Rooming With Elvis

By Dumbcat21

8.4K 156 22

Rooming with a player is hard. Especially when that player is perfect in every way. He's also everything Jane... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chaper 7
Chapter 8: Elvis
Chapter 9: Jane
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16: Elvis
Chaper 17: Elvis
Chaper 18: Jane
Chapter 19: Jane

Chapter 4

613 10 1
By Dumbcat21

"Doctor, isn't there anythin' you can do to speed up the healin' process?" I hear a familiar voice worriedly ask. 

"No, the bone will have to heal on its own," a female responds. 

"But what 'bout her classes?" The male asks again and I just can't seem to place the voice. 

"She will not be able to go to them. It's as simple as that." the female voice sternly tells him. 

I finally have the energy to slowly open my eyes, and upon seeing Elvis standing at the foot of my bed I realize that the voice was his.

"E-E-Elvis?" I manage to mumble. In an instant, he is right beside me.

"What is it baby?" He asks, his eyes searching mine.

"Wha-what happened?" I ask, confused.

"You got hit in the face with a volleyball and fell and broke your wrist," he looks alarmed at the sudden tears in my eyes. "It's okay, it's okay," he adds to try and calm me down.

"What about my classes?" I cry, worried about failing out.

"Well, you're excused from them until your wrist heals," the doctor tells me.

"When will that be?" I fret.

"Six weeks." That's all it takes for me to start bawling.

"I'm gonna fail college!!" I wail.

"No you ain't. I'll help you. It'll be fine," Elvis assures me.

"I am NOT skipping class. I'm going whether I can or not," I say, determined.


The next six weeks pass slowly. I struggled carrying around all my books and needed supplies, but it was worth it to not fall behind in my studies. It takes a lot to keep up with the courses that are required for a PharmD. 

At first, it was difficult trying to get dressed and showered with a cast up my arm. But with Elvis's help, we figured out the best method possible, and it that meant we got to shower together, much to his delight.

I went to my last doctor's appointment solo because Elvis had class, and she said that I was clear to set up a cast removal appointment. Now that the day has come, I'm going to surprise Elvis with a fresh wrist and a night of much needed devil's tango

I get into the lingerie Codi and I bought the week prior and watch a Netflix show until Elvis returns from Thomas's room. I check the time, and with it reading three o'clock, he should be getting back soon. The butterflies that have finally settled in my stomach intensify as I hear him insert the key into the doorknob. I quickly shut the TV off and get into a sexy position. 

He steps into the room and his eyes grow wide when he sees my mostly naked self sprawled out on the bed. He slowly steps forward like a predator stalking its prey. I can see the hunger in his eyes and my body begins to heat up.

"You like?" I teasingly ask and I swear I see him drool.

"You didn't tell me you were gettin' the cast off today. I would've, uh, prepared a lil more for tonight if I had," he responds as he looms over me.

I giggle at the ridiculous look on his face. "I wanted to surprise you as a little thank you for everything you did for me while I was impaired."

He licks his lips and leans down, putting his hands on either side of my head. I feel his lips brush my ear as he growls "It was quite the surprise." He pulls back, and in an instant our lips lock. 


The next morning I wake up and roll over to look at my alarm clock, and it reads 9:35. I have a 10:00 class, but I decide to skip it and spend the morning with Elvis in bed.  I snuggle closer to his chest and his rhythmic heartbeat lulls me back to sleep. 

A few hours later, I am startled awake by someone banging on the door.

"Open up you butthead!! You can't hide in there forever!" I hear Codi yell.

"Okay, okay, I'm coming," I say and pull away from Elvis. More banging. "Hold up, I'm naked here!" I say a little too loudly, causing Elvis to wake up.

"I don't care that you're naked! You're my best friend!! I neeeeeeed to talk to you!" She yells. I pull on an extra long shirt and slip out into the hallway.

"What is it?" I hiss, a little annoyed.

