Between Realms

By michelleb6950

24 7 7

Raphiel one of the 7 arch angels has been put in charge of Robin from the time she was born. He is to protect... More


24 7 7
By michelleb6950

This is the begining of my new story. I am giving you a sneak peak into it before it goes up for sale. I will only update if i receive new followers and comments letting me know you are interested. Also if you would vote and please follow me i will do the same for you. This is the first book in a trilogy i have written. Thank you in advance and just know you are loved.

Around the dimensions of life, are a pre-existence and next-life. What makes up the latter is heaven and hell. We will begin in hell where authority is drawn down from Satan to his demonic followers. Many of them have no power while others are strong enough to influence and act with their own strength. Among these powerful demons are the Satanic-Six, a group of demons so strong, so fearing, that they take orders directly from the dark leader himself. He commands them to do the most difficult tasks known in the demonic inhabitance, and their power enables them to complete such jobs with little effort.

Why do they do this? Because Satan hates humanity. He denied God's offer of life, and he is jealous of humans that find what they want, because what he wants, he can't have....unless he can eradicate goodness. Thus, the Satanic-Six are summoned to diminish the relationship between God and his children that chose him.

The names and positions of the Satanic-Six are as follows; Mephistopholes, he is the counterpart of Satan and leader of the Satanic-Six. Second is Abaddon, who is the chief of demons and the demon of destruction. Third is Zepar. He is the Duke of hell wars. Fourth is Barbatos, the commander of 30 legions. Fifth is Abigar, who is a military strategist and fortuneteller. Then sixth is Zagam. He is the demon of counterfeit, who can take the role or body of something else. Together, the Satanic-Six's greatest objective is to find those destined for the kingdom, and turn them away, or else destroy them. Humans are born because they chose God. They are meant for great things on earth, but not all of them are willing to complete this duty once they obtain free agency. Those that begin to question God and turn their backs on him are the easiest of prey for the Satanic-Six. With little influence, they can make them into one of their own, and use them to build a living resistance between the realms. Once they can capture the weak and ignorant, they can focus their negative powers on the stronger humans, alongside the very resistance they've built. Specifically, they like to target Christians, especially the born-again Christians. With this kind of power, they have created wars and division. This is how Satan works.

However, there is light at the end of every tunnel because every act of the Satanic-Six is fought back by heaven's angels, but distinctively, by the seven strong and diligent Archangels. Their courage and kindness is fought by the secretive and demeaning forces of the Satanic-Six, who will lie and twist what the Archangels spread as a way to bring humans to the dark side and do their bidding. This goes against the rules of not messing with a human's free will, because they can choose what the Archangels advise them to do, or they can choose what the Satanic-Six tells them to do. As expected, demons do not abide, and the Archangels are left with trying to keep their authority intact. These seven Archangels each have a name and rank. First is the well-known Michael. Then comes Gabriel, followed by Raphael, Uriel, Saragael, Raguel, and Remiel. Though not the top ranking archangel, the main focal point in this struggle against evil begins with Raphael.

What makes him stand out is that out of all of the Archangels, Raphael is the most balanced. He is incredibly powerful, but not the strongest of the bunch. And though he isn't as strict or as serious as Michael and Gabrielle, the one place where he shines most is in his dedication to his job. No matter the circumstances, Raphael will give everything he has. In terms of appearance, he is striking, with long, black hair, and piercing, violet-blue eyes.

Now, since all angels can fly, that means they have wings, but what separates Archangels is the immense size of their wings and the changing color of them depending on their mood. When their wings are pure white, it means they are at peace. When their wings are brown, it means they are on guard and can sense trouble. However, when their wings turn black, watch out. This means they are ready to fight!

