DISARRAY (Niall Horan A.U)

By kwrloveseverything

207K 6.3K 3.6K

You know all the fanfics where Niall is a punk bad boy with a troubled past? He meets a sweet innocent girl w... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15- part 1
Chapter 15-part 2
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19- part 1
Chapter 19-part 2
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74

Chapter 1

10.1K 130 141
By kwrloveseverything

^^Are you ready for this??? I am super pumped. Here we go!

"We need some new guys here. How is it possible that I have dated or hooked up at least once with every good looking guy here?" I whine to my best friend Raelynn, but I call her Rae.

Rae laughs and throws her long blonde hair over her shoulder. She looks at me with judgemental, but loving green eyes. Her tanned skin looks perfect in the sun. She effortlessly looks perfect while I spend hours everyday trying to look half as good as her.

"Good thing it is the start to another school year and I don't think you could call what you do dating." She turns her head back to look at the people walking past us. "Since we are going to be juniors this year, maybe you should settle down with a boy."

"Blah, that sounds boring. We have two years left of college and then I can get serious about my future." I hear my phone ring so I hurry and pick it up. "Hello?"

"Are you and Rae going to come help us decorate for the party tonight?" My good ole pal, Louis says.

"Oh damn, sorry. We made other plans and can't come," I tease Louis.

"Sitting on a bench and watching incoming freshmen is not plans. You creeps. Why do you do this every year?" As Louis says this he comes into view.

I hang up my phone and wave at him. As he walks over I study his appearance. His short brown hair that is longer in the front is swept off to the side. His blue eyes hold that usual sparkle that makes him look mischievous. He usually is up to no good so his look suits him. He is wearing gym shorts with a t-shirt that has some soccer logo on it. I guess I should say football. Louis is from England and luckily came to North Carolina, where we met our freshman year. He has this dream of being a proffesional soccer player and Wake Forest University has the best men's soccer program in the US.

Rae, Louis and I all met in our freshman English class. We got along instantly and have been best friends ever since. Rae and I rushed a sorority while Louis rushed the brother fraternity. We are all complete opposites, but we make it work. Louis is a super athlete, Rae is a sweet Christian southern bell, while I'm the rebel punk of the group. I first started hanging out with them because I thought it would be fun to corrupt them. Turns out it is, but as much as I have changed them, they have changed me as well. I don't wear as much black as I use to and I actually smile and laugh now.

As Louis gets closer to us he starts to say, "I can't believe you two are doing this and didn't invite me."

"We didn't realize today was freshmen move in day until we saw all the sad parents." Rae explains to Louis.

"Speaking of sad parents, mine are coming up today to drop my brother off." I roll my eyes as I watch a mom hug her son a little too tight.

"Oooo, the coveted Anderson brother. You have to get him to rush our fraternity." Louis nudges me with his elbow.

"Are you kidding? I'm praying that he doesn't rush and stays far away from my life." I look at Rae and she is smiling at me.

"Are you really praying? I'm so proud!" She squeals as she hugs me.

"I was joking, I still don't believe in God or any other higher being." As I say this Louis and Rae shake their heads at me.

"Come on, we can argue our religious beliefs later. Harry is stressing out about the house not being ready for tonight." Louis stands up and we copy his actions.

"Harry is going to be there? Do I look alright?" Rae starts to play with her hair.

"A yellow tanktop and denim shorts that are a little short. Yeah, I would say you look alright." I smile at her outfit. Two years ago she never would have worn it.

"I don't understand you and Harry. You both obviously like each other. Why aren't you dating?" Louis asks as we walk towards Greek Row.

"We are both focusing on school. Harry is going to change the world one day and I don't want to distract him from it." Rae sighs as she is probably daydreaming about Harry right now.

"Well if you don't want to wait for Harry I have a friend who is transferring here who would be perfect for you." Louis tells Rae and I start to laugh.

"There is no way she is going to date anyone else," I quickly add.