"Why can't we go in?" She whines.

"Because Elvis is naked. He needs to get dressed!" I call over my shoulder, hoping he gets the hint.

"I already am, honey," he says calmly, making me roll my eyes.

"Okay, then I'm coming in!" Codi yells and walks in. I follow as she shoves Elvis out of the way and sits on my bed. "I need to tell you something," she says. "Both of you."

"Well, what is it?" I ask, getting worried. Codi isn't the serious type, and for her to call for a sit down talk is out of the ordinary for her. 

"Shut up. I'm going to tell you," she hisses, making me giggle. "It's no laughing matter! Thomas and I... well... we're going to get married. He proposed to me last night when we were out on a date. He wants you, Elvis, to be the best man and I want you, Jane, to be my maid of honor. And another thing. I'm pregnant. 10 weeks! And I thought I was just getting fat!"

"Oh wow, congrats! And yes, I'd love to be your maid of honor. You're my best friend," I cry, jumping up and embracing her tightly.

"Uh, yeah. Wow. I'll be the best man, I guess," Elvis says, confused.

"Anyway, what gender do you want the baby to be?" I ask, trying to get away from Elvis's answer.

"Oh that's easy. 100% a girl," she answers immediately.

"What will you name her?" I ask.

"Oh you know, probably Jane or something like that," she says nonchalantly with a sly grin on her face.

"Omigod really?? That's... that's flattering!! Oh my god, I'm gonna cry! She's going to be named after her aunt Jane!" I say as tears of joy slip down my cheeks. 

"You better name 'em Elvis if he's a boy," Elvis says, with an overjoyed smile on his face.

"Oh shut it you doof. But really, that's what we were going to name it if it were a boy. No joke," she says, a serious look replacing her goofy grin.

I pause for a moment and remember that we're still in college. "Wait," I begin, "What about coursework? It'll be a struggle with a baby."

She looks down at her hands for a moment before speaking. "I'm going to finish out the first semester since we're almost at winter break and then transfer my credits to a local online college. I'm the first in my family lineage to go to college; there's no way I'm dropping out and getting stuck in the same situation my parents were in," she tells me and I start to panic. We've been each other's support system ever since the first freshman mixer. 

"No!! Don't go!" I cry. "I need you here!"

"I know you do, but I can't stay here on campus. I'm sure there will be endless rumors going around and I'm not sure if you noticed, but these  dorms are no place to raise a child. I'm going to move with Thomas to a three bedroom house right outside the campus in the meantime," she says and I look at her in confusion.

"What's with the extra bedroom?" I ask.

"There is no extra bedroom," she says, looking confused.

"Yes there is! One for you and Thomas, one for the baby, and the extra one" I explain.

"Oh, did I not mention that you two are coming with us?!?" She screams, and I jump up and hug & kiss her. Elvis also looks extremely happy. "Now you don't have to have wild sex in a gross dirty dorm room anymore!"

"OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU SO MUCH BABE!!!" I scream and hug her again.

"What 'bout me?" Elvis asks, putting on his signature pouty face.

I whip around and take his head in my hands. I pull him closer and we kiss. When I pull away, I coo "Aww, I love you too, baby."

"Awwwwww, omigod I'm crying," Codi whines and I laugh.

"Well, we'll get packed and head to the house. I'll cancel the dorm plans for the second semester. It'll save me money anyway," I say and grab my suitcase. I motion for Elvis to grab his stuff and start packing.

"Okay, I'll go home and get your room ready. You two have fun tonight!" She calls as she ducks out the door to avoid the book I throw at her.

"You know it's too late for rule number three," Elvis says, and I walk over and kneel beside him.

"Oh I knew the second I made the rule it was already broken. That didn't stop me then, and it won't stop me now," I say, and I kiss him.

An hour later, I hear a voice boom, "I thought there were no sexual activities prohibited in the dorms!"

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