Kidnapped By A Bipolar Vampir...

By Black_Rose37945

715K 18.1K 2.7K

Rose Knight is a random 15 year old girl, who is abused by her mother. One night her mother stabs her so Rose... More

Kidnapped By A Vampire™©
Chapter 2: Stabbed by one crazy bitch
Chapter 3: Edward
Chapter 4: Pedo-mobile
Chapter 5: DINOSAUR
Chapter 6:We killed Bambi's mom!
Chapter 7: Casper the friendly ghost
Authors note (READ!!!!)
Chapter 8:Soul Mates?
Authors note and character bio(READ!!!)
Chapter 10: The past and a familiar face
Chapter 11:Random and I know it!
Chapter 12: Love triangle?!
Chapter 13: Rose in Wonderland ♠♥♣♦
Chapter 14:The truth
Chapter 15: SHINNY
Chapter 16: Mr. And Mrs. Fang Face (o,..,0)
Chapter 17: PISSWILLY
Chapter 18: Phantom of the Masquerade
Chapter 19: Gang it looks like we have a mystery to solve
Chapter 20: I trusted you
Chapter 21: Though gray eyes
Chapter 22: Happily Ever After
Chapter 23: The end for now
One last authors note
Last authors note for reals!!

Chapter 9: Prince of the fang-faces

26.4K 746 125
By Black_Rose37945

Hello! I'm sorry that I haven't update in a while! I began to have writers block so I need a few days to think of some stuff. Some of you may remember Rose talking to a guy named Luke, well I plan on having him show up again, but I don't know when. But anyway enjoy! I'm sorry if I have any mistakes, I'm writing on my iPod! An I'd like to thank those who read every chapter and comment. If it wasn't for you guys I would have already have up. So thank you!

And please vote! And fan me!


Chapter 9

I opened my eyes when I heard my stomach growl," Someone's hungry!"

Yeah no shit Sherlock! "You have the most wonderful way of thinking!" He mutter sarcastically.

I smiled,"Indeed!"

He lead me out of the room and we headed for the kitchen. "Good day, Sebastian- sama!" A Japanese girl said and bowed her head before walking away.

SAMA?! I've been reading manga and watching anime long enough to know sama means lord. LORD?! WHAT THE BANANA NUT BREAD?! Ha banana but bread! CRAP, NO CHANGING SUBJECT! I looked up from staring at my feet to see a pair of green eyes glaring at me. WELL FUCK YOU TO FANG -FACE! He looked over to Sebastian, he bowed his head and left after one last glare. I NEED A STAKE! I paused when we reached the stairs. "What?"

" the stairs move?" I asked.


"Do the stairs move? You know like the stairs in that Harry Potter movie!"

FACE PALM! Why does he always do that? "No I assure you that do not move." He replied.


He hissed and picked me up then everything became blurry and I felt a lot of wind. I dug my head into the crook of his neck and clawed his back. "Umm..I stopped."

I paused then I let go of him. "Never do that again!" I said an pressed my hand to my throbbing head.


"Fuck you!" I said angrily.

He smile,"When and where?"

I smacked his arm,"Dumb ass!"

"Hey you offered!"

"You run as fast as Edward!"

He lightly kissed me on the forehead then lead me into the kitchen.

"Hello. Is there something I can get you?" A girl with short brown hair asked.

Her green eyes look at Sebass with fear. Sebastian scary? Ha! "What would you like?"

"I can fix it myself."

"Nonsense we have sla...."

"Shut up!" I yelled interrupting him.

The girl looked at me with huge eyes. "I'm Rose Knight!" I said as I put a hand for her to shake.

"Hailey, Hailey Rose." She said smiling while shaking my hand.

She wouldn't let me cook, she

said that she wanted to so I let her. I need something right now! COOKIES! "Hailey, do you guys have cookies?"


No cookies? No cookies?! NO COOKIES?! I fell back on Sebastian. "Are you..."


"No what?" he asked.

"No.....cookies!" I said and I felt my soul leave my body.

I frowned when I heard and felt Sebastian laugh. "THIS IS NOT FUNNY THIS IS TERRIBLE!"

He stopped laughing but a smile still remained on his face. I stayed there withe my back leaning on his chest. Casper? Jasper? Hmmmm. "That's funny!" I said with a smile.


"Well," I said,"Casper sounds like Jasper, and Jasper is a character in Twilight!"

FACE PALM! Casper's pretty hot though! I bet he has a six-pack! I wouldn't mind if I were his! Sebastian hissed and his fingers landed on my collar,"Your mine!"

I smiled then whispered in his ear,"I might be wearing the collar, but you'll always be the bitch!"

"Foods ready!" Hailey said and set the plate of eggs and bacon in front of me. BACON! YUM! I paused, I need a spoon. I blinked when a spoon magically appeared in my hand. "SPOON!"

I took a pice of bacon and ate it. YUM! I began to eat as Sebastian sat there watching me. "Having fun, Edward?"


"How old are you anyway?" I asked.

"Well," he said," I'm 300 years old."

I felt my jaw drop,"300?!"


HOLY CHESE-IT! LILE WHAT THE FUCK? "But you don't talk like you are!"