These tactics enable the Archangels to perform their tasks, and Raphael was no exception. His job took place on earth, in a small town where a special girl named Robin, lived with her family. It was his duty to protect her. What made Robin stand out was that she knew Raphael from her time in the pre-existence before she was born. And even now in her earth life, she could see him as clear as day. He made her smile a lot in her early days as a baby, and as her age progressed into a toddler, they had more interaction, and more opportunity for Raphael to do his job of protecting her. This made Robin the happiest of children. Her parents would often wonder how they got so lucky with a baby that was as happy and loving as this special little girl. Once Robin began to walk and say words, she'd say "Raphy" without any knowledge of why from her parents. They came to the conclusion that it was just an imaginary friend, which was only partly true, but they had no clue their special baby girl could see and play with an Archangel who was destined to keep her safe. Once Robin was three years old, Raphael would show her the world in the middle of the night by flying her high above the earth. She loved their adventures, and Raphael would always take her home right away, back into her bed, without a peep. The bond between Raphael and Robin was unbreakable.

Finally, one day, her Archangel was put to the test when the spirit of fear came calling during one of Robin's nightmares. The committed Raphael jumped to the little girl's defense, throwing the unclean spirit back to the depths of hell where it belonged. As the girl aged, this would become the norm, as she would eventually grow into free agency, which would open the doors to challenges and potential risk, which gives demons opportunity to strike.

Though Robin was still at the young age of 3, the Archangel, Michael, informed Raphael that his visits with Robin could not continue to be the same as they had been.

"Raphael, I implore you with my deepest concern, you will have to stop showing yourself to Robin very soon. She is beginning to think on her own and will start school very soon. If word gets out of her time spent with you, it will put strain on her future and what others may come to believe."

Raphael did not want to stop visiting Robin because he felt he would be letting her down if he did, and he felt she was too young to understand that he could not show himself anymore. Even though Raphael knew he would always be near her to protect her, the risk of Robin forgetting about that would be present. Still, Raphael loved Robin enough to know it was best for her that he stop showing himself.

Michael had some additional advice for Raphael.

"You are still charge of her safety, and may influence her in ways that she can't physically see, but you will not interfere in her free will."

It was heartbreaking for Raphael, but the idea that he could still watch over her and protect her, just not in her view, kept him going.

"I will do it, Michael. I understand the sacrifice that must be made, but will I ever be able to show my face to her again?" Raphael asked.

"No. However, you may take the form of any man to speak to her if you may, but those chances will only come rarely."

"But that sounds like the counterfeit powers of the demon, Zagam."

"Not quite, Raphael."

While it is true that we Archangels have powers that man cannot fathom, the demons also have powers that mirror ours. The difference is we have the best of intentions, so you may take the body of man when you are able to for positive reasons. The demons, on the other hand, have bad intentions, and seek to do harm in everything they do."

Michael's advice rang true to Raphael, and he soaked in his knowledge.

"When will the visits stop, Michael?"

Michael looked at Raphael closely, with the misty clouds of heavenly aura around them.

"You have one last visit with Robin where she will see you. After that, she will never see you again, according to the rules we shall impose."

"I see. Tomorrow is the eve of Robin's 4th birthday."

"Yes. You may visit her at night while her family is asleep."

"May I make a request, Michael?" Raphael asked.

"Raphael, I am not your overseer. We both have great abilities...some that you have even exceed my own, but I am here to guide you to become an even better Archangel, and to better guide your little one."

"Well, I'd like to request that I take Robin out to fly during my last visit."

"Yes, you may. You can take her anywhere, except for Heaven itself," Michael explained.

Raphael was pleased, but the idea that it would be the last time that Robin's little, innocent eyes would be able to see him again, saddened him.

"Don't worry, Raphael. You will adjust to it. This change will make you even stronger, and will give Robin the chance to test her own faith."

The following day started out as any other day for little Robin. She ate breakfast with her older brothers and sisters, then went to her room to play.

"Oh, Raphy, where are you? I want to play," she said.

Raphael watched her, but he did not make himself visible, for he was saving that last moment for nightfall. However, Robin, even for the little girl that she was, became very concerned. It was the first time Raphael had not come out when she asked. So, she decided to ask her siblings.

"Jay...have you seen Raphy?" she asked her oldest brother.

Tony, her other older brother heard her question.

"Raphy? Who is that?" he asked.

