The Gx crew reunion and future illegal jobs planning

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WARNING: Teeth-rotting fluff, male/male slash
If you are Homophobic, please do not start critically my writing this is pure (as pure as possible) fantasizing and free idea.

Chap3: The Gx crew reunion and future illegal jobs planning

Kenzaki Rei, formerly Saotome, is difficult to surprise: after all, she basically lived through a Duel Zombie apocalypse when she was 13 years old while attending Duel Academy. Normal, everyday life rarely has anything that could freak her out. Though normal is obviously something she doesn't have, not with her somewhat dysfunctional sort-of family, headed by her old crush Yuki Judai. Everything involving the former Osiris could only be described as 'Chaotic' and makes her question if there some loose screws in his head. Then again the rest of the Gx Crew, including herself, revels in chaos too.

She stands up from her previous place at her work table to go to the kitchen for a cup of coffee that will hopefully give her some energy. Armed with caffeine by her side Rei takes a look at the main focus of her thoughts today.

A black envelope with golden rim - sealed by a red wax stamp embossed with 'Gx' - is lying in the middle of her work table. Rei can't help but shake her head - typical of Judai to send a handwritten letter when most people nowadays use E-mail. Then again the letter just stresses how important gathering will be.

"Hey beautiful, how are you today-saurus?"

A warm muscular body hugs her from behind and presses a gentle kiss on her head. Rei doesn't even need to turn back to know that person is her husband- Kenzaki Tirano.

"We just talked on the phone minutes ago."

"Feels awfully long to me and the phone is nothing compare to the real deal- saurus."

"Oh, you're such a sap~~~"

"Ah, but isn't that why you love me?- saurus~~"

"Maybe, maybe not. I'm reconsidering my choice~~~"

"You know you love me~~~"

"Alright, Alright. Back to business, did you get Judai-sama's letter yet? We all need to have one to get to the meeting place."

"Yeah, Jim and I just got it when we got our luggage at the airport just now. Aniki already sent one to each of us- saurus."

Even after all these years, during which the original five Duel Academies became schools for the elite only as new schools popped up, the Dino duelist holds great respect for his former Sempai. The entire Gx Crew is basically a big family in everything but blood and Judai is one of the brother figures in Kenzaki life.

"Let just hope it's not another one involving deep sea digging and being locked inside an anti-magic cage. The last one still traumatizes me- saurus."

"Don't remind me. That one is on my top 10 list." In fact thinking of it still makes her shiver a bit.

"I feel sorry for Johan-Aniki- saurus."

"Can say I blame you for that. The guy has a trouble magnet as a lover that keeps moving around getting into new trouble every time. I'm surprised he still hasn't sprouted grey hair yet with all that and managing an International company like Industrial Illusions."

After graduating university, Pegasus J. Crawford appointed Johan the new CEO of Industrial Illustration as the Crystal Beast user met all three conditions.

1. Being a Psychic Duelist with a close connection to his/her deck.

Since Duel Monsters is actually an ancient ritual, making the cards for the game requires the person to feel Duel energy. Pegasus himself was one - he became weaker without the Millennium Eye, though he could still feel the flow of Duel Energy and have a great connection with the spirits. Some kid named Divine used this condition to try to push for the seat but in the end, Johan beat him out both in terms of power and popularity with duel spirits. Fun fact though - this also applies to being Kaiba Corporation's CEO, no matter how much that Kaiba claims that he doesn't believe in magic. All the high-level information is locked down tightly under layers and layers of magical barriers, among all sorts of other protections. The reason Rex Goodwin is called Director and not CEO because Kaiba Seto is still the CEO. People just assume that Kaiba Corp belongs to Goodwin since Kaiba has been away since before Zero Reverse even happened. (Going on a honeymoon with his lover the King of Games himself- sometimes people still wonder how a person as kind and sweet as Yugi could be with someone so cold and harsh as Kaiba).

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