He shrugged,"Practice."

"Wow," I said,"You really are a pedo bear!"

His eyes narrowed. HA! "Sebastian," Lilly said walking in,"Oh hi, Rose."


"I'm bored can we play dress up Sebastian?" She asked him.

HAHAHAHAHA! I wanna see that. "He plays dress up?"I asked and laughed.

"Yes," Lilly said with a smile,"I make him wear the yellow ones!"

I bursted out laughing. "LILLY!"

I fell down to the ground laughing. "STOP LAUGHING!"

I stood up and wiped the tears away,"Hey Lilly, do you have any pictures of that?"


"Sebastian-sama! Your father needs you!" The Japanese girl from earlier said.

"How about Rose plays with you instead." Sebastian suggested.

"Yeah, come on Rose!"

I let her drag me all the way to her room. I looked at her room with horror. All the walls were neon pink and her bed was full of creepy dolls and stuffed animals. "I have a beautiful red dress that will fit you!"

I smiled and waited as she took the red dress out of the closet. WOW! That dress really is beautiful! She handed it to me and I quickly dressed into it. "TIME TO DO YOUR HAIR!"

I sighed. I sat down as she put my hair into a Victorian style bun. HOLY SHIT! "My mom taught me how to do that," she said," Now for make up!"

I close my eyes as she put white eye shadow on me. Then she added blush and lip gloss. WATERMELON LIP GLOSS! HOLY SHIT, IT SMELLS LIKE WATERMELON! I looked in the mirror and saw a beautiful girl, that looked only a little like me. I smiled,"Thanks!"

"Now it's my turn!"

I picked out a light blue dress for her. She changed into it and I braided two pieces of her hair and bobby pined them together to make the mermaid braid. Then I applied a light blue eyeshadow to her eye lids, but a little blush on her cheeks, then I added some clear lip gloss to her lips. "Wow,"She said looking in the mirror, "What is this braid called?"

"Mermaid Tail Braid!"

"I really do look like a mermaid!" She smiled.

"A mermaid vampire. Merpire?"

She giggled. "Do you really have a picture of Sebastian in a dress?"

"Yep!" She said and dogged around.

She smiled when she found it and she held it up to my face. HA! Sebastian was actually smiling and he was wearing make up! HA! I laughed a little. He must like children. "You can have it! I have another one!"

I smiled,"Thank you!"

I looked over and saw a huge book self full of mangas. THIS IS HEAVEN! "Wow!"

"You can borrow any of them!"

I walked over to the book self and looked at the titles. One cought my eye, Vampire Knight. I picked it up. she looked at me and smiled, "Can you read it out loud for me?"

"Of course!" I said and we sat on the bed.

Vampire knight is about this girl named Yuki. She and her childhood friend, Zero protect the the night classes secret from the day class. The whole night class is full of vampires. Wow I never would have guessed that! Sarcasm fully intended. Anyway Yuki loves Kaname, Kaname saved yuki's life when she was a kid. And Zero is basically the emo kid of the story. His parents were killed by a vampire so he was taken in by Yuki's foster dad, Head master Cross. I pretty sure he's gay! Zero turns out to be a vampire too, the irronic part of that is, he really hates vampires.You can tell that Zero is in love with Yuki, but she's to busy with Kaname to realize it. I read the books out loud, well all the way to volume 13. I am Team Zero all the way!

"Sebastian's been gone for a while! I wonder what he's doing."

"He probably off doing prince stuff."

WHAT? "Prince stuff?"

"Yeah. He's prince of all vampire's." She said and then fell asleep.


I looked over as Sebastian entered the room. I put a finger to my mouth telling him not to talk. He looked at me with wide eyes and  then started checking me out. I gently got up and we  walked out of her room closing the door. "You look beautiful!"He whispered in my ear.

I smiled. NO! DON'T SMILE! HE GETS SILENT TREATMENT! I walked away and entered his room. "Why are you giving me the silent treatment?"

Hmph! "Rose?"

I sat down on the bed. He pouted then sat down beside me. He brushed a strand of hair away from my face. His finger stroke my cheek,"Rose, talk to me."

NO BITCH! He nibbled my ear and I shivered. "What's wrong?"

"I don't know you tell me,"I said,"Prince Sebastian!"

He paused,"Umm... I probably should have told you sooner."


"Okay, I should have," He said,"Please don't be mad!"

I paused, I looked at the picture in my hand then showed it to him. He groaned,"I hate that picture!"

"I think it's sexy" I said with a laugh.

"I'm going to burn it!" he said reaching for it.

"Nope! I won't let you!"

He leans forward trying to grab it, but I put it behind my back. He frowned,"Now Rose! Give it to me!"

"That's what she said!"

He sighed,"Are you wearing watermelon lip gloss?"


"Does it taste like watermelon?"

"I don't know." I answered.


He leaned forward and his tongue touched my lips. Then he pulled my lower lip into his mouth and sucked on it. He pulled away licking his lips,"Yep, taste like watermelon."

I rolled my eyes and he kissed me.


Sorry again for taking so long to update! And thanks for reading!

Also please vote! I'll love you forever!

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