bay. I walked out and made a sharp turn left down the hallway that would lead me to the public hallways. I continued walking knowing that the door would open once it had registered my identity, but it didn't. I had to stop abruptly for I would have walked right into it. I stood there for a few seconds wondering why the doorway was not appearing. I tapped the side of my head thinking of Santhi and his face came into view before my eyes.

"Why is the door not opening?" I knew that he knew exactly which door I was referring to. Our ship had never experienced technical difficulties. It was made by the best of Thanzor. The only reason for it not to open was if command had ordered it.

"My apologies, your highness. Bulba and Purit are in charge of all the men and earthians."

Is that an explanation?

I looked to him letting my irritation show. "And?"

"I shall transfer the call and have them explain."

He disconnected and in his place Bulba appeared.

"Why is the door not opening?" I asked, still with the irritation in my voice from talking to Santhi.

I need to speak to Purit right now. How dare they delay me.

"Because I ordered it so."

I looked at her waiting for further explanation.

"Let me talk to Purit."

"Unfortunately, he is occupied with other matters."

"If the both of you are in charge, why have you solely decided on this?" I asked.

"Naturally, as Purit and I are both in charge of this mission, I cannot possibly make any decision without first discussing it with him. As to this matter, he is fully in favour of my decision. We have both deemed it appropriate to restrict your movement."

She almost looked smug.

How could he?

"You dare confine me?" Anger seeped into my words.

"You misunderstand me, your highness," she didn't even flinch, "your confinement is not meant as punishment. It serves to make this mission easier. To encourage communication. This is in your best interest as well as Thanzor's."

My best interest? My best interest? Who is she to tell me what is best for me?

She must have sensed the storm brewing in me. She didn't speak but let me reign in my anger enough to speak. Outwardly, I looked no different. However, Bulba was no ordinary woman. She had that same knack as Purit for reading people like a book.

"How long shall this confinement last?" I asked in an even tone.

"As long as we see fit. We shall be monitoring your progress with her closely. It would do you well to find a way to communicate with her in a civil manner."

Was she threatening me? Does she realise that I am the second prince of Thanzor?

She continued, "This confinement does not apply only to you, your highness. All the other men have been confined similarly."

I knew she said this to test me. She wanted to see if I would demand special treatment because of my status. But I wouldn't do that. At the beginning of this mission, I had publicly announced that I wanted to be treated no different than the other men going through this same process.

I held my tongue. She carried on, "However, as you are the prince, besides your training room, you get access to the greenery, which, conveniently, is right past your training room. The only other people with knowledge of the secret entrance besides yourself, are Purit and myself."

She was telling me that my only escape was the vast room filled with plant life from both Thanzor and Earth. She was telling me that besides her, Purit and that woman, I could only talk to the trees.

Great, just great.

I disconnected the call and stood there trying to calm myself down.

How dare she? How dare she lock me up in here with no one to interact with but that woman?

Eventually, I calmed down enough to think properly.

This is all for the success of the mission. This is for Thanzor.

I knew very well that she would only do such a thing for the success of the mission. Before we set out for earth, a meeting was held in which the appropriate people were chosen to lead this mission. Months went into planning for this. I knew that everything she did and ordered was according to the plans formulated on Thanzor. I knew this.... but that did not make me any less angry.

I turned back the way I came. I stood in front of the door to my, our, chambers and thought better of it. I kept walking. I turned left and kept walking. I bypassed the door on my right that opened to the training room and walked a little further until I reached the end of the hallway. I turned left and the doorway to the greenery appeared. I stepped in and looked about at all the trees and flowers and wondered where to go. I decided to head for the waterfall that I knew was located furthest away from the door. It would take me ten minutes to get there.

I walked through the wildlife and finally got to the foot of the waterfall. It wasn't large. But it served its purpose. There was a cave hidden behind the blanket of water which I had discovered two years into our journey to earth. I made my way to it and slipped into it.

Maybe I'll be lucky and find her already sleeping.

I walked forward in the dark of the cave until my hand touched the back wall. Here I turned and sat, dare I say, brooding.


I knew I couldn't stay hiding in this cave for long. I would have to face her sooner or later. I had gathered my thoughts as best as i could and was finally back to being calm. I had let Purit's words work their way through me.

Have no expectations, negative or positive.

I thought them over and over like a mantra until I felt I could do it.

I stood up then and walked out of the cave. I made my way back through the greenery and was soon standing in front of our chambers. I took a deep breath and walked in. I walked slowly at first, not wanting her to notice me before I noticed her. She wasn't in the sitting area. I turned my head towards the kitchen. She wasn't here either.

I walked to the sleeping area and noticed she wasn't there either.

She must be in the bathroom.

