The Fallen Love (Akeno X Read...

By AdrenalNightmare

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You are an fallen angel who moves to the town with your mother while you attend Kuoh Academy. You know there... More

Thoughts and Feelings (Chapter 2)
Akeno and the Note. (Chapter 3)
Loneliness and Love (Chapter 4)
Secrets and Outfits (Chapter 5)
The Twins (Chapter 6)
Death (Chapter 7)
Awakening (Chapter 8)
Sacred Gear (Chapter 9)
The Dream Past (Chapter 10)
Dream and More (Chapter 11)
Magic Training (Chapter 12)
Destruction of Truth (Chapter 13)
Unlikely Visitor (Chapter 14)
Your Mother (Chapter 15)
Carnival Date (Chapter 16)
Surprise (Chapter 17)
Another Way Brother (Chapter 18)
Brothers Reunited (Chapter 19
What Ends All (Chapter 20)

Both Sides (Chapter 1)

23.4K 241 172
By AdrenalNightmare

You look outside through your window from your new room. You just moved to this town with your fallen angel mother being a fallen angel yourself, you know your kind is hated from the other two sides. You don't know why your mother move to this specific town, because this one is ruled by the house of Gremory.

Over the horizon you see Kuoh Academy the school that you will start going to the first day tomorrow. You aren't ready to go to school with a bunch of filthy devils. You walk to your bed and sat there hearing a knock on the door.

"What is it mother?" As your mother open the door.

"Are you all settle in dear?" She walks in and sits next to you.

This move is hard on the both of you. Your father and your twin is somewhere else in the world as of right now. You haven't seen them over a week since the divorce. Your mother got custody over you while your father had your brother. Your father was an asshole and your brother was just like him. Your mother wasn't too bad, but was somewhat a bitch as well.

"I'm alright." You yawn. "So why did we move here exactly? I mean this town is run by the house of Gremory don't think they are going to be too happy having our kind running around the town."

"Yes I know, but my job moved out here and I think it be great place to start over again. As long we don't run a muck around the town we should be fine dear. Just don't get into any trouble with them." Your mother smiles and walks out of the room.

-The Next Day-

You walk to Kuoh Academy by yourself. Your mother couldn't drive you today, because she had to leave early to start her first day back on the job. As you walk you thought about the town history a lot of fallen angels has died here for certain reasons. You are worried that you will be next for being in this town.

You arrive at Kuoh Academy shortly after thinking about everything. Your first place was the office to grab your schedule then off to whatever class they assign you to for the morning. You quicky told the officer lady your name and thank her for your schedule.

"English? Great now how do I get to that." You look around looking confused as a mouse in the maze.

"I can help you cutie." A girl voice spoke behind you.

You look around seeing a beautiful girl with long black hair and gorgeous eyes. Her legs was to die for a long with her breasts. You wouldn't mind crack those puppies one day. Yet  you can feel that she is a devil.

"Huh what was that?" You lost your train of thought.

"I can help you get to your class I said. My name is Akeno I was sent here to find you and help out with anything you need."

"Oh thanks I guess? My name is (F/N) just move here, but I'm assuming you already knew that as well." You smile weakly.

Akeno takes your schedule out of your hand and looks at it. "So English it seems like? Well we got class together so lucky for you then." She takes your hand and leads you to the classroom on the second floor.

You start hearing voices from the other students as you enter the classroom with Akeno. You don't know why not like you know her or anyone else in this town like it matters.

"Who's the new guy? And why is Akeno touching him." A male student growl.

"Lucky son of a bitch." Another male student starts to cry.

More and more voices starts talking into whispers. It was pretty annoying if being a fallen angel wasn't bad enough you can hear voices from all of them at the same time. There was two open seats in the back where Akeno and yourself sat at.

"Alright class settle down, settle down." The teacher walks in.

"I heard we was having a new student, so I thought we should do something else today. We are going to write an essay about our family, and how they make us feel." He smiles.

-Few minutes later-

You look at the paper that was provided for you. The teacher wants family, but what can you tell him about them? That they're fallen angels? He would definitely have you committed. That your father and twin brother are assholes? And your mother is a drunk? This work is already pissing you off to high heavens. So you got up and hand him the piece of paper back.

"There is nothing on here (F/N)?" The teacher looks at the paper on both sides.

"Yeah sorry bud, but fuck that assignment. I'm not doing it." You walk out the classroom in a rage.

You just sat outside of the academy for the rest of day letting your mind take over. Just that assignment got to you badly. You rather not write about your dysfunctional family.

-Occult Research Club-

"So how is (F/N)?" Rias asks Akeno when she steps in the room.

"Well I haven't seen him after what happen in English class."

"What happen? I thought I ask you to keep an eye on him for what he is.

"Sorry Rias, he was just to fast. And we had an assignment about our family. Think he didn't take it too well."

"I see as long as he doesn't cause destruction for my household or town then we will wait. Just keep on watching him Akeno."

"Yes master." Akeno closes the door behind her.

-Few minutes later-

You open your eyes and notice Akeno is appearing over you and smiling. Seems like someone has finally found you after the out burst you did this morning.

"Afternoon" she giggles.

"Hi?" You stretch.

"Are you ok? From what happen this morning?" Akeno sits next to you.

"Not really just say my family isnt all crack up to be." You tell her.

"I know what you mean." Akeno replies.

"You do?" You ask.

"I do." she replies again.

So you start telling Akeno everything about your family. About your father trying to kill you. Your brother who always follow in his stead. That your mother just stood there and watch. All she did was drink. You actually never told anyone about this before surprising to a an enemy.

Akeno saw the tears that was forming in your eyes after you stop talking. So it was her turn to tell you about everything. So you just sat there listing to this beautiful devil telling her story about what happen. You couldn't believe that she is actually part fallen angel, you wouldn't have guess.

You both look into each other eyes for a quiet some time. You both lean in and start to kiss each other passionately. Then Akeno stops realizing what she has done.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that." Akeno gets up. The leaves you where you were still sitting at.

You couldn't believe that you actually kiss a devil well part devil that is. You guys are supposed to be enemies, but there is something about her. You know there is good inside her. So you gather your things and walk back home. You better not tell your mother about this, she would kill you for fraternizing with the enemy. 

So your first day at Kuoh Academy wasn't too well. You even kiss a beautiful devil on your first day that is a plus to you, you think. Definitely cant tell your mother.

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Love you all

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