"She's right Louis, but maybe Jess will like him." Rae smiles as she keeps walking.

"He couldn't handle Jess. You will see him tonight at the party. Harry talked him into rushing. Well it's not really rushing since he is going to join our frat and he already has a bid." As Louis says this we turn to walk up his house's driveway.

"Be careful Louis. The Greek board is being really strict about early rushing and early bids this year." I shake my head at him.

"Where is your sense of rule breaking?" Louis elbows me.

"I just said be careful. I'm saying don't get caught." I elbow him back.

We quietly walk into his fraternity's house. Everyone in this frat is so stressed during school, they all want to be doctors, lawyers, professional athletes, and entrepreneurs. When school isn't in session they are constantly partying. I wouldn't be surprised if there were hungover guys walking around. As we walk through the door I'm surprised at how clean it is. I expected beer bottles and half eaten food to be everywhere. Rae and I follow Louis into the kitchen where Harry is standing with Liam.

I'm surprised at Harry's appearance. He recently cut his hair and it reminds me of how he looked freshmen year. Except he has a lot more muscle now and his hair is as they call it in a quiff. He is wearing gym shorts and t-shirt with a band logo on it. Harry is the nicest person I have ever met. He really is going to change the world. He is trying to start up a non-profit organization. We all know he will be successful so it is fun to know him as a young nobody. He smiles at us and says a quick hello before he turns his full attention to Rae.

I look over at Liam and laugh at him. He has recently buzzed cut his hair. His brown eyes glare at me as I laugh at him. He knows that I hate when he cuts his hair that short and I think he does it on purpose. Liam is one of those super hott guys who is kind of weird. It makes us love him more though. Liam is kind of a jerk though. At least when it comes to the girls he is dating. It's not even dating. He just fucks them and then moves on. I do the same with guys, but at least I'm nice about it. His big muscles are very easily seen with the tight t-shirt he is wearing. He is also in gym shorts. The guys must have all worked out earlier.

Louis introduced Rae and I to Harry and Liam after we knew him for a couple weeks. Louis talked them into coming to school here, because he was scared to come alone. We are a pretty tight knit group of friends now. Everyone teases us that we are like the tv show F.R.I.E.N.D.S. People will start singing the theme song if they see us all together.

"Stop laughing at my hair, Jess." Liam shakes his head at me.

"Liam, I don't understand why you cut it so short. It makes you look weird." This makes everyone laugh.

"Come on you two. We need to hurry and set up before Jess has to meet up with her parents." Louis waves at all of us and we follow him outside.

"Ugh, don't remind me." I whine as I follow everyone outside.

It is abnormally hot for September in North Carolina, but none of us are complaining. We are trying to soak up as much sun before the cold comes. Rae and I focus on hanging lights on the trees while the guys move tables around. We focus on the decorating, but there is plenty of laughter going on.

After a couple hours we move inside to grab some drinks and relax. Before I can take a sip of my water my phone vibrates once. I unlock my phone to see a text from my mom.

*Where are you at? We want to go to lunch as a family. Love mom!*

I laugh at my mom's text. She always writes love mom after everything. I do have a good relationship with my family. I'm just so different from them. They are into sports and don't understand my love for literature. Reading is work to them while I find it enjoyable. I hate working out while they find it essential to life. When they met Louis they begged me to date him. They love Louis and the others a lot. My parents live three and a half hours from campus so we all escape to their house during small breaks during the school year. I am very lucky to have the family that I do. I look back down at my phone and send her a text.

*Meet me at my house. I'm at the fraternity across the street.*

Almost immediately we hear a knock on the front door. One of the other guys who live here goes to open the door and I hear my mom's voice.

"Hi, we are looking for Jessica." Her soft high pitched voice makes me smile.

"Well I better go." I hand my water glass to Liam to bug him. "See you all later."

"Wait, let us come say hi to your brother." Louis says while he walks close behind me and Harry follows.

