gasoline // danny's daughter...

By undead-lonely

459 15 8

when i fell for him, it was like i was adding gasoline to a burning fire. he only made it worse. -when danny... More



19 1 1
By undead-lonely

summers pov:

"baby, have a great day at school, yeah? i love you." he smiled and gave me a fist bump, you see. we aren't like normal father and daugher.

we're like best buddies, he's more of a child then he is a dad. but when he is a dad, he's serious about my groundings and what is shown online and in certain magazines.

it's just his so called 'fathers intuition' yea. most people think of it as 'mothers intuition' but as you all know, my mother decided to run off and do something stupid and land herself in there for fifteen years.

they both never told me what she did to land herself in the joint but ive always wanted to know since it's the main reason that kept the family from being one.

it was also the reason that i never knew her and the only reason for me to hate her.

no, maybe not hate but, strongly dislike.

she has always told me since she saw me last year that she wanted to be a parent to me, even if her visitation was limited with me.

i always brushed it off because i for one definitely didn't know her at all, nor did i care to since she never was around; even though it wasn't because she didn't want to.

it was more so forced.

still beats me that she was at the house though, like why is she coming into the house that my dad bought himself and act like she's coming to move in with us to be the perfect housewife she was 'meant to be' ?

she never did so when she got out of prison, she never thought about it either when she got an apartment of her own close to our place.

it wasn't run down or abandoned like i expected it to be, it was actually something semi-fancy and had many rooms and a bathroom. it had two bedrooms in it, one for me and one for her.

she even decorated it for me and everything, she put everything i liked into the room and spent money that was loaned to her on it just so i could come and spend the night with her one day.

that day is still yet to come. and i don't want that day to come, never.

"i love you too, loser." he smiles at me, getting out of the car to open the car door for me.

his hand grabbed the blue handlebar of my newer bmw, people's heads were already looking our way but i didn't really care.

he watched me get out and closed the door, leaning in to give me a hug.

but this hug was different from the ones he usually gave me, this one was the hug that almost every parents heart breaks.

the one where they have to let go and let them live their life, giving them that small piece of freedom that have longed for since they hit their teen years.

the one where it's a memorable hug.


"hmm," he held me tight, i knew he didn't wanna let me go but it was starting to hey uncomfortable for me and the people around us who are standing around just staring at the cling on.

"im gonna be late to get my schedule dad." his eyes shot open and he pulled away, realizing that he was keeping me from getting a clean record for the school.

"oh, sorry." he closed the door behind me and looked at me, his hands going into his pockets, looking down at the ground.

i smiled and looked at him, "it's okay. i love you." he looked back up and barley smiled, he was hurt because he had to let me go into a place that he had no clue what could happen to me.

he's heard of all these school shootings and suicides, the cases of bullying online and verbally; some physical.

he's heard of the kids who deal and the kids who steal, he's heard of kids who have hurt their teachers and have hurt themselves.

he's heard of the teachers sparking inappropriate relationships with the students who have nothing else to do but brag about what they have and what they want.

he's heard of the girls who start rumors because they're miserable in life, they hate themselves when they look in the mirror because they don't feel confident with themselves like they wish they were.

he's heard of a lot of things about the kids at this school, but he sucked it up and let me go and let me experience this.

"i love you too." he smiled and walked back to the drivers seat, opening the door to soon disappear down the small stretch of those private roads the paparazzi couldn't get to.

i took a deep breath and began walking towards the first set of french white doors, this place looked more like a mansion on the outside more than it did on the inside.

i could understand why they made the school look like this, it was to throw people off.

they wanted others to think it was just another house or frat house, but that wasn't the case.

the circular window at the top of the red brick house was exposing the inside, a beautiful crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling shining it's bright lights.

the walls i couldn't see too well, but i looked back down at the doors and opened them; earning glares from thousands of girls and guys.

i shrugged it off and began walking, the library was next to the front doors and the office was across the orange and white tiled hall from the library.

it makes sense that they have to go with the colors, orange and white. how great.

i entered the office and looked at the lady at the desk, her hair was black and wavy and flowed down her small frame.

she was looking at her computer, her green eyes were scanning every record there before her eyes diverted to me.

"oh, hello. what can i do for you this morning?" her pearly whites smiled at me as her red lipstick stayed perfectly in place. no smears or smudges, perfect lipstick.

if i were to do my own lipstick it'd be cracking and smearing. lipstick wasn't meant for me and that was it, no 'if' , 'ands' or 'buts' about it.

her eyes were small, but they weren't big either. they sparked up at me as she waited for my answer. her shirt wasn't in policy, it was a black longs sleeve.

it was a tight shirt but she had nothing to show, so it probably didn't bother anybody else in the office.

"im supposed to be getting my schedule, im new here." i smiled smally, simply because i didn't want to smile and because i didn't like my smile. also because there was no reason for me to smile.

she nodded and went back to her computer, she started to type in something before speaking again, "i know, i haven't seen you here before," she looked down at some papers in front of her; her hands were still on the keys as she looked back to the bright screen.

"what's your name honey?" she stopped any movement and waited patiently.

"summer murillo." i didn't have any emotion when i spoke. believe me, im happy to be here for the first time, im ecstatic more so.

but i never really knew how to express happiness. i always kept the small things to myself and never did anything with it.

i usually wrote down the things that made me happy so i could always go back and re-read what made me so happy that day and why it did. it helps me when i feel down.

she nodded her head and went back to typing, she started scrolling and smiled.

i could hear the printer run in the back of the office, but to be real honest with you; it was a small office.

"you have great teachers. most kids would go to great lengths to have the teachers you do." she got up and flashed me a smile before walking towards the printer.

i could finally see what she was wearing. she wore a black long sleeve with a white pencil skirt that brought out her figure perfectly. her shirt was tucked into the skirt, an expensive heart necklace hung around her neck.

she had to be young, she seemed like she could be in her early twenties.

"really?" i was shocked. i honestly thought i was going to get the worst teachers the school employed simply because i was being enrolled last minute rather than being enrolled early like everybody else.

she nodded and smiled again, walking back to hold three things.

two were papers and one was a book, it was small but i wonder why i was receiving a book on the first day.

"okay, so i gave you the map of the school. now, since you're in eleventh grade, your classes will be on the third floor which ive circled for you," her pastel blue fingers pointed at the paper where the red pen circled the area i needed to be.

i nodded and continued to listen to her, "and i have you your schedule as well as the bell schedule. this will come in handy and it's also very important for this." she pointed at the book.

apparently this book is important to the school?

"what is it?" i asked sincerely, it was probably the only thing i said with a small hint of emotion.

"it's the most important thing to follow at this school. it has all of the rules and restrictions to certain things. and don't worry, if you don't understand now then you will later on when they explain it in first period." she handed me everything and smiled.

"thank you, miss?" i wanted to thank her before going to class, she was really kind and passionate about her job when she didn't have to be.

she sat back down at her desk and went back to her computer, continuing to do her work previously.

"check on the paper, darling." she smiled as i looked down at the cursive handwriting written in blue ink.

welcome to outward bates private high school, i hope you enjoy it. - miss cathy

i looked up to see her working, only to walk back out into the halls to my first class.

before successfully walking out the doors, i could feel a smile behind me and could hear the same woman speaking, "and you're welcome miss murillo."

i could feel a small smile on my face, first smile that actually felt like it had sincerity and meaning.

as i smiled i continued to walk out to the halls.

oh how i wonder how this will go.

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