Emma Darlington - Series Two...

By missuniverse-

1.9K 122 14

||*Sequel to Emma Darlington Series One*|| Emma Darlington is back and is now realizing what she wants. She d... More

Previously On Emma Darlington
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Authors Note #1
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Authors Note #2
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Eight

91 5 0
By missuniverse-


It was Monday so we had to go back to school- yay. Narcissa dissaperated Draco and I back to Hogwarts and said goodbye before leaving once more. Since Draco wasn't going to do anything fun, I decided to take a walk down good ol' Hogsmeade, and found that it was deserted- except for one shop called 'Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes' or something like that- I wasn't paying attention, more to the fact that it has 'Weasley' in the name. I went inside and saw that it was packed to last corner. There were some L-steps and halfway up them was none other than George and Fred Weasley. I guess they own this shop.I walked around and spotted Harry looking at something dark. Ooh...! I walked over to him and softly nudged his shoulder with mine, looking at what he was looking at.

"Peruvian instant darkness powder?" I said, taking one, throwing it up in the air and catching it. I looked at Harry, who was already looking at me with a confused expression, and smiled at him. Out of nowhere, Fred and George appeared.

"Real money spinner that one," Fred -or George- said.

"Handy if you need to make a quick getaway." George -or Fred- finished. They looked at me and smiled greatly.

"Hey! We know you," George said.

"Yeah, you're the fresh meat, aren't you?" Fred asked. I half smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, I guess so." I shrugged. "My names Em- I mean, Rose." I quickly covered, holding out my hand for them to shake it. Fred took it, kissed it, and winked at me. "Dream on Fred." I said laughing. He rolled his eyes playfully at me. George took it and shook it politely. He then kind of just stared at me for a while. I broke the eye contact when Harry spoke.

"So your name's Rose? I'm Harry." He said awkwardly smiling. I looked at him apologetically.

"Oh right- sorry for being rude before, I was in a shitty- I mean, bad mood." I said shrugging.

"We've met before?" He asked. But I could tell in his facial expression that he remembered. I just ignored him and turned to Fred and George.

"Um..." One of them trailed off, looking at me.

"Your eyes are pink Rose, in case you didn't notice..." The other also said. I just chuckled.

"Haven't noticed." I simply said. I gave Fred a few Galleons for the instant darkness powder and said goodbye, leaving the shop. This could come in handy, you know. I sat down on a nearby bench and just thought to myself. And when I think, I dig deep. Like, what will happen to me when all this is over? Or, what will become of the world if Voldemort succeeds in taking over? What's going to happen to Harry? And Draco? And what about George, I mean, look at him! He is something... Hold on, what the actual hell am I thinking about? Do I... Like George? No, that's silly. Like that's going to happen! I got pulled out of my thoughts when someone grabbed the collar of my shirt and dragged me away into a nearby alley. They let go of me so I could see their faces; bloody Draco and Narcissa!

"What the hell guys? You can be seen!" I hissed at them, looking around. They just ignored me and ushered me to follow them. I reluctantly followed without a word. I knew someone was behind us, watching us. But I, being the person that I am, decided not to look back, as I am like this. We reached the shop called 'Borgin and Burke' and went in. The first I saw was this really old, dusty looking cabinet. Bellatrix told me that it was a transporting cabinet per-say, and the sister of it was in Hogwarts. I looked up in the window and saw a bunch of red hair. Damn it Weasley. I nodded at Fenrir Greyback, so he pulled down the curtain.

Harry's POV

"Harry? Is it me or do Draco and mummy look like two people who don't want to be followed?" Ron said looking out of what used to be a window. Hermione and I looked out, just in time to see Draco grab the new girl, Rose's collar and drag her into a nearby alleyway. We exited the ruined shop and carefully followed Draco and mummy down the alleyway, hearing creepy noises and seeing creepy people. They reached a shop called 'Borgin and Burke' and walked inside. A light shined from above us as I looked over the low roof and saw a window. Hermione and Ron boosted me up to the roof and I looked over through the window. Ron and Hermione joining my side, we all saw Draco inside with mummy, Bellatrix Lestrange, Fenrir Greyback and a couple of other deatheaters (that nobody cared to name). There was no sign of Rose though, which kind of made me worry. There was a cabinet inside, and Draco seemed very fond of it. Fenrir Greyback turned around to us, but we immediately ducked down. When we got back up, we saw that the curtain was pulled down.

Emma's POV

We got onto the train and rode off to Hogwarts. When I looked around to kind somewhere to sit, Harry emerged from one of the compartments.

"Hey Rose, are you okay?" He asked immediately.

"Yeah I'm fine! Why do you ask?" I said, wondering whether he saw me in Borgin and Burke.

