Nightmare or Reality?


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Waking up in a place you don't know is one thing but waking up to find you have been transported to Hueco Mun... Еще

Nightmare or Reality?
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 9

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My feet raced against the solid white light path as I drew closer and closer to the distorted image of freedom in front of me. The sound of my heart banging in my chest and blood pumping filled my ears as I used my fear of being caught escaping push me forward. I knew I had to take this chance now, freedom was a few steps ahead of me and I needed to reach it. Quickly I stepped out of the abyss and onto the grassy ground in front of me the sound of the Garnata snapping shut behind.

My head darted back to see nothing but darken woods in the place of the portal just was. Panting I slowly drew to my feet and took a look around, there was a huge crater in front of me and nothing but slightly thick woods surrounding me. My eyes darted up to the darken skies as I noticed the slight view of looming buildings off in the distance.

From what I saw I had a feeling I was in the park in Karakura Town, a small hopefully grin broke on my lips. I had gotten away I was free, a sad laugh came fell from my lips as my hands grasped my hair.

"I'm free I can get help!...I need to go get help." My voice came out as a hushed whisper before I grabbed the edges of my dress and took off.

I sped past the crater and through the surrounding woods before coming out onto a paved street. Like the park the darken streets were empty. Having no clue where anybody was I took my chance and ran right, hoping I'd run into someone soon.

Darken street after darken street passed me as I continued to sprint forward. I was demanded not to get lost and get caught again knowing if I got caught I'd be severely punished. As I came to a crossroads, I spotted a familiar looking structure just off to the left of the main road.

No way that' heart leapt as I took off toward the familiar shop. A large smile broke out as I came to a stop in front of Urahara Shoutén. The shop was dark and seemed to be closed, not letting that stop me I rushed forward.

"Hello?! Please! Open up! I need help!" I shouted as my hands reached forward toward the closed door. Just as my fists came to land on the door, they went completely through it causing me to let out a shout.

"What?!" I yanked my hands back and looking over my hands that seemed to be solid now. Turning my gaze to the door I reached forward again slowly this time and watched as my hand completely phased through the door.

My heartbeat sped up as I slowly pushed my whole body through the wooden door and into the open area of the shop. My eyes darted around the darken shop and spotted a soft light on near the back.

"Someone is awake! Maybe they didn't hear me before." I whispered hopefully, quickly I grabbed my dress hem once more and started to head toward the light when I was brought to a halt.

My eyes widen as I darted my gaze at the pale hand grabbing my forearm.

"I'd stop where you are, foolish woman unless you want me to use force."

My blood froze as I slowly craned my neck back to see my worse fear. Ulquiorra stood right behind me, his expressionless gaze directed on me and just behind stood an arrancar I knew but had yet to meet, Luppi.

"Oh look the little human girl is terrified." The new Sexta Espada hissed, a smirk growing on his lips.

As Ulquiorra's gaze snapped to Luppi, I pulled my arm away from the 4th Espada and ran to the back.

"Help!" The word ripped through my throat as I let my fear take over and pleaded for help.

Before I got too far, a white blurry mass suddenly was in front of me. My face cladded into the 6th Espada who was suddenly in front of me with a smirk plastered across his face.

"Oh look the little human wants to run."

Within a flash, his cover hand was gripping my throat tightly and the floor fall away from my feet as I was lifted up. Strangled grasps and clawing hands came from me as I stared down at the Espada in horror.

My panicked gaze darted behind the now laughing Espada as I saw a shadow shifted in the lit room just down the hall.


"Shut up, little human! Nobody is coming to help you." Luppi snarled back his grip growing tighter around my throat.

My choked breaths grew rapid and more frantic as the lack of air to my lungs started to to effect my whole body. I had to fight back, I can't go back there. I don't want to go back there. I want to be free!

With the strength I had, I quickly planted my heel roughly into the replaced Sixth Espada with force. A cry of pain came from Luppi as he dropped me and grabbed his face. Air rushed to my lungs as i took a strangled breath and tried to get to my feet.

Suddenly a rough blow strike me across the face, a cry of pain ripped through my throat as a foot pressed my face down to the floor.

"Why you little bitch! How dare you, you ruin my face!" The sexta Espada hissed, his voice shaking with rage and blood streaming down his slightly broken nose.

My pained gaze darted up at him as his foot was lifted off my face only to be brought down again.

