Did You Hear Me? [JunHao]

By microwave5sos

94.9K 3.7K 3.7K

Soulmate AU Junhui is crushing on the weird deaf boy at school. ?JunHao? With a side of Hoonsol;) More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
New story

Chapter Five

7.2K 277 413
By microwave5sos

No matter how many times Jun was shot down, he just kept going. He told himself he wasn't going to give up. Jihoon had faith in him, when the rest of his friends didn't. Well Joshua was always motivating him from the start. He was just a optimistic guy. So he was always telling Jun to keep going and that he was doing great. Even on things that weren't related to his soul mate. It was really anything.

Joshua was the last one to join their little friend group at school. He had transferred from America in the beginning of junior year. At first, Junhui thought he was weird. He thought he was too happy all the time and that his love for chicken was a little weird. That's something Junhui does. Judge people right off the bat. It was rude and he needed to stop. But eventually they became good friends. When Jun wasn't with Jihoon he was with Joshua. His Korean name was actually Jisoo, and some of their friends along with most of the school refer to him as Jisoo, but he's explained before that he would prefer Joshua because it was the name he grew up with.

Junhui loved his friends. And he was thankful to have so many of them. They were all very nice and accepting in their own way. But sometimes they could get on his nerves. Like the time they were all gossiping about Minghao. He never had heard them be so rude before and it made him angry. Every since he scolded them all, they haven't said a word about him since. So that was something he liked about them. The good outweighed the bad for them. Seungcheol was like the leader of their group thing so most everyone followed along with what he said. So when he told Junhui to give it up, the rest of them did the same.

With the exception of Jihoon, Seokmin and Joshua. They were kinda pushing him to talk to him more if anything. Which was weird for Seokmin because he didn't really think that love was worth anything. He thought it was gross and stuff. The time that Junhui was going to talk to Minghao's friends, Seokmin offered to do it or go with him and help. He was just being a little weird. Normally Seokmin would freak out or gag. He hadn't done any of that the past week. So it was okay for Jihoon and Hansol to make out at the table....right next to Seokmin. They were doing that right now.

Everyone else was busy talking. Jeonghan was flirting with Joshua to make Seungcheol jealous as usual. Mingyu and Wonwoo were watching some tv show on Mingyu's iPad. Then there was Jihoon and Hansol kissing. It was cute. Junhao was always was jealous of their relationship and sometimes because Hansol was constantly taking his best friend. But whatever. He used to think it was gross. But it's cute. Whatever. And then Seokmin and Junhui were just sitting and eating, like everyone was supposed to be doing this hour. But oh well.

Seokmin shovled some rice into his mouth as he chewed it happily, making Jun look at him weird. He even seemed extra happy today. It was freaking him out.

"You uh....you're not throwing your food up into the tray..." stated Jun as he ate his own food.

Seokmin looked at him and said, "Why would I be?"

Jun hummed and took a bite of his own food then washed it down with his water. "Well, they are eating eachother's faces and your okay with it. You're being weird."

"They are in love, Junhui. There is nothing disgusting about love, except for how disgustingly cute they are," He hummed happily.

....What the fuck?

"Hmm...that's weird," his eyes kept watching Seokmin. He seemed like he was way too happy. Even if he normally was a happy person. Today was Wednesday. No one should be happy.

Junhui puts down his chops sticks and sighed."Okay seriously dude. What happened?"

Joshua leaned over on Junhui's shoulder and grinned. "That junior boy happened."

"Chan?" He questions.

"He's so....perfect. He's cute and sweet..." Seokmin carried on with all of the nice things to say about Chan while Junhui was just in shock.

Joshua kept snickering into Jun's shoulder. "Chan asked him to borrow the calculator and he legit broke it, so now Chan offered to pay him back. They are going to watch a movie this weekend."

How did Joshua and Jeonghan just know everything about everyone in this school? They keep up with everyone that starts dating and all of that stuff. Man they were weird, but what was even weirder, was that Seokmin liked someone, in a more than friends way. That's never happened before.

"I don't know if I should be happy for him or worried," Jun spoke.

Joshua shrugged and then put some more food into his mouth as Seokmin fangirls over Chan.

"So how is it going with Minghao?" He asked, as he chewed his food.