"You guys, leave him alone. You are embarrassing me." I try to wave them off, but they ignore me.

They push past me and walk into the living room to greet my parents. As I walk into the living room I see my mom who is just a little taller than me with her blonde hair straightened perfectly. I look at my dad, who happens to be a lot taller than me. His dark blonde hair is messy probably from moving my brother's stuff into his dorm. I then look at my little brother who is tall like our dad. His dirty blonde hair is gelled up. I don't know how I got lucky enough to get brown hair and my short height. I look nothing like my mom and brother.

"Gina!" Louis and Harry greet my mom and take turns hugging her.

"John," Harry says while shaking my dad's hand.

Louis copies Harry's actions once Harry moves out of the way. I roll my eyes at them as I get closer to greet my parents.

"Hello," Liam and Rae say in the background.

This causes my mom to take her eyes off Harry and Louis. My mom finally looks over at me and squeals.

"Jessica! You look so beautiful. Your hair is shorter and it isn't as black as it was. You look beautiful in this outfit as well!" My mom throws her arms around me.

I laugh at her reaction. My hair is just above my collarbone. I cut about six inches off a couple weeks ago. My hair use to be jet black, but now it is a little lighter. I want to go back to my natural brunette hair, but I'm not quite ready to say goodbye to the black. As for my outfit, I'm wearing highwaisted light washed denim shorts with a loose, black, and kind of see through shirt. I have it tucked into my shorts. I have a black bra underneath so it's hard to tell that it's see through. I have a thin black belt to complete my look. I am wearing flip flops, because I hate shoes. I let Rae pick out my outfit today so that explains why my mom likes it.

"Thanks mom. Hi dad!" I let go of my mom and quickly hug my dad. I turn to my baby brother and smile. "Hey Brett. Are you ready for this?"

"I think so." Brett looks around the house and shifts his weight. He is definitely nervous.

"Don't be nervous. College is awesome." I give him a reassuring smile.

"You will love it. You will have the football team and us if you decide to rush." Harry smiles at Brett.

"I'm on the football team and one of my mates who is transferring here will also be on the team." Louis pats Brett's shoulder and he seems to relax.

"Alright let's get out of here before these two give Brett a bid." I push Louis away from Brett and walk outside.

My family and I quietly walk across the street to get in the car. I get in the back seat and watch as Brett gets in on the other side. He smiles at me and then gets distracted by his phone.

"Where should we go to eat? You know this place best, J. You choose," my dad says.

"There is this super awesome burger and shake place across town we should eat at. Brett won't be able to eat there as soon as training starts so this can be a goodbye to delicious food for awhile." I smile at Brett as my parents laugh.

My parents start talking about everything that is going on back home in Jacksonville, North Carolina. I try to listen to everything they say, but it's kind of boring. I don't really care that the next door neighbors cut their grass too short, but I smile and listen.

My dad starts to tease my mom and it makes me laugh. My dad isn't even really my dad. He is technically my step-dad. My real dad died of cancer when I was nine. It was awful and he suffered. He was a good man, but had his moments. Him and my mom would fight constantly. I am convinced that if he was alive they would have gotten a divorce. All the fighting stopped once he got sick. My mom stayed with him out of obligation. He was cheating on my mom with my best friend's mom. I don't know if it lasted up until he died, but I know it happened. I saw them kissing at my eighth birthday party. He left shortly after that and about eight months later he came back home. Then a couple weeks later my parents told me that my dad was dying of cancer. I once asked my mom why she let my dad come back and she said that she loved him too much to let him go. Who am I kidding? My real dad was a jerk. He was a bully and a flake. I don't think my mom told anyone that I knew about my dad's cheating. Brett still thinks our real dad was this superhero who died too young.

I look like my real dad. He had dark skin and hair. My hair is naturally dark and so is my skin. Brett looks like my mom and our step-dad. It makes me a little jealous.