"Let me return the favor!"

Over and over his foot was slammed down on my swelling and bleeding face, my cries coming out quieter and quieter after each blow. My vision growing darker and darker as the abuse continued until it suddenly halted and the muffled voice of Ulquiorra spoke up.

"That's enough Luppi. She is more than subdued, it's time we returned."

The blackness swirled around my vision as I caught glimpses of the two Espada moving around me. Words being exchanged quickly faded as my ears began to ring from the impact my head had just suffered. Next thing I knew I felt warm arms wrap around my waist and pick me off the floor then I slipped into the darkness.

The next time I opened my eyes I saw, a hazy figure standing above me their mouth moving as if trying to reach me but I couldn't hear them. I quickly fall back into sleep as the pain took over once more.

I fade in and out of reality only hearing and seeing bits of pieces of the world around me. It must of been days since I tried to leave and the topic that I heard was mainly about me.

When my eyes open full for the first time, the room is was quiet and seemed empty. A white ceiling filled the vision of my right eye while in my left all I saw was darkness. My heart jumped as my hand darted over my left eye and gashed the bandage there. A sigh of relief left my lips as I lowered my hand and pushed myself up to sit up slowly. My hazel gaze slide slowly to the right and left of me, I seemed to be back in my room back in Huecho Mundeo, back to my prison.

My sight drew to a halt as I spotted a tuff of blue hair peeking over the edge of the couch along with what sounded like quiet snoring. A frown graced my lips as I slowly shuffled to the edge of the bed my good eye still on the head of hair. As my feet dropped down to the floor, the weight of my body suddenly came crashing down as my legs gave out. I landed on my bottom with a loud thump and a cry of surprise and pain.

A startled grumble came from the couch as I heard a lot of shuffling and an annoyed sigh. Footsteps filled the air as I darted my gaze up to the figure who drew to a stop in front of me. Of course I had seen him before but never this close up. His electric blue eyes were glaring down at me from behind some strands of his blue unkempt hair. A well placed scowl was on his face only part of being hidden by the particle jaw bone on his right cheek.

"You woke me up, brat." He hissed his glare not softening.

"I-I legs gave out underneath me, I'm sorry." I choked out quietly my throat still sore from Luppi's grip.

Grimmjow didn't blink as he reached down and snatched me by the collar of my dress, pulling me to my feet. Our stare didn't break as he let go of my collar and tucked his hand into his pocket.

He stayed silent as he turned and made his way toward to the door.

"Uh wait."

The blue haired arrancar paused and looked over his shoulder a look of annoyance on his face.

"What you say brat?"

I swallowed and glanced as the empty sleeve hanging where his right arm was suppose to be. I quickly met his eyes once more and frowned.

"I'm sorry about your arm and your friends..."

I watched as his gaze narrowed and he turned back toward me suddenly appearing in front of me, grabbing my dress once more this time lifting me of the floor.

"I didn't ask your pity, so don't you dare look at me with those fucking eyes!" He shouted up at me, angry and a hint of something else I could identify laced in his voice.

"I don't pity you, Grimmjow." I stated quietly, putting a hand on top of the one grasping me.

His scowl froze and darted from my hand to my face before he dropped me back on the bed and vanished from the room.

I bounced lightly on the bed before sighing quietly and closing my eye. I took a few deep breaths before reopening my eye, a glint of red caught my gaze and I slowly turned my head to the nightstand by the bed. There sitting there as if it always did, was the red crystal flower clip. It just sat there and taunted me, reminding me that putting it back on meant I obey once more. A low angry growl came from me as I snatched the clip, squeezing it so tightly, my hand began to hurt.

"No...I'm not being obedient anymore." I hissed lowly, recoiling my arm back ready to throw the clip against the wall and let it shatter.

Halfway through my swing a hand tightly grasped my wrist halting the movement and making me freeze along with it. The clip however slipped from my fingers but failed to fall to the floor as it was caught in a second similar hand.

"It's inappropriate to throw away a gift, Samantha." The voice cut through the eerie silence that hung in the air.

My ears rung as I slowly turned my gaze up to the stern face of Aizen whose face didn't hold that normal condensing smirk and his eyes blazed like an angry fire. I must've looked like a ghost since I could feel the blood drain from my face. Aizen's dark eyes bore into me as he took the flower hair clip and set it back down on the nightstand before his fingers grasped my chin.

