Lies & Deceit (H.S)

By CrazyMofoFG

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What happens when you fall in love without consequence and rational thinking ? You get hurt. (Please note tha... More



24 5 6
By CrazyMofoFG

A/N:  My kitten died last night!!! 😢😢😢😢 I am absolutely heartbroken... Now I'm at work all heartbroken and puffy eyed. I hate this feeling !!!

Anyway as promised, your update.... (heads up, there will be a time jump of 3 weeks.)

It's been three weeks since I came home. Since then I've gotten my car, which drives like a dream, I've put my house in the market and I'm 40 pages into the book I'm writing. The court case which was scheduled for last week was nerve wrecking, but I managed to talk without so much as a crack in my voice. Stephen was sentenced to ten years, just like Lieutenant Burrow had mentioned. Harry and I have been doing great, however he refused spending time with his friends while I was with him, which is amazing, but strange. Harry and I went out for my birthday and decided to celebrate his as well. What a crazy night out- I hardly remember the half of it.

"Ash?" Rebecca knocks on my office door, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Hmm?" I hum and turn in my chair, greeting her with a warm smile. In these past two weeks Rebecca and I have grown quite fond of each other and spend a lot of time together along with Stacy.

"Jake wants to see the progress on your book." She mumbles and rolls her eyes. I sigh and shake my head before turning back to my computer.

"Fine, let me just print the new pages and I'll go see him." With a swift nod she leaves my office. I still find it rather fascinating that Rebecca would rather come tell me things in person than phone me.

I hurriedly print the few pages and make my way out of my office. Jake absolutely despises it when someone takes their time on anything. I loathe Jake if I have to be honest with myself. Since Rebecca and I have gotten rather close, she opened up about her relationship with Jack. Actually she had no choice as I am as persistent as a mosquito. Apparently upon starting her job here, he got a liking toward her. He pursued her until she finally agreed on going out with him on a date.. According to her he was a complete gentleman, she just liked playing hard to get. The night of the date, things happened between them and to this day he thinks he can get anything from her with the snap of his fingers. She made it clear to him that what happened was a mistake, but he pays no mind to what she thinks or feels. I roll my eyes at the thought of him. On a few occurrences I noticed how he even blatantly flirted with me, sometimes in front of coworkers. Sure, it makes me uncomfortable, but I like my job and because of that I want to keep things civil. I have confronted him about it, but Jake just does not listen. With a sigh I knock on the door of his office.

"Come in." He snaps and I inwardly groan.

"Hi." I plaster a fake smile on my face. I need to be nice- he is my boss after all. I just need to keep reminding myself that I need to be nice.

"Ashley." He purrs and gestures to the seat in front of him. I feel bile rise in my throat at the tone of his voice.

"Oh thanks, but I only brought you the draft of my book to read. Rebecca said you wanted to see it." I politely decline his offer to sit and slightly slam down the small stack of papers on his desk. This action causes him to raise his eyebrows. I subconsciously chuckle and step back slightly.

"Let me know what you think." I mumble and walk out of his office before he gets the chance to reply. I slowly fist pump the air and walk back toward the elevator.

Once in the elevator I hear the door to Jack's office open slightly. With the speed of light I press the close elevator doors button and will the doors to close in time. Thankfully they start to close just as I see Jack exit his office. I quickly pull my phone out of my pocket and pretend to talk so that I can seem distracted.

"Hold it." Jake yells as soon as the doors close.  I sigh in relief and giggle slightly. There's no way I want to be trapped in an elevator with that man.

Once the elevator stops and the doors open I rush toward my office, I glance at the clock hanging on the wall and smile as its time for me to leave work.  Harry and I have made plans to spend the weekend together, but he insists on keeping what we'll be doing a secret. I've tried prying the information out of him, but with no success so far. I guess I'll just have to wait and see. I quickly straighten up my office and grab my things. I lock the door to my office and happily make my way to the stairs- some exercise will do me good. Once I reach the reception area I notice that Rebecca is also preparing to leave.

"Bye Bec." I smile and give her a small wave.

"Bye Ash." She greets me and continues with whatever she's busy with.


"Finally!" I groan and throw my handbag onto the sofa of my apartment. Today has been one hell of a long Friday.