"Oh, just wondering. Well, I saw Draco Malfoy kind of drag you away." He said concerning-ly.

"Oh no... It was nothing bad. I've known Draco for a long time- kind of- and we are really good... Friends." I kind of forced myself to say friends because me and Draco are totally not friends. Far from it actually.

"Oh okay then. Well, okay." He said and vanished in his little compartment. Hermione, Ron and Harry just stared at me for a while until I finally left. I found Draco in the Slytherin past of the train, and went to sit with him.

"Hey Draco, what's up?" I asked him as I sat next to him. A lot of his Slytherin friends gave me the evil eye, but I just smiled at them.

"Em- Uh, Rose? What are you doing here?" Draco asked. I shrugged my shoulders.

"There was nowhere else to sit, so, I decided to hang with my bestie!" I exclaimed punching his shoulder. He flinched and rubbed his shoulder, obviously hurt. Oops.

Suddenly, it became very black, as if someone dropped a one of those bombs, like the- Instant Darkness Powder, the exact one that I have in my pocket. Bloody Plotter...

Draco got from his seat and looked around, waving his hand in front of his face to get the smoke away.

"What was that?" Draco asked.

"Relax Draco, it's probably just a first year messing around, come on Draco- sit down. We'll be at Hogwarts soon." Pansy Parkinson said desperately. Whoa bitch calm yourself. When Draco sat back down next to me, he had a sour look on his face.

"Hogwarts, what a pathetic excuse for a school, think I'd pitched myself off the Astronomy tower than attend here for another two years." Draco spat.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Pansy asked.

"Let's just say I don't think I'm going to be wasting my time in Charms class." Draco replied, looking up at his carry on above him. Blaise sniggered.

"Amused Blaise? We'll just see who's laughing in the end." Draco snapped, staring at his carry on. I looked up too just in time to see it move slightly.

When the train ride ended I got up from my seat and walked off the train, not caring about anyone else. I noticed that Draco hadn't gotten off the train- neither did Harry. When we reached the gate, there was something different. About 5 Aurors and 3 teachers were at the gate, checking the luggage and talking to the students. I suddenly got a little nervous; like what if they ask me to unroll my sleeves? There isn't anything secretive in my luggage- at least I don't think there is. I lined up behind Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley. I kind of let go of my grudge with Ron- I'm a changed person. But I'm totally going to get my some of my piercings re-done. You can count on that!

Professor Flitwick came up with a roll of parchment that had a lot of names on it.

"Name," He said to me, not looking up.

"Rosalie May." I said politely. He scrolled through the parchment and pointed to a name.

"Right then," He said and shuffled to the next person. Before he could say anything I asked him a question.

"Professor Flitwick, is- Emma Darlington, on that parchment?" Ron and Hermione immediately looked at me, staring.

"Emma Darlington? No, no, she was expelled last year- she was a suspected deatheater- but her name was on here." He said hurriedly. I nodded and kind of smiled to myself. It's good to know that teachers aren't hiding the fact that I was expelled.

"Hi I'm Hermione Granger." Someone said in front of me. I looked at Hermione and saw that she was talking to me with her hand outstretched so I can shake it.

"Rose May." I replied shaking her hand. She smiled.

"Hey so, not to be nosy or anything, but why did you ask about Emma Darlington?" She asked me, her eyebrow raised.

"Oh um, Emma Darlington was my really great friend, until she turned to the dark side and got herself killed." I lied right through my pearly teeth. The facial expressions on their faces were priceless.

"She's... Dead?" Ron asked, his eyes bulging out of his head.

"Did you know her?" I asked them- even though I already knew.

"Yeah, she was a really good friend until..." Hermione trailed off, looking at Ron.

"What happened?" I asked.

"She burnt down my house. Just burnt it." Ron said through gritted teeth.

"Wow... What an awful thing to do. I can't believe I actually trusted her. I thought she was a good person... But she was forced into all this, you know. She didn't have a choice..." I said slowly, finally coming to my senses. "I don't have to do this..." I whispered to myself. "I don't have to do this!" I repeated more loudly. Hermione and Ron just looked at each other confused. When the search was over I climbed into the carriage, not saying another word.

I can't believe that I've been so blind! Voldemort can't hurt me; he would never hurt the only living blood-relative of the Darlington's. And how would he get me if I was hiding? How would he find me? He isn't special, he isn't a special wizard. Am I even happy on the 'dark side'? No, I'm not! And why am I being so mean to people? I guess it's a protective reflex; I'm mean to them, so they won't be mean to me. But honestly though, how can I be so stupid? Was I under the Imperious Curse? No, no, I knew what I was doing. But I can't just leave Narcissa, Bellatrix, Fenrir and- Draco.

What do I do?

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