Good Gone Bad

By wolfgirllove832

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Needs major Editing! Elliot Lyle is a junior in high school along side her older brother Maxen who is a senio... More

Good Gone Bad
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 3

144 6 0
By wolfgirllove832

Elliot's pov.

Morning seems to come all too soon and before I know it Maxen is in my room ripping the covers off me. "Get up and take and take a shower you smell," he says.

I groan, "Kiss my ass,"

"After you wash it," he replies before leaving the room. I roll my eyes. How the hell does he get up so early? Even though I slept for eleven hours I still feel like I could sleep eleven more. But the long rest gives me just enough energy to embrace the world with my middle finger up.

I drag myself to the bathroom and turn the water letting the steam fog up the windows before I get the motivation to actually get in. Today should be a little less hectic. Maxen and I only have practice, but unfortunately I believe I have a shift at the diner. Which reminds me, I have to check my phone. Hopefully Phoenix sent me my schedule.

I rinse the last of the conditioner out of my hair before shutting off the water, and wrapping my water dappled skin in a towel. I let my hair leave a trail of wet spots on the floor, leading back to my room. I dry off quickly before wrapping my hair tightly in the towel and getting dressed. Today my attire includes shorts and a black cami topped with my tight fitted leather jacket.

I searched the floor to try and find where I abandoned my school bag so I can check the time. I find it half hidden under a pair of jeans. I fish through the disorganized carry on and find my phone tucked in at the very bottom of the little pit. I click the side button and watch the notification pop up telling me I have two messages. They must be both must be from Phoenix. I punch in my password and hit Phoenix's name.

Here's your schedule.

Below it she lists the days and hours I work this week, and just as I suspected, I'm working today from 4:30 to 8:00.

"Maxen!" I yell not feeling too lazy to go to his room even thought it's right down the hall.


"What time does your practice end today?"

"Four," he says. I don't answer him after that. I go to my closet, which is half empty since the majority of my clothes are scattered across my floor.

I snatch my black work shirt off it's hanger and toss it next to my bag before doing my make up quickly. I glance at my phone and remember that I still have another message. My eyebrows shoot up in surprise when I see a message from an unknown number.

Hey sweetie how you doin tonight? I wrinkled my nose at the screen. Sweetie? What the hell?

Who is this? I respond. I swear to god if it's Sampson I'll be pissed. My phone dings lightly with the arrival of a message.

Who is this? the unknown person asks, typical.

I asked you first. How did you get this number? I demand. It's times like theses that my patience is shortest. I just want clear to the point answers. A new message pops up on the screen,

I got it from a friend of yours.

And who is this friend of mine? I'm not buying it. Phoenix wouldn't give my number away without telling or asking me first and anyone else that has it wouldn't give it away either.

Tino. The person replys. Tino? Who the fuck is Tino? I've never even heard that name in my entire life.

Well then you definatly have the wrong number because I don't know a Tino. Hopefully this freak will leave me alone after this because I'm not about to have some creep wandering around with my number.

I still didn't get your name. He replys.

Sorry to disappoint you, but you won't be getting it.

I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours. He pushes. Jeez this person doesn't know how to take a hint, but curiosity tickles my fingertips.

Fine you first. I wait impatiently for a few moments.

Cory. Your turn. I don't know any Corys, so this person is a complete stranger which makes me a little edgy. I'll probably never meet this person ever so what harm could come from giving a fake name?

I'm Cae. There now what harm could a short sweet name like that do?

How cute. How old are you sweet cheeks? Oh god more sappy names.

17 you?

18. So how am I supposed to know you're really 17 and not some 60 year old man wearing dipars? he replys. I can't help but laugh at his possible assumption.

I guess you'll just have to trust me. From the time I sent that message through the rest of the day the conversation continued. I barely paid attention in any of my classes, because I was too comsumed with texting Cory, but when lab rolled around I was forced to send delayed messages, because I was stuck doing double the work cause Adam is unfortunately my lab partner and never here.

