Gods, Demigods, and Facebook

By windswept-

394K 7.5K 6.6K

Hey, hey you. Yeah you. No, you, the one over there. You know what? All of you. You want to read something to... More

Gods Demigods and Facebook
Author's Note | New Update Schedule and Other Info
Welcome to Facebook
Join the Club and a New Girl?
Leo(na)'s New Ships
Because This Is What Happens When An Author Has Writer's Block
Breaking Leo
Because Magic-8 Balls Are Totally Magic
Percabeth Overload and Siblings Making Up
Story Time with Annie
Story Time with Annie Part Two
Come to the Dark Side... We Have Kylo Ren
Facebook Games and Ego Checks
The Stuffed Panda Told Me So
You Smirk More Than Draco Malfoy
Reading the Books and All the Drama From That
Disney, Questions, and an OOC Zeus
More Questions, Fanfictions, and Immortality
Riptide, Cribs, and Ratings
Just a Series of Percabeth Moments and Maybe Some Harry Potter
When Boredom Strikes
Baby Stories with Sally
McDonald's With Nico
Life Lessons for the Demigods of Camp Half-Blood
A Dog Named Spot, Annoying Habits, and Call Me Maybe Renditions
More Awkward Moments with Nico
5SOS and Problems With Frazel
Delete the Underlined Portion
Accidental Turkey Pardons, Not So Great Memories, and Finger Painting
Perluke: A New Slash Ship Due to Zero Sleep
Coffee, Cake Pops, and Nico
This Is A Pen
Nico and Starbucks, A Sequel
Valentine's Day Special: The Beginning
Valentine's Day Special: The Return of Perluke
Breaking Handles and Game Night Grudges
We Will Now Interrupt The Games For A Much More Interesting Discussion
Note: Nico and Game Nights Do Not Mix
Song References, Relationship Meddling, and Sneezes
Percy Being Stalked, Blue Food or Annabeth, and Craving Lettuce
Of Kit Kats and Pink Cupcakes (and Sass)
Leo's Pick-Up Line Failures
Another Update After A Night Of No Sleep
Stress, Jokes, and Flying: The Usual
Of Cults And Religions
The Last Author's Note

Those Dam Headcanons

5.3K 150 256
By windswept-

A/N: There isn't really any 'facebook' stuff in this chapter, but many people were requesting for various ship moments, so I decided to just add this. Try not to die from feels like I did ;)

Also, disclaimer: These aren't mine.


1. Athena wasn't all that impressed when Percy gave up immortality for Annabeth. She didn't care when he held up the sky for her either. All these things seemed too heroic. No, what finally won the goddess over was when Percy pulled three all-nighters studying for his maths exam so he and Annabeth could be in the same class.

2. She didn't give up looking for him. He didn't forget her. She got stabbed for him. He didn't become a god for her. She saved him many times. He fell into Tartarus for her. She loves him. He loves her. Percabeth.

3. After reading Harry Potter (in Ancient Greek, of course), most, if not all, of the Hecate children begged Chiron to let them receive mail, hoping to get their Hogwarts Acceptance letter as well. Hermes almost cried at the sight of how many letters he had to deliver to and from Hogwarts.

4. Leo is constantly having private dance parties in his bunk on the Argo II. He also added a program to his speakers that shuts down all music and lights whenever anyone is within a 10 foot radius from the door.

5. Since Percy was the first one to get his drivers license, the Seven often went on road trips (with permission of course. Pshhh, totally). These consisted of "Girl On Fire" set on repeat, Frank turning into a hamster to make room, Annabeth giving Percy very harsh directions, and Leo constantly asking, "Are we there yet?" every ten seconds.

6. After reading Divergent, Annabeth started categorizing people into Factions. She only stopped when she realized that nearly everyone she knew was Divergent. Well, besides Octavian. He was considered factionless.

7. The Avengers and Thor movies were banned from being watched on Olympus. Zeus just couldn't handle the fact that the mortals based movies with another thunder god, and kept trying to prove that he was the only one capable by using his lightning bolts to scorch multiple countries.

8. Even though Jason was already 16, Thalia made sure to keep all of the staplers under a lock and key. It wasn't because she was scared he'd stuff one in his mouth, but because she wanted to feel like she was protecting him from something for once. She was tired of him always looking out for her, and wanted to return the favor, even if it meant doing silly little things like destroying every stapler in sight.

