My Uncle Is The Supreme King

By LonesomePhantome

3.9K 71 13

What if instead of distanced from Aki after she awoke her power Mr. and Mrs. Izayoi decided to call in her un... More

Prologue: Power awaken! Calling for help
The Gx crew reunion and future illegal jobs planning
Author's note
Original Characters Profile

Life moves on and First friend

1K 20 2
By LonesomePhantome

Chap 2: Life moves on and first friend

Two weeks after the reveal of Aki's power, Judai decided to stay in Neo Domino City for awhile, that way he could teach her how to control her power correctly to reduce her chances of hurting anyone in the future.

Setsuko was very happy with this new development. It was usually difficult to have her brother stay around the same place for one day, heck it was hard to keep him around for more than 4 hours at best, so Judai staying to catch up and look after her daughter was somehow a dream come true. Her parents were never home much when she was younger, both being too busy with their jobs and business trips, so they mostly left their two children home alone with the housekeeper. This was part of the reason she decided to work from home and look after her daughter. She didn't want Aki to grow up feeling lonely like her.

Judai was seven years older than her, and while he was an optimistic, enthusiastic, and kind kid, he was also so goofy and loud that she used to feel embarrassed by him and refused to stay in the same room with him more than necessary. However, when he came home from his third year of Duel Academy he almost seemed like a different person. Gone was the goofy nature that she was so once ashamed of, and in its place was a brooding and serious attitude. Judai isolated himself from everyone else making seem it like the person he was before never existed. For the first few days, she just continued to ignore him thinking he probably missed his friends. However, once a whole week went by and he still stayed the same, both Setsuko and her parents grew worried, though they did not actually do anything to reach out to him - something Setsuko still regretted today.

The summer ended and nothing seemed to change, save for the distance between Judai and the rest of the family continues to grow. The consequences of her inaction did not hit her until her brother contacted them at the end of his last year to say that he would not return.

The first time her brother actually came home after his graduation was when she was in her last year of high school, preparing for her university test. Her brother just opened the door with his keys and walked in like he didn't disappear for eight years. Setsuko didn't know what happened, but after coming home that first time her brother began to send home postcards, letters and sometimes presents from wherever he was. As a result, she felt like their relationship was healing to some degree.

Hideo always prided himself on being good at understanding people. That was part of the reason why he became the senator of Neo Domino City, but Yuki Judai is a big question mark that he has difficulty seeing through. They first met back when he was still dating Setsuko while the two were in University. One night, when Hideo was picking Setsuko up for their date, a young man opened the door instead of his girlfriend. A young man who turned out to be the infamous older brother that he always heard about but never had the pleasure to meet. It was one of the most awkward moments of his life, just sitting there in silence answering some questions Judai threw at him here and there, but it was thanks to Judai's questions that make Hideo realize how much he actually loved Setsuko and pushed him to propose to her after they graduated. Yuki Judai has always been an enigma the few times Hideo actually met the man. Judai always looked no older than his early twenties and was so much wiser than he appeared. Perhaps that was why he decided to call him for help. Hideo was sure this would count as one of the best decisions that he made in his life. Who knows what would have happened to his little girl if Judai was not part of their life.

Unsurprisingly Aki is the happiest of the Izayois to spend time with Judai. Before the incident happened two weeks ago, she only heard her mother mention a few things about this mysterious uncle of hers, never actually meeting him before. Though now that they've spent quite a bit of time together to help her control her 'gift', she can't image what would it be like if her uncle was not here to help her with it. She's grown too fond of him to let him go.

After just two weeks of Judai's patient and careful teaching, Aki could have a normal duel. She no longer accidentally summoned real monsters, Spells, or Traps that could injure others, unless her emotions - usually anger - got too strong. If that happened, she lost control. Judai also taught her the history of the spirit world, most importantly the one related to her new birthmark - the mark of the Crimson Dragon. Knowing that there are four other people that have the Mark of the Crimson Dragon like her made Aki feel hopeful to have others who are in the same situation as her as friends. While she still doesn't have a friend her age, Aki is much happier then she was before meeting her uncle. The two of them grew pretty close, much to her father jealousy.

But sadly being the drifter he is, Judai had to move around sooner than later, so before he started his journey again the uncle and niece couple decided to spend an entire day together. They walked around the mall looking at various shops, eating ice cream and chatting with each other without concern. They stopped by the park on their way to the card shop.

"Uncle Judai, hurry up!!"

"Wait up little rose, the park not going to go anywhere soon."

"Hihihi you can't catch me~~"

"Aki! be careful or you'll..."



True to Judai word Aki tripped on the freshly watered grass and fell down.

The catch?

She also pulled someone down with her, the two of them falling face first on the ground.

Judai rushed over to his somewhat clumsy niece to see what damage she caused herself this time, at the same time helping the kid she knocked down to get back up. The unfortunate bystander that got dragged into Aki's excitement was a girl that seemed to be the same age as her attacker with royal purple hair tied up in a french braid and bright blue - almost sapphire - eyes. The rest of her face was difficult to make out, covered in dirt as it was. Aki's face was in the same situation.