I sluggishly make my way toward my room and strip off my work clothes. I hang my black blazer back up and throw my suit pants into the washing basket. Apparently whatever I wore before Jake decided on my work attire did not suit him. I roll my eyes at the way too formal clothes and pad over to the bathroom. I slowly turn the taps for the bath and let them run as I scan over the bathroom. I am going to miss this place if it sells. I know I said I wanted to look for something smaller, but truth is that I quite like my space. The apartment has a spare bedroom that I never use, I basically think of my apartment as a one bedroom, and the rest of the apartment is quite spacious. It’s somewhat a bachelors, but bigger. With a sigh I close the running water and pull off my underwear. I gently step into the steaming water and feel the water gently nip at my skin, just how I like it. For a few minutes I relax in the water and feel myself grow drowsy. Just before I fall asleep I sit up and decide to finish up as Harry will be expecting me around five. I had told him that I would be driving to his place. I guess I just wanted to drive my new car as frequently as possible. Minutes pass as I take my time washing my body and my hair. As soon as I'm done I get out of the bath and quickly dry my body. I walk over to my dresser and pull out  some grey underwear and a pair of black leggings with a dark blue sweater that falls to mid thigh, As soon as I'm dressed I pull out a few items of clothing and throw them into the bag I'll be taking to Harry. I gently towel dry my hair, knowing that I'll probably get sick if I don't dry it completely. When my hair is mostly dry I plug in my blow dryer and dry my hair completely. I decide to let it hand loosely in wild waves. I quickly apply some eyeliner and mascara. With a slight shrug and a nod of approval I rush to grab a few essential items from the bathroom and throw them into my overnight bag. When I'm done I slip on some grey ankle boots and make my way to the living room to grab my handbag. I scan the living room, making sure everything is locked and mentally checking if I packed everything. Once I'm certain that I have everything I make my way out of the apartment and into my car.

The drive to Harry's place is short. I feel my excitement bubble inside me as I shut off my car. It's been twelve days since I last saw Harry.  With his workload basically consuming him I suggested that we only visit each other on weekends until we decide otherwise. The last time I saw him was the week after his birthday. I blush as I think about the intimate moments we shared. As I get out of my car and walk up to Harry's front door, I notice how nervous I really am. With a shaky hand I ring his doorbell and within seconds the door is pulled open and I am engulfed in a bear hug.

"I've missed you." Harry murmurs into my hair. I let my bags drop to the floor and wrap my arms around him.

"I've missed you too Harry." I giggle and feel him pull me closer.

"Never stay away that long again." Harry says seriously when he pulls away and looks into my eyes.

"If we're both busy, what else can we do?" I shrug and give Harry a small smile. The way he looks at me makes my legs feel like jelly.

"I'll just drag you with me." He shrugs and pulls me into another hug. I chuckle and gently shove him back.

"I have work, silly." I poke him in the chest and brush past him to get into the house. He picks up my bags and places them inside the house before closing the door.

"Work's not important." Harry waves a hand in the air and grins at me. I laugh and shake my head.

"Fuck, I've missed that." Harry sighs and plants a kiss on my lips.

"And that." He murmurs against my lips causing me to giggle.

He continues his assault of kisses along my neck and collar bone causing a soft moan to escape my lips. I close my eyes and revel in the feeling of his hands on my body. Sparks shoot through my body with every sloppy kiss he places on my skin. I didn't realize how much my body craved his touch. My breathing becomes ragged as he grips my hips and pulls me into him. I place my hands on his shoulders, not completely sure what to do with them.

"Harry..." I whisper and move my one hand to gently pull at his hair.

"Hmm." He hums against my neck. He sucks slightly earning another moan from me.

"Let's go to your room." I murmur and feel him place his lips on mine once again.

"What's wrong with here?" He mumbles while kissing me, his voice hoarse from lust. I feel a familiar burn in the pit of my stomach causing me to pull him toward his room.

"Not here." Is all I manage to say. Harry swiftly picks me up and I wrap my legs around him. My lower region quickly familiarizes itself with the hardness of Harry.

"You're so beautiful." Harry detaches his lips from mine long enough to say those few words before placing them back onto my mouth. I clench my legs causing me to push into him which earns me a moan from him.

Once we enter the room Harry sets me down on the bed, not once detaching his lips from mine. I lustfully start to unfasten his white button up shirt as he loops his fingers under my leggings. With one gentle tug I feel my leggings fall to the floor. He steps back giving me access to his blue jeans. When his jeans fall to the floor he gets busy tugging off my sweater. Within seconds we're both naked and panting. Harry climbs on top of me, placing sot kisses from my inner thighs to my neckline as he goes.

"You make me crazy." Harry whispers once our eyes meet. I smile and tug his face down to mine so we're mere inches apart. I scan his beautiful face for a split second before crashing my lips against his and slipping my tongue into his mouth.

He moans into the kiss which sends my hormones through the roof. I buck my hips and feel him tease me slightly.

"H-Harry p-please." I whimper and squirm under his touch. Without warning he grinds into me. A gasp escapes my lips before slowly turning into soft pants and moans.




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