Junhui shrugs in response before verbally responding, "Well I've been texting and talking to him since Friday, but he shuts me down."

Joshua frowns and pulled his friend close, hugging him in a comforting way. "Remember what me and Jihoon tell you. Don't give up on him. He's your soul mate."

"I know, I know. I won't," he smiled, appreciating the comforting hug he revived from Joshua. "He's off on Wednesdays so I think I'll talk to him after school."

"Dude, he literally glares Every time you wave at him in the hall. He's rude. Do you really wanna be in a relationship with someone like that?" Seungcheol buts in.

Jun knew that this was just his older friend being protective of his feelings and stuff, but it still pissed him off. They didn't know Minghao. He was actually sweet. Kinda... Minghao was a different kinda sweet. The distant one.

"Shut up. I won't take advise from someone who can't even grow the balls to ask Jeonghan out. It's been three years. Do it already," Jun shot out. He wasn't trying to be mean, but it's not like Seungcheol can say anything to him about dating when he's been crushing on Jeonghan since freshman year and he still has done nothing.

It's not like it was a secret that he liked him. It was pretty damn obvious the way his face would turn red with anger seeing Jeonghan flirt with Joshua. Seungcheol just thought he was slick, he thought no one else knew, but everyone did.

"I should put you in a choke hold." He muttered evily to Jun, making the blind boy smirk and laugh.

"Mmm you should, but you won't. Chicken shit."

Next thing he knew his air was being deprived of him as Seungcheol followed through with his threat. Getting up from his spot and wrapping his elbow around Jun's neck. They always fought like this. It was never that serious anyway.

"Try to not kill him," Jihoon said, while everyone laughed. Wow, some friends. They were laughing while he was doing his best to tap out, but the other had no mercy.

Finally, Joshua decided it was enough and pulled Seungcheol off of him. "That's enough you two. Don't listen to them, Junhui. I'm sure that Minghao would be happy when you guys finally get together."

Jun rubbed his throat a bit and glared at the other who previously was choking him to death. "Thanks dude. I appreciate it," He smiled at the Joshua.

"Jun, you wanna hangout today? We were gonna go watch a movie tonight," Jihoon said, referring to him and Hansol.

"Why? I'll just be third wheel while you guys are swapping spit in the seats next to me." He smarted off, making Hansol glare.

"Fine you salty ostrich. We will go and have fun without you!" Hansol stuck his tounge out like a bratty 12 year old girl, honestly he wasn't far from one.

Jihoon smacked his boyfriend, "No no. I want you to come with us. You won't third wheel. I promise, I'll hold your hand too."

Jun sighed as he thought about it for a second. "I don't know. I have homework and stuff. I told Chan I would call him tonight."

"No fair! Why do you have Chan's number!?" Seokmin cut it, jealousy written all over his face.

"Shut up Seokmin, they have a project in art together," Jihoon said turning back to Junhui. "Please? I'll even buy you nachos. You need to chill out with all the studying you've been doing. You're stressing yourself out. And I can tell you haven't been getting much sleep."

Jihoon was right. He's been so worried about this stuff with Minghao and pulling up his algebra grade. Then this project that him and Chan are gonna start on tomorrow. It didn't seem like much, but he also had stuff to do at home as well. Watching his little brother when their parents went out. It was stressful. He could use a break.

"Hansol has to buy me candy and I will go," He reasons.

"Fine. I'll get you nachos and Hansol will buy you candy."

Hansol gasped as he looked at the two. "Wait! I didn't agree to this! I won-"

"Won't you sweety?" Jihoon smiled at Hansol giving him the 'you better do what I say or else' look.

"Fine," he grumbed as he leaned on the table.


School eventually came to an end. Pretty quickly today, thank gods. After lunch everything just seemed to go by fast. Probably because Junhui was excited. Both about talking to Minghao again and then going to watch that movie with his friends. He hardly ever did that. Him and Jihoon haven't really got to hang out alot due to them both being busy with soulmate stuff, except Jihoon had his soul mate and yes, Junhui was still salty about that. He couldn't help it. Jihoon was lucky as hell. He was small, cute, had a wonderful boyfriend, as much as their fluffiness irritated him. Hansol was good to Jihoon and made him happy, so in the end that's all that really mattered.

