forgiveness and fate ☾ the m...

By imrealost

57.7K 1.4K 606

Teresa survives, and Thomas and her begin to mend what was damaged. Set in Paradise. (After The Death Cure) More

chapter 1 {a new life}
chapter 2 {what it's like now}
chapter 3 {resolving the awkward}
chapter 4 {exploring the paradise}
chapter 6 {their undeniable connection}
chapter 7 {her before him}
chapter 8 {by your side}
chapter 9 {promise to himself}
chapter 10 {he remembered it}
chapter 11 {when she waits}
chapter 12 {the real truth}
chapter 13 {why he did}
chapter 14 {seeing 'mother' teresa}
chapter 15 {dreams and memories}
chapter 16 {could always remember}
chapter 17 {are soulmates real?}
chapter 18 {what they wanted}
chapter 19 {deep rooted love}
chapter 20 {lovingly ranting}
chapter 21 {a question}
chapter 22 {marriage}

chapter 5 {their unbreakable bond}

2.7K 76 27
By imrealost

FIRE. It can spread pretty quickly, can't it? The smoke can kill you before the actual flames. The actual flames are hot, and burns and blisters form. It's difficult to breath, but normally, there's a way out. But for them, there wasn't.

They were stuck, stranded on the rooftop of WICKED, wrapped in each other's arms. She was terrified, and devastated. It turned out WICKED was selfish - the cure would only be given to the people chosen.

Tears were dripping down her face, and she looked up at the flames. She was holding onto Thomas for dear life. All they had was each other, and they were going to die together.

Thomas was gasping, his lungs battling to breathe. His wound wasn't helping, either.

Teresa touched his face, as he leaned his head against her, his eyes watering too. Thomas sunk down, and they both rested their foreheads against one another.

It was just the two of them. They'd accepted that they'd die together. This was the end.

The end of WICKED. The end of them.

"I'm sorry," Teresa cried, her face scrunching up in sadness and in fear. "I tried" she choked out.

Thomas nodded at her, weakly struggling.

"I know"

Their faces were so close. They could feel each other's breath on each other's faces, despite the searing heat. They leaned in, and kissed. Explosions were going off in both of their stomachs, and it was a sweet, yet sad kiss

But he'd forgiven her.

Time goes by quickly, as Teresa eventually hauls Thomas onto the Berg. He yells for her, yet the building to the side gives way, and smashes onto the platform Teresa is still stood on.

She yells, and falls to her knees.

"Teresa!" Thomas yells, as the building groans from impact.

She gets up, her eyes flooded with tears. She knows it's too late. But she's satisfied and glad that Thomas is safe. She smiles at him, a small, yet brave smile.

The ground beneath her gives way, and she falls along with the crumbled ruins of WICKED.

"No!" her haunted voice rips through the silent air.

She bolts upright, sweaty and fearful. "No! No! No, no" she begins to cry, covering her face with her hands.

Thomas, who awoke to her first yell, scrambles out of bed quickly, and holds her. He hushes her as she cries, still terrified. The dream was too real. Way too real. That's why she's panicking so bad.

I should be dead. Why. . .how am I still here? Am I even alive? Is this even real?, Teresa thinks.

Thomas gently smooths her hair down her back, hoping it'll calm her down from whatever nightmare she had. He knows there were many reasons why she had a nightmare - Griever's, the deaths escaping the Maze, Cranks, WICKED, the fire on the rooftop. . .probably many more.

A few minutes later, her breathing steadies. Thomas begins to calm down, too. He gets stressed if she does. There's a quiet knock on the door, yet it makes Teresa jump. Instinctively, she grips onto Thomas's shirt, worried he'll be dragged away from her.

"Come in" Thomas calls out.

Vince opens the door, Minho beside him, holding a lantern.

"She okay? What happened?" Vince asks Thomas, seeing Teresa's shaken up state.

"She had a nightmare. She's okay now, aren't you Teresa?" Thomas asks her.

She looks up at him, her blue eyes meeting his. She nods.

"Alright, well. . .get some sleep guys. I think you've only been asleep for about two hours anyways" Vince says, before walking away.

Minho still stands there.

Thomas, wanting to lighten the mood, makes a comment.

"Never thought I'd see ya like that" he states.

"Like what?"

Teresa shifts in Thomas's arms, to see Minho.

"Like a nanny, or whatever. It's that lantern"

"Oh, shuck you. I like it" Minho smiles at the lantern.

"Right," Thomas rolls his eyes, and can see in the corner of his eye that Teresa is smiling a little. "Night, Nanny Minho"

"Oh shut up, you ugly shank," Minho replies back, trying not to laugh. He turns, but then says one last comment. "Teresa, teach your boyfriend some manners. Please"

And then he's off. Running with the lantern in his hand.

The hut door swings shut, the hilarious image of Minho scuttling off, is blocked off. Thomas chuckles slightly, and then realises what Minho just said. Boyfriend.