A young looking man with blond hair ran toward them, no doubt the girl's guardian. He also bent down to help the purple haired girl up and started looking her over to see if she's okay.

"Keika, are you ok? Any pain?"

"I'm fine. Nothing's hurt."

"Sorry about my niece. She can be a bit clumsy."

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine, the ground was slippery."

The two girls take a look at each other's face, the girl with purple hair suddenly starting to laugh. Before the two adults could understand what going on both girls was laughing out loud.

"Okay, okay, girls, mind telling us what's so funny? Shed some light on your uncle, little rose."

"I'm with him, girls. Mind telling your poor uncle what ticks your clock, eh Kei?"

"Her face is covered in dirt. She looks kind of funny."

"Hey, so are you."

"Maybe. But I bet you look funnier."

"Do not~"

"Do too~~"

"Do not~~"

"Do Too~~"

"Girls, girls, you're both covered in dirt. How about we go wash your faces and continue this later."

"Okay/Yes, uncle."

"Hey, what your name?"

"I'm Izayoi Aki. But you can call me Aki. Sorry, I bumped into you."

"It's ok. I forgive you cause you gave me a good laugh. I'm Alma Keika, but call me Keika or Kei if you want."

"Want to be friends?"

"Sure! I just moved here, but I never had friends before so I don't know how to make one."

"I never had friends before either. We can be each other's first friend!"

The two adults just shook their heads at the two newly dubbed friends.

"How did they become friends so fast? They literally just bumped into each other minute ago."

"Maybe that just how kids work, simple and easy, while we grown-ups have to complicate everything. But I'm surprised how easy Keika just started to talk to your kid like their old friends. She tends to be very shy most of the time."

"Actually, she's my sister's kid, but yeah Aki's usually shy around others too. She's never opened up this fast before. Then again I'm actually glad that she met someone that she could trust immediately."

"Well since they've already taken a liking to each other, we can't actually keep them apart now, eh? How about we introduce ourselves? I'm Alma Kai. Kei's uncle."

"Yuki Judai."

Judai had to look up to see eyes to eyes with Kai consider how the blond is much taller than him. The blond dressed very sharp in a dress shirt under a waistcoat and trench coat. His hair is quite long, pulled into a neat low ponytail with a blue ribbon. Surprisingly, his eyes are a bright gold- not the same dark gold that Judai sometimes sees in the mirror- hidden behind rectangular glasses with gold rims. Out of the corner of his eyes, Judai could spot a deck box tied to the upper right of the blond men's leg.

"Hey, you Duel?"

"Huh? Oh, this? Yeah a bit but I'm not that good, didn't go to any fancy duel school."

"Muuto Yuugi didn't go to any duel school either, but he's The Duel Legend."

"True, but you have to admit that most great duelists go to Duel school."

"Not really some of them are just good before going to duel school too. I know I was, I mean I beat a professor when he used his real deck on my entrance exam."

"You're joking right?"

"Nope. 100% true."

"So you just graduate or something? You look awfully young."


"What so funny? I'm serious you know."

"Sorry, sorry, I'm surprised people expect me to be that young."

"Oh, so you graduated two years ago?"

"More like fifteen years ago."

"What?! But you look to be around twenty! The only Duel schools around fifteen years ago are the original five Duel Academies and even if you did graduate from one of them you would be in your thirties right now!"

"Yes, I am in my thirties and yes I graduated from one of the five original Duel Academies."

Kai just stood there, gaping at the former Osiris while the other paid him no mind and focused on the two girls running back to them (he'd long since gotten used to such reactions), waving to signal where they are. Keika looked at her uncle, quizzically poking him a bit, but there was no reaction from the stunned adult. She turned to Judai and looked at him a raised eyebrow. The other adult merely shrugged in response. After a few minutes, the blond snapped out of his stunned state.


"Uncle, what's wrong?"

"How are you in your thirties?!"

"By living for thirty years."

"That's not what I meant! I mean how do you look twenty but are actually thirty."

"Good genes, I guess."

"That's not how... I mean... Ah, forget it. I study witchcraft and supernatural, and for all I know you could be some kind of immortal king or something."

"Hahaha, or something."

'Ra, how did he guess that? Seer blood?' thought Judai.

"Uncle Judai, Uncle Judai, can we go buy some cards right now? Pleaseeeee."

"Yeah, Uncle can we please go see some new cards? You promised that we'll go get some today."

"Alright, alright, kid. I'm not saying that we won't. How about that Judai? The little Lady speak their wishes should we grant them?"

"Oh please, please, please with a cherry on top?"

"We're on our way to the card shop, little rose."


Aki started running toward the nearest card shop that she knew of, pulling her new best friend along.

"Hey, you two, don't run too fast or you'll fall again. Children am I rig.... wait where did Judai go?"