9. Piper's singing was stronger than her chamspeak. Meaning, she was banned from singing "I Love It" when it came on the radio and Percy was driving. It took earplugs, Jason's careful one-hand steering, and duct tape around Piper's mouth to get their car over the bridge and not into it. And don't even get started when "Talk Dirty To Me" came on and Jason was driving...

10. When winter came, all the campers wore huge coats and triple layers of clothing- all except for Leo. he set himself on fire to keep warm, and most of the time, people went to him for a hug. For once in his life, Leo felt like he was actually good at something. And he was, even though it wasn't his first time.

11. Octavian gave Percy a panda pillow pet the Christmas after the Second Titan War to make up for the one he tore apart.

12. Before he left Ogygia, Leo had shown Calypso how to tap "I love you" in Morse Code. Whenever he thought about her on the Argo II, he'd mindlessly tap I Love You on the table, telling himself that she was doing the same.

13. Jason would never ask Percy to borrow a pen again. Not after the first time. Percy had accidentally handed him Riptide when Jason asked for one for the exam they about to take. He had gotten a 0 for disrupting the class by screaming and throwing the pen across the room because all everyone else (minus the clear sighted and Percy) saw was a mere ballpoint pen.

14. Pollux sometimes hated the Stolls, a fact every camper knew. They would gossip about all the reasons why, but the real reason was simple. The Stolls got to see each other every day, hang out together and always be there for each other, but he wasn't able to. Castor, Pollux's twin, died in the First Titan War, and now he was stuck alone, watching Travis and Connor.

15. After about 200 years after the war, still in a 15-year-old girl's body, Thalia was all alone, all her first friends having passed on. She had no one except her fellow campers. One day, she came across a familiar boy, who looked about 16. Luke stops short as well, the Fates having given him the gift of keeping his memory (which they never had done before), and whispers, "Thalia?" Thalia nods, too shocked, happy, and emotional in general to speak. Luke smiles and hugs her, "I've looked all over for you, Thals." Later, Thalia would tell Artemis her decision she had known for a long time. And for once, they lived happily ever after.

16. Surprisingly, Coach Hedge had a soft spot for their children ((All the Seven and their ships)), Percy even caught him reading to the children in a soft voice, as if he was trying hard not to speak loudly and scare them. He also had nicknames for them, ranging from Mini Valdez to Water Boy Jr.

17. Calypso was heartbroken every time a hero left her little island, but when Leo left it was something more. She felt like she would never love again, and that her heart would always belong to him. After he hadn't came back for a long time, she prayed to the gods to let her free, and they finally agreed. A day later, the Argo II found Ogygia, but Calypso wasn't there. Leo would use the one wish granted to him at the end of the War to find her again.

18. "Run!" Leo yelled at his daughter, who had just poured a small sack of flour of his wife, under his supervision of course. He takes his daughter's hand and pulls her along as Calypso chases them. Finally, she corners them and gives them a mischievous grin before pulling them into a big hug, all covered in flour. (One-shot written on this in The Aphrodite Files)

19. When Nico and Bianca was at the Lotus Casino, Nico saw a boy with jet black hair and sea green eyes, pulling a blond girl with stormy gray eyes away from a machine, pleading for her to come back to reality. The look he was giving her showed love, which was why when Percy and Nico met at his boarding school, he thought Annabeth was Percy's girlfriend.

20. When Leo finally came back to Ogygia, he found a man towering over Calypso, who was laying on the ground, bruised and bleeding. The man shouted, "Love me! Love me already so I can get off of this island!" The man slaps Calypso hard, and Leo feels his hands start to burn. He ran and tackles the man, his arms ablaze. "Who do you think you are!? Hitting my girl like that!? Huh!?" Leo takes out a hammer from his tool belt and whacks the man with it before running to Calypso. She cries in his arms, "You really did come back." "Of course I did," He murmurs soothingly, "I promised you, didn't I?"