Oh, thanks for making it awkward now, Minho, Thomas thinks.

He looks down, and Teresa's head is slumped against his chest, his right arm around her, keeping her up, his left hand holding both of her dainty hands.

"Teresa?" he mumbles.

He puts his right arm down, so he can see her face better. Turns out, she's fallen asleep. The corners of Thomas's mouth tilt up, ever so slightly. He carefully lays her back onto her bed. He watches over her for a few moments, and then quietly takes one step towards the direction of his bed.

But it feels wrong. She just had a nightmare, was clinging onto him for dear life, and now he's just letting her sleep alone, again. What if she gets another nightmare? What if it's worse? What if she won't be able to calm down?

A few seconds later, Thomas has tucked Teresa back into his arms. About twenty minutes later, he falls asleep.

THE FOLLOWING MORNING, Teresa awakens feeling very warm. Comfortably, perfectly warm. She feels secure, and peacefully safe, just because she feels warmth. She opens her eyes, tiredly, and then realises why she's so warm.


Oh, she thinks. The nightmare.

She realises that ever since they all ended up in the Safe Haven, Thomas and herself would always, somehow, end up falling asleep in each others arms. And probably because last night they went to bed separately, she got a nightmare because there was no comfort surrounding her. He doesn't even know how much his embrace can relax her. She doesn't even know how much her embrace can calm him.

Teresa carefully turns around, so she faces him. She's judging by the brightness of the the light streaming into the hut, through the tiny gaps in the wooden logs, that it's early morning. But she can already hear a few people bustling about outside. Which means that work has to be done, to get this place into order, and keep it that way.

Which also means that she, has to get up. And Thomas.

She gently pats his cheek, attempting to awaken him. He grumbles, and his eyebrows furrow slightly. Teresa smiles, trying not to chuckle. How, like how can someone be so adorable?, she thinks. She pats his face again, and he shifts, rolling onto his back. Since Teresa was wrapped up in his arms, she accidentally gets rolled with him.

She sighs. Try again, she thinks. She shakes herself out of his grip, and shakes his shoulders gently.

"Thomas," she whispers. "Thomas, wake up!"

He grumbles, clearly trying to stay asleep.

"Tom. Come on, we have to get up"

He's awake now, but he keeps his eyes closed. He rolls over to his side.

"Thomas, wake up. Please. Wake. Up"

He doesn't respond, yet she knows he's already awake. He's so stubborn, Teresa thinks.

She stands up on the small bed, and jumps. A second later, Thomas's eyes are open, his body slumped on the floor, though the blankets cushioned his fall.

"Alright, alright. I'm awake" he surrenders, yawning.

WHEN THOMAS JOINS the breakfast table, he can see the memorial. He can see that a few people have placed the blue and yellow flowers in front of the Stone, that him and Minho picked up from their run the day before.

I wonders what Chuck would've thought about the flowers. Or Alby. Or Winston. Or the other's. Or Newt, he thinks.

"Thomas" a voice calls to him.

Thomas looks up, to see Gally and Minho stood up. His dark eyebrows furrow slightly. Why do they look so serious?, Thomas wonders.

"Yeah?" Thomas asks.

"Er, we need to talk to you. Like, right now" Minho states, quickly glancing at Gally.

Teresa's ocean eyes dart between the two, and Thomas. What's going on?, she thinks.

"Alright" Thomas stands, leaving his breakfast. He pats Teresa on the shoulder before he leave the table.

She watches him as he walks away, in the middle of Gally and Minho. Frypan is nowhere to be seen, Teresa noticing he's not beside Brenda. She heads over to sit by the girl, and they make conversation. The whole time they talk, the whole time Teresa wonders why all the the Glader's of Group A have met up. And she's not part of it.

Maybe it's because they still think I'm a betrayer. Or because they don't trust me. . .no, Thomas trusts me now. And Minho. I think, she wonders.

THEY HEAD OVER to the rocks that Teresa and Minho spoke upon, a few days before. The cliff that hangs over the sea. Thomas stands in front of Gally. Minho and Frypan both look at Gally, waiting for him to speak up.

"Minho told me that Teresa had a nightmare" Gally starts.

Thomas narrows his eyes. Is that literally what they want to talk about?, he thinks.

"Yeah. And?" Thomas questions.

"We were wondering. . .did she actually tell you what it was about?"

Thomas blinks, realising. "No," he notices that Minho rubs his face, and Frypan shifts his feet, nervously, whilst Gally swallows loudly. "What is it?"

"Remember after we apparently got 'rescued' after the Maze?," Minho starts, putting finger quotations over the word. "Well, remember you told us later on, that she said they were giving her some of her memories back? Well, what if she can remember some important stuff? Or stuff about us? The nightmare could've been her discovering some things that she'd forgotten, or it's shucking likely that it'll be about WICKED"

"Maybe. I. . .I guess I'll have to ask her" Thomas answers.