They always say the grass isn't always greener on the other side, but in some cases, it is. For Jihoon anyways. The dude was always getting lucky. Junhui didn't necessarily want his best friend's life, just wished that a bit of his luck could rub off and stick to himself. That would be nice, but of course, that wouldn't happen. He wasn't lucky enough to get a bit lucky. If that makes any sense at all. There were other ways that Junhui was jealous of his friend, but that list would go on for a long time.

Jihoon was sweet though. He didn't flaunt the things he had. He was very humble. Always trying to make Jun feel better about himself, even if he had failed the drivers test two times. He would assure him there was nothing to worry about. Though, he was informed by Jihoon that there were things he had that made him just as jealous. The fact that he was taller, but that didn't really count. Jihoon was small and it made him cute so he shouldn't be self conscious about that. But anyway, the fact remained that both of them had jealousy, but both had to deal with what they had. Plus, Junhui finally got Minghao to talk to him.

There were several things at this point that made Jun smile, just thinking about his crush. When he smiled. His smile was just wonderful. His cute nose and his hair. Minghao's face was just cute all together. It wasn't an individual features thing that made him cute. It was literally everything. Jun loved his long skinny legs, which was weird, but it was cute so he didn't care much. Sometimes he wondered if Chan could draw him. It was random, but it was just a thought. Then Jun realized that no matter how talented Chan was, or any artist at all, no one could begin to understand beauty that well to put it on paper and it be correct. Sure it could look like him, but it wouldn't hold a candle to the actual boy.

Junhui's thoughts were interrupted again by a small tap on his shoulder making him jump a bit. But when he turned to see who it was, his face lit up. It was Minghao. The boy he was thinking about, how convenient.

"You talked to me first," He signed, refiraning from jumping up and down in excitement. He actually didn't talk to him, he just tapped his shoulder.

Minghao just gave him this deadpan look before sighing and signing back, "You're literally waiting at my locker like a creep."

It was still kinda difficult for Jun to read what he was saying but he caught most of it after he stood there for a second trying to remember how to do some of the stuff. He blushed at the others statement and nodded a bit.

"Well I was waiting to talk to you," he answered making Minghao nod as if he knew that's what he was there for. Obviously he knew. Junhui has been bothering him since Friday.

Bothering him in two ways. One being he couldn't get the idiot out of his head and two was the fact that he just didn't give up. But he also kinda appreciated that. Jun was interesting. And.....nice.

When Minghao didn't answer, but just stood there, Jun made another attempt to befriend the other. He's gotten this far. He wasn't going to give up.

"About us hanging out...," he carried on as he kinda looked away, embaressed to be shot down again. "I know I'm probably getting annoying, but can't you please just give me a chance. I promise if you decide that I'm too weird just tell me and I'll leave you alone."

Honestly, both of them knew that was a lie. Junhui promised himself he wouldn't give up on Minghao. And for Minghao, that sounded like a good deal. He could delete his number and the boy would be gone from his head finally. With his decision in mind, he sighed in defeat.

"Fine. This weekend I'm free. Text me and we will talk," Thankfully, Minghao signed that slowly for Jun as he finished and pushed passed the other to get to his locker.

Jun was in shock. Did that actually happen. He happily moved out of the way and bid his farewells to Minghao, which was ignored, obviously, but he didn't care. He was happy. Nothing would spoil his mood now. Finally, his hard work was paying off. After maybe four weeks, he had gotten Minghao to agree to hangout. He was so happy it was hard for him to stop moving.

So, yes. The talk with Minghao didn't last long.....as always, but it's okay. Because he was happy. His happy love talk and gushing to Jihoon was doing nothing but making Hansol groan in the driver's seat as they were heading to the cinema. Junhui had to deal with their love shit all the time, he can grow up.

"Can you stop?"

"Can you shove it?" Replied Jun.

Hansol groaned as he pulled the car into the parking lot of the movie theater. Jun didn't even wanna see the movie they were watching that badly. It didn't intrest him as much as it did Jihoon and Hansol, but he wanted to get out of the house and take a break from everything he's been doing.