Kai turns to his side to look at Judai to see an empty space then find out Judai was running along with the two girls.

"Hey!! Wait for me! You're supposed to be the eldest here!!"


Both Aki and Keika bought a booster pack of their own looking at it with excitement.

"What do you think we'll get, Kei?"

"I don't know. But I hope to get a dragon."

"On three?"


"One, two, three!"

Both Judai and Kai look at them with fond expressions.

"Hey, it is okay if I ask something?"


"What happened to Keika's parents? It doesn't seem like you're just babysitting her."

Kai looks at the former Osiris with mild shock but turned back to his young niece with a sorrowful look.

"You're sharp."

"You don't have to tell..."

"No, it's fine. Oliver, ah Keika's father, is my adopted brother but we still had a great relationship with each other. Keika got his eyes and personality, and from what I remember of her, the rest of her is Mio, my sister-in-law. I guess they were a happy family. Their time together wasn't long enough for Keika to have a good childhood with them but it was not short enough for her to forget about them."

His voice seems to stick in his throat as he swallowed with difficulty. Judai did not say anything, simply giving Kai time.

"It was a car accident. No one knows where the car came from. Everything just happened so fast and they only manage to move to cover for their baby girl. She saw them slowly dying right in front of her before the police and ambulance got to them. She hasn't smiled at all the past few years but, miraculously, she gives a full-blown laugh a few minutes ago. She hasn't talked much either, let alone chatted this happily, and now she discussing Duel Monsters tactics with such a cheerful tone."

"Are you glad?"

"Yeah. It will take time, no doubt, but if she stays friends with Aki, maybe someday her wounded heart will stop hurting so much."

A bitter smile made it's way onto Kai's face as he followed his niece's movement. Judai just gave him a few slaps on the back.

"Don't worry. From what I see Keika a strong girl. She'll be fine."

"Heck yeah, she is. Her parents were unnaturally strong, she's bound to inherit their strength and stubbornness."

The blond started rummaging around in his pocket, pulling out a business card to give to Judai.

"The address on the card is our home address too. Just call before coming."

"I'd drop by sometime too if I was in the neighborhood, but since I won't be around here after tomorrow I'll give it to my sister. Mind if I tell her and her husband?"

"Okay. But only them. Your job requires traveling?"

"Something like that."

As Judai pocketed the business card, Aki started to run over to where they were standing so she could show off her new cards, whereas Keika just walked normally toward them. The girl did not show much emotion on her face but her eyes revealed her excitement.

"Uncle Judai! Look, look. I got a Synchro monster. She said she's happy to meet me."

The white card showed the name 'Black Rose Dragon'. Judai immediately knew that this was Aki's dragon that represented her place as a Signer of the Crimson Dragon. Despite how much he wanted to, Judai could not stop the upcoming war, nor he has any place in it. The only thing he could do was to prepare Aki for it and find the other Signers to help them. From the flow of energy he could feel everything would start when Aki reached sixteen. With Keika as a friend, Aki would go through the trials ahead easily. Judai could see the calming waves coming out of Keika would assist Aki, not harm her. Not to mention Keika could learn how to control her own gift.


After saying goodbye to the Almas, the two Psychic Duelists also headed back home, Aki exhausted and sleeping as Judai carried her on his back. Setsuko met them at the front of the mansion, quickly helping Judai tuck Aki to bed.

"So, how was today? Did you two have fun?"

"Well, there's good news and bad news. Which do you want to hear first?"

"Okay, I don't know what happened, but you better spill the bad news first big brother, or you're not going anywhere."

"What is this about bad news and good news?" Hideo stepped in before Judai could speak.

"Welcome home, Honey. As I was saying, you better tell what kind of trouble did you pull my daughter in this time or else no fried shrimp the next time you drop in."

"Okay, okay, jeez. Well, the bad news is we had ice cream twice."

"Big brother I told you ten times before you two left the house, if Aki has a stomachache tomorrow I'm blaming you."

"Now, now, Honey. I'm sure he did not do it on purpose this time. Right?"

"You're right I didn't this time and it sort of related to the good news"

"Well, what is it then? Don't give me more reason to cut off your fried shrimp."

"Aki made a new friend today."

The look on the two eldest Izayoi was priceless as it shifted from surprise to overjoyed and curious. Then Judai moved on to describe the Almas to his sister and her husband and explained the situation involving small family. Both Setsuko and Hideo agreed to keep quiet about the Almas' story unless they allowed Izayois to share it, Setsuko receiving the business card from Judai.

The night passed in peace as the two Izayois sank into dreamland. Judai took one last look at his niece's sleeping face then started to move out in the dead of night.

"Are you sure you don't want to say goodbye this time?"

Yubel appeared beside Judai. The past weeks she had grown fond of the little Signer.

"I know that if I stay tomorrow Aki will find a way to keep me here."


"Meow" Pharaoh poked his head out of the bag.

"It about time The Gx crew have a reunion."

(To be continue)

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