"But what if she lies?" Frypan asks.

"Yeah, I mean. . .she could," Gally adds. "Like, I don't entirely trust her yet, but seeing that she was going to and willing to die for ya, I trust her a little"

Thomas shakes his head. "I'll be able to tell if she's lying- I know her; and I can just tell if she's hiding something. . .I don't know how"

Minho nods at his response."Yeah guys, shanks' gotta point- he knows her better than we all do. How adorable" he teases him at the end.

Thomas rolls his eyes, and the serious conversation goes to 'stupid' conversation.

"I thought I asked her to teach you, her boyfriend, how to have some manners" Minho pointed out, sarcastically.

"Minho, we're not together"

"Oh, but you will be" Minho points at Thomas, acting like he's some fortune teller.

"Yeah, let's face it- you will be" Gally adds.

"I'll make the wedding cake myself" Frypan says.

"Guys! Okay, I'm walking away" Thomas turns around, and begins to walk away from the remaining boy Glader's.

"Oh wait, Thomas! We have to explore again today!" Minho yells.

TERESA NOTICED Thomas walking back, the others beside him. She told Brenda she was going to move back to her normal seat, and moved. Thomas joins her back at his place, his half uneaten breakfast still there. Frypan sits beside Brenda, and Minho sits in front of them.

Teresa watches Thomas as he eats. She doesn't want to ask about what they were talking about, thinking she might seem suspicious to him. But she does, anyway.

"What was that all about?" she asks him.

He looks from his plate, to her. "Nothing to worry about. I'll tell you later, okay? But Minho said me and him'll have to go exploring again, so I'll be gone for a few hours" he goes back to finishing his breakfast.

Teresa swallows the lump in her throat. He got lucky yesterday, but what if he gets hurt today? she worries.

"Your wound is all headed up?" Teresa asks him.

"Yeah" he mumbles, mouth full of food.

"And you weren't hurt yesterday or anything? Like, you'll be okay, right?"

He picks up on her tone. She's anxious, he can tell.

"Teresa, I'll be fine. I wasn't hurt yesterday, I felt fine. Don't worry about me, okay? It's not like there's Griever's out there" Thomas finishes his breakfast, looking her in the eye.

She nods. "I know. . .it's just, I get worried about you" she says, quietly.

"I know. But don't, okay? I'll be fine. Besides, it's not the worst thing in the world. Anyway, I need to get ready to go with Minho, I'll talk to you when I get back, okay?" Thomas stands.

Teresa stands up with him. She looks him in the eye, and talks to him before she pulls him into a hug.

"Promise me you won't do anything stupid"

"I promise you- I won't" he mumbles into her hair.

"I SWEAR, it's the most adorable thing. She worries about you so much, and yeah I know that's not nice for her, but it's literally the cutest thing ever. You're such a lucky shank, Thomas" Minho says, between his breaths whilst they're running.

"I swear, all you ever talk about, is me and her"

"Oh come on, you love it"

TERESA WORKS WITH BRENDA, helping organise the right people into their designated huts. All of the wooden huts have been built now, miraculously. Probably because they have Gally, who was Keeper of the Builder's.

It's strange to Teresa, to think that Thomas is the reason why the very girl is still alive. Still living. Still breathing. Still healthy. Still human. His blood is the cure. He is the cure. Yet there's no use for it now. WICKED is gone.

She knows that calling WICKED when they were with the Right Arm, was the right thing to do. In her opinion, anyway. Yet, she still debates that with herself.

But she did it for the billions of people, suffering and dying. She did it for her mother. She did it for all the desperate people, waiting for a cure, that only her, other Immunes, and WICKED could provide.


She drops the now useless list from her hands. Someone quickly grabs it, and Brenda shakes Teresa gently.

"You good?"

"Yeah, yeah. . .I just spaced out"

"I can see that," Brenda smiles. "You need to sit down, or something?"

"Oh, no, no. I'm good"

For the rest of the day, Teresa helps out in the medical hut. She's assessing and making sure that all the surviving Immune children are okay. It's strange for her to think, that her, Thomas, and the others used to be like them. And they still are, now.

She talks to them, and confirms some of the rumors they had heard of when they were being held.

"So, yeah, I was in the Maze Trials. Thomas, Minho, Frypan and Gally were, too. There were many other boys, and I was the only girl"

"Is it true that you and Thomas made the Maze?"

"Yeah. . .well, we helped WICKED make it, but we did a lot"

"Oh" many voices mutter.

It's not just the children that hear Teresa answering. A lot of others do, too.

They're all fascinated, how the two managed to help create the Maze. They're so young, and the fact they were able to have been able to do that proves how clever they both area. And proves how strong their bond is. And why, after everything, their bond has always been like that.

a/n: ppllleeeeaaasseee vote! X

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