He explained to Chan that he wouldn't be on the phone tonight, but as always the other didn't mind. He was too sweet for his own good. They had to work on their project tomorrow anyway, so whatever they were going to talk about tonight was most likely going to be discussed when they meet up to work on their project.

"Common babe," Hansol turned off the car and leaned over to the passenger seat trying to bribe Jihoon with love and affection. He peppered the boys cheeks with kisses, making the shorter burst into a fit of giggles. "Can't Jun stay here. This was supposed to be our date." He muttered glaring back at the other who was smirking.

Jihoon sighed and pushed him off, opening his door. "We have plenty of dates all the time. We are Jun's friends and he's going through alot right now. So this is not a date. We are three friends hanging out, and if you can't deal with that, then me and Jun will go watch it without you."

He smiled kissing the taller's cheek and sliding out of the car, humming for Junhui to follow.

Jun knew he got on Hansol's nerves sometimes. But the road went both ways. They were still friends and he loved the guy, even if he came between him and Jihoon sometimes.

The three got into their desired seats after getting their snacks and drinks. Jun got his nachos and Skittles so he was very pleased already. And the movie wasn't as bad as he thought it would be. Jihoon followed through with his deal. No thirdwheeling nachos and candy and of course he held his hand too, so he was happy with how tonight was going. Or it could just be the fact that he was still super happy that Minghao agreed to hang out. Whatever hangout means now a days. He has no idea what they were gonna do.

There was the tutoring thing, but that was only gonna be a last resort if he couldn't get the other to agree. If he asked him now if he needed a tutor, Minghao would think he's boring and wouldn't wanna be friends. Junhui wanted to be more than friends, obviously, but he needs to take it slow. Work the other out of his wall that he has around Him. It made Jun a bit sad to know that Minghao was so closed and secluded. That he didn't like talking to people he didn't know. Junhui used to be like that, but he's not really that shy anymore.

He just wished it was easy to talk to Minghao. It was getting easier, but it was still gonna take some time, but he's got 4 months. Graduation will be here before they know it, but he was sure he was gonna get Minghao by then. Atleast....he really hoped so. Otherwise he would be heart broken for the rest if his life. Of course he could always just go to the same collage, but there wasn't a guarantee that Minghao was going to collage. Clearly he hated school.

The movie date with his friends went smoothly and he actually had alot of fun. More fun than he's had in quite a while. He's always been so stuck on staying in and studying, but he liked when his parents were proud of his grades and he wanted to get into an amazing collage, but he may just end up going to a local one. Just to stay close with his friends and family, then of course his soul mate.

Hansol and Jihoon did end up kissing a few times during the movie, but nothing was spoiling his attitude. He even thought they were cute and romantic, which was odd considering he gagged everytime they so much as look at eachother lovingly. Most of that had to do with his jealousy, but now he didn't have to be. He's going to hangout with Minghao on Friday and he's going to have a good time and he's not going to embaress himself. First he just needs to figure out what they will do. Hangout isn't very specific....

They could go to the bookstore. Minghao likes to read. No. That might be boring. Why was it so hard to satisfy him. Junhui wants to be kinda low-key about it. He doesn't want it to seem like a date. So maybe the tutoring could be a good thing to start off with. Seungkwan and Soonyoung said that he most likely would not turn that down. He had nagging parents, so what the hell. As soon as Hansol dropped him off at his house, he sprinted in and up to his room. Of course he worked on his homework first. He always liked to get homework done before he got on the tv or his phone, but sometimes that didn't work.


We can hang out at my house on Friday after school.

My family will be going out so we can order pizza and play some video games maybe?


What did I tell you abt the 10 second thing?


Oh right. Oh well. But we can walk to my house since I have no car lol

If you need I can also help you with your classes and stuff. I'm really good at algebra🙄


Istg fine. As long as you don't murder me. I don't know you that well so u could be a serial killer


Tru...i mean, with these killer looks like daym


Ptfff yeah right. Any way, I'm going to work on an essay and then sleep goodnight🙂

Read at 9:23 pm

Today was just his lucky day. Maybe because he spent quite a while with Jihoon today. They went to the movies and then went to dinner. That's plenty of time for some luck to rub off on him. He was happy. He could go to sleep happy. And he could dream happy dreams. This boy sent him a damn smiley face.

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