FanGirl Series i: Waking Up T...

By Ivory_Lollipop

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What if one day, you woke up in a different room and beside a man you have always loved and adored? What if h... More

FanGirl Series i: Waking Up To Be Mrs. Styles 2.0
Before You Read
✿ Chapter 2 ✿
✿ Chapter 3 ✿
✿ Chapter 4 ✿
✿ Chapter 5 ✿
✿ Chapter 6✿
✿ Chapter 7✿
✿ Chapter 8✿
✿ Chapter 9✿
✿ Chapter 10✿
✿ Chapter 11✿
✿ Chapter 12✿
✿ Chapter 13✿
✿ Chapter 14✿
✿ Chapter 15✿
✿ Chapter 16✿
✿ Chapter 17✿
✿ Chapter 18✿
✿ Chapter 19✿
✿ Chapter 20✿
✿ Chapter 21✿
✿ Chapter 22✿
✿ Chapter 23✿
✿ Chapter 24✿
✿ Chapter 25✿

✿ Chapter 1 ✿

16.9K 770 657
By Ivory_Lollipop

✿ Chapter 1 ✿

❝Baby, I seen the chick you're with, wish that I never did

Freakin' perfect and five foot ten, just wanna punch her lip

'Cause I know I've been wasting time trying to catch your eye

Yeah I know that I been so blind thinking that I'm your type❞

-Cher Lloyd,  I Wish

January 2012

“Harry Styles, please follow me!” I pleaded to my computer screen after sending him like the thousandth tweet this day, “I exist!”

Sighing, I sent him another long tweet, but unfortunately, something appeared on my screen and informed me that I am on tweet limit.

Well, isn’t it great? Note the sarcasm.

To be honest, a follow from anyone of the boys especially my fave Harry, will make me the happiest girl in the planet or even the rest of the Universe. I know it’s really cheesy and exaggerated, but when he follows me, I will be able to DM him and tell him all the things that I wanted to tell him and his other bandmates.

Just being noticed by none other than Harry Styles is enough I guess, compared to the other Directioners who managed to ask for a picture with them or even a hug or a freaking kiss. Lucky people while I’m stuck here, watching them from Youtube videos as if I am in one of their live concerts.

But that seems really impossible because after sending him almost a thousand everyday if I can, he still doesn’t notice me.

How does other fans managed to ask for a follow from any of them anyway? After all those tweets, I still got 0/5 and I am starting to lose hope. Isn’t 5k tweets enough for them to notice me?

Heck, I can already feel the numbing in my fingers after typing lots and lots of letters and some emoticons on my tweets that were left unnoticed.

Currently, One Direction is on their first tour, “Up All Night Tour”. I wanted to go so badly, but I can’t because we need every penny to plan for my future and my brother’s. so all I can do is lay on my bed as I stared at my laptop, unable to tweet anything because I am on my tweet limit.

I looked at the clock on my laptop, 11:30 p.m.  

I should be sleeping, but who cares? I still want to fangirl.

One thing that I cannot understand about me is why I am obsessing and wasting my life over a boyband who clearly doesn't know I exist. Seems stupid enough, for many, but to me it had now became a lifestyle.

They make me happy and they changed my view in life. They are an inspiration not only to me, but perhaps to million other crazy girls like me labelled as "Directioners" all over the world.

 Every single day, my time is wasted with tweeting, blogging and reading fanfictions on the web from when the sun rises and until it sets. My Mom would always scold me and tell me stuff like "they don't even know you exist" and I get tired of that sentence being absorbed by my ear everytime she would catch me fangirling over them.

 I am a teenager, what should she expect? I, myself, didn't know what these five boys have for me to idolize them so much. Now they are all I can ever think about and my day wouldn't go by without them. I mean, they are just five idiots who sing and wear colorful clothes. But maybe that's what makes them so special. They don't try to be someone else even if how famous they are now.

 They make me proud and emotional at times.

 Well, what do you except from a 16 year old girl whose name is Sherridy? That's me. Well, I am socially awkward and all the things that would come out of my mouth are One Direction. That's just two words but I can make millions of sentences using that two words.

 And someday, when I grow up, I would marry one particular member, namely HARRY STYLES a.k.a the curly haired hottie with a smile that melts every single girl in the planet. Gosh! He is close to perfection, and of course they all are, but him? He stole my heart right from the start!

 Let's start with his sparkling emerald eyes, dark chestnut curly hair, dimples, smile and his oh so deep and husky voice that you would want to hear all day telling you the sweetest and nicest words...

 If only I could marry him or at least meet him....

Shaking away my inner thoughts that had been bombarding my mind nonstop, I refreshed my Twitter account to able to see the new tweets and what I saw broke my heart… seriously.

A picture appeared on my Timeline, Harry’s arms wrapped around a skinny blonde lady who has a big smile on my face. She has a flawless face and legs which was exposed because she was only wearing a black cocktail dress that seems really expensive. Her eyes were a beautiful shade of a pale blue and they were wide, framed by thick, natural lashes. She was also tall, and her revealing cocktail dress that stops three inches above her knees exposed a good amount of cleavage that can make any man weak in the knees. Her blonde hair is platinum and extremely straight, and she has those curves that every woman dreamt of having.

