Fedural era tales(inuyasha fa...

By _Otaku101_

2.2K 98 10

These are a few Inuyasha stories that my friends and I have written. We hope you enjoy them! More

Fedural era tales
Fedural era tales
Mirkou's lovestory
I am the Wind
Sesshomaru's litte brother
Farewell, Lord Sesshomaru
I promise

A wolf tride survival

165 9 2
By _Otaku101_

Written by my friend, Alice.

Ayame screamed.

That's all she could do as a rather gruesome-looking demon dove for her. She closed her eyes, waiting for impact. Before it came, though, she heard the sound of a wolf shrieking. Cracking open one green eye, she watched as one of her brethren jumped in front of her, taking the blow from the demon instead. The wolf was quickly thrown to the side, but it gave Ayame just enough time to hop to her feet and attack the demon.

"Die, filthy beast!" she cried, kicking it square in the jaw, then showering it with razor-sharp leaves. The demon cried out one last time before falling to the ground, dead.

Breathing heavily, Ayame rushed to aid her savior. He was wounded very badly, and before she could do anymore to help him, he was as dead as the demon she had just killed. "No..." she whispered, but held back the tears. She couldn't cry. Not now.

Ever since the fall of Naraku, stray demons who feared him resurfaced, attacking anywhere they could. That included the mountain region, where Ayame and her tribe of wolf demons resided. They had been battling for days, and Ayame wasn't surprised if her entire clan was dead.

She screamed, though, as she was quite suddenly lifted off of the ground. A demon closely resembling a snake slithered out from the shadows, Ayame in its jaws. She tried to struggle free, but she found out quite painfully that its fangs were sunk into her skin, making it impossible to move.

All she could do was let out a final whimper as her vision blurred in tears. This was it, she was going to die.

Suddenly, a low growl was heard from somewhere in the bushes surrounding her. She snapped her head up, blinking away the tears, and her pointed ears twitched. 'Wait...I know that growl...' she thought as the snake tightened its grip on her. Red, sticky blood trickled down to the ground, and Ayame was very close to fainting from blood loss.

"Let go of her..." came a growl from directly behind the beast, and before Ayame knew it, she hit the ground with a slam!

Pushing herself up into a sitting position, she noticed two things. 1.) The snakelike demon was now shredded into a thousand pieces and 2.) Koga was standing over her with an unreadable expression on his face.

Surprised to see him, Ayame attempted to stand, but fell to the ground in pain. She looked down at her side. It was gashed very deep and gushing blood. "Oh, great..." she growled, then tried to stand up again. She managed to balance herself on a tree trunk, but when she attempted to walk, she fell to her knees. It's like her body wasn't working with her brain!

"Need help?" she heard Koga ask. He held his hand out and gestured to his back. "You can ride on my back till we get somewhere safe."

Ayame shook her head stubbornly, swatting away his hand and standing again. "I don't need your help! Why don't you just ignore me and go to find Kagome?" She practically spat Kagome's name, hatred palpable in the air around her.

Koga's ears flicked back at how she had just spoken to him, but he showed no signs of backing down. "Kagome isn't dying right now! You are, so let me help you!" He took a step forward, and Ayame pulled herself away from him using the tree trunks around them.

"Like I said, I don't need your help! It's not like you want to help me anyways, so shove off!" She threw a small rock at him to emphasize that she wanted him out of there.

He sighed, then swiftly reached out and brought her to his body. "Are we really gonna argue about this? Your tribe is dying out there, and if you don't quit while you're ahead, you'll die, too, along with the hopes of ever saving your clan from extinction!" And with that, he pulled her onto his back and pushed off of his heal.

They were soaring through the air in less than a minute, Ayame clutching tightly to Koga's back as he jumped off of the ground and high into the trees. From the position they were in high in the treetops, it gave both of them a chance to survey the battle. The demons were retreating; Ayame and Koga's wolf clans combined were too much for them to handle! But, as Ayame looked closer, she could see only a few survivors.

Koga jumped down and landed right in the middle of where the battle took place, sniffing the air and snarling. "Keh!" he spat, shaking his head. "I can't smell if there are any survivors or not...the smell of the dead is too strong." Ayame whimpered, not being able to smell out survivors, either.

"What if we're the only ones left?" she whispered very quietly, but Koga heard her.

"Hey! Koga!" they heard someone shout. The looked over to find Ginta and Hakkaku limping toward them. Koga sighed and smiled with relief at the sound of his two closest friends' voices.

"Ginta! Hakkaku! You're alive!" he shouted back, and, picking up Ayame, he ran toward them, meeting them halfway.

"Yeah, just barely, though," Hakkaku said, gesturing to the several bruises and gashes that they each sported all over their bodies. Finally, he noticed Ayame. "Shisuta! (Sister!) Man, look at you! You're a mess!" Ginta elbowed him in the ribs, and he shut up immediately.

"What he meant to say was: what happened? You look terribly hurt. Did a demon attack you?" Ayame nodded at Ginta, and he shook his head. "At least our combined packs were able to scare them off...though, our numbers suffered greatly..."

Four pairs of eyes scanned the area. Three of Koga's wolves limped slowly toward them, followed by two of Ayame's wolves. Two male ookami youkai followed them, but no females were found in the midst. Ayame shifted uncomfortably, especially when she noticed that Koga still had his hand securely on her hip.

"Well, at least we know that a couple survived now..." Koga mumbled.

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