Hit For The Cycle

By texasforever6

129K 1.2K 102

2 years later, Kinsley is nearly 3, Taegan and Dansby are newly weds and life seems perfect. But we all know... More



4.6K 42 6
By texasforever6

"Meggy!" Kinsley squealed running straight into Megan's arm.

"What's up buttercup?" Megan asks picking her up.

"Where Uncle Ender?" Kinsley is absolutely in awe of Ender and his accent all the time.

"He's coming! He's got a gift for you!" Megan tells her making her smile.

"Mommy, Daddy! Uncle Ender got me gift!" She squealed clapping her hands.

"I swear Ender spoils her more than we do." Dansby laughs as he comes down the stairs putting his hat on.

"Where's my Princesa?" Ender calls stepping into the house.

"Meeeee! That's meee." Kinsley wiggled out of Megan's arms and ran straight to Ender.

"Ahh there she is. Close you're eyes I've got something for you." I watch as she squeezes her eyes super tight and holds her hands out.

Ender lays a Moana dress in her arms making her squeal when she opens them. "Mommy look another princess dress!"

"I see that. What do you tell uncle Ender?" I ask squatting down to her.

"Thank you Uncle Ender! You the bestest!" We laugh at her cuteness while Dansby takes her to put her dress away with the rest of them.

"Y'all spoil her way to much." I say watching my happy little girl go up stairs.

"She's an angel that's why." Megan smiles. "I've seriously never met a more well mannered child."

"You know we try." We've honestly been so blessed that Kinsley is such a laid back kid.

"Who's ready to go shopping?" Dansby asks walking down the stairs.

"Me! I wants a big girl bed!" Kinsley clapped. "Daddy?" Her voice dropped down to a whisper. "Can I ride with Uncle Ender and Meggy?"

Dansby looked up at Ender to see if it was ok with him. When Ender nodded Dansby sighed picking her up. "Are you to good to ride with mommy and daddy?" He teases flipping her upside down as he carries her.

"Nooooo!" She giggled. "Meggy lets me listen to princess music!"

I put my hand over my heart acting offended. "Uh I let you listen to princess music!"

Kinsley giggles covering her mouth. "But Uncle Ender dances to it." Everyone erupts into laughter at this.

"Well I guess we can't beat uncle Ender's dance moves can we?" Kinsley shakes her head grinning wide.

Dansby put her car seat in the back of Megan's car before meeting me at mine and starting towards the mall. "I bought our Disney world tickets last night." I inform him as we drive.

We decided since Kinsley is almost 4 and is obsessed with princess and Mickey, now would be a good time to take her to DisneyWorld. "She's going to love it but god I hate the crowds there." He immediately groans.

"I know. I was thinking of ordering her some like special dresses or ears or something, what do you think?" I ask scrolling through some ideas on Pinterest.

"She'd love the dresses." Dansby agreed.

"That's what I was thinking, I'll order some tomorrow." I smile locking my phone. "Are you excited for spring training?"

"More excited that I get to spending it with y'all." He admits grabbing my hand. "It's hard enough having to leave y'all durning the season.

"I know it's hard for us to, but seeing you living out your dream makes it all worth it I promise." I give his hand a squeeze.

"I feel like I'm taking away from your life sometimes." He sighs.

"Look you know damn well that if I wasn't ok with something I would tell you. You are not taking my life away from me because you are my life, you and Kinsley."  Dansby glanced at me for a moment before pull my hand to his lips.

"I still can't understand how I managed to land someone like you" he breathed.

"Right timing and good hair." I wink making him laugh.

Soon we were pulling up to the mall and unloading everyone. "I gets a big girl bed. I gets a big girl bed." Kinsley sang as Dansby carried her in.

"Not yet baby, we're gonna go shopping and buy you some beach clothes first." I say throwing my purse on my shoulder.

"Oh I saw the cutest bathing suit for her the other day in crazy 8." Megan claps. Megan and Ender treat Kinsley like she's their own.

"Well let's head there I guess." Dansby says heading towards the store.

After 2 hours or so if shopping we had successfully bought Kinsley 3 new bathing suits, 4 new outfits and 2 new pairs of shoes. Me 2 new bikinis, a romper, a dress, some new shorts and some cute tops, along with a pair of wedges and Dansby bought some new swim trunks, a couple shirts and a new pair of Nike's.

Megan and Ender also racked up on something's too. Now we were at IKEA in search of a bed. "Kinsley what about this one?" Ender pointed to a purple bed.

Kinsley stared at it for a moment before shaking her head. "Moving on." I sigh taking her hand and walking through some more.

"I tired." She whines holding her arms up to me. Picking her up I place her on my hip and turn the corner into another room filled with toddler beds.