All in all, she was perfection in every way and every man’s fantasy. I am sure that this woman is definitely a model. With Harry’s handsomeness, popularity and fame, I know he will never date someone as lame and weird as me. Obviously, he would go for girls like her, someone who can match up to his standards and his manly needs.

Who will go on a date with me anyway? No one in my school does. All the boys in my class thinks I am too dull, plain, boring and simple- maybe sometimes they think of me as someone too crazy and weird because I am a fangirl. I was the type of girl who was never the muse in class or the one who wasn’t really noticed by anyone.

On Valentine’s day, I got nothing from the boys when all of my other female classmates gets chocolates, bears, and love letters. Until now, no one ever confessed to me about loving me or at least admiring me for my beauty.

I don’t even know what is wrong with me and why does boys seem to ignore me all the time.

But no. I don’t need them anyway. I have my five boyfriends that doesn’t even I know that I exist. Great.

“Wow, she is hot,” A familiar voice spoke behind me, causing me to accidentally exit the open browser as I quickly faced my only boy best friend, Ashton, who is standing in the doorway of my room.

“Fuck off, Ash,” I frowned at him as I ran my fingers through my frizzy dark hair as a sigh came out of my parted mouth.

He sat on the end of my bed as he stared into me with that hazel eyes of his, “That gayband again? Seriously, Sherridy, don’t you have anything better to do?”

“First of all, they are not gay,” I defended as I tilted my head to the side, my eyes meeting his, “What are you doing here, anyway?”

Ashton is my best friend who thinks he’s punk rock and to tell you, he doesn’t like One Direction that much so he pisses me off every day by insulting them and saying hurtful words towards them.

We are close, yes, but there is only one thing that we fight over and it is One Direction because he says “they are too gay and too bubblegum pop.” That is one of reason why we fight and bicker endlessly every single day in our lives.

"I can hear all your noises from my room. It gets pretty annoying, too." He pointed out as his brushed his straight sandy blonde hair off of his eyes. 

"Why?" I taunted, as I raised an eyebrow at him, "You jealous that they can make me happier than you could ever do?"

He chuckled as he shook his head repeatedly, "I am more handsome than them and I am not gay!"

 My mouth fell agape as I stare at him under my eyelashes, "Excuse me! My boyfriends are straight and they are sure as hell more handsome than you!"

He chuckled at the reaction on my face, holding on to his stomach, "Fine, fine! Whatever you believe! But don't forget that they will never know that you exist and that Harry will never like you."

 His words stung, but I stood my ground as I folded my thin arms over my chest, "Mark my words, Mr. Ashton Fletcher Irwin." I stared deep down into his hazel eyes, "I will marry one of them, especially Harry Edward Styles, and you wouldn't be invited in our wedding!"

"Good luck with that," He mumbled aimlessly at me with a smirk plastered on his lips, making me slightly furious.

"Get out of my room and go back to that lame band of yours!" Raising my voice slightly as I stood up from my earlier position on the bed, I pointed to the door, "I want to sleep already!"

 "Okay, okay," He surrendered, raising his hands in the air, "Good night, Sher."

"Good night, Ashton." I said with no emotion as I laid comfortably on my bed, turning my back on him. I heard my door slam shut.

 Releasing a deep breath through my parted mouth, I opened my Twitter account, tears brimming at the corner of my eyes as I stared at the picture of Harry and the blond model dangerously close to him. Sleepiness suddenly waved into me, my eyelids feeling heavy.

"They are wrong," I told the nonliving photo, as a few tears slipped out of my eyes, "One day, I'll get to marry you, Harry. One day, you’ll love me.  One day I will be called Mrs. Styles and I will prove them all wrong."

I exited the browser again and I turned my laptop off. I wiped the few fresh tears that cascaded down my face as I pulled the duvets over my body and closed my heavy eyelids despite the fact that I have not brushed my teeth or change into my PJs. I just want to drift to dreamland and dream about One Direction.....

Maybe in my dreams, I will be as perfect as that model and Harry and the other members will admire me for my beauty…





UNEDITED. Kindly pinpoint the mistakes. Reminder, Sherridy is portrayed by any Directioner out there, so she is not some kind of perfect actress or model. But her older version will be played by the beautiful Lucy Hale because I said so.

Please comment what you think of this newer, better version of WUTBMS Chapter 1!

Okay, not being biased or anything but I know all she kept talking about is Harry, but hey, she's a Harry girl. And sorry if I added 5SOS again on a 1D fan fic. Please don't hate me :(

Thank you so much for all the support the older version had received, and I hope this one could surpass that!

Follow me on Twitter for a dedication- @Nouis_Lashton19 (send me your wattpad usernames)

VOTE. COMMENT. FOLLOW- if you want quicker updates. Next update will be up on Wednesday.

Love lots,

Bela xx.

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