I decided to go and have my meal. Because there was no time in space, we followed Thanzorian time. At the moment, it was lunch time. I only had about twenty minutes left for the food to be available. Food came thrice a day and was only available for an hour. I ordered my usual and waited the few minutes for it to be delivered. The notification sounded and I opened the delivery latch. I removed my meal and placed it on the table. I moved on and ordered my juice and sat down after taking a few sips. I looked towards the bathroom and noticed that she still hadn't come out.

I calculated the time in my head. I had been in the cave for the better part of three hours. Add that to the time it took to get to and from the cave and the time it took to order and wait for my meal and juice, it was over three and a half hours. I turned back to my food and took a few bites.

Why is she taking so long? The controls were simple enough to use, and I know I explained everything to her.

I took a few more bites of my meal.

An uneasy feeling settled over me. I glanced again at the bathroom door, and I just knew something wasn't right. I stood, meal half finished, and walked first to the closet.

Maybe she is having difficulty figuring how to robe correctly.

I spoke out, "Hey," I just realised that I didn't know her name, "you only have a few minutes left if you plan on eating. Judging by the sound your stomach made earlier, I'm not sure it will withstand missing a meal."


I decided she probably wasn't in the closet but walked in just to make sure.

She's still in the bathroom.

My uneasiness increased. Even my heart rate increased slightly. I walked to the bathroom door. "Hello? How long will you stay in the bathroom?"

Still no reply.

"I'm coming in."

I touched my palm to the door and it opened.

There she was, lying on the floor, in a pool of her blood. It looked like she fell and hit her head. She lay on her side. Before I knew it, I was kneeling down checking to see if she was still breathing. I heaved a sigh of relief when I found she was.

There was so much blood. I lifted her head gently and discovered it was slightly indented where she fell. I tapped the side of my head and Bulba appeared.

"Come to the medical bay immediately. She's lost a lot of blood."

"On my way," she said, and I could tell she was briskly walking already.

I lifted her head gently and cradled it on my right shoulder. I moved my left hand under her thighs and stood up. She may have been overweight, but she wasn't as heavy as I thought she would be. I had dealt with much heavier loads. I walked carefully out the bathroom and towards the medical bay.

Her breathing was just too shallow. I feared it would stop.

Once in the medical bay, I placed her on the bed. No sooner did my hands leave her did Bulba walk in. She went straight to her and examined her head. While doing so, she asked, "What happened?"

"I found her in the bathroom. She must have fallen and hit her head."

After Bulba did a series of tests quickly, she said, "The amount of blood lost shows that it happened a while ago. Where were you? Surely You would have heard her fall."

In all the time she talked, she had administered a number of shots and was now cleaning the bloodied area. I stood off to the side watching her work meticulously with my hands at my side.

She looked up after not receiving a response from me.

"I was in the greenery."

I was hiding.

She looked back down and continued cleaning the wound, but not before I saw her look of disapproval.

"If you were even a minute later, she would be dead."

What?! Dead. Was it that close?

I knew that Bulba would never joke about such a matter. I don't think she knew what a joke was anyway.

I was a prince. A Leader. And yet here I was, hiding, like a coward. I almost cost a life.

She finished cleaning her and checked her vitals once more. She straightened and looked me in the eye. No one ever looked me in the eye, except my family. Not even Purit.

"Your highness, I don't think you understand your role in this mission. For you to succeed, you have to be with her, at all times. I do not wish to confine you any further by revoking your access to the greenery. So please, do not do anything that would cause me to."

I felt ashamed of myself. No one, outside of my family, had made me feel this way. This was my fault; and I had to take responsibility. I couldn't let my emotions be the reason I failed. I would give my best, put in my all, with my emotions sealed away. She must have noticed the change in my demeanour, for she said, "She will rise in not more than two hours. By then, her wound should have healed. She will be disoriented for an hour after that." She paused and then said, "I'm assuming she has not had anything to eat yet. Due to that, her disorientation will last longer. Once she wakes up, give her something to eat. I will order that food be available to you. I have also administered a calming shot."

She turned and walked to the door. But before she left she added, "Thrown into a world her people made her think was make-belief is not an easy thing to overcome. Put aside your pride and try to think of this from her point of view." She walked away without a backwards glance.

It felt like I had been slapped.

Did she just scold me?

Her words rang through my ears. I knew that she was right. I almost cost a life. I willingly volunteered for this mission, to prove myself to my family. I had to be successful, but was going about it the wrong way.

I was so focused on myself and what I was going through that I didn't stop to think about her, or how she was dealing with this plethora of information. I thought back to how I had acted towards her and recoiled inwardly. I was rude to her and it was unjustified. One thing I always stood up for was justice. And yet here I was, going against my very own principles.

Since when did I behave so superciliously?

I knew I had to apologise. As prince, it was my duty to represent the people of Thanzor. I would not disappoint my people.

I thought as I walked closer to her. I looked at her lying form and then turned to go to the kitchen. Here I prepared a meal for her. I kept it in the warmer for her and went back into the medical bay. I watched her as she slept.

I will not let this happen again.

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