My mom met John, my step-dad quickly after my dad died. They got married a little over a year after they met. John is good to her and he is good to Brett and I. He treats us like his own kids. I treat him like he is my real dad. Even though he has showed me how a real man should act I still have commitment issues. I still think men are jerks and are only good for one thing, sex.

I know that there are good guys in this world, I know some of them. Brett, Louis, and Harry are amazing guys. They will make great husbands and fathers. I'm thankful that my step-dad basically raised Brett. Brett is now an amazing man.

We are now pulling up to the diner and I smile at my family. I have been so caught up in my own thoughts that I have no clue what anyone is talking about.

"J, can you hear me? I asked if you got any new tattoos." My step-dad says.

"Oh sorry. I spaced out for a second. I got this small tattoo on my wrist, but I think I'm done getting them. I don't really want my body full of tattoos. The seven I have are enough." I try to see my mom's expression. She hates tattoos.

"Praise the Lord," my mom says while raising her hands.

We weren't a religious family until my step-dad came along. They didn't force me to go to church, but I would tag along once in awhile. The rest of my family would go every week.

"The Lord has nothing to do with it," I tease her. "I am still thinking about being a professor and they can't be covered in tattoos. Do you know what you want to study yet?" I look at Brett as we walk into the diner.

"I think sports medicine." Brett smiles at me.

"Of course you want to be a doctor." I roll my eyes at Brett. He knows that I'm mostly joking. "There is a party tonight at the frat house we were at if you want to come. Mom and dad can have the night to themselves and we can party."

"Jess, don't corrupt your brother!" My mom scolds me.

"It's all harmless fun." My step-dad soothes my mom.

"For now," I smile wickedly at her.

Brett laughs, but tries to cover it up with a cough. He softly elbows me. My step-dad tries not to laugh, but my mom's reaction is priceless.

"I'm just joking mom! Brett will stay your sweet little boy forever." I pat Brett's head like he is a dog.

"Hey I got away with lots of stuff, but nothing was ever bad when compared to anything you did." Brett tries to act all bad.

"The stuff you did in high school I did in junior high. Sorry Brett, you are just a good kid. There is nothing wrong with that. You will get along with everyone here."

"You aren't as bad or tough as you think you are." Brett shakes his head at me.

If only Brett and my parents knew half the stuff I have done and still do. I don't want to burst their bubble so I will keep my mouth shut.

I changed the topic and the rest of lunch is spent talking about Brett, which I'm okay with. This is how life has always been. My parents ignored anything I did besides getting good grades. They would talk about school with me, but other then that they were too busy with Brett. Soccer practice, games, and camps kept them busy. Things could have been different if my parents weren't so busy, but I don't blame them for anything. I was constantly shutting them out and they did the best they could.

"I am wiped out. Maybe we should all go rest for a little bit." My mom suggests once we get back in the car.

"Or why don't you and dad go back to the hotel to rest and I will show Brett around campus." I really didn't want Brett to join a fraternity, but after I saw how nervous he was I realized it might be good for him.

"That sounds wonderful. We will meet you two for a quick dinner before your party." My step-dad quickly says before my mom can object.

My step-dad drives us back to my sorority house. Brett and I say goodbye to our parents and wave as they drive away. When the car turns the corner and we can no longer see them I turn to Brett.

"Alright Brett, what do you want to do? If you really want a tour let me grab Rae. She was a tour guide this summer and gives a kickass tour."

"I guess a tour will be fun." Brett all of a sudden gets nervous. "Just so you know, mom and dad are probably going to expect a weekly dinner night when I have home games. I don't know what you do here, but you might not be able to be as crazy as usual."

"I'm not that crazy anymore. I drink, smoke, and have lots of sex." Brett cringes and I realize he didn't need to know the last part. "Sorry. I really am doing better than high school. I'm a lot smarter now."

Brett doesn't say anything, but I can tell that he is worried about me. I quickly walk into my house so this awkward conversation can die.



I'm back with another Niall story! I am so excited for it and super nervous haha. I hope you all like it.

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