You still there doll face? Cory asks.

Yeah sorry, I'm in lab and my dumb ass partner isn't here. I explain.

Sorry :(

It's fine I'm used to it. He's never here.

Well I'm sure you're smart enough to get everything done no problem. I smile and finish up the packet that the teacher had given us.

Do you have a boyfriend? He suddenly asks. I stare down at the message.

No I don't have time for one. I say honestly. It's true, I barely have time for homework and throwing a boyfriend into the mix would be straight chaos.

I get what your mean. Relationships are too much work. He agrees. I'm glad he didn't say something sappy, cause that would have definatly ended the conversation.

I have to go, but I'll text you later. Disappointment grips me, but I'm sure he has other things to do then to just text me.

Adam's pov.

"Who the hell have you been talking to all day. You've been on the phone ever since I picked you up," Chris says. I shrug,

"No one," I say bluntly.

"Is it a girl?" he asks with a smirk on his face. I glance at him and stay silent.

"Ooh it is!" he says pushing at my shoulder. "Who is it? One of Tino's girls?" he asks. I try hard not to wrinkle my nose in distaste.


"What's her name?" I hate all these pestering questions, but I answer them anyway.

"Her name is Cae,"

"Mmmm I like it. You'll have to hook me up when your done with her," he chuckles. That was a disturbing thought. I've only just met this girl and the thought of being 'done' with her just seems odd. I brush the thought aside.

"Yeah I'll see what I can do," I mumble. We're getting close to the meeting sight which means there would have to be a break in our conversation. We're meeting the buyers down at the docks where we're suppose to meet them on a boat and make the switch. I end the conversation between me and Cae reluctantly and stick my phone in my pocket.

Two guys in matching sunglasses and black windbreakers were are there to pat us down as soon as we park the car. It's the usual procedure for any meeting, but having a dude patting you down isn't always the most comfortable feeling. I straighten out my jacket and glare at both men, before they order us to follow them.

The two men lead us to an expensive looking boat that rocks slowly with the grey waves. Boats were never really my style. I can't handle the nauseating rocking for more than a couple of minutes. The air smells like rotting fish. Guts are splattered all over the docks and the fisherman that work here eyeball us as if we were some new alien species. I ignore the looks and kept walking. We enter the boat through a ramp and I almost lose my balance the first step I take. My comfort level drops significantly after that. The men lead us down to a room below the deck. The room is hazed by smoke and it reeks of pot. Needles, joints, and bags of coke lay around like common house objects. I cough from the smoke that keeps tickling the back of my throat. Anyone could get high from just standing in here.

A man with shaggy blonde hair, a stained up gray t-shirt and shorts walks out, who is also clearly high.

"Ahhh my friends, I'm so happy you have finally arrived," he says with a heavy accent.

"Let's make this quick," I mumble to Chris.

He nods. "Pablo, it's nice to see you again. We have what you ordered, do you have the pay," Chris says getting right down to business.

"Of course," Pablo snaps his fingers and a woman walks out carrying a briefcase. "Here you are my friend," We exchange cases.

"Pleasure doing business with you," Chris says. This deal was quicker than I expected and went way smoother than any other I've ever been too, but Chris seems surprisingly on edge and we quickly hurry our way off the boat.

We get in the car and I barely in my seat before Chris takes off like a bat outta hell. "Yo what's going on I though everything was good?"

"I didn't give them their whole order," Chris says.

"What do you mean. You never do that. We give a good clean deal that's how is goes," What the hell is he thinking?

"Relax, that dude is always so high he won't be able to tell the difference," he says.

"That's not how we work," I snap. How the hell could he do this? I run a hand through my hair.

"Don't worry about it everything's chill," I glare out the window and ignore his 'comforting' words.

"Take me to my apartment I'm done for the day," I grumble. I swear one day I'm gonna get killed over this shit.


Hope you like it!

Song: Break by, Three Days Grace

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