When Kinsley gasped I immediately stopped, thinking something was wrong. When I saw she was staring at white bed with a pink canopy I laughed stopping Dansby. "Do you like that one baby?" I ask pointing to it.

"Yes! I want it!" She screamed wiggling down.

"Kinsley stop." I groan trying to get a grip on her but fail as she sprints to the bed.

"Daddy look it was made just for me!" She points to the small K engraved in the wood which stood for the maker.

"It was. Is this the one you want?" Kinsley's head bobbed up and down in excitement. "Ok let me go find someone to help us."

As Dansby and Ender walked away Kinsley wrapped her arms around my neck. "Mommy does a big girl bed mean I can't sleep with you and daddy when I scared?"

I shook my head and and kissed the top of hers. "Of course not, when ever your scared you can still come snuggle with mommy and daddy."

"Yay! I can't wait to sleep in big girl bed!" She grinned.

Dansby and Ender came back with one of the workers and began talking. "For $100 more we can come out and deliver it and put it together for you." Dansby looked at Ender who shook his head.

"No thanks man I think we got it." From there I knew it would be entertaining.

"Since they are going to be working on that for hours do y'all wanna stay over for dinner." I laugh knowing it was going to take these two a while to put that bed together.

"I suppose so." She agreed.

Once we got the bed home Dansby and Ender began working on it upstairs while Megan and I started dinner. "Kins do you wanna watch a movie while I cook dinner?" She nodded laying her head on my shoulder. She missed her nap today so I'm surprised she isn't grumpy.

"Belle?" She whispered as I laid her on the couch.

"Sure, do you want a blanket." Again she nodded so I grabbed the Vandy blanket Dasnsby had thrown over the back of the couch and covered her up with it. Walking over to the DVD player I slide in beauty and the beast for her before going into the kitchen.

"So what are we thinking for dinner?" Megan asks as I walk in.

"Well," I hum opening the fridge. "I was going to make seafood gumbo one night this week so might as well make it tonight."

"Oh yes that sounds good." Megan nods as she helps me gather the ingredients. "So for real, how long do you think that bed is going to take them?"

I let out a sigh placing the shrimp on the counter. "If I had to bet, Kinsley will be sleeping with us tonight." We both laughed as we began working on the meal.

"Tae can I ask you something?" Megan says suddenly.

I stop what I'm doing and look up at her. "Of course."

"Why hasn't Ender proposed yet? I mean we've been dating for 3 years now. I'm 25 and I'm not getting any younger." She asked. This was honestly something Dansby and I talked about the other day.

"Megan, Ender loves you I can promise you that. I think he is probably trying to figure it all out." I say hoping to ease her mind a bit.

"I hope so." She breathes out. "I'm starting to get impatient."

"Have you tried talking to him about it?" I ask as I cut the crab meat.

She shakes her head, dumping the shrimp into the pot. "No I'm to scared to."

"I think you should." I say brushing my hands off on my apron. "It will bring you more peace I think."

The ending credits began rolling in the living room making me realize we had already been cooking for well over an hour.

"Shoot I bet Kins fell asleep. If I don't wake her up she'll never go to bed tonight." I groan walking in there to find her curled up with Munson on one side and Bentley on the other. "Wake up baby girl." I whisper shaking her.

"Mommy no." She groans cuddling up to Bentley.

"Kins baby you gotta get up." I beg bending down and picking her up this time.

Reluctantly she opens her eyes and rubs them with the back of her hands. "I hungry." She says as I carry her into the kitchen.

"We're making seafood gumbo." Megan grins showing her the pot.

Kinsley's face lit up seeing as she loves gumbo. "Mhm I love gunbo!" I shake my head at her use of an N rather than M. "Is my bed ready?" She asked looking up at me.

"I don't know should we go see?" I suggest lifting her back onto my hip. Walking up stairs Megan goes in first and covers her mouth with her hand to hide her laughter.

Walking in pieces were everywhere and Dansby and Ender were trying to force a piece together. "How's it going boys." I stifle my laugh.

"The fucking thing won't go together." Dansby grunts not looking up, and keeping his back to us.

"The fucking thing won't go together Daddy?" The room fell silent as the word rolled off our 2 year olds tongue.

"Kinsley Grace we do NOT say that word do you understand me." I say sternly.

Tears began to fill her eyes. "I Sorry." She cried breaking my heart.

"I know you are, but just cause you hear daddy say something doesn't mean you can go around repeating it alright?" She nods as I wipe the tears from her eyes. "Why don't you go with Megan down stairs?" I hand her off to Megan who walks away with her.

"Sorry babe, I didn't know she was in here." Dansby says standing up and walking over to me.

"Yea well check next time before yelling fuck in a house with a two year old." I snap a little aggravated.

"Dude is she really mad?" I hear him ask Ender as I walk out.

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