My breath got caught in my throat as I stare up at the man I feared beyond anything. I felt the grip of his hand tightening painfully around my wrist making me bite back a wince of pain. My body shook completely, showing Aizen exactly what he wanted, the fact I was terrified of him.

"You must have understood your place and the fact you are the safest at my side." The hand grasped my chin shifted, his thumb brush itself against my trembling lower lip. "You will never step out of line like that again, Samantha."

I nodded slowly giving him a silent answer, the fire behind his eyes failed to die down but instead grew. A familiar smirk graced Aizen's lips once more his two fingers now slowly dragging across my lips. I watched stunned as a something strange flashed in his eyes, something that made my stomach knot.


My eyebrows knit together as I heard Aizen call for the former sexta Espada who appeared in the room with a whoosh. My head darted to my right as I saw the Espada just a few feet away with an annoyed look on his face. Aizen's fingers slowly grasped my chin once more and drew my surprised face back to him. The hand on my wrist loosing up a bit and trailing it's way up my arm to my exposed shoulder.

"I want you to watch over her for now until Ulquiorra has returned." He commanded his fingers brushing my lips once more, "Make sure she is ...well taken care of."

The hand traveling up my arm stopped and pushed back the hair hanging in my face, before he tucked it in his pocket. Aizen slowly lifted my face toward his, just barely a few inches apart from mine now. I could feel his warm breath on mine and feel my cheeks grew hot with embarrassment as I keep his gaze. His thumb brushed my lips once more then my cheek, his smirk growing bigger and his eyes narrowing.

"Now be good, Samantha. I don't wish to reprimand you in the future or next time I will not be as gentle."

His hand finally left my face and went to his pocket along with the other, he turned on his heel making his way to the door. My gaze following him as he drew to a stop and sending a knowing smirk toward Grimmjow, who narrowed his eyes. A flash of a smirk was sent over his shoulder at me before the room grow cold and the mastermind had finally left in the blink of an eye.

The second after he left my legs gave out, surprising both me and Grimmjow who just stared at me shocked. Broken pants and sobs came from me as my hands landed on the ground in front of me and my heart beat loudly in my ears. What the hell was that? Why the hell was he being so touchy with me? It was beyond creepy and scared me by what he meant about next time.

"I don't wish to reprimand you in the future or next time I will not be as gentle."

A shiver raced through my body as I slam my fists to the ground in frustration and fear, a loud scream came from me.

"That son of a bitch!"

Another loud scream came from me as I pounded my hands on to the ground and hunched myself over, my forehead touching the ground. Silence took over as I quieted down and just laid there hunched over. The only presence still lingering in the room being Grimmjow who was silent as ever. A few minutes went by in complete silence, no shuffling or shifting just the sounds of quiet breathing filled the air.

"Yo brat...get up." Grimmjow's rough voice cut through the silence as I felt the toe of his foot prode my side slightly.

I glanced up at the towering Arrancar, an annoyed glare was focused on me but behind the annoyance I could see something I just couldn't make out. I pushed myself up so I was sitting up and quickly wiped my one eye pushing back the tears on the brink. Slowly I pushed myself to my feet and meet the blue gaze in front of me, which narrowed before turning away.

"Stop crying you brat. It won't do you any good."

Grimmjow started to make his way to toward the couch as I became a second thought to him. I watched him just plop down and turn his gaze toward the ceiling. Frowning slightly, I made my way toward the bathroom to see exactly how much damage was done to my face.

I walked into the bathroom and stopped dead at the person looking back at me. My skin was paler, body thinner than it had ever been, showing the fact I have been immobile at least for a few days. My face held most of the damage, my forehead was bound with bandages and I have a patch of gauze on top of my left eye that seemed a bit blood also there was a small bandage on my right cheek. My gaze traveled up and down my reflection only stopping at my right wrist, the material of the sleeve was slightly bunched up there from a result of Aizen. I slowly pushed the rest of the sleeve back to reveal a large bruise beginning to form on my practically white skin.

Anger coursed through me as I bite down on my trembling lower lip, lowering my gaze and my sleeve I let the tears roll down the one side of my face. I couldn't believe how low and terrified he had made me feel and how he taunted in front of his subordinate like that.

"I'm not letting that happen again..." A new fire sparked inside me as I darted my gaze up to my reflection now completely changed and determined.

"I'm going to fight back."

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