21. Once the Seven had a snowball fight, which of course turned into Annabeth against Percy, Hazel against Frank, and Piper against Jason. At the side of the scene, Leo stared into the snow sadly, knowing he couldn't join in even if he wanted to. He'd heat up whenever he was excited about something, and couldn't hold a snowball for too long. Plus, the couples' playful fights reminded him all too much of the girl he'd left at Ogygia, a girl he'd never forget.

22. After the war was over and everyone was reunited, Percy told Grover and Thalia about "schist". They had a pretty fun time after that, going around and saying "schist" and "dam" every other sentence or two.

23. Piper's father had an addiction with statues, and one time when the Seven went to his house, Percy nearly had a heart attack after seeing a statue titled "The Poker Player."

24. When the Hunters came to Camp Half-Blood, Thalia and Annabeth decided to play a small prank on Percy. Thalia gives her a lieutenant's outfit just like her own, and has her pretend to lead the Hunters. When Percy saw this, he gasped and ran to her, throwing her over her shoulder before running away, calling back, "No! You can't have her! She's mine!"

25. Percy celebrates Father's Day by buying a card and throwing it into the Long Island Sound. It works, too.

Bonus: Some Solangelo for y'all ;)

"So last night I read a headcanon about Nico finding out that gay marriage was legalized (I don't know who wrote it) and it was super cute and then mind started racing and I remembered a hilarious US tradition called the racing of the interns where the interns literally sprint to tell the awaiting press of the supreme court decision before it gets online and then solangelo came to mind and THEN THIS HAPPENED"

Will has been dreading this day for nearly a week, ever since he found out he would be running on TODAY of all daysIt was June 26th, 2015 and today would either be the best day of his life or just another disappointment Will had gotten an internship at the supreme court about four months ago after he got a promising law degree from the University of New RomeMuch to everyone's surprise, he didn't want to be a doctor, he had had enough of watching his friends die on the operating table, he just couldn't do it anymoreSo he decided to go for law, try to fix people's lives instead of watching them fade awayWhen he got the internship in DC, he was ecstatic, he was even able to convince Nico, his amazing boyfriend of three years to move there with himHe had done plenty of runs in the past, he was even able to announce a fewBut today was differentHe never wanted something to get passed into law so badly beforeAs soon as he learned that he might announce to the country that same sex marriage would be legalized, he called Nico at the first possible chance to tell himNico was nervous to say the least, but Will could tell that he was beyound excitedThey were even able to talk the seven and a few others to come down to DC and wait outside for the announcement with the pressIf only they knew what Will was planningHe got the idea almost immediately, he talked it over with the other interns and to his surprise, they were all for it, the even went as far as to help convince the guards to let him do what he was planningNow the only thing left was for the judges to legalize itSo here he was, standing outside the door of the court, his heart racing violently as he clutched a piece cloth in his hands, waiting for the paper that could make the day go down in historyAfter 10 minutes, a man in a suit came out and handed them all the paper with a knowing smile on his faceThe intern that he gave it to held the paper to his face as he read the news, the looked up at Will with a huge grin on his face"The plans a go Will!"
Will never tied something around his neck so fast, once he had it secure, he grabbed the paper just to make sure it was true, the bolted out into the yard, the others giving him a head startThe moment Will turned into the main yard with a rainbow flag trailing behind him like a cape, he could hear the cheering from the crowdHe was out of breath when he reached the mic, but it didn't matter, his smile was still plastered on his face as he read the news the world had been waiting to hear"On this day of June 26th 2015, same sex marriage has been legalized in all 50 of the United States!"All he could do was laugh as the crowd cheered. His eyes searched through the people to see his boyfriend who was brought to tears with the rest of the seven surrounding him screaming like banshees " And I would like to say just one more thing before we move on, something I thought I was never going to be able to say.""Nico Di Angelo, will you marry me?"
The best part of Will Solace's life was kissing his now fiance at the steps of the supreme court building with a rainbow cape tied around his neck for the entire world to see


(A/N): I had better ones written, but of course Wattpad had to crash and I couldn't find them! I hope you liked these. I promised I'd upload something extra when I reached 250 fans and over 30,000 reads and I DID! On Sunday! But the soonest I was able to write this up and post it was today. Sorry! But it's still Tuesday! So, it wasn't that late!

Edit: Aw, how precious. From 250 followers and 30k reads to over 850 followers and almost 400k reads. I love you all so much aww <3

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