"Fate" | #Wattys2018 |

By Amrita_doll

235K 6.7K 1.2K

|| General Fiction || || Romance || Currently Ranked - 06 in lovehaterslationship 02 in wattpadlovestory... More

Chapter 1 ## Life
Chapter 3## Move on
Chapter 4## Shopping
Chapter 5## My Frogface
Chapter 6## That Blue Dress
Chapter 7## The First Lie
Chapter 8## Friends
Chapter ##9 Nightmares
Chapter ## 10 Raining
Chapter 11## Alex is here
Chapter 12## Humiliated
Chapter 13## Album
Chapter 14## Coffee Shop
Chapter 15## Our Bond
Chapter 16## Bitter Truth
Chapter 17## Everything
Chapter 18## Challenge
Chapter 19## His Planning
Chapter 20 ## Promise
Chapter 21## Mistake
Chapter 22## Old memories
Chapter 23## Grammy and Grandpa
Chapter 23## Mrs.Max
Thank You Note
Chapter 24## My first Kiss
Chapter 25 ## "I need you"
Chapter 26 ## Loved
Chapter 27 ## Drama
Chapter 28 ## Dinner Party
Chapter 29 ## Glittery Stars
Chapter 30 ## "Always You"
Chapter 31## Our Sins (part 1)
Chapter 32 ## Our Sins(part 1)
Chapter 33 ## Our Sins(Part2)
Chapter 34 ## Our Sins (Part 2)
Chapter 35 ## New Beginning.
Chapter 36 ## Beach
Chapter 37 ## Engagement
Chapter 38 ## His Letter
Chapter 39## Her little Secret.
Chapter 40 ## Faith
Chapter 41 ## The Grave Stone
Chapter 42## Heart Beat.
New Book

Chapter 2## The home once i called mine

8.5K 208 4
By Amrita_doll

I'm driving at my way to school. The time is running as fast as it can. I watch my wrist watch and irritatingly close my eyes when i see i have to stop for the red crossing light.

" Ohh God the principal will literally kick me out of my job" i say angrily.

When the light shows green i drive my car again but halt after 5 min at the side of lake.

I open the car door and look at the house. 3 years have been passed but it still looks the same.Two nearly five or six years old kids are playing happily in the garden, it reminds meof that time when i and Alex loved to play like that in their garden.

Suddenly When the kids look at me they smile happily and waving their hands towards me. The boy somehow manage to open the gate and came towards me.

" Do you need any help?are you lost?" The little boy asks me.
I kneel down in front of him and answer him " No sweetheart, I'm alright, your house is so beautiful thats why i came to have a look of it"

"Tankeww, if you want i can call my mommy and you can come" the boy says. I smile back to him. The boy has a good sense of manner. He is way too mature for his age. I glance back at the house towards the girl who is having a frown look on her face.

"Thanks bud, but I'll come later on some day" i tell him while squeezing his chubby cheeks.

Suddenly the girl says " bro come back momma will be angry if she knows that you are talking to a stranger lady"
"I'm going,bye." Says the boy and turns back running with a horrible expression on his face. A small laugh escapes from my mouth, the little girl knows very well how to control his brother.

I shout back to the boy " hey bud, whats your name,?"

The boy turns towards me once again and what he says i feel like my breath get hitched and i look at him with an awe expression.

"I'm Alexander White, you can call me Alex."

I look at them while they open the door of the house and get in. literally the fate loves to play with me. I tell my self He is not here Mia. He won't come back. Stop thinking about him.He won't forgive you what you have done to him.

I glance at the house i come here everyday while going to school, it reminds me of the time when i had him,when i used to call this home mine.our parents were childhood friend,we are brought up together we are destined to be best friends but we didn't know that we will be in this situation. The friendship we had once will also be the cause of our falling apart on our both seperate ways. I hold back my tears. 3 years ago it was their house now some other family has brought this house when they decided to move away from this town. I have spend my thirteen years with him ,with his family. We were best friend. He was my best friend. And now i don't even know where is he after he left this town.

13 years ago

"Hey alex can i get a sleepover in you house?" I said to him with my puppy eyes.
"Pretty please pretty" i said.
"Okey mia you can but you have to promise me you won't touch any of my car toys" Alex said while trying to look intimidating folding his hand into his chest.
" I pwooooooomis" i said back happily.
"Its promise Mia, spell it correctly" said Alex irritatingly closing his eyes.
"Whatever,dont irritate me"i said with a stern voice.
Alex gave me a surprised look. He must have thought that 1second ago i was begging him for the sleepover and now I'm saying him not to irritate him.
When he didn't respond i said again " you know what? I don't need your permission actually i can stay here, aunt Lisa have told me to say whenever i want this is my home too." I stuck my tongue out and turned my back towards him and went to the kitchen "Aunt Lisa can i have some chocolate ice cream now" i said with a cheerful eyes.
Complete flashback

I got up and rush towards my car. A tear escape from eyes when the memories come back.once i get in the driving seat i drive to school.

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