"He's my angel friend. But I can't find him anywhere!" she said.

"Robin, that's your pretend friend," Jay said.

"Yeah. Raphy isn't real," Tony added to the conversation.

"Yes, he is!" Robin shouted back.

She left toward the family room and found her sister, Bianca, watching cartoons. She was 7 years old.

"Bonca?" she called her sister, unable to pronounce her name.

"What, Robin? I'm trying to watch TV."

"Sorry. I'm trying to find my friend, Raphy. Have you seen him anywhere?"

"Raphy? Who is that?" Bianca asked.

"My angel friend. He's gone. Have you seen him?" Robin asked again.

"What? That's your imaginary friend. He isn't a real thing. Now go away and let me watch my show!"

Robin began to cry. Her mother came into the main room from the kitchen.

"What's going on? Why is Robin crying?" the mother asked.

"Because she's whining about some imaginary friend that doesn't exist," Bianca told her mother.

"He is real! Mommy?!" Robin complained with tears rolling down her cheeks.

"I know, honey.....let's go back to your room and see if he is in there."

"Okay," she said with a pout, while holding her mother's hand down the hall.

When they entered, Robin's mother called out Raphael's name softly, pretending to be trying to get him to come out. While her mother was understanding of her daughter's friend, she didn't believe him to be real in the sense that she could see him. But she decided to play along.

"Do you see him, Robin?"

", I don't. Where is he?" she asked her mother, while more tears followed.

Her brother, Jay, walked by her room at that moment.

"Maybe he's mad at you," he said.

Tony came up from behind Jay.

"Yeah, maybe he doesn't like you anymore."

However, that was not true. Raphael was there, but not in sight. He could hear everything being said, and as he watched more tears of dreadful sorrow fall down Robin's chubby cheeks, he decided to intervene.

"I may get in trouble for this, but it needs to be done," he thought to himself.

Without showing himself, Raphael used a gentle, but firm force to remove the boys from Robin's doorway, then shut the door behind them.

Her brothers were in shock. While they saw nothing, they sure felt it.

"Hey! What was that?!" Jay yelled.

Tony said nothing out of fear, but perhaps they deserved what they got.

"Raphael!" Michael shouted from another dimension.

"I'm sorry for my reaction, Michael, but I had to. They aren't hurt, nor did they see anything," Raphael explained.

Michael was in deep thought.

"I see that, but I'm still watching you, as are all of us now. Your visit tonight is still planned, but it will be a short one."

"But Michael, they were telling her lies!" Raphael responded.

"One time is risky enough, but twice will make even the non-believers believe something is up. Just don't let it happen again. You understand?"

Raphael was reluctant, but he agreed.

"Yes. I understand."

Meanwhile, the mother didn't know what it was that forced her boys out, but in the back of her mind, she wondered if Robin's claim may have had some truth to it. It sure looked odd. Nonetheless, the rest of the day went on like any other day. Robin's mother kept her busy with activities and crafts around their normal family schedule. After a dinner that she barely ate and a bath, Robin was ready for an early bed time to be up early for her birthday the next day. She was still down about her missing friend, and kept telling herself that Raphy would be back. After her mother tucked her in, she helped her with her prayers. Robin prayed for Raphy to come again. Her mother told her not to worry about such things, then kissed her goodnight and left the room. Within minutes, Raphael appeared at Robin's bed side.

"Why are you crying, Robin?" he asked.

Robin turned in her bed and her face lit up with joy.

"Raphy! You came back!"

"Shhhhhh," Raphael responded with a smile.

Robin put her arms up to be held, and Raphael lifted her up.

As she wiped away her tears, she still wondered why Raphael had not shown himself earlier.

"Are you mad at me?" she asked with so much concern.

"I could never be mad at you, Robin."

"Do you still like me?" she asked.

"Of course! I love you," Raphael told her.

"Then why did you not come out to play today?"

"Robin, I was here and I am always here. You just can't see me sometimes."

"Can't see you?" Robin wondered.

"Yes, dear. Remember when your brothers left the room and the door shut?"

Robin looked at him.

"Do you remember?"

She nodded yes.

"That was me. They were being mean and telling lies. So, I gently made them go away. I was protecting you, and I will always protect you.....even when you can't see me. Understand?"

Robin nodded again.

"Can we fly tonight?" she asked.

Raphael peeked outside the door to see the hall light off and Robin's parents' room door closed, then shut her door behind him.

"Let's go," he said cheerfully.

Robin smiled and climbed onto Raphael's back between his beautiful white wings. Once out the window, he took off into the night sky. It was moments like these that he would never forget. He soaked it in and froze it in his memory, for he knew there would be no other time to fly with this wonderful, little girl. The goodness he saw in her was like no other. She was a giver and destined to do great things. Raphael could feel it, especially as they embarked on one last journey.

"Robin! Since tomorrow is your birthday, tell me where you want to go, and we'll go there!"

Robin, even for a young, soon-to-be 4-year-old, knew exactly where she wanted to go.

"I want to see whales!"

"Ahh! Yes, what kind of whales?"Raphael asked as the wind blew through his long, dark hair.

"A Orca whale!"

It was a magical request. Also known as a killer-whale, the orca was always a sight for sore eyes, and it was Robin's request to see one in person.

"Hold on tight!" Raphael said, before spreading his wings, and within an instant, was over the great Atlantic Ocean.

The moonlight shone upon the water's choppy surface like glistening stars of the night's sky, but there was more than water in Robin's sight. Just below them were a pod of orca whales. Robin was as close to heaven as she could imagine.

"Can I touch one?" she asked.

Raphael looked toward the sky, then back down to lower Robin closer to the water's surface. Raphael's wings turned brown to be on guard, but God called upon a young whale to surface briefly below Robin, allowing her to stroke her hand along its nose with ease.

"Wow! I touched the orca!" she said with amazement.

Raphael lifted her back up, just as his wings turned back to white. The whale then whistled and slapped its flipper against the water, sprinkling Robin. She loved it, squealing with the delight of being acknowledged by one of nature's greatest creatures.

Raphael was so glad to see her smile, but knew the moment had to come to an end. Again, he froze her smile in time, but knew it wasn't him that wouldn't be able to see her, but vice-versa.



"Never forget this moment," Raphael told her.

"I won't. This is the best night ever!"

"Yes, it really is," he told her.

Raphael could feel his short visiting time coming to an end. It was time to depart.

"Robin, are you ready to return home? You need your rest for your big day tomorrow."

Robin reluctantly agreed. Within another instant spread of Raphael's wings, they were back over Robin's house. The Archangel entered back through her window and set her down into bed. Robin hugged him and kissed him on the cheek.

"I love you, Raphy. Thank you so much for taking me to see the whales."

"It was the father who permitted me to do so, Robin."

"You mean God? Oh, thank you, God, for letting Raphy take me out flying to see whales tonight."

Even for an angel, Raphael wanted to shed a tear, but before he could respond, a distant rumble of thunder could be heard in the distance.

Robin walked toward her window and looked into the night sky. Raphael approached.

"That was God, honey. He said 'you're welcome,' as a way to show you he cares."

Robin smiled and laid back into bed.

"Robin, there is something that you must do for me now."


"You see, after tonight, you won't be able to see me again."

"I won't?"

"No, sweetie. But please, know that I am always here in your room. I will always protect you for the rest of your life."

Robin teared up.

"But I want to see you...."

"Listen, Robin. You can't see me anymore, but I will be right next to you to keep you safe....right by your side. You can talk to me and pretend to play with me because I'll be right next to you. Can you remember that?"

Robin nodded once again, but only this time, with more tears.

"Now I must go, little one."

Robin hugged Raphael again, only tighter this time.

"Be strong for me, Robin. And know that even though you can't see me, I am always here."

"Always?" she asked, while wiping her face.

"Always. I promise."

They separated from their hug, and Raphael began disappearing as Robin cried, but his words stayed with her